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June 26, 2024

Title: Should Noncitizens be Counted Towards the Census?
Topic: Census Information
Discussed by Hans von Spakovsky
with The Heritage Foundation (

Hans von Spakovsky is the Manager of the Election Law Reform Initiative and a Senior Fellow at The Heritage Foundation. Today, he discusses the Equal Representation Act and how changes to the census code could impact America’s future for generations to come.

Click here to read more on this topic.

Click here for more from Hans von Spakovsky on this and other election issues.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does the US Constitution mandate an “actual enumeration” of the US population for determining the number of members in the House of Representatives? Hans explains how this was set in place in 1929 and hasn’t changed since. He also explains how the number of Representatives each state receives is determined.

It is the intent of each census to count all souls living in an area, including visitors, travelers, and “others”. Should those “others” be included? Who are the “others”? Hans explains the many negative reasons why “others” should not be included.

What is HR7109, the Equal Representation Act?

By allowing “others” to be counted, are the political rights of American citizens diluted? Is that fair? More importantly, is that good for America’s future?

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May 23, 2024

Title: Chinese Handcuffs: How China Exploits America’s Climate Change
Topic: China
Discussed by Andrew Harding
with The Heritage Foundation (

Part 1 of 3

Andrew Harding is a Research Assistant at The Heritage Foundation’s Asian Studies Center. Today, he discusses his latest article “Chinese Handcuffs: How China Exploits America’s Climate Change”.

Click here for more on guest Andrew Harding.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is energy a human necessity? Andrew discusses The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and its effect on the American economy and national security.

Will the Democrat’s approach to energy leave America dependent upon the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)? Andrew says: “It’s problematic… because the Biden Administration wants to engage with China.”

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Chinese Handcuffs: How China Exploits America’s Climate Change
Topic: China
Discussed by Andrew Harding
with The Heritage Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does the CCP dominate the market for clean energy technologies and raw materials? Andrew reveals how many of the new green policies and proposals from our Federal government can be traced back to the CCP.

Has the CCP hijacked the US environmental agenda? Andrew gives a few examples of how the CCP has achieved this.

How will four more years of Democrat control in WDC affect our energy independence? Andrew explains how inflation will just continue to get worse and worse due to horrendous energy policies.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Chinese Handcuffs: How China Exploits America’s Climate Change
Topic: China
Discussed by Andrew Harding
with The Heritage Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Should the US prioritize US energy independence and dominance? YES

Should the US withdraw from the Paris Agreement on Climate Change? YES

Should every American understand that China wants to dominate the world? YES

Should there be a Federal investigation into revenue streams of prominent environmental advocacy groups within the US to determine where their money comes from? YES

Should there be more investigations into Chinese companies that are investing in the US and buying land in the US? YES --- Andrew discusses how this plan is deliberate and how the CCP is taking advantage of the abundance of oil and gas in the US. He also reveals how the CCP breaks contracts and agreements time and time again and nothing is done to stop them.

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May 15, 2024

Title: Should Noncitizens be Counted Towards the Census?
Topic: Census Information
Discussed by Hans von Spakovsky
with The Heritage Foundation (

Hans von Spakovsky is the Manager of the Election Law Reform Initiative and a Senior Fellow at The Heritage Foundation. Today, he discusses the Equal Representation Act and how changes to the census code could impact America’s future for generations to come.

Click here to read more on this topic.

Click here for more from Hans von Spakovsky on this and other election issues.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does the US Constitution mandate an “actual enumeration” of the US population for determining the number of members in the House of Representatives? Hans explains how this was set in place in 1929 and hasn’t changed since. He also explains how the number of Representatives each state receives is determined.

It is the intent of each census to count all souls living in an area, including visitors, travelers, and “others”. Should those “others” be included? Who are the “others”? Hans explains the many negative reasons why “others” should not be included.

What is HR7109, the Equal Representation Act?

By allowing “others” to be counted, are the political rights of American citizens diluted? Is that fair? More importantly, is that good for America’s future?

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May 6, 2024

Title: Biden Deputizes FCC to Police the Internet
Topic: Federal Communications Commission
Discussed by Stephen Moore
with The Heritage Foundation (

At the direction of the Biden Administration, Federal Communications Commission (FCC) lawyers have developed a new standard known as “disparate impact”, which means telecom companies must provide minority neighborhoods the exact same internet access as a high-income area. If they fail to comply, the FCC will sue them.

Stephen Moore is an economist and author, serving as a Distinguished Fellow in Economics at The Heritage Foundation. Stephen is also the co-founder of The Committee to Unleash Prosperity.

Click here to read Stephen Moore’s op-ed on this topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do the majority of Americans have access to the internet? Do most Americans have a cell phone with internet access?

What is “disparate impact”?

What is “Digital Discrimination” and does it exist in America? Stephen Moore reveals that the FCC has even admitted that this doesn’t exist in America.

Can the implementation of this proposed FCC regulation be stopped?

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March 4, 2024

Title: Jimmy Carter’s First Election was Stolen Due to Voter Fraud.
Topic: Voter Fraud
Discussed by Hans von Spakovsky
with The Heritage Foundation (

Jimmy Carter personally experienced voter fraud, cried foul, refused to concede, and went to court to overturn the election.

Today, The Heritage Foundation’s Hans von Spakovsky tells the story. Hans is a former commissioner on the Federal Election Commission, and former counsel to the Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights at the US Department of Justice. He is a member of the board of the Public Interest Legal Foundation.

Click here to read Hans von Spakovsky’s op-ed on this topic in The Daily Signal.

Click here for more from Hans von Spakovsky.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Was there organized voter fraud in Jimmy Carter’s first run for office back in 1962? Hans explains the details of the fraud that took place and what Carter personally observed in Georgetown on Election Day.

Why was the 2005 Commission on Federal Election Reform established, with former President Jimmy Carter and former Secretary of State James Baker as co-chairs? What were some of their recommendations? NOTE: Some of the recommendations seem completely obvious, but the same fraudulent practices are still happening!

What is “LBJ’s Box 13”? How is it relevant to voter fraud?

Who commits voter fraud more often: Democrats or Republicans?

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February 13, 2024

Title: Biden Deputizes FCC to Police the Internet
Topic: Federal Communications Commission
Discussed by Stephen Moore
with The Heritage Foundation (

At the direction of the Biden Administration, Federal Communications Commission (FCC) lawyers have developed a new standard known as “disparate impact”, which means telecom companies must provide minority neighborhoods the exact same internet access as a high-income area. If they fail to comply, the FCC will sue them.

Stephen Moore is an economist and author, serving as a Distinguished Fellow in Economics at The Heritage Foundation. Stephen is also the co-founder of The Committee to Unleash Prosperity.

Click here to read Stephen Moore’s op-ed on this topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do the majority of Americans have access to the internet? Do most Americans have a cell phone with internet access?

What is “disparate impact”?

What is “Digital Discrimination” and does it exist in America? Stephen Moore reveals that the FCC has even admitted that this doesn’t exist in America.

Can the implementation of this proposed FCC regulation be stopped?

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January 11, 2024

Title: Jimmy Carter’s First Election was Stolen Due to Voter Fraud.
Topic: Voter Fraud
Discussed by Hans von Spakovsky
with The Heritage Foundation (

Jimmy Carter personally experienced voter fraud, cried foul, refused to concede, and went to court to overturn the election.

Today, The Heritage Foundation’s Hans von Spakovsky tells the story. Hans is a former commissioner on the Federal Election Commission, and former counsel to the Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights at the US Department of Justice. He is a member of the board of the Public Interest Legal Foundation.

Click here to read Hans von Spakovsky’s op-ed on this topic in The Daily Signal.

Click here for more from Hans von Spakovsky.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Was there organized voter fraud in Jimmy Carter’s first run for office back in 1962? Hans explains the details of the fraud that took place and what Carter personally observed in Georgetown on Election Day.

Why was the 2005 Commission on Federal Election Reform established, with former President Jimmy Carter and former Secretary of State James Baker as co-chairs? What were some of their recommendations? NOTE: Some of the recommendations seem completely obvious, but the same fraudulent practices are still happening!

What is “LBJ’s Box 13”? How is it relevant to voter fraud?

Who commits voter fraud more often: Democrats or Republicans?

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September 13, 2023

Title: Debt Crisis + Inflation Crisis = Bad for ALL Americans
Topic: Inflation
Discussed by Richard Stern
with The Heritage Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Someday we will have to pay off our massive government debt. How painful will it be? Who will be responsible for paying it?

New guest, Richard Stern, is the Director of the Grover M. Hermann Center for the Federal Budget at The Heritage Foundation. He focuses on budget issues, spending issues, and the effects of both on every American. Today, Richard offers grim details about the debt and inflation crisis Americans are currently experiencing. Is there hope on the horizon?

Click here to read Richard Stern’s op-ed on this important issue.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Have government policies, including reckless spending, caused the current inflation cycle we are experiencing?

Do most Americans truly understand the depth of our national debt? How much does each taxpayer owe?

Can this debt just be written off/forgiven without paying it back? Richard reveals that, within a decade, the payments on the interest rate alone for the national debt will exceed the budgets for the military, Medicare, and Social Security.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Debt Crisis + Inflation Crisis = Bad for ALL Ame - ricans
Topic: Inflation
Discussed by Richard Stern
with The Heritage Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Several years ago, Senator Rand Paul proposed the “Penny-Plan”. What was the goal?

Presidential hopeful Perry Johnson has his own proposal: Two Cents to Save America. What is the goal of his plan?

How much does the federal government need to cut from every government program in order to balance the budget and pay off the 30+Trillion-dollar national debt? How would this affect the American economy?

What does The Heritage Foundation propose for reducing the federal deficit and paying it off?

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September 4, 2023

Title: Another Attack Against President Trump
Topic: Political Use of the Justice System
Discussed by Hans von Spakovsky
with The Heritage Foundation (

Part 1 of 3

If we destroy the criminal and civil justice system in America, will America be able to stand?

Hans von Spakovsky is a senior legal fellow at The Heritage Foundation, a former commissioner on the Federal Election Commission, and former counsel to the Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights at the US Department of Justice. He is a member of the board of the Public Interest Legal Foundation

Today, Hans discusses the blatant bias and undeserved attacks on President Donald Trump, specifically by Fulton County, Georgia, District Attorney Fani Willis.

Click here to read Hans von Spakovsky’s op-ed on this important topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are citizens free to speak, engage in political activity, and petition the government for a redress of grievances? Is this freedom to speak protected by the First Amendment?

Are lawyers tasked with vigorously pursuing the interests of their clients? Are lawyers obligated to represent the interests of their clients to the best of their ability – regardless of the lawyer’s personal beliefs?

If we continue to allow the criminal and civil justice system in America to be attacked and undermined, will we survive?

Have other political candidates ever questioned the outcome of an election? Hans von Spakovsky reminds us that Stacey Abrams ran for Governor in Georgia TWICE and lost TWICE and consistently claimed that the election was rigged and stolen from her. Plus, many, many others have done the same thing, including Hillary Clinton!

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Another Attack Against President Trump
Topic: Political Use of the Justice System
Discussed by Hans von Spakovsky
with The Heritage Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the RICO statute? Hans von Spakovsky explains that this statute has absolutely nothing to do with President Trump’s right to free speech.

Will the actions by Fani Willis have a chilling effect on free speech in America?

If President Trump loses in Fulton County, what are the next steps?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Another Attack Against President Trump
Topic: Political Use of the Justice System
Discussed by Hans von Spakovsky
with The Heritage Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Can President Trump receive a fair trial in Atlanta, Georgia? Hans von Spakovsky explains why doesn’t believe Trump will receive a fair trial.

Will all the charges filed in NYC, WDC, Atlanta, and Florida help or hurt Trump’s chances of being re-elected President?

Is there a gag order in place in any of these four cases against President Trump?

If we destroy the criminal and civil justice system in America, will America be able to stand? Hans von Spakovsky bluntly states: “I think we will become the kind of third world country in which the laws only protect the individuals who are in power.”

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August 23, 2023

Title: Another Attack Against President Trump
Topic: Political Use of the Justice System
Discussed by Hans von Spakovsky
with The Heritage Foundation (

Part 1 of 3

If we destroy the criminal and civil justice system in America, will America be able to stand?

Hans von Spakovsky is a senior legal fellow at The Heritage Foundation, a former commissioner on the Federal Election Commission, and former counsel to the Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights at the US Department of Justice. He is a member of the board of the Public Interest Legal Foundation

Today, Hans discusses the blatant bias and undeserved attacks on President Donald Trump, specifically by Fulton County, Georgia, District Attorney Fani Willis.

Click here to read Hans von Spakovsky’s op-ed on this important topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are citizens free to speak, engage in political activity, and petition the government for a redress of grievances? Is this freedom to speak protected by the First Amendment?

Are lawyers tasked with vigorously pursuing the interests of their clients? Are lawyers obligated to represent the interests of their clients to the best of their ability – regardless of the lawyer’s personal beliefs?

If we continue to allow the criminal and civil justice system in America to be attacked and undermined, will we survive?

Have other political candidates ever questioned the outcome of an election? Hans von Spakovsky reminds us that Stacey Abrams ran for Governor in Georgia TWICE and lost TWICE and consistently claimed that the election was rigged and stolen from her. Plus, many, many others have done the same thing, including Hillary Clinton!

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Another Attack Against President Trump
Topic: Political Use of the Justice System
Discussed by Hans von Spakovsky
with The Heritage Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the RICO statute? Hans von Spakovsky explains that this statute has absolutely nothing to do with President Trump’s right to free speech.

Will the actions by Fani Willis have a chilling effect on free speech in America?

If President Trump loses in Fulton County, what are the next steps?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Another Attack Against President Trump
Topic: Political Use of the Justice System
Discussed by Hans von Spakovsky
with The Heritage Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Can President Trump receive a fair trial in Atlanta, Georgia? Hans von Spakovsky explains why doesn’t believe Trump will receive a fair trial.

Will all the charges filed in NYC, WDC, Atlanta, and Florida help or hurt Trump’s chances of being re-elected President?

Is there a gag order in place in any of these four cases against President Trump?

If we destroy the criminal and civil justice system in America, will America be able to stand? Hans von Spakovsky bluntly states: “I think we will become the kind of third world country in which the laws only protect the individuals who are in power.”

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August 9, 2023

Title: Open Borders Creating Bidenvilles of Homelessness
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by Simon Hankinson
with The Heritage Foundation (

New guest Simon Hankinson is a senior research fellow in The Heritage Foundation's Border Security and Immigration Center. Today, he discusses the direct correlation between illegal immigration and the explosion of homelessness in America.

Click here to read Simon Hankinson’s op-ed on this important issue.

Click here for more information about Simon Hankinson.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has illegal immigration contributed to homelessness in many major US cities?

What is meant by “inadmissible aliens”? Simon explains that “inadmissible alien” is the new formal legal term the State Department is using for illegal immigrants.

How many inadmissible aliens are being encountered at our borders? How many are being released into our country?

What is a “Bidenville”? This is really interesting and slightly funny! Listen for Simon’s explanation…

Are inadmissible aliens taking over many streets across America?

Are many inadmissible aliens processed by non-profit organizations along our Southern border and then transported to cities across America at government expense? Simon explains that the inadmissible aliens usually ask to be transported to specific towns/cities. In addition, they aren’t really required to show any type of formal ID and when summoned to appear in court, they rarely (almost never) show up.

Are some state and local officials actually begging/asking private citizens to take inadmissible aliens into their private homes? Has the Mayor of New York City even stated: “We need to control the border”?

Is our ability to house, feed, clothe, and provide medical assistance been stretched to the breaking point?

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February 2, 2023

Title: British Single-Payer Health Care Program is Cratering.
Topic: Health Care
Discussed by Robert Moffit
with The Heritage Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Many in America want a single-payer healthcare system. Robert Moffit, PhD, believes these people need to WAKE UP! Robert is a Senior Fellow for Domestic Policy Studies at The Heritage Foundation, specializing in healthcare and entitlement programs, such as Medicare.

Click here to read Robert Moffit’s op-ed “British Single-Payer Health Care Program is Cratering. That Should be a Wake Up Call for Liberals.”

Click here for more about Robert Moffit at The Heritage Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why does Robert Moffit believe people need to wake up to the disastrous single-payer health care system? Robert shares how many people in England are currently waiting for medical care – some waiting for hospital treatment for over a year!

Is a person guaranteed medical treatment just because they have health insurance coverage?

What is the average wait time in England for an ambulance after a heart attack? Listen for this answer! It is absolutely outrageous!

Approximately how many deaths are occurring in England because of emergency delays? This is even more frightening!

In England, who makes the decision on who receives care and who doesn’t? Who will make these decision in the US if universal health care is passed?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - British Single-Payer Health Care Program is Cratering.
Topic: Health Care
Discussed by Robert Moffit
with The Heritage Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the British single-payer health care program nearing collapse?

Why are Liberals in America blind to the errors of the British single-payer health care program? Is their argument basically “We can do it better”? Robert says: “I don’t think they can even come close to putting together a system that will actually be less expensive… But Americans [will] end up paying an even heavier price…in the inevitable delays and denials of care and the waiting lists that are characteristic of single-payer health insurance systems… It’s hard to imagine anything more expensive than what Liberals are calling ‘free care for all’.”

What is the doctor-to-patient ratio in England under the single-payer health insurance program? Is there already a doctor shortage in America? Will it only get worse if Congress passes universal health care?

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February 11, 2021

Title: Who’s Counting?
Topic: Election Reform
Discussed by Hans von Spakovsky
with The Heritage Foundation (

Part 1 of 3

Joseph Stalin said, "It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything."

Hans von Spakovsky is the co-author of “Who’s Counting? How Fraudsters and Bureaucrats Put Your Vote at Risk”.  Hans served as a commissioner on the Federal Election Commission from 2006 to 2007 and is also the former counsel to the assistant attorney general for civil rights at the U.S. Justice Department.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is there reason to mistrust the November Presidential election outcome?

Were rules governing the conduct of elections changed by various states shortly before the November elections?

Did private interest groups provide funds to local election authorities? Hans shares just how much money was given to a Left-wing advocacy group (a supposed non-profit organization).

What arguments did the Left used against the Right when we questioned their motives?

Can we restore Election Integrity going forward without implementing changes?

Does the US Constitution give each state the right to implement their own Election Laws?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Who’s Counting?
Topic: Election Reform
Discussed by Hans von Spakovsky
with The Heritage Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

In this segment, Hans mentions a great website  everyone needs to check out for more Election reform information.

Hans says it is important to:
* Verify the accuracy of voter registration lists (Hans discusses the bogus numbers)
* Verify citizenship of all voters
* Require voter ID
* Limit absentee ballots
* Prevent ballot harvesting
* Full Transparency: Allow election observers full and complete access to the election process. Hans’ suggestion is fantastic! Listen in….
* Prohibit early vote counting

Are Republicans accused of suppressing minority voters when we question Election Integrity?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Who’s Counting?
Topic: Election Reform
Discussed by Hans von Spakovsky
with The Heritage Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Should state governments reject same-day voter registration?

What is Automatic Voter Registration? Should this be rejected?

What are some Election Laws in Mexico?

Should private funding of election officials and government agencies be rejected?

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August 10, 2020

Title: Who’s Counting: The Problem with Mass Mail-In Ballots
Topic: Mail-in Ballots
Discussed by Hans von Spakovsky
with The Heritage Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Joseph Stalin once stated: "It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything."

Is there danger in putting a Presidential Election in the hands of the U.S. Postal Service?

If we can shop in-person, shouldn’t we be able to vote in-person?

FACT: There were over 6.5 million ballots misdirected or unaccounted for by various states in the 2016 Presidential Election.

Hans von Spakovsky discusses this serious issue today, specifically questions regarding the “safety” of voting in-person. Hans book, “Who’s Counting: How Fraudsters and Bureaucrats Put Your Vote at Risk”, can be found here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Where is the PROOF that millions of mail-in ballots from the 2016 Presidential Election are unaccounted for?

Does President Trump have the power and authority to delay the upcoming November Election?

Why are Democrats pushing so hard for total mail-in votes across the nation? Hans urges people to look at the bigger picture; it’s not just about the election.

What are some of President Trump’s concerns about mail-in voting? Are those concerns valid?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Who’s Counting: The Problem with Mass Mail-In Ballots
Topic: Mail-in Ballots
Discussed by Hans von Spakovsky
with The Heritage Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Will an all-mail-in ballot system delay results for days, weeks, or even months? Hans uses New York as an example. They held their Primary on June 23. (Remember: Primary Elections have a much lower voter turnout than General Elections, especially Presidential General Elections.) They just finished counting the ballots a few days ago! That is absolutely ridiculous!

Should Americans insist on their right to vote in-person?

Why did Hans co-write “Who’s Counting: How Fraudsters and Bureaucrats Put Your Vote at Risk”? (link above)

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May 11, 2020

Title: Re-Opening America
Topic: Post Coronavirus
Discussed by Rob Bluey
with The Heritage Foundation (

Part 1 of 3

The National Coronavirus Recovery Commission has announced 179 recommendations for re-opening Texas and the nation.

Rob Bluey is the VP Communications for The Heritage Foundation and the Executive Editor for the Daily Signal.

Click here  for more from the National Coronavirus Recovery Commission.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Should President Trump issue an executive order to open all of America back up at once? Should the decision be left up to individual states?

Do we need a specific plan before we open the country back up?

Who are the 17 top experts and thinkers on the National Coronavirus Recovery Commission?

Why was The Heritage Foundation charged with this Commission? Are they working with the White House Task Force?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Re-Opening America
Topic: Post Coronavirus
Discussed by Rob Bluey
with The Heritage Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How should Governors handle the health care workforce? What guidelines should they follow?

Can a person sue their employer if they contract COVID-19 at work? Can a person sue a business if they can prove they contracted COVID-19 there?

Are some businesses too scared to re-open their doors? Will Congress be acting on this? What is the Democrats’ solution? What is the Republicans’ solution?

Is “contact tracing” through a cell phone possible? Is it safe? Is it an invasion of privacy? Should it be strictly voluntary?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Re-Opening America
Topic: Post Coronavirus
Discussed by Rob Bluey
with The Heritage Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

The National Coronavirus Recovery Commission is recommending the rapid deployment of Coronavirus therapeutics and vaccines. What about the use of Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ)? Is it successful?

Is the FDA blocking certain treatments for COVID-19 such as Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ)?

Click herel for more on this from The Heritage Foundation.

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May 6, 2020

Title: Bailouts Aren’t the Answer
Topic: Bailouts Aren’t the Answer
Discussed by Rachel Greszler
with The Heritage Foundation (

Texans should NOT be responsible for the mismanagement of spending by other states.

Rachel Greszler is with Center for the Federal Budget at The Heritage Foundation. Her role as a Senior Policy Analyst focuses on jobs, labor, and social security.

You can read more from Rachel on this issue here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why is Nancy Pelosi asking for MORE free money? Are other Democrats joining her crusade? Rachel reveals that many states have used the coronavirus money the Federal government has already given them on things like raises and bonuses for public sector workers – NOT for the citizens of the state who are suffering due to loss of income.

Have any individual states furloughed any government employees during the Coronavirus shut down? YES – but listen for the reason!

Forget New York or California… Illinois is asking for an astronomical amount of money. What do they “need” this money for and why should every taxpayer across the nation be responsible for bailing them out?

Does this all boil down to a socialist bailout scheme? In her recent op-ed, Rachel wrote the following: “Socializing government debts by redistributing state and local costs to federal taxpayers in times of crisis is like eating out with a group then splitting the check: Everyone still pays — they just wind up paying a lot more.

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May 1, 2020

Title: Holding China Accountable for COVID-19
Topic: Post Coronavirus
Discussed by Riley Walters
with The Heritage Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Riley Walters is a Policy Analyst in the Davis Institute for National Security and Foreign Policy at The Heritage Foundation. He states:

China will be our most persistent and consequential US foreign-policy challenge for the next several decades. There might be right ways to hold the Chinese Communist Party accountable for the COVID-19 outbreak and its other misdeeds. But there are also wrong ideas that undermine US long-term interests.

Riley Walter’s op-ed on this topic can be found here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are Americans more upset with China or Trump/Pelosi because of their upside-down lives and lost livelihoods?

How can Americans hold China accountable? Riley discusses legal standing, sovereign immunity, restitution, and the recovery of money damages.

How can Americans build a legal case against China? Will the Chinese government ever publicly admit to liability?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Holding China Accountable for COVID-19
Topic: Post Coronavirus
Discussed by Riley Walters
with The Heritage Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did the Chinese Government suppress information from November to early January regarding the Coronavirus?

What should Americans NOT do regarding this issue?

Should we refuse to repay Chinese holders of US debt?

Should US companies pack up and leave China? Riley poses this question in response: “Why are we not holding more Chinese companies responsible for intellectual property theft?”

Good question, Riley! Terry rebuts this with another question. Listen close!

Will it be difficult to hold China financially responsible for the Coronavirus outbreak?

SSix months from now, when we are living our “new normal”, will Americans remember what we’ve been through? Will they care if a product is American-made or foreign-made? Will it make a difference in who they vote for?

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April 27, 2020

Title: REPORT: Millions of Mail-in Ballots Lost
Topic: Mail-in Ballots
Discussed by Hans von Spakovsky
with The Heritage Foundation (

Hans von Spakovsky is a Senior Legal Fellow at The Heritage Foundation and the co-author of “Who’s Counting? How Fraudsters and Bureaucrats Put Your Vote at Risk”. He served as a Commissioner on the Federal Election Commission from 2006 to 2007 and is also the former counsel to the assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights at the US Justice Department.

Today, Hans describes that 6.5 million mail-in ballots were misdirected or unaccounted for by various states in the 2016 Presidential Election.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How many ballots were misdirected or unaccounted for in the 2016 Presidential Election? 6.5 million

Is there danger in putting a Presidential Election in the hands of the US Postal Service? Over 28.3 million mail-in ballots disappeared after officials gave them to U.S. Postal Service beginning in 2012.

Why are the Democrats pushing for an entire mail-in-ballot system for this November’s election?

What is ballot-harvesting? Is there proof of ballot-harvesting around the country and in Texas? Hans mentions the only contested race in the country (North Carolina). What happened in that race?

Has this been happening for years and years?

How has New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo summarized vote-by-mail? This answer might surprise you!!

Click here  to order a copy of “Who’s Counting? How Fraudsters and Bureaucrats Put Your Vote at Risk”.

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April 16, 2020

Title: Will More People Work from Home after the Pandemic?
Topic: Future: Working From Home
Discussed by Rachel Greszler
with The Heritage Foundation (

Will one of the better outcomes of the Coronavirus pandemic be more workplace flexibility and telework?

Rachel Greszler is the Senior Policy Analyst with The Heritage Foundation, focusing on jobs, labor, and social security.

Click here  for more on this topic from Rachel.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is technology changing rapidly enough to allow more people to work remotely?

Prior to the Coronavirus pandemic, were more workers already seeking flex-hours?

Flex-hours and remote-working is still very new, and not just because many have been forced into the situation due to the Coronavirus quarantine. Are some employers hesitant to allow their workers to try this on a permanent basis?

Are some states like California trying to force all workers to NOT work remotely at all?

How could flex-hours and working remotely affect benefits, such as employee provided medical insurance?

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January 31, 2020

Title: How is Trump’s Job Market?
Topic: Trump Economic Policies Working
Discussed by Stephen Moore
with The Heritage Foundation (

You probably know that our nation’s unemployment rate is currently 3.5 percent – a 50-year low. However, this official decline in joblessness doesn't tell the entire story of the improvement in the job market in the United States. More importantly, it doesn't fully capture the change in direction between what happened under President Barack Obama and what is happening now with President Trump.

Stephen Moore is the author of “Trumponomics: Inside the America First Plan to Revive the American Economy".  Stephen is a Distinguished Visiting Fellow at The Heritage Foundation within their Project for Economic Growth.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the Trump Administration doing right to keep unemployment down and the labor force participation rate up?

Have people, for various reasons, simply stopped looking for work? Is this why the rate is down? Stephen Moore offers some good suggestions for people looking for work, especially those graduating high school…

When Stephen was in college, what did he learn about a 4% unemployment rate? Does this still ring true?

In Stephen’s opinion, on a scale of 1 to 10, how does today’s job market rate?

Stephen offers this advice to parents: “If you want your kids to be a success, start them working early.

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November 14, 2019

Title: United Kingdom: The Truth About Socialism
Topic: Socialism Explained
Discussed by Dr. Lee Edwards
with The Heritage Foundation (

Part 1 of 3

Tuesday began a three-part series with Dr. Edwards on the dangers and misgivings your children in K-College are being taught about Socialism in Israel. Wednesday, he discussed India.  Today, Dr. Edwards discusses the “United Kingdom”.

Many millennials are in favor of turning America into a Socialist nation. But is this the right path?

Dr. Lee Edwards is  distinguished in Conservative though at the Heritage Foundation’s B. Kenneth Simon Center for Principles and Politics. A leading historian of American conservatism, Lee Edwards has published 25 books, including "Just Right: A Life in Pursuit of Liberty".

Dr. Edwards is also the Founder of Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are millennials really in favor of Socialist candidates? Why?

Why was the UK described as the “sick man of Europe”?

Switching back to America for a minute… Is California in danger of becoming the next Venezuela? Are blackouts happening on a regular basis? Do Republicans have a chance in the state?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - United Kingdom: The Truth About Socialism
Topic: Socialism Explained
Discussed by Dr. Lee Edwards
with The Heritage Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What brought about the economic revolution in the 70s and the 80s? Did the average Brit say, “Enough is Enough”?

How did Margaret Thatcher change things in the UK?

Do Socialist countries really take away people’s right to own a phone and computer? Oh my! What would millennials do without their phones and computers?

How did Venezuela fall into despair so quickly?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - United Kingdom: The Truth About Socialism
Topic: Socialism Explained
Discussed by Dr. Lee Edwards
with The Heritage Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does Capitalism trump Socialism every time? Dr. Edwards discusses more about the UK…

What are some of the outcomes of Socialism that harm its citizens?

What are some of the outcomes of a free-market system that harm its citizens?

Could Bill Gates and other wealthy people just write checks to the American government to bail us out? Would the government, specifically Bernie Sanders, just keep asking for more and more and more?

Final thoughts from Dr. Lee Edwards: “Free-enterprise is the one system that will do more for more people and bring prosperity than any other economic system.”

Click here  for Dr. Edwards’ report.

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November 13, 2019

Title: India: The Truth About Socialism
Topic: Socialism Explained
Discussed by Dr. Lee Edwards
with The Heritage Foundation (

Part 1 of 3

Yesterday began a three-part series with Dr. Edwards on the dangers and misgivings your children in K-College are being taught about Socialism. The topic was “Israel”. Today, Dr. Edwards discusses “India”.

Many millennials are in favor of turning America into a Socialist nation. But is this the right path?

Dr. Lee Edwards is  distinguished in Conservative though at the Heritage Foundation’s B. Kenneth Simon Center for Principles and Politics. A leading historian of American conservatism, Lee Edwards has published 25 books, including "Just Right: A Life in Pursuit of Liberty".

Dr. Edwards is also the Founder of Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

First, why did Dr. Edwards begin the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation?

What is the country of India like today? Has any other country in history risen so quickly from poverty to prosperity?

What Socialist policies did India implement after it became independent in 1947?

Did India have criminal penalties directed to any producer who exceeded their licensed capacity?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - India: The Truth About Socialism
Topic: Socialism Explained
Discussed by Dr. Lee Edwards
with The Heritage Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

As in other countries that adopted Socialism, were certain industries nationalized when India gained its independence in 1947?

Are citizens permitted to own private property or own private businesses in Socialist countries?

What contributed to the collapse of Socialism in India?

How many people were living under the poverty line in India? This number is astonishing and heartbreaking!

Why should parents and grandparents teach their children and grandchildren the truth about life in Cuba, Venezuela, and even Austin and San Francisco?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - India: The Truth About Socialism
Topic: Socialism Explained
Discussed by Dr. Lee Edwards
with The Heritage Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

After some four decades of fitful progress and unequal prosperity under Socialism, is a free-market system working in India?

Does India now have the largest middle-class in the free world? How do they compare to China, which is still ruled by the Communist Party?

What mistakes did India make that harmed its people the most? Dr. Edwards reference philosopher and author Friedrich Hayek’s book, “The Fatal Conceit”.

Join us tomorrow as Terry and Dr. Edwards conclude this three-part series with a discussion on the “United Kingdom”.

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November 12, 2019

Title: Israel: Tried Socialism But It Failed
Topic: Socialism Explained
Discussed by Dr. Lee Edwards
with The Heritage Foundation (

Part 1 of 3

Many millennials are in favor of turning America into a Socialist nation. But is this the right path?

Dr. Lee Edwards is  distinguished in Conservative though at the Heritage Foundation’s B. Kenneth Simon Center for Principles and Politics. A leading historian of American conservatism, Lee Edwards has published 25 books, including "Just Right: A Life in Pursuit of Liberty".

Today begins a three-part series with Dr. Edwards on the dangers and misgivings your children in K-College are being taught about Socialism. Tune in Wednesday and Thursday for more…

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has Socialism failed in every country in which it has been tried?

Even though there were major political differences between the rule of the Soviets and the democratic politics of Israel, India and the U.K., what socialist principles did these three countries adhere?

What is meant by this phrase: “Nationalizing their major industries and placing economic decision-making in the hands of the government”? Dr. Edwards uses the VA as the prime example of a failed government program in America…

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Israel: Tried Socialism But It Failed
Topic: Socialism Explained
Discussed by Dr. Lee Edwards
with The Heritage Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why did Israel embrace Socialism after the country was formed in 1948?

Did the people demand change?

What happened in January 1983 in Israel? How did President Reagan and then Secretary of State George Shultz aid Israel in their time of need?

Is Israel now a booming economy?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Israel: Tried Socialism But It Failed
Topic: Socialism Explained
Discussed by Dr. Lee Edwards
with The Heritage Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

When a country turns to Socialism, what are the first three things the government does?

Does the government offer companies a fair price to take over their business?

What luxuries do we have in America that Socialist countries do not have?

Listen up, millennials: Your iPhone will be taken away! That’s right! Socialism doesn’t sound so good anymore, does it?

How does Socialism harm Israel’s citizens?

What can we learn from Israel’s attempt at Socialism?

Join us tomorrow as Terry and Dr. Edwards discuss Socialism in India.

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October 18, 2019

Title: States’ Immigration Rights
Topic: States’ Immigration Rights
Discussed by Charles “Cully” Stimson
with The Heritage Foundation (

Part 1 of 3

Illegal immigration is a growing problem that has many harmful effects on states – from increasing costs for education, health care, and law enforcement to endangering residents who would otherwise not be victimized if criminal aliens were not in the country.

Charles “Cully” Stimson is a widely recognized expert in national security, homeland security, crime control, drug policy, and immigration joins us now. Charles has been a Senior Fellow at The Heritage Foundation since 2007. He is also the Manager of the National Security Law Program in Heritage’s Davis Institute for International Studies.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does every country in the world have – and enforce – immigration laws?

Can an American just move to Canada and expect to work, go to school, vote, and receive medical care without following proper immigration laws?

Can an American just move to Mexico and expect to work, go to school, vote, and receive medical care without following proper immigration laws?

What is the end-game goal of those who oppose a border wall?

Is it the Federal Government’s responsibility to enforce our nation’s immigration laws and control who enters our borders?

Would public opinion shift if each state publicized the negative financial effects illegal immigration had on their states’ economy?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - States’ Immigration Rights
Topic: States’ Immigration Rights
Discussed by Charles “Cully” Stimson
with The Heritage Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does E-verify really deter business owners from employing illegal immigrants?

Can states fine businesses that knowingly employ illegal immigrants?

Are states permitted to pass vehicle laws aimed at thwarting day labor?

Why is it important to allow state and local law enforcement officials to determine a person’s immigration status?

IIs every state required to have “sanctuary cities”?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - States’ Immigration Rights
Topic: States’ Immigration Rights
Discussed by Charles “Cully” Stimson
with The Heritage Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Should legal citizens have the ability to sue officials who thwart immigration law enforcement?

Cully is a former state prosecutor and worked closely with local law enforcement. Listen as he shares some other information about illegal immigration from this point of view…

Is illegal immigration costing legal citizens and families more and more money each year?

Click here for more on this issue from Charles Cully Stimson.

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October 11, 2019

Title: What Everyone Should Know about Impeachment
Topic: Impeachment
Discussed by Hans von Spakovsky
with The Heritage Foundation (

Part 1 of 3

The Constitution gives the sole Power of Impeachment to the House, which can approve articles of impeachment by a simple majority. As a practical matter, the category of “High Crimes and Misdemeanors” (directly from the Founding Fathers) includes whatever the House says it does.

Today, Hans von Spakovsky explains what impeachment means to the Administration and the American people. Hans is the Former Federal Election Commissioner and a member of the American Civil Rights Union Board. He is also the manager of the Election Law Reform Initiative and a senior legal fellow at The Heritage Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is an “Impeachment Inquiry”?

Who were the last two Presidents who were investigated for impeachment?

What are the stipulations for impeachment of a President?

How many votes are required from the House for impeachment?

Are Articles of Impeachment similar to a criminal indictment by a grand jury? Could Articles of Impeachment also be called accusations, while not proving guilt?

Does the President have the opportunity to refute any impeachment allegations before the House? Will the minority in the House (Republicans) have an opportunity to question witnesses? This has a complicated answer…

Historically, how many resolutions of impeachment have been introduced in the House, and how many have been adopted?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - What Everyone Should Know about Impeachment
Topic: Impeachment
Discussed by Hans von Spakovsky
with The Heritage Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What are the three possibilities/options from the House regarding impeachment? Hans von Spakovsky discusses what happened with Nixon…

If the House adopts a resolution of impeachment, would President Trump be required to step down/resign immediately?

How many Senators must be present to vote on impeachment?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - What Everyone Should Know about Impeachment
Topic: Impeachment
Discussed by Hans von Spakovsky
with The Heritage Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

If the House passes a vote to impeach President Trump, Mitch McConnel must accept that vote. When is he required to hold a hearing in the Senate?

Can a member of the Senate move to dismiss the impeachment charges?

If allowed, should President Trump argue his case before a committee or the full Senate?

In Hans’ opinion, will the House prosecutors be able to present enough evidence to convince 67 US Senators to vote to impeach President Trump?

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July 24, 2019

Title: Trump Did Not – But Hillary Did
Topic: Donald Trump
Discussed by Hans von Spakovsky
with The Heritage Foundation (

Hans von Spakovsky is the Former Federal Election Commissioner and a member of the American Civil Rights Union Board. Today he discusses recent comments made by Trump that are drawing fire from both sides.

You can read more on this issue here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did President Trump recently say that he “wanted to hear dirt” on 2020 rivals from foreign governments? Did he also suggest that he wouldn't contact the FBI?

What is the MSM claiming about this President Trump’s comments? br />
BBy listening to information, is this tantamount to receiving a “contribution” or “thing of value”?

When can foreigners engage in federal campaigns in America? Hans von Spakovsky explains…br />
Did Hillary Clinton allegedly pay a former British intelligence agent to do political opposition research?

Has the MSM reported on Hillary’s illegal action?

Hypothetically: If the MSM was non-partisan, would President Trump’s approval rate be much higher?

SShould political candidates and elected officials be subjected to the same “truth in advertising” laws as businesses?

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July 23, 2019

Title: Trump Did Not – But Hillary Did
Topic: Donald Trump
Discussed by Hans von Spakovsky
with The Heritage Foundation (

Hans von Spakovsky is the Former Federal Election Commissioner and a member of the American Civil Rights Union Board. Today he discusses recent comments made by Trump that are drawing fire from both sides.

You can read more on this issue here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did President Trump recently say that he “wanted to hear dirt” on 2020 rivals from foreign governments? Did he also suggest that he wouldn't contact the FBI?

What is the MSM claiming about this President Trump’s comments? br />
BBy listening to information, is this tantamount to receiving a “contribution” or “thing of value”?

When can foreigners engage in federal campaigns in America? Hans von Spakovsky explains…br />
Did Hillary Clinton allegedly pay a former British intelligence agent to do political opposition research?

Has the MSM reported on Hillary’s illegal action?

Hypothetically: If the MSM was non-partisan, would President Trump’s approval rate be much higher?

SShould political candidates and elected officials be subjected to the same “truth in advertising” laws as businesses?

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April 11, 2019

Title: Only in America: Census Question Controversy
Topic: Census Citizenship Question
Discussed by Hans von Spakovsky
with The Heritage Foundation (

Foreign observers must be shaking their heads in disbelief that adding a citizenship question to the U.S. census has proved so controversial as to result in litigation.

Hans von Spakovsky is the manager of the Election Law Reform Initiative and a senior legal fellow at the Heritage Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why is a census important?

Why is there a nationwide census every 10 years?

Does the population of an area directly affect welfare programs offered by the government?

When did the United States first implement a citizen question on the national census? Is this a new idea?

Do other countries require a citizenship question on their census? Does the U.N. even recommend that member countries ask census questions identifying both an individual’s country of birth and country of citizenship?

Is there any evidence that households containing non-citizens are more likely not to respond at all to the required census completion?

What states are arguing in court against citizenship questions being included in the census form for 2020?

Who will determine whether or not a citizenship question will be included in the next census?

Will Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh side with the other conservative Supreme Court Justices?

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March 20, 2019

Title: Filibusters: Explained
Topic: Filibusters: Explained
Discussed by Thomas Jipping
with The Heritage Foundation (

During the Obama Presidency in 2013, did Mitch McConnell singlehandedly break the norms of filibuster procedure in the US Senate while serving as the Minority Leader?

Thomas Jipping is the Deputy Director of the Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies at The Heritage Foundation. Listen as Thomas explains what a filibuster is and why we should all be paying attention…

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is a “filibuster”?

When did filibusters begin?

When have members of the US Senate used the filibuster?

Who first used the filibuster to stop specific judicial nominations: Democrats or Republicans?

How did Democrats deliberately change the filibuster norm during the George W. Bush Administration? Was this good or bad?

During the Obama Administration, did the Republicans reciprocate? Or did the Republicans play by the rules?

Did US Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell break filibuster rules? Or are the Democrats spreading lies – again?

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March 19, 2019

Title: Congresswoman Ilhan Omar: Scholar or Bigot?
Topic: Bigotry against Jews
Discussed by Joel Griffith
with The Heritage Foundation (

Congresswoman Ilhan Omar has attempted to manipulate political leadership and national opinion against the Jewish people.

New guest Joel Griffith is a Research Fellow for the Institute for Economic Freedom and Opportunity at The Heritage Foundation. He will be discussing the affects her comments are having on people of all races and religions, not just Jews.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did Congresswoman Omar study Old Testament writings, particularly in the Book of Ester? Joel uses Scripture to explain his answer…

How do many view her comments made against the Jewish people? Are many in her own party and religion turning her away? Or are they embracing her?

Do her bigoted remarks seek to cast doubt on the patriotism of Jewish Americans?

Wait a minute!!! Didn’t Nancy Pelosi appoint Omar to the Foreign Affairs Committee? Doesn’t she have a MAJOR conflict of interest?

Has Congresswoman Omar made these type of comments before? Joel discusses some disturbing comments she has tweeted in the past…

Do Democrats need to condemn her bigotry?

Later this month, Jews will celebrate the annual Purim festival. What does Purim celebrate?

Click here to read Joel’s opinion piece on this topic.

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March 18, 2019

Title: Pelosi and AOC: Let’s Legalize Voter Fraud
Topic: Voter Fraud: Legalized!
Discussed by Hans von Spakovsky
with The Heritage Foundation (

Pelosi, AOC, and other Democrats recently passed HR1 in the House of Representatives. HR1 is an attempt to federalize and micromanage the election process and impose unnecessary, unwise, and in some cases, unconstitutional mandates on the states.

Hans von Spakovsky explains HR1 and the ramifications it will produce if passed…

Questions/Issues Discussed:

HR1 passed in the House. What is the status in the Senate?

Why is HR1 so long?

Does HR1 allow for MORE voter fraud WITHOUT penalty?

Hans von Spakovsky reveals that HR1 would also:
1. Strike all state laws requiring voter ID
2. Allow anyone to vote without an ID
3. Disallow states to purge voter roles
4. Federalize the drawing of district lines
5. Federalize and mandate when voters can vote
6. Mandates all states allow same-day voter registration

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February 18, 2019

Title: Left Targeting Christian Foster Parents
Topic: Christian Discrimination in America
Discussed by Emilie Kao
with The Heritage Foundation (

Just when you thought the discrimination against Christians couldn’t get any worse…

LGBTQ and LAMBDA Legal are now targeting Christian foster parents and Christian-based adoption services in Texas.

Emilie Kao is the Director of the Center for Religion & Civil Society at The Heritage Foundation. Today she shares the unbelievable details.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the Left trying to eliminate Christian foster and adoption agencies in Texas? Does this lead to stopping Christians from fostering and adopting children? Are they also targeting the Jewish population?

Have faith-based agencies (FBA) been a cornerstone of the child welfare system for decades, with many modern agencies tracing their roots back over 100 years?

Has there been Legislation filed that will ban FBA from receiving both state and federal funds?

Have many FBA been forced to discontinue their foster and adoption services because of the LGBTQ communities push to drive them out?

FACT: 2,500 children were displaced in Illinois when Catholic charities were forced to close their doors due to these new regulations.

Are many children in the grandparent’s care because their parents are incarcerated due to drug abuse?

Are there any studies of child abuse occurring in foster care and/or an adoption home?

Click here for more on this issue from Keep Kids First.

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February 4, 2019

Title: Paid Family Leave: Yay or Nay?
Topic: Great American Awakening
Discussed by Rachel Greszler
with The Heritage Foundation (

You can’t have your cake and eat it, too.

Rachel Greszler, Research Analyst with The Heritage Foundation, explaining the details of a new survey by the Cato Institute.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

The majority of Americans want a Federal Paid Family Leave Program. However, when options are offered to help with the costs, the support is drastically lower. Listen as Rachel explains…

Should the business owner be responsible for Paid Family Leave?

What are workers willing to sacrifice or pay for in exchange for Paid Family Leave?

Should this issue be decided between employer/employee without interference from the government?

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February 1, 2019

Title: Updates on Census Information
Topic: Census Information
Discussed by Hans von Spakovsky
with The Heritage Foundation (

Thomas Jefferson recommended knowing how many citizens and noncitizens make up our Democratic Republic. The Constitutionally required census is right around the corner. Should those responding answer this question: Are you a US citizen?

Hans von Spakovsky offers details about updates to the new Census questionnaire.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why does the United States perform a census every ten years?

What is the American Community Survey? Listen as Hans von Spakovsky reveals questions and details from the ACS

The Trump administration and the Commerce Department reinstated a citizenship question on the 2020 census form. Is there historical precedence for this?

Has the ACS replaced the census form?

What is the current status of Trump’s new census questionnaire?

When Eric Holder was the Attorney General, did he object to the citizen question on the ACS?

What’s the beef against using the citizenship question on the upcoming 2020 Census form? Is the Left just afraid of the truth?

Does any other country in the world count noncitizens in their census count?

FACT: The UN (a beacon of liberalism) even recommends countries ask a citizen question!

You can read more on this issue here.

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November 13, 2018

Title: The History of Anchor Babies
Topic: Anchor Babies
Discussed by Hans von Spakovsky
with The Heritage Foundation (

Listen as Hans von Spakovsky discusses all things anchor babies…

Questions/Issues Discussed:

After the Civil War, were Democrats in the South refusing to allow some African Americans to vote because they were not born in America?

Is this why Congress passed the 14th Amendment?

Historically, not all babies born on American soil were automatic citizens of the United States. Listen as Hans von Spakovsky explains when and why this changed…

Once the Genie is out of the bottle, how can it be put back in?

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November 1, 2018

Title: Lessons from Ellis Island
Topic: Illegal Immigration
Discussed by Dr. Lee Edwards
with The Heritage Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

There are lessons to be learned from past illegal immigration waves. In fact, Dr. Lee Edwards has written a great opinion piece  on the subject, which he will be discussing today.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How many immigrants sought freedom and opportunity by coming to America during the 19th and early 20th centuries? The number WILL shock and astound you!

The first wave can in the 1840’s. Why did the come? Where did they come from?

When was the second wave? What countries did these immigrants come from?

Did the immigrants board ships for free or were they charged a fee?

Has there been an immigration wave from the Far East (Asia and India)? Why and when did they come to America?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Lessons from Ellis Island
Topic: Illegal Immigration
Discussed by Dr. Lee Edwards
with The Heritage Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

When was Ellis Island founded?

How did Congress limit/restrict immigration into America? Were the laws obeyed?

Listen as Dr. Edwards describes how immigration changed between the start of WW I through the closing of Ellis Island. Was racism a factor? Did the immigrants assimilate into our culture easily?

What was the purpose of Ellis Island?

WWere all immigrants inspected, with some being detained and even a few sent back home?

Can America take in another 100 million immigrants now? Dr. Edwards says: “It is important to ensure future immigrants desire to be vital, living parts of American society.

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October 30, 2018

Title: The Caravan Invasion
Topic: Illegal Immigration
Discussed by Hans von Spakovsky
with The Heritage Foundation (

Hans von Spakovsky recently wrote: “Immigration is an important issue to many Americans and the sight of such caravans of migrants led by far left activists and politicians who disregard any and all immigration laws is certainly part of the political debate in the US… There is no universal right to cross any border and most Americans reject the progressive demand for open borders...

Hans is the Election Law Reform Initiative and Senior Legal Fellow at the Meese Center for Legal and Judicial Studies at The Heritage Foundation. Listen now as he discusses the issue…

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are the caravan promoters and organizers more interested in weaponizing the poor instead of helping the poor?

Is illegal immigration an important issue to many Americans?

Can the United States take in every poor person that wants to come to America? Hans response is perfect: “No. If we opened our borders, half of the world would leave the countries they are in to come here.” And he is right!

In the past, immigrants were required to have a sponsor who was financially responsible for the immigrant for a number of years. When did this practice stop?

Do many who travel to America on visas just stay here once they have expired?

What can and should President Trump do about the caravan headed to the US-Mexican border? One suggestion that Hans von Spakovsky has is fining and prosecuting employers who willingly and knowingly hire illegal immigrants. Listen as he explains…

Who are the finances, organizers, and promoters of the caravan? Has this information been proven?

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September 6, 2018

Title: Beto: Decriminalize Illegal Immigration
Topic: Illegal Immigration
Discussed by Hans von Spakovsky
with The Heritage Foundation (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Texas Democrats have recklessly called to decriminalize illegal immigration. Beto O’Rouke (opponent to Ted Cruz) has aligned himself with this philosophy. THIS IS A DANGER TO PUBLIC SAFETY.

The Texas Department of Public Safety (the DPS) released a report  detailing crimes committed against the citizens of Texas by illegal immigrants.

Hans von Spakovsky is a Senior Legal Fellow at the Heritage Foundation. He has URGENT information that you must heed and share with your friends IMMEDIATELY.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Of the more than 175,000 illegal immigrants booked into Texas jails between June 1, 2011 and July 31, 2018, what crimes have they been charged with?

How many crimes does this come to? HINT: It’s a lot!

Do these numbers include Federal crimes? HINT: NOPE!

How many cases are still pending? HINT: This is a lot, too!

Have Texas Democrats really called to decriminalize illegal immigration?

Is President Trump attempting to solve the illegal immigration issue?

Click here to order a copy of Hans von Spakovsky’s book: “Who’s Counting? How Fraudsters and Bureaucrats Put Your Vote at Risk”.

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July 24, 2018

Title: Fake News: The US is in Extreme Poverty
Topic: Fake UN News
Discussed by Robert Rector
with The Heritage Foundation (

A recent UN report claimed the following statement is true of the American population: “About 40 million live in poverty, 18.5 million in extreme poverty, and 5.3 million live in third-world conditions of absolute poverty.”

But, is this true or more fake news from the biased, Liberal media?

Robert Rector is a Senior Research Fellow for Domestic Policy Studies at the Institute for Family, Community, and Opportunity at the Heritage Foundation. Listen as Robert shares the facts.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the above statement true?

What is the definition of “extreme poverty”? Do 5.3 million Americans really experience those horrible, drastic conditions?

How much money does the United States government give to people and families through food stamps, welfare, and other programs?

Listen as Robert Rector breaks down the numbers to show the truth… In fact, he says “these numbers are complete nonsense.”

Why is the US commissioner pulling funding from this UN committee?

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July 12, 2018

Title: SCOTUS Confirmation Process
Topic: Supreme Court Confirmation Process
Discussed by Thomas Jipping
with The Heritage Foundation (

Thomas Jipping is the Deputy Director of the Center for Legal and Judicial Studies at the Heritage Foundation. Today, Thomas will be explaining the SCOTUS nomination process and the challenges Senate Republicans could face from Democrats.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Will Senator John McCain be able to return to the US Senate for an up or down vote on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh?

If Roy Moore had been elected as a US Senator from Alabama, would the confirmation process be much easier?

Did Harry Reid, as Senate Majority Leader in 2013, change the rules to close debate?

Will it be political suicide for those few Senate Republicans who may vote against Kavanaugh’s appointment?

Should Supreme Court nominees be weary of answering questions concerning abortion?

Is it likely that the Senate Judiciary Committee will send Kavanaugh’s confirmation nomination to the Senate?

Are there several Republicans that need our prayers concerning their decision to vote in favor of or against Kavanaugh?

Could President Trump potentially have the opportunity to appoint one or two more additional Supreme Court Justices in 2019 and/or 2020? If so, is it absolutely imperative that Republicans keep control of the US Senate this November?

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June 21, 2018

Title: SCOTUS Ruling on Voter Rolls
Topic: OK to Purge Voter Rolls
Discussed by Hans von Spakovsky
with The Heritage Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Hans von Spakovsky offers an update today on the recent SCOTUS decision regarding voter registration laws…

Hans is a Senior Legal Fellow in The Heritage Foundation, managing the Election Law Reform Initiative. He is also an authority on a wide range of issues – including civil rights, civil justice, the First Amendment, immigration, the rule of law, and government reform.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Can a state take reasonable steps to ensure the accuracy of its voter rolls by removing voters who have left the jurisdiction?

What process did Ohio Legislators create? Did liberal groups cry foul? How did SCOTUS rule regarding the Constitutionality of the law?

The Harris County (Tax Assessor) Voter Registrar refuses to purge registered voters who have stated they are not citizens to get out of jury duty. They have even signed the form stating so. But the Democrat refuses to obey the law, and has been taken to court. Will a Judge just look the other way and let her off and give her a green light to just keep on breaking the law?

How important are accurate and up-to-date voter registration records?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - SCOTUS Ruling on Voter Rolls
Topic: OK to Purge Voter Rolls
Discussed by Hans von Spakovsky
with The Heritage Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Controversy continues to swirl around how the consulting firm Cambridge Analytica obtained personal data from over 50 million. Who broke the law: Obama or Trump or both?

What are some of the laws regarding corporations’ campaign donations?

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June 19, 2018

Title: The Social Security Crisis
Topic: Social Security
Discussed by Romina Boccia
with The Heritage Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Decades ago, Washington politicians promised baby boomers medical and retirement benefits that are no longer affordable, because the programs were not designed in a way that actually protected taxpayers from the programs’ ever-increasing costs. The American people need to know the state of finances of the Social Security program so they can better understand why reform is absolutely essential.

Today, Romina Boccia will be explaining exactly what is happening to our nation’s Social Security program. Romina is a leading fiscal and economic expert at The Heritage Foundation, focusing on government spending and the national debt.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How much has the average person over the age of 55 saved for retirement?

What does the future look like over the next decade or two for Social Security?

Will elected officials simply raise taxes to pay off the IOU’s? Is this a good or bad idea?

Where is the money that we have all paid into Social Security? Is it in a lock-box somewhere? Or has the Federal Government spent it?

Who is at fault for this crisis – Republicans, or Democrats, or both? Romina will continue this discussion in the next segment…

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The Social Security Crisis
Topic: Social Security
Discussed by Romina Boccia
with The Heritage Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did the Social Security crisis begin with Roosevelt way back in 1935?

How would Romina “fix” Social Security? She has LOTS of suggestions! Listen in!

One suggestion, however, is not ideal and would cause quite an uproar on both sides of the aisle. What is this suggestion and how does Terry feel about it?

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June 4, 2018

Title: Dispelling False Narratives about School Shootings
Topic: School Violence
Discussed by Amy Swearer
with The Heritage Foundation (

The Santa Fe shooting has perpetuated gun control and school safety narratives that are sliding further from the truth than ever before. It is important that these false narratives be corrected.

Amy Swearer, with The Heritage Foundation, will be discussing a few of those false narratives today. Click here  to read her editorial on this issue.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

First false narrative: Armed guards are ineffective at preventing school shootings
Would more armed security officers help deter school shootings?

Second false narrative: The nation’s students are in more danger than the nation’s soldiers.
Did the Washington Post propagate this myth? What is the truth?

What should the government, schools, parents, and students do during the summer to prepare for the 2018-2019 school year?

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May 31, 2018

Title: Steps to Better School Security
Topic: School Violence
Discussed by Steve Bucci
with The Heritage Foundation (

Part 1 of 3

How do we materially enhance school security by deterring shooters, defending students, and equipping faculty and administrators?

Today, Steve Bucci will discuss four steps our nation should take to stop school violence. Bucci served America for three decades as an Army Special Forces Officer and top Pentagon Official. He is now a visiting Fellow at The Heritage Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Would a nationwide gun-ban solve the problem? Short answer: NO!

Should the government supply all school employees with guns? Short answer: NO!

Why is it so important for parents, students, and teachers to speak up when they suspect something is amiss? The first step Steve Bucci recommends for better school security is: pre-emptive response (aka see something, say something).

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Steps to Better School Security
Topic: School Violence
Discussed by Steve Bucci
with The Heritage Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

The second step Steve Bucci recommends for better school security is: controlling access to school facilities. Many people have been suggesting this over the past few weeks. Listen as Steve explains how too many schools do not enforce this rule, and, therefore, leave students and staff susceptible to danger.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Steps to Better School Security
Topic: School Violence
Discussed by Steve Bucci
with The Heritage Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

The third step Steve Bucci recommends for better school security is: securing classrooms. This is another topic that many people are discussing, but many disagree on how to go about this. What does Steve Bucci suggest?

Did you know that school districts across the country have access to bulletproof partitions? What’s UP with those?

Is calling 911 enough? The fourth step Steve Bucci recommends for better school security is: responding on-site to incidents. Are armed security officers and/or trained staff members the answer?

How did Israel respond to mass killings in their schools?

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April 4, 2018

Title: Are School Shootings Really That Bad?
Topic: School Violence
Discussed by Amy Swearer
with The Heritage Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

It’s time to get serious about student deaths. During the 2013-2014 school year, the National Center for Education Statistics concluded that there was approximately one student homicide or suicide at school for every 2.8 million enrolled students.

Meanwhile, an average of 50 children ages 7 to 18 are killed by their parents every year. Sadly, this means school-age children are roughly five times more likely to be killed by their own parent than they are to suffer a violent death while at school.

New guest, Amy Swearer, is a visiting legal fellow at the Meese Center for Legal and Judicial Studies at The Heritage Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do our children and grandchildren deserve to be safe at school?

How likely is it that a child will be killed by a firearm at school?

FACT CHECK: Everytown for Gun Safety makes the dramatic claim that 18 school shootings occurred during the first six weeks of 2018. Is this an accurate statement?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Are School Shootings Really That Bad?
Topic: School Violence
Discussed by Amy Swearer
with The Heritage Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How many students die each year traveling to and from school?

Are journalists for the news media, politicians, parent activists, and even students demanding action to reduce the number of student deaths which occur traveling to and from school?

When discussing school safety, should the topic also include statistics on traffic deaths on the way to and from school?

Amy’s op-ed on this issue can be found here.

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April 3, 2018

Title: Facebook Favors
Topic: Facebook Favored Obama With Your Data
Discussed by Hans von Spakovsky
with The Heritage Foundation (

Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? Both the 2012 Obama Campaign and 2016 Trump Campaign acquired information from Facebook in order to target ads to a specific demographic. However, one did so illegally and the other did legally.

Hans von Spakovsky is a Senior Fellow with The Heritage Foundation. He recently wrote an op-ed for FoxNews entitled “Did Facebook’s ‘Favors’ for the Obama Campaign Constitute a Violation of Federal Law?”.  Get the scoop here!

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did Facebook favor the 2012 Obama Campaign? If so, were their actions against any Federal Law?

In contrast, how did the 2016 Trump Campaign obtain information from Facebook? Were their actions illegal?

Does Facebook sell information to marketers? Is this how the Trump Campaign received their information about Facebook users?

Can corporations or small business offer “favors” to political campaigns, such as offering data from websites?

How is this different from a monetary contribution to a political campaign?

What is the Federal Election Commission?

Is the MSM reporting on this story? HINT: Nope!

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March 15, 2018

Title: First Amendment Rights in the Voting Booth
Topic: Free Speech Rights
Discussed by Hans von Spakovsky
with The Heritage Foundation (

Should the Supreme Court side with a voter named Andy Cilek and anyone else who wants to wear their NRA, Second Amendment, #MeToo, or Gadsden-flag T-shirt when they go to vote? Where should our First Amendment Rights begin and end at the polling location?

Hans von Spakovsky recently wrote an editorial  on this issue: “The Court Must Preserve Minnesota Voters’ First Amendment Rights”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is a simple message on a T-shirt really that intimidating or coercive?

Did US Supreme Court Justices on both sides chime in with pointed questions?

Is the law too broadly written?

Listen as Hans discusses Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s opinion on the issue…

Is there an indication of how the Minnesota Supreme Court will vote on this issue?

Hans testified a few years ago regarding the Black Panthers who stood outside polling locations in Pennsylvania intimidating voters. What was the outcome of that case?

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November 17, 2017

Title: Russian “Propaganda” is Still Making Headlines
Topic: Donald Trump
Discussed by Rob Bluey
with The Heritage Foundation (

Reports indicate that, although Russian entities paid to have political ads ran during the 2016 election, as few as .0004% of Americans even saw them. However, lawmakers are now using this information to reignite their attempt to regulate social media, stifling free speech.

New guest, Rob Bluey, says this is definitely not the road to take. Rob is representing The Heritage Foundation today and is also the Senior Vice President of Communications and Editor in Chief of the Daily Signal.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did Russian Political ads sway enough voters in any swing state to change the outcome of the 2016 vote?

How much money, on average, did the Russians spend on each political ad?

Has the US Government ever tried to sway the outcome of a foreign election?

Can foreign governments/citizens own TV, Radio signals, or newspapers within the US?

Have courts ruled that lies can be told by politicians and media outlets and it’s up to the voter who is telling the truth?

Are some lawmakers attempting to use the situation to bully social media and technology companies?

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September 29, 2017

Title: Is a Federal Czar Needed?
Topic: Life After Harvey
Discussed by James Carafano
with The Heritage Foundation (

James Carafano is the Vice President of Foreign Policy and National Security at The Heritage Foundation. Today, James will be discussing the need for President Trump to appoint a Disaster Relief Commission to specifically address the many issues that have surfaced following Hurricanes HIM: Harvey, Irma, and Maria.

Click here  to order a copy of James’s book on this topic: “Mismanaging Mayhem”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did President Bush mishandle the crisis after Hurricane Katrina in Louisiana?

Is the government capable of planning in advance for disasters such as city-wide floods?

What should the government do in Puerto Rico?

Many small businesses are still recovering from the floods in 2015 and 2016. Now it happened again. Why is long-term help just as important as short-term help?

Should President Donald Trump form a Disaster Relief Commission to address issues that arise after a disaster? Should this Commission lead the community efforts and organization of all groups involved?

Does James have an opinion on who should be appointed head of the Disaster Relief Commission?

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May 15, 2017

Title: Separating Hysteria from Reality
Topic: Energy In Your Daily Life
Discussed by Nicolas Loris
with The Heritage Foundation (

President Trump recently made some BIG changes to future plans for the use of fossil fuels in America. In fact, Trump used his pen to totally repeal ALL of former President Obama’s climate control schemes.

As an economist, Nicolas Loris focuses on energy, environmental, and regulatory issues at The Heritage Foundation. Listen as he explains what Trump did, why he did it, and what it means for our future.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Was President Obama acting responsibly when he placed strict restrictions on companies which produce and manufacture fossil fuels?

Are there any activities which do not require the use of electricity?

Is CO2 a pollutant?

FACT: The USA only produces about 5% of the CO2 emissions worldwide.

Is there a scientific consensus in America that man is causing catastrophic, cataclysmic climate change?

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April 24, 2017

Title: Are Border Reforms on the Horizon?
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by John Malcolm
with The Heritage Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Attorney General Jeff Sessions recently paid a visit to the US–Mexico border during a trip to Nogales, Arizona, where he spoke to a group of Customs and Border Protection agents and prosecutors.

New guest John Malcolm will be discussing this visit, crime in the US, and the infamous wall. John Malcom is the Vice President for the Institute for Constitutional Government at the Heritage Foundation

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is government’s first and primary responsibility the protection of its citizens?

What is “ground zero”?

Are brutal attacks, including rapes, murders, and beheadings, occurring within the borders of the US on a daily basis? Are the majority of these crimes committed by illegals?

Has Jeff Sessions stated that every person coming illegally into America will be stopped and questioned? Will this apply to illegals already in America?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Are Border Reforms on the Horizon?
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by John Malcolm
with The Heritage Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

With so few prosecutors and federal judges focused on illegal entrants, what is Attorney General Jeff Sessions proposing?

Will Trump and Sessions stick to their guns and follow through on their promises regarding this issue?

WHAT’S UP with The Wall?

Is the Trump Administration taking the necessary steps to protect US citizens?

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April 12, 2017

Title: Separating Hysteria from Reality
Topic: Energy In Your Daily Life
Discussed by Nicolas Loris
with The Heritage Foundation (

President Trump recently made some BIG changes to future plans for the use of fossil fuels in America. In fact, Trump used his pen to totally repeal ALL of former President Obama’s climate control schemes.

As an economist, Nicolas Loris focuses on energy, environmental, and regulatory issues at The Heritage Foundation. Listen as he explains what Trump did, why he did it, and what it means for our future.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Was President Obama acting responsibly when he placed strict restrictions on companies which produce and manufacture fossil fuels?

Are there any activities which do not require the use of electricity?

Is CO2 a pollutant?

FACT: The USA only produces about 5% of the CO2 emissions worldwide.

Is there a scientific consensus in America that man is causing catastrophic, cataclysmic climate change?

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March 28, 2017

Title: Is North Korea Really A Threat?
Topic: North Korea
Discussed by Steve Bucci
with The Heritage Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Russia, China, and Iran pose major challenges for U.S. missile defense.  But for the new Trump Administration, the most immediate problem is North Korea.

NNew guest, Steve Bucci, is a visiting fellow with the Heritage Foundation. He focuses on cybersecurity, military special operations, and defense support to civil authorities. He offers some valuable information concerning North Korea and the threat they pose to America.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How many American military bases are in Hawaii?

If North Korea struck Hawaii with a nuclear missile, what damage might it cause?  NOTE: Steve will go into more detail on this issue in the second segment.

Does North Korea have the capability to reach the mainland of The United States with a nuclear missile?

Which is the most immediate threat to America: China, Russia, Iran, or North Korea? Steve Bucci says that it depends on the situation. Listen as he explains.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Is North Korea Really A Threat?
Topic: North Korea
Discussed by Steve Bucci
with The Heritage Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How long would a nuclear missile take to reach Hawaii from North Korea?

Is the American military often surprised at the advancement of other country’s missile defense systems?

Does North Korea organize weapons tests frequently and without notice to other nations?

Do we have the capability to shoot a missile down from Hawaii?

What sort of short-term defensive actions must be taken? Listen as Steve Bucci discusses what the Trump Administration must do as soon as possible.

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March 17, 2017

Title: Recap of “A Day Without Women”
Topic: Women’s Issues
Discussed by Mary Clare Reim
with The Heritage Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Recently women “celebrated” by holding marches across the world, refusing to work or shop (except for business owned by women or minorities).  They showed their solidarity by wearing the color red.

While only twenty-three percent of American women identify as feminists, forty-seven percent of millennial women do.  Unfortunately, the policies supported by modern feminists have been particularly bad for young women.

New guest Mary Clare Reim is a Research Policy Analyst with The Heritage Foundation.  Mary Clare will be discussing these bad policies and other “real” issues affecting women today over the next two segments.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What if men held a “Men’s March” and refused to work?

Terry and Mary Clare discuss how employers should have the right to punish or fire employees of both genders if they decide not to show up for work for any reason, even a “Women’s March”.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Recap of “A Day Without Women”
Topic: Women’s Issues
Discussed by Mary Clare Reim
with The Heritage Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Were woman encouraged not work during “A Day Without Women”?

Feminism was once a movement to remove the barriers of opportunity for all women. In the past, what were some of the barriers of opportunity for women?  Listen as Mary Clare debunks many statistics the MSM and the left use to their advantage.

Are women treated unfairly in the workplace?

Is there a distinguishable wage gap between men and women employed working the same job?

Is there even one plank that is true in the modern day feminist’s platform?

More people like Mary Clare Reim are needed to speak the truth on college campuses across the nation. Please add her, The Heritage Foundation, and others to your daily prayer list. They are fighting the good fight and we need them to stay strong and vigilant.

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March 2, 2017

Title: Leaked News Placing Us At Risk
Topic: National Security
Discussed by Hans von Spakovsky
with The Heritage Foundation (

Is fake news putting our national security at risk?  Hans von Spakovsky says it is!

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does our government listen in to our conversations? And if so, what do they listen to? Is a warrant necessary prior to listening?

Why was there such a buzz over Michael Flynn’s resignation and his connections to Russia?

What is the Logan Act of 1799? Has anyone ever been prosecuted under this law?

Will there be charges against Michael Flynn, or the Trump Administration more focused on finding the person who leaked the information?

Are there “good leaks” and are there “bad leaks”?

Should Donald Trump continue to battle back against the MSM?

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February 2, 2017

Title: The Rules of Order
Topic: Dem’s Become Obstructionists
Discussed by Rachel Bovard
with The Heritage Foundation (

Can the Sergeant at Arms force Democrats to vote in Committee?  Can they be forced to vote on the floor? Hint: No and Yes.

When you are sick, those in your office (even the boss) say, “Stay home.”  But when you just don’t show up, does the boss have the right to fire you? Does he/she stop all work/progress because you are not there, or do your co-workers continue on?

New guest, Rachel Bovard, is the Director of Policy Services with The Heritage Foundation. She works hard to provide members of Congress with the latest Conservative solutions and recommendations. Today she will be discussing the anticipated filibusters the Democrats are sure to use concerning all things Conservative.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do Republicans have the majority in both the House and the Senate? How will this affect the next four years concerning Committees?

What constitutes a quorum within a Committee?

Can the Democrats boycott each committee hearing and just refuse to attend, resulting in very few bills moving further for a full vote? Listen as Rachel Bovard discusses the various options available.

Can the Sergeant at Arms force Democrats to vote in Committee? Can they be forced to vote on the floor? Hint: No and Yes.

Have the Republicans ever boycotted a Committee Hearing?

Can Republican House Majority Leader Mitch McConnell compel Democrats to show up for work? Rachel Bovard reveals some of the sneaky methods McConnell can use to encourage the Democrats to cooperate.

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January 31, 2017

Title: How Does Voter Fraud Affect YOUR Vote?
Topic: Voter Fraud
Discussed by Hans von Spakovsky
with The Heritage Foundation (

Hans von Spakovsky is a Senior Legal Fellow at The Heritage Foundation and former Justice Department official. Along with John Fund, Hans is the co-author of “Who’s Counting? How Fraudsters and Bureaucrats Put Your Vote at Risk” and “Obama’s Enforcer: Eric Holder’s Justice Department.” You can get your copies here.

Today, Hans von Spakovsky will be discussing how voter fraud affects your vote.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

First…A backstory of how and why Hans von Spakovsky worked for the Justice Department. After all, he IS a Conservative…He states: “Nowhere did I ever encounter such radical, left-wing ideology as in the voting section of the Civil Rights Division.”

Do American voting jurisdictions operate on the “honor system” when it comes to registering to vote and actually voting? In other words, are voting applications checked to make sure the applicant is an American citizen and legally allowed to vote? And, are people “vetted” at the voting location to ensure they are who they claim to be? Note: Not all states require photo ID to vote; only a verbal “I am so-and-so” is enough to cast a vote.

Is this same type of “honor system” used in other countries to register voters? Or are their voting laws stricter?

Democrat pundits, along with the MSM, are crying, saying Trump is wrong and there is not massive voter fraud. However, Hans knows of many instances where voter fraud has occurred and discusses several cases.

Is there anything stopping non-citizens from registering to vote? Is there anything stopping these illegals from voting? What are the various methods a person can commit voter fraud?

How many legal Americans are registered to vote in multiple states?

How does Hans von Spakovsky believe the Trump Administration will enforce voter fraud laws?

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November 21, 2016

Title: The Herculean Task Ahead of President-Elect Donald Trump
Topic: Donald Trump
Discussed by Hans von Spakovsky
with The Heritage Foundation (

President-elect Donald Trump certainly has his work cut out for him. Undoing all of the damage done by President Barack Obama over the past eight years will certainly be a challenge.

Hans von Spakovsky is a Senior Legal Fellow with The Heritage Foundation. Listen in as he discusses some of the obstacles Donald Trump will face and what Conservatives can do to help.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Have Conservative bureaucrats like Hans von Spakovsky often been bullied into silence?

Are entrenched federal bureaucrats really locking arms, chanting: “He’s not my President!”?

Are the bureaucracies of these agencies virtually immune to being fired?

Will the left do everything possible to stop President Trump’s policies?

What can Conservative voters do to encourage Donald Trump and other elected officials to keep pushing forward to stop the left?

Can Conservative lawmakers put a freeze on hiring throughout federal agencies?

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Title: Are Earmarks Back?
Topic: Culberson Wants Earmarks
Discussed by Genevieve Wood
with The Heritage Foundation (

Bush 41 stated: “Read my lips: No New Taxes”, then proceeded to compromise and LOST his next election. John Culberson wants Earmarks to return. Is he on a bridge to nowhere?

Genevieve Wood is a Senior Contributor for the Daily Signal with The Heritage Foundation. Today she will be explaining “earmarks” and why Conservatives everywhere should be paying close attention.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the “Bridge to Nowhere”?

Why is Representative John Culberson pushing to bring back earmarks?

Who pays for all the “back-room deal making”?

Does Congress have the responsibility to direct individual government agencies on how to spend their money?

Genevieve Wood makes an excellent point: “Either your bill is good enough and makes enough sense for the majority of Americans to want it that you can get a majority of lawmakers to vote for it. Or you can’t.

Please contact Representative John Culberson’s office  to voice your concern and displeasure with his desire to implement earmarks in the upcoming Legislative Session.

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October 26, 2016

Title: The Case for Donald Trump
Topic: Donald Trump
Discussed by Stephen Moore
with The Heritage Foundation (

How can Christians still support Donald Trump? This is a question which Stephen Moore has been asked repeatedly. He is here today to set the record straight and encourage Christians to vote in this election.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why does Stephen Moore still support Donald Trump?

The majority of Americans do not believe that our economy is in good shape. What is Hillary’s opinion of the American economy? What is Donald Trump’s plan?

Are both candidates “bullies” in their own way?

Why is Stephen Moore not supporting Hillary Clinton?

Listen in as Stephen discusses Education Savings Accounts, energy, coal, manufacturing, taxes, and exporting costs.

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October 17, 2016

Title: What is Poverty in America? Would You Agree That Someone Who Has An A/C, TV, and an Xbox, may not be Living in Poverty?
Topic: Poverty
Discussed by Robert Rector
with The Heritage Foundation (

When Americans think of poverty, we tend to picture people who can’t adequately shelter, clothe and feed themselves or their families. The Census Bureau defines about 40 million Americans as poor. But let’s look at many of those 40 million called poor. How do they live today?

Many have cable TV, air conditioning, and their kids have an Xbox. They also have a roof over their heads, they have a washing machine and dryer and a refrigerator.

There are those that are temporarily homeless, or have the electricity turned off, but there are NOT 40 million Americans living that way. Many who are homeless choose to live on the street because of their mental illness or their addictions. More government spending is not the solution.

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October 5, 2016

Title: Education Savings Accounts: Good or Bad?
Topic: Education Savings Accounts
Discussed by Lindsay Burke
with The Heritage Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Are Education Savings Accounts (ESA’s) good or bad for school choice? New guest, Lindsey Burke, is an expert from The Heritage Foundation. Lindsey focuses on two critical areas of education policy: reducing the federal government’s role in education and empowering families with school choice.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is an Education Savings Account?

How does each family decided to use an ESA? How is the money dispersed to families?

In other states with ESA’s, in order to receive aid from an ESA, a student is required to have attended public school for a minimum amount of time. Will Texas families be subjected to the same requirement? Note: There is an exception to this rule. Listen in as Lindsey explains more.

In addition to the above requirement, must parents provide their child’s name and other private information to the state in order to receive aid from an ESA?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Education Savings Accounts: Good or Bad?
Topic: Education Savings Accounts
Discussed by Lindsay Burke
with The Heritage Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Will ALL homeschool and private-school families be subjected to the state rules regarding testing and textbooks? NOTE: Please listen VERY CAREFULLY to Lindsey’s response to this VERY IMPORTANT question. There is A LOT OF CONFUSION regarding this issue. Please listen in.

Lindsey also explains more about “putting your child in public school for 100 days in order to receive funds in an ESA”.

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September 14, 2016

Title: Making the Most of America’s Oil Reserves
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Dr. David Kreutzer
with The Heritage Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Energy is an integral component of human life around the world, yet it is often taken for granted. By tapping many of its uncovered resources, America has the potential to be the world’s largest producer of energy. With the right policies in place, tapping this energy can help create a vibrant and prosperous economy for decades to come.

David Kreutzer is a Senior Fellow with The Heritage Foundation. He is an expert on Energy and the Environment, Climate Change, Energy Policy, and Renewable Energy.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

First, there are three myths that must be overcome: It is better to leave it in the ground; we should use everyone else’s and save ours for last; and the greatest off-shoring of US jobs has been to shift oil and gas exploration, development, and refining offshore. Listen in as David Kreutzer discusses these myths.

Is energy still a fundamental element to basic human life? Is more modern energy needed in countries all across the world?

Has the US doubled oil production between 2008 and 2015? Is this because of federal energy policy, or in spite of it?

What sort of energy powerhouse could the U.S. be with an energy policy that unleashes America’s total energy productivity?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Making the Most of America’s Oil Reserves
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Dr. David Kreutzer
with The Heritage Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Would allowing more energy production in the US have a positive or negative effect on the average family?

What restrictions should the federal government remove to encourage more energy production in the US? Listen in as David Kreutzer reveals the difference between state and federal land permits, the threat of lawsuits, and what the government must do to encourage more drilling.

Should the US export oil, natural gas, and coal? If so, in what quantities and to which countries?

Would this be in the best interest of the US and all its citizens?

Are other countries like China and Iraq as environmental conscience as Americans? Listen as David gives some details about Nigeria that will make you shudder!

To read David Kreutzer’s article in full, click here.

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September 1, 2016

Title: The REAL Effects of a Higher Minimum Wage
Topic: Minimum Wage
Discussed by James Sherk
with The Heritage Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Employees must earn what it costs to employee them. Forcing businesses to pay starting wages at $15 an hour makes less-skilled workers and less-experienced workers unemployable.

James Sherk is a Research Fellow with Labor and Economics at The Heritage Foundation. He is an expert on jobs, labor policy, unemployment, and economic mobility.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

First, James Sherk summarizes the REAL effects on the economy if the Federal Minimum Wage is increased to $15. “Basically, you get fewer jobs and higher prices,” James says. Business will hire less workers who will still do the same amount of work as more workers, therefore, causing more stress on workers. The business owner will, in turn, raise prices because they will be paying more in wages, even with fewer workers.

FACT: If the Federal Minimum Wage requirement is raised to $15, it would cost Texas alone 900,000 jobs. Nearly a million jobs – gone. Nearly one million people – unemployed, likely for a long, long time.

Today, in America, are there fewer workers in the workforce than at any other time since 1977?

Is the true unemployment rate much, much higher than the government is reporting? NOTE: You may be surprised by James Sherk’s answer!

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The REAL Effects of a Higher Minimum Wage
Topic: Minimum Wage
Discussed by James Sherk
with The Heritage Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

If there are too many unemployed workers chasing too few open positions, what happens to wages?

If open positions have few, or no, applicants wanting to fill those positions, would employers begin to increase the wages being offered in an attempt to hire new employees?

When the cost of doing business increases due to a hike in the Federal Minimum Wage, what choices do the business owners have?

What happens to America’s workforce if the minimum wage is increased to $15 per hour?

How many Texas workers would be effected by a minimum wage increase to $15 per hour?

Why is it bad public policy to artificially mandate a minimum start wage of $15 per hour?

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June 29, 2016

Title: Huge Blow to the Pro-Life Movement
Topic: Supreme Court Decisions
Discussed by Roger Severino
with The Heritage Foundation (

What is the next step after the recent Supreme Court decision concerning abortion clinics in Texas?

New guest, Roger Severino, focuses on religious liberty, marriage, and life issues as director of the DeVos Center for Religion and Civil Society at The Heritage Foundation. Today, he will be discussing the impact of Monday’s Supreme Court decision on pro-life efforts not only in Texas, but all of the United States.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did the Supreme Court choose profits over women's health? Listen in as Roger explains what the Texas law entailed and why it was to help women, not hinder.

In the majority opinion, did five Justices actually agree that some doctors are going to ignore laws anyway, so why pass another law? Really?

However, the Supreme Court recently ruled that states have a right to require safety standards for women. Why did they flip?

Should we just toss the Constitution in the trash?

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June 24, 2016

Title: Smoke and Mirrors
Topic: Gun Control
Discussed by Hans von Spakovsky
with The Heritage Foundation (

Taking Away Constitutional Rights at the Discretion of the Government. The latest “gun control” proposal being put forward by Senator Susan Collins (R-Maine) is a “measure that would block people on the Transportation Security Administration’s no–fly list from buying firearms” according to ABC News.

Hans von Spakovsky says there is one problem with this proposal: It is unconstitutional. Listen in as he and Terry discuss this issue. You can find his article here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What does Senator Collins’ proposal ‘really’ mean?

Who is on the “No-Fly List”, who is in charge of it, and why is it so secretive?

What must we do to keep guns away from terrorists? NOTE: The FBI is not allowed to do any type of surveillance at Mosques in the US. The FBI is not allowed to look at social media, either, of Islamists.

Too many people are afraid of being labeled as a bigot, therefore we are facing this deadly issue today. Can you imagine the outcry, however, if Congress took away a person’s right to vote, too?

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June 22, 2016

Title: We Must Stop Teaching Children to Hate America
Topic: America Under Attack
Discussed by Mike Gonzalez
with The Heritage Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

With all the social and moral issues facing our nation – and especially the youngest generation – it astounds me that nearly 90% of children are still in public schools. I completely understand that oftentimes both mom and dad work outside the home. I recognize the fact that private, Christian school is very expensive and most families cannot afford the cost.

FYI: My oldest daughter is a single mom with three children, two of whom she has homeschooled for three years (the oldest graduated high school last year). She knows many single mothers (and even single fathers) who home school their children. If they can do it, anyone can!

Mike Gonzalez is a Senior Fellow at The Heritage Foundation. He will be discussing why so many public schools are teaching our children to hate America and all she stands for. History does not lie, but the teachers sure seem to!

Questions/Issues Discussed:

If America is “soooooo bad”, then why do so many people immigrate to our great country?

It’s been a long, long time since children in public schools were taught that God truly does Bless America. Is the absence of God in schools really part of the problem?

What did the Founders believe about education?

Mike Gonzalez has traveled extensively across the globe. He does not recall a single country (other than America) who teaches its citizens, especially children, to hate their own country. Listen in to the next segment as he discusses more on this sobering issue.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - We Must Stop Teaching Children to Hate America
Topic: America Under Attack
Discussed by Mike Gonzalez
with The Heritage Foundation (

Mike Gonzalez reveals that the #1 Selling Political Science textbook is “A People’s History of the United States”, which was first published in 1980. Listen in as Mike explains why this book is a “pack of lies”.

Mike also discusses why it is so important for parents to explore other options to educate their children other than public school. The fight isn’t about “multiculturalism”; it’s about teaching Americans that America comes first.

Should all teachers – all Americans – pledge allegiance to the United States of America?

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June 20, 2016

Title: North and South Korea: We Can’t Ignore the Experiment
Topic: Capitalism vs. Socialism
Discussed by Stephen Moore
with The Heritage Foundation (

Socialist North Korea and Capitalist South Korea: An Experiment We Ignore at Our Peril. Korea offers a tale of two cities, one that should give pause to anyone enamored with socialism.

Stephen Moore wrote for The Wall Street Journal on matters of the economy and public policy. He is now a Distinguished Visiting Fellow at The Heritage Foundation within their Project for Economic Growth. Today, Stephen will be discussing why so many world leaders are pushing for socialism in order to save the planet from global warming and other economic woes, or so they say.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

At a recent UN Climate Summit, Bolivian Presidente Evo Morales stated: “The world is suffering from a fever due to climate change, and the disease is the capitalist development model.” Is this the mindset of too many world leaders?

Why do world leaders believe that capitalism is a “disease”? HINT: The leaders want control. Period. “The free enterprise system doesn’t give the power to the leaders,” Stephen Moore points out. They want the power, therefore they want socialism.

Stephen Moore also compares the economic situations in North and South Korea. One is obviously a socialist nation and the other offers the freedom of capitalism. Pure capitalism and pure socialism each have their faults, but which is better, which is worse, and why? Listen in as Stephen explains the difference.

Can the America economic system be described as a capitalistic system where legal conditions safeguard the free and un-coerced exchange of goods and services?

How many of the world inhabitants are wanting to move to North Korea? HINT: Not many!

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June 17, 2016

Title: Right to Carry Axed
Topic: Gun Rights
Discussed by Hans von Spakovsky
with The Heritage Foundation (

The Second Amendment becomes a second class right in California. We want to be respectful for those injured and the families of those killed in Orlando during this interview. Please keep an open heart and an open mind when listening to this segment.

Hans von Spakovsky is here to discuss the decision by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in California which states: “The Second Amendment does not preserve or protect a right of a member of the general public to carry concealed firearms in public.”

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What was the original purpose of the Second Amendment?

What did The 9th Circuit base its conclusion on?

One exception is for someone who has “good cause” or a specific documented threat against their safety and well-being. Living in a “bad neighborhood” is not sufficient enough. Listen in as Hans von Spakovsky explains more about the few exemptions the Court allowed for and why they really don’t even matter.

What is meant by the 9th Circuit Court relying an “overwhelming consensus of historical sources”? HINT: It dates back to 1299 in England! Seriously. We are not kidding.

Will this eventually make its way to the US Supreme Court?

Do elections matter?

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June 8, 2016

Title: Fueling Freedom: Exposing the Mad War on Energy
Topic: Fueling Freedom: Exposing the Mad War on Energy
Discussed by Stephen Moore
with The Heritage Foundation (

On June 3, 2016, we had Kathleen White with the Texas Public Policy Foundation on to discuss a new book she co-wrote with our current guest, Stephen Moore. The book, “Fueling Freedom: Exposing the Mad War on Energy,  is a must-read for everyone, especially high-school and college-aged students.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Donald Trump recently gave a speech focused on the need for American energy. If elected, would he be able to implement his plan? Is Trump’s plan better than Hillary’s?

Why can’t Americans really understand that affordable, abundant, and reliable energy fuels their cars, heats and cools their homes, and charges their iPhones and fancy Mac computers?

If elected, could Trump reverse EPA mandates against the use of coal in electrical generation and mining coal? Would we be able to export more coal to other countries, especially to China? Would this help America re-build its manufacturing sector?

In “Fueling Freedom: Exposing the Mad War on Energy”, Mr. Moore states that producing American energy is the single best way to do three things. Listen in as he reveals those secrets!

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May 20, 2016

Title: The Closing of the Liberal Mind
Topic: Left-Wing Politics
Discussed by Dr. Kim Holmes
with The Heritage Foundation (

“The Closing of the Liberal Mind: How Groupthink and Intolerance Define the Left”. We live in hostile times – yes, even in the suburbs of Houston and Austin, Dallas and San Antonio. There is nothing the left wants to do more than destroy us all from within.

New guest Dr. Kim Holmes is a former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State. Dr. Holmes has been part of the Defense and Foreign Policy Team for more than two decades at The Heritage Foundation. As a historian of U.S. political movements and ideology, Holmes writes about America’s place in the world and the changing political landscape. His latest book, “The Closing of the Liberal Mind: How Groupthink and Intolerance Define the Left”, can be found here.

Dr. Holmes uses the term “illiberalism” to describe Progressive Liberalism. He believes that the problem lies heavily in the leaders of the movement and even the President of the United States. He has seen the issue evolve over the last eight years with extreme intensity, but his book shows how the problem has been advancing for much longer.

Dr. Kim Holmes also discusses the left’s hostility for anyone who will not conform to their logic (or lack thereof). His book shows how the 1960’s was really the starting point for all the “live and let live” ideology and how it basically ruined our country. “Now we have gotten to the point that these people are basically America’s ruling class,” Dr. Holmes declares.

How the Sexual Revolution became the Cultural Revolution. Dr. Holmes says, “When you start getting into that level of radicalism and start defining that as a new civil right, it’s going to take a lot of coercion to make everyone go along with that new agenda.” Listen in as he explains what the liberal view was and what it has become. He urges everyone to obtain the full facts and know exactly what we are up against. We can’t be “willy-nilly” about this issue anymore; it’s time to put on our boots, buckle our belts, and march to the leaders demanding a change.

BONUS: Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” can be found here.

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May 11, 2016

Title: Washington Cannot Handle Puerto Rico Debt Crisis
Topic: Debt Crisis
Discussed by Rachel Greszler
with The Heritage Foundation (

If Puerto Rico is bailed out from their financial woes, California, Chicago, and Detroit will demand the same.

Rachel Greszler is a Research Analysist with The Heritage Foundation. She reveals that Puerto Rico is currently $72 BILLION in debt, not including $44 BILLION in unfunded pension obligations. For the third time this year, over the weekend, Puerto Rico defaulted on their debt payments. Rachel says, “This sets a precedent for what happens in the future when we have US states like Illinois that aren’t able to pay their bills.” Companies cannot just not pay their bills and debt and remain in business. The same goes for cities, states, territories, and countries!

Rachel goes on to suggest that Puerto Rico be exempt from the Federal Minimum Wage limit of $7.25/hour, where they already have a significantly lower standard of living than American states. Requiring companies to pay that much to their hourly employees is just not feasible. Listen in as Rachel gives other suggestions that could immediately help not only the government itself, but every citizen.

NOTE: In comparison to Puerto Rico, the United States currently has over $3 TRILLION in unfunded pension obligations. This doesn’t even include the debt owed to Social Security.

Rachel’s op-ed on this topic can be found here.

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April 25, 2016

Title: Obamacare a Major Bust
Topic: Obamacare: What Next?
Discussed by Ed Haislmaier
with The Heritage Foundation (

UnitedHealthcare recently revealed a nearly $1 BILLION LOSS dealing with Obamacare exchanges. But, wait a minute! Didn’t they love, love, love it? Didn’t they think it was the greatest thing EVER?

Ed Haislmaier is an expert in Health Care Policy and Markets at The Heritage Foundation. He is frequently asked to help lawmakers design and draft specific reforms to the health system. Ed has also developed innovative strategies for states to create consumer-centered health insurance markets by using their authority to regulate insurance.

Concerning UHC, Ed says, “Sometimes big corporations don’t understand what they’re getting into and sometimes the big ones get their heads handed to them by the smaller ones.” In 2014, UHC began Obamacare exchanges in only four states; they expanded to twenty-three states in 2015 and to thirty-four states in 2016. Now, they are suddenly pulling out of twenty-two states. “They didn’t really understand that [Obamacare] is a different market than what they were used to dealing with,” Ed states. Listen in as he explains the difference between the before and after of Obamacare with UHC and other insurance companies.

Will Obamacare crumble with a new President, especially if a Republican wins? Ed Haislmaier believes one of two outcomes are possible:
1) If a change in Party occurs in the Presidency, there will possibly be a change in the Party of Congress as well. Therefore, Obamacare will probably be repealed or implode altogether.

2) If no change is made to Congress, there might be some changes over a few years, with a gradual decline, but it might pick up again.

However, he does believe that either way, Obamacare will become a “cross between Medicaid and a high risk pool”. That is definitely not a positive outcome at all.

Ed Haislmaier also discusses how the Democrats have consistently fought against the small business owner and the family in regards to healthcare coverage. “They think of this as an income-redistribution program,” Ed boldly states. “They micro-managed the subsidies and based them on income and family size in a way that is almost impossible to predict was the real subsidy is.” Listen in as he explains this in further detail. He also explains the income threshold under Obamacare and why it absolutely does not make sense.

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April 21, 2016

Title: Climate Change Deniers Being Investigated
Topic: Jail Climate Change Deniers
Discussed by Hans von Spakovsky
with The Heritage Foundation (

Reasonable minds can disagree about the science behind global warming, and disagree they do. This type of scientific and political debate is healthy and should be encouraged. However, those who do not study history and do not heed its warnings are bound to repeats its mistakes.

Hans Von Spakovsky is an expert on Civil Justice Reform, Legal Issues, and Elections at the Heritage Foundation. Today, he is here to discuss a recent decision by a coalition of fifteen state Attorney Generals, as well the AG’s from the District of Columbia and the Virgin Islands. It is important to note that all but one are Democrats.

On March 29, New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman said, “The bottom line is simple: Climate change is real.” He went on to say that if companies are committing fraud by “lying” about the dangers of climate change, they will “pursue them to the fullest extent of the law.” In fact, the AG from the Virgin Islands, Claude Walker (the lone Independent in the group) has filed a subpoena for all documents from the Competitive Enterprise Institute.

Hans Von Spakovsky explains that the fourteen-page subpoena is a “voluminous document asking for everything, including private donor information.” He goes on to say, “It is an unbelievable abuse of the First Amendment and clearly intended to intimidate and deter a think-tank from doing research on this issue.” Listen in as Hans uses the Spanish Inquisition of 1478 as a way to compare the leaders then to those who are pushing this illegal bullying tactic upon honest, hard-working, intelligent people now.

Is catastrophic, man-made climate change occurring? I doubt there is a reasonable person who listens to the What’s UP Radio Program who will deny that climate change is occurring – day to day, month to month, year to year. Climate changes. However, the issue at hand is the impact that humans have on the temperature. The environmentalists just don’t really know what to do because all of their computer models for decades have been wrong about future weather patterns! So, now, they are looking for a scapegoat and that is the “climate change denier”. “They have no shame,” Hans states sadly.

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April 12, 2016

Title: Climate Change Deniers Being Investigated
Topic: Jail Climate Change Deniers
Discussed by Hans von Spakovsky
with The Heritage Foundation (

Reasonable minds can disagree about the science behind global warming, and disagree they do. This type of scientific and political debate is healthy and should be encouraged. However, those who do not study history and do not heed its warnings are bound to repeats its mistakes.

Hans Von Spakovsky is an expert on Civil Justice Reform, Legal Issues, and Elections at the Heritage Foundation. Today, he is here to discuss a recent decision by a coalition of fifteen state Attorney Generals, as well the AG’s from the District of Columbia and the Virgin Islands. It is important to note that all but one are Democrats.

On March 29, New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman said, “The bottom line is simple: Climate change is real.” He went on to say that if companies are committing fraud by “lying” about the dangers of climate change, they will “pursue them to the fullest extent of the law.” In fact, the AG from the Virgin Islands, Claude Walker (the lone Independent in the group) has filed a subpoena for all documents from the Competitive Enterprise Institute.

Hans Von Spakovsky explains that the fourteen-page subpoena is a “voluminous document asking for everything, including private donor information.” He goes on to say, “It is an unbelievable abuse of the First Amendment and clearly intended to intimidate and deter a think-tank from doing research on this issue.” Listen in as Hans uses the Spanish Inquisition of 1478 as a way to compare the leaders then to those who are pushing this illegal bullying tactic upon honest, hard-working, intelligent people now.

Is catastrophic, man-made climate change occurring? I doubt there is a reasonable person who listens to the What’s UP Radio Program who will deny that climate change is occurring – day to day, month to month, year to year. Climate changes. However, the issue at hand is the impact that humans have on the temperature. The environmentalists just don’t really know what to do because all of their computer models for decades have been wrong about future weather patterns! So, now, they are looking for a scapegoat and that is the “climate change denier”. “They have no shame,” Hans states sadly.

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February 26, 2016

Title: Is the Obama Administration Encouraging Illegals to Vote?
Topic: Voter Fraud
Discussed by Hans von Spakovsky
with The Heritage Foundation (

Returning guest Hans von Spakovsky has bombshell theory about the upcoming elections and the Obama Administration’s push to allow illegal immigrants the right to vote. There are many reasons this is a horrible idea. Hans first explains how groups like the League of Women Voters are fighting for voting rights for “entrants” into the United States (i.e.: illegal immigrants). (Hans discusses more about the League of Women Voters later in the segment and you might be surprised at what he reveals! Listen in!)

Bonus Fact: Only four states (Alabama, Arizona, Georgia, and Kansas) currently have laws which require voter registration applicants to prove they are a United States citizen.

One reason this has become such a hot-topic issue is that every state currently has different voting requirements. “Federal Bureaucrats in Washington, specifically those friendly with the Obama Administration, do not want states to have any ability to verify the citizenship of those registering to vote,” Hans believes.

It is becoming more common across the country for the Obama Administration to fight the local registrar offices for this very reason. It’s just getting out of control! Listen in as Hans explains exactly what they have been trying to do everywhere. No other country in the world would allow this kind of asinine behavior within their voting system and Hans shares how “South Africa has a big voter ID requirement”. Listen in as he reveals what it is!

Hans encourages everyone – even you, the average voter – to pay close attention to what is happening at the polls. If something seems fishy, report it! Also, do not be afraid to call or email your elected officials, urging them to require valid citizenship in order to register to vote. Furthermore, Voter ID Laws is not discrimination! It’s common sense protection of our rights.

Get a copy of Hans von Spakovsky’s great book, “Who’s Counting? How Fraudsters and Bureaucrats Put Your Vote at Risk,” from Amazon.

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February 15, 2016

Title: Supreme Court is Trying to do Right for Once
Topic: Supreme Court Decisions
Discussed by Nicolas Loris
with The Heritage Foundation (

New guest Nicolas Loris is an economy expert on energy and environment, climate change, energy policy, coal, oil, and natural gas, renewable energy with the Heritage Foundation. Nicolas is here today to discuss the recent decision from the Supreme Court concerning the EPA’s Clean Power Plan. While they did not come to a final decision yet, they have put a temporary halt to Obama’s EPA and their desire to take over control of the county’s electric system.

Nicolas firmly believes that each individual state should have total control over how to best meet the people’s energy needs. In regards to the current system, he says: “The laws of supply and demand for energy work pretty well.” However, the Clean Power Plan would overhaul each state’s energy economy. The same goes for the affordability of the various energy forms. States know best! Listen in as Nicolas explains why.

“It’s not just a war on coal; it’s a war on families and businesses,” Nicolas Loris boldly states. And he is exactly right! As with most other schemes by the EPA, the Clean Power Plan is an attempt to bankrupt the coal industry. After all, back in 2008, Obama stated that he would do just that if elected to the Presidency. He only has a few short months left to complete this dream of his and he is putting the hammer to the nail.

Nicolas goes on to discuss how the EPA is becoming more and more bold in their attempts to take control of our lives. They do not care about the family. They do not care about the small business. They see dollar signs and will do everything they can to increase that number. “This has nothing to do with regulating the point source of emission which is the power plant. It’s about restructuring America’s energy sector. And that’s problematic,” Nicolas warns.

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January 29, 2016

Title: Planned Parenthood’s Behind the Curtain Antics
Topic: Planned Parenthood
Discussed by Hans von Spakovsky
with The Heritage Foundation (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Although it is important to discuss with our children the horrific reality that abortion exists in our world, many parents might not want the littlest ears to hear this information.

The indictments against David Deleiden and Sandra Merritt from a Harris County Grand Jury are: UNSEALED: A second-degree felony for “tampering with a government record”; and SEALED (not yet unsealed at the time of recording): A misdemeanor charge for violating the state’s “prohibition of the purchase and sale of human organs”.

Han von Spakovsky is with the Heritage Foundation. He is a former attorney with the Justice Department. He says this “whole case is just bizarre”. The videos that the Center for Medical Progress made while undercover at various Planned Parenthood facilities clearly show that there was haggling going on. “The Texas statute makes it illegal to buy or sell or offer human organs,” he says. “But that is exactly what Planned Parenthood is doing.” He goes to say that, “The conclusion that this Grand Jury came to does not make sense under the fact or under the law.

If the Harris County Grand Jury can hand down an indictment against Deleiden and Merritt for offering to buy baby body parts (not really, but you know what we mean) – why won’t the Grand Jury indict Planned Parenthood for offering to sell them?! You can’t have one without the other! Listen in as Hans Von Spakovsky explains the Texas Statute further and why no reasonable jury should have indicted the filmmakers.

It is a FACT that one of the Harris County Assistant District Attorneys is on the board at the very Planned Parenthood that was involved in this case! Even though she wasn’t directly involved with this case – she still works in the same office!

Terry and Hans discuss more details about the Grand Jury, the District Attorney Devon Anderson’s involvement, and the case in general. Terry points out that, while the Grand Jury was paneled in October of 2015, the DA’s did not go to the Grand Jury until December. This is important to note because the law changed January 1, 2016, concerning the manner in which Gran Jurors are chosen. Listen as he explains.

FACT: Harris County District Attorney Devon Anderson reported a Fourth Quarter filing contributions totaling $210,000 from a local car dealer Don McGill. Why is this important? She’s unopposed in the Republican Primary! Listen in as Terry reveals the name of a person who is on the board at the Gulf Coast Planned Parenthood…Lauri McGill…any relation?

This whole case is going to dramatically affect the way investigative journalists do their job. Take 60 Minutes, for example. Hans points out that, “They’ve made their reputation by making these undercover sting operations! They are clearly going after the messenger instead of the wrongdoer.

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Title: Congress Needs to do More to Stop the EPA
Topic: EPA Rules and Regulations
Discussed by Daren Bakst
with The Heritage Foundation (

Daren Bakst is the Research Fellow in Agriculture Policy at the Heritage Foundation where he writes and studies about agricultural and environmental policy and property rights. His agriculture portfolio is extremely broad, covering a multitude of issues from agricultural subsidies and trade, to food policy issues such as GMO food labeling and the FDA’s de facto artificial trans-fat ban.

Today, Daren is with us to discuss the EPA’s overreach and why Congress needs to do more to stop them – much, much more. While Congress deserves some credit for passing Legislation blocking three new EPA rules, there is still more to be done. “The Congressional Review Act is Legislation that gives Congress to ability to try to [stop] rules from different agencies,” Daren explains. However, it’s not as easy as it sounds, because the President can just veto all the hard work Congress does. Listen in as Daren explains in more detail what the Congressional Review Act is, why it’s important, and what needs to change to make it better. The Checks and Balance system just doesn’t always work.

The problem with the current Congress is they still don’t have enough votes to override Obama’s veto. So, when they pass good Legislation and the President vetoes it, it’s over. The Senate won’t be able to, either. “For too long, Congress wasn’t passing good Legislation because they said the President is just going to veto it anyway,” Daren Bakst believes. “But that’s on President Obama.”

Voters need to pay attention to their Congressperson’s votes on the issues. If your elected official in DC is not making good decisions, it’s time for them to go. Be a smart voter. Be informed.

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November 16, 2015

Title: Minority Students Need to Stop Playing the Victim
Topic: College Campus Tolerance Lacking
Discussed by Andrew Kloster
with The Heritage Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Well, it appears that a lot of college kids really are spoiled little brats. Not all, but some, especially those who are considered to be in a minority affiliation. This time, again, black college students are feeling threatened by the Constitution, specifically the First Amendment.

Andrew Kloster is a legal fellow in the Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies at The Heritage Foundation. He focuses his attention on civil rights, the role of Federal courts, and other Constitutional issues. Andrew is here to discuss the black Missouri students’ demands of “My Way of the Highway”. A university professor was also involved in the uproar and ultimately encouraged assault on several journalists who were taking photographs and attempting to interview some of the protestors. Note: This professor resigned after a troubling video of her surfaced, so that’s a plus!

Listen in as Andrew Kloster explains what the “rule of law” means, how it applies to everyone, and what is actually going on in Missouri. Don’t miss the next segment with Andrew as he discusses Lady Justice.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Minority Students Need to Stop Playing the Victim
Topic: College Campus Tolerance Lacking
Discussed by Andrew Kloster
with The Heritage Foundation (

Lady Justice is a symbol of hope and freedom for all; she offers the assurance that all Americans receive the same treatment, no matter their race, sex, religion, or age may be. Some people just don’t see it that way, though. They will always – always – think they are being unfairly treated.

Higher Education has always been a place where students are challenged. They have always received controversial information which makes them think. Some may change their opinion on an issue due to these debates; others push back harder for their belief to be accepted. Many colleges now have a place where students can release their frustration. These places are called “Safe Spaces”. They won’t get their feelings hurt. They won’t have to worry about feeling oppressed. They can color and meditate and act like children.

Andrew Kloster continues to discuss the situation in Missouri where black minority students, including many on the football team, felt threatened and staged a protest and hunger strike in order to force the President of the university to resign. Well, their ploy worked; the President resigned, but they have not stopped their whining.

In Missouri, the protesting students won’t allow reporters on campus because they feel threatened by them! New Flash Kiddos: You do not make the demands; the law does. Listen in as Andrew explains the law and offers his opinion on the issue.

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August 4, 2015

Title: The Equality Act is NOT Equality for All
Topic: Homosexual Agenda
Discussed by Dr. Ryan Anderson
with The Heritage Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Is any business or business owner safe from the homosexual agenda? Is anyone safe from their perverted brainwashing ways? The LGBT Mafia doesn’t want anyone, anywhere, anytime, to deny them anything. The “Equality Act”, introduced to Congress by the Human Rights Campaign in, does not protect equality before the law, but unnecessarily and unjustly violates freedom by creating special privileges based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

Ryan Anderson  is the William E. Simon Senior Research Fellow in American Principles and Public Policy at the Heritage Foundation  Ryan explains some of the problems with the “Equality Act”. For example, sexual orientation is not easily identifiable like race is. How are we to know, unless they tell us, and then they get offended when they have to tell us?

Ryan also comments on the various lawsuits against individuals who own businesses and have refused service to gay couples. The LGBT’s claim is something like: We wouldn’t tolerate the racist florist, so why should we tolerate the homophobic one? Tune in to the next segment with Ryan as he discusses “special rights” for “special people”.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The Equality Act is NOT Equality for All
Topic: Homosexual Agenda
Discussed by Dr. Ryan Anderson
with The Heritage Foundation (

When it comes to special rights for special people, when will it end? The homosexual mafia is not going to be satisfied with just the LGBT acronym; in fact many people already include the “Q” at the end and more letters of the alphabet seem to be added to it every time it is discussed.

Ryan Anderson further discusses the “Equality Act” in this second segment. If the left was really in favor of equality, they would leave Catholics and Evangelical Christians alone; they’d let business owners decide for themselves whom they wish to serve. The SCOTUS has already ruled in favor of gay marriage; they already won that battle. Why do they have to take it even further and discriminate against the majority of the population in America?

When it comes down to it, the left is forcing us to abide by their rules. They do not care if our religious beliefs are violated because they believe we are wrong. Period. In my opinion, those on the left are just fearful of being labeled a bigot and homophobe. How many of them would really be happy if their daughter said she was a lesbian or their son wanted to be a woman?

For more information on this and other issues facing our religious liberties, click [here]. 

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June 19, 2015

Title: Hillary Clinton has it All Wrong
Topic: Hillary Clinton
Discussed by Hans von Spakovsky
with The Heritage Foundation (

Hillary Clinton made so many false assertions about voting in the speech she gave at Texas Southern University that it’s hard to know where to start. Contrary to her contention, no barriers are being imposed on eligible Americans that prevent them from easily registering and voting in our elections.

Hans Von Spakovsky is with us today to examine Clinton’s claims in light of the facts. He compares Texas to New York in the 2014 Election. He points out that voter ID does not keep people away from the polls. He also believes that anytime a van-full of white people unload to vote in a black neighborhood, their eligibility should be questioned. And vice versa: If a van-load of blacks come to a white neighborhood to vote, their eligibility should be questioned.

Bottom line: Hillary is just trying to scare voters, especially young minority people. She is also attempting to get a federal law in place allowing all convicted felons the right to vote. Currently, this decision is left up to the discretion of each individual state.

Listen in as Hans Von Spakovsky discusses some of Hillary’s beliefs concerning voting and why it should worry every Conservative.

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June 5, 2015

Title: Big Price Hikes Coming for Obamacare
Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Ed Haislmaier
with The Heritage Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Experts in the medical industry are predicting a gigantic rate increase across the board for Obamacare users. State governments still have the authority to tell insurance companies “no”, but will they really do that?

Ed Haislmaier is with the Center for Health Policy Studies with The Heritage Foundation. No one can predict with certainty what will happen in the future, but Mr. Haislmaier explains that all insurance companies increase their rates every year, not just health care companies. He says, “First, there is a lot of variation by state and by insurer….Secondly, things are worse than expected.”

Listen in as Ed explains the difference between the optimists and pessimists within the insurance industry. In the next segment, he discusses the “risk pool” and what that means for you – the consumer.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Big Price Hikes Coming for Obamacare
Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Ed Haislmaier
with The Heritage Foundation (

Ed Haislmaier is very knowledgeable on health policy. He has seen the numbers by other experts like himself, and he agrees with them: People will not be happy with the health insurance increases for the next calendar year. But what about the “risk pools”? Weren’t they supposed to make obtaining insurance easier? Ed says, “Nope.” He has three factors to back up his predictions. Listen in as he explains those factors in more detail.

There is good news and bad news regarding the much anticipated decision by the Supreme Court on Obamacare’s mandatory subsidies. Ed Haislmaier says, “The good news is that many people will be permitted to have a do-over and choose a cheaper plan {if the ruling is favorable}.” Unfortunately, Ed believes the rates will continue to rise and less people will enroll every year. “Eventually, Congress is going to need to revisit the entire thing,” he says.

FACT CHECK: Ed’s research has proven that the net change in private coverage for 2014 is only a few hundred thousand people, not millions like the government is claiming. In addition, 90% of the people added to Obamacare were enrolled in Medicaid or Medicare, so this helps nothing.

Click [here]  for more on the Obamacare rate increases and how it affects you and your family.

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May 5, 2015

Title: Predictions and the Truth
Topic: Environmental Issues
Discussed by Katie Tubb
with The Heritage Foundation (

Five years ago, a blowout of BP’s Deepwater Horizon oil rig 40 miles from the Gulf Coast tragically claimed 11 lives and spilled 3 million barrels of oil from the damaged wellhead into the Gulf. It was a horrific accident that caused substantial damage to the ecology and commerce of the region. It’s hard to forget the video images of thick oil day after day gushing into the region’s waters.

The MSM and environmentalists around the globe predicted that this incident would be the end of business in the Gulf. Katie Tubb, with The Heritage Foundation, explains some of the predictions and what is really happening now, five years later. She says, “Tourism is moving forward and fisheries have also recovered… While everything is not perfect, recovery is happening much faster than the 40 years it was predicted.”

Time after time, Mother Nature has proven that she is a lot stronger than we give her credit for. She is not as fragile as the MSM and the environmentalists would have us believe. She picks herself up and moves on. It’s time the MSM does the same.

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April 2, 2015

Title: The True Facts about Religious Freedom Laws
Topic: Religious Freedom
Discussed by Sarah Torre
with The Heritage Foundation (

When will it end? Will it ever stop? The fight against religious freedom in this country is just out of control. The MSM jumps at every chance to side with the Gay Mafia, bashing Christians and labeling them as homophobic bigots.

Sara Torre, with The Heritage Foundation, discusses how the recent Indiana law protects the citizens – all citizens – from violating their Constitutional rights under the 1st Amendment. Sara says that states passing laws like this “is a very common sense way to balance the fundamental right to religious liberty with compelling government interest.” Bill Clinton signed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act 20 years ago. Why has the Gay Mafia just recently become so outraged over the issue?

It all boils down to “artistic expression”. Listen in as Sara explains the difference between simply selling an already-baked good or pre-made flower arrangement to someone, compared to making a customized cake or bouquet.

Click [here]  for more from The Heritage Foundation.

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March 2, 2015

Title: Don't Mess with Texas!
Topic: Amnesty
Discussed by Hans von Spakovsky
with The Heritage Foundation (

The Obama administration has laid their cards face-up on the table concerning amnesty. Hans Von Spakovsky discusses the appeal the Obama administration filed on February 23 with the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans, asking the judge to stay the appeal he just granted.

Hans says they have included some completely off-the-wall and bizarre items in their injunction. For example, the head of the border control said that if they cannot implement the OPEN BORDERS, it will harm border security! How? What? Why? That doesn’t even make sense! Listen in as Hans breaks this one down.

Furthermore, there is not a single mention in Obama’s amnesty law allowing for money to tighten the security on the border. Not a single penny is to be spent stopping illegals from crossing the border. In fact, Hans says, “We are using the entire bureaucratic structure to process the applications of 5 million illegal aliens, issuing social security numbers and work permits to them.”

They think the American people are just plain stupid and thought they could get away with this kind of crazy stuff. Well guess what! We’re not giving up and we won’t give in!! America is still the greatest country in the world. We still welcome LEGAL immigrants from around the world with open arms. However, “If the elite, rich, and powerful begin to make their own laws”, Hans says, “America will be ruined. And that is the road this President has set us on.”

For more from Hans Von Spakovsky and others, click [here].   

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February 24, 2015

Title: Welfare is Corrupting the Institute of Marriage
Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Robert Rector
with The Heritage Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Has the War on Poverty become the War on the Family? We reward those who don’t get married. We reward those without a job. We reward those whose spouses or parents of their children are incarcerated.

Robert Rector has been studying poverty and the break-up of the family for nearly three decades and is a leading authority on the subject. Robert says, “Marriage is dead in nearly half the population… When Johnson launched his War on Poverty, only six percent of children were born out of wedlock. Today, that number has risen to 75-80% in low-income areas.” Race doesn’t matter. Marriage is being wiped out across the board by the Welfare State.

Listen in as Robert offers some insight on what must be done to deter young girls from having sex and having babies out of wedlock.

FACT: Last year alone, the US government spent $920 billion on 80 different anti-poverty programs. $920 BILLION.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Welfare is Corrupting the Institute of Marriage
Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Robert Rector
with The Heritage Foundation (

Our government continues to reward those on welfare with free this and free that. There is zero incentive to get married. There is zero incentive to graduate from high school and go on to college. There is zero incentive to find a job.

Robert Rector continues to discuss raising children in a single-parent household as compared to a two-parent household. Not only will children with two parents do better in school, they are less likely to experiment with drugs and alcohol; girls are less likely to become pregnant out of wedlock; boys are less likely to commit crime and become incarcerated; they are more likely go to college and get a good-paying job.

One way to reduce the amount of money being wasted every year on anti-poverty programs is to clean up fraud within the IRS, specifically the Earned Income Tax Credit. Listen in as Robert explains, that while the EITC does help single moms, it harms married couples more. Fraud, however, within the system is rampant and getting more out of control every year.

You can find more from Robert Rector [here].

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December 19, 2014

Title: Cuba: Has Obama Finally Lost it?
Topic: Cuba
Discussed by Mike Gonzalez
with The Heritage Foundation (

Mike Gonzalez was born in Cuba and left in 1972 at the age of 12. He has reported from Afghanistan, Pakistan, China, Panama, and Cyprus, among others. He left journalism to join the administration of President George W. Bush and now works for The Heritage Foundation. Mike says that Obama has shown "complete disregard” for his office.

There is nothing that the Castro brothers have done over the last 55 years that prove they will ever cooperate with the United States or any other country. There is no negotiation. The Castro brothers have used terror to control the people of Cuba for over 5 decades. What makes Obama think they’ll stop now? They won’t!

What exactly does Obama and the US gain by normalizing relations with Cuba? What did we gain? Nothing! Listen in as Mike discusses his opinion of Obama, Cuba, why communism will never work, and why Bibles are so important to the people in the country.

Log on to  for more on this and other issues facing our great nation. .

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December 11, 2014

Title: Fighting Obama in the Courthouse
Topic: Fighting Obama in the Courthouse
Discussed by Hans von Spakovsky
with The Heritage Foundation (

Part 1 of 3

Eighteen states are suing the federal government in federal court in Texas over President Obama's amnesty plan. More could be added to the lawsuit. Some people say “So what?” Here’s why it matters…

First, the US Supreme Court requires individual states to pay for all education costs for children in the US illegally. Second, the US Supreme Court obligates each individual state to pay for all health care costs for everyone in the US illegally. Third, the US Supreme Court has prohibited individual states from building their own fence to deter illegal immigrants from coming into the US.

Obama himself has even stated, on record, that he doesn’t have the power to grant blanket amnesty to millions of illegals! Listen in as Hans von Spakovsky explains the situation we are in and why these eighteen states are suing the federal government.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Fighting Obama in the Courthouse
Topic: Fighting Obama in the Courthouse
Discussed by Hans von Spakovsky
with The Heritage Foundation (

Hans von Spakovsky is an authority on a wide range of issues, including civil rights, civil justice, the First Amendment, immigration, the rule of law, and government reform. Hans is a senior legal fellow in The Heritage Foundation’s Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies.

Hans dives in to the legal aspect of Obama’s amnesty plan and explains how several Articles of the Constitution strictly forbid the plan and why.

Listen in as Hans explains!

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Fighting Obama in the Courthouse
Topic: Fighting Obama in the Courthouse
Discussed by Hans von Spakovsky
with The Heritage Foundation (

Oftentimes lawsuits against the federal government are filed in Washington DC, but the one being discussed today has been filed in Texas. What does this mean? Why did the states do this? Will the suit be moved to another state or to Washington DC? Listen in as Hans von Spakovsky talks about the court it’s filed in! There’s an interesting twist you want to know about!

Now is not the time for Congress to sit back, relax, and let the states fight the amnesty order. Hans says the House needs to act now. But can they find the necessary Democrats to join their forces? What does Hans believe will happen?

Log on to  for more on this and other issues facing our great nation.

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November 13, 2014

Title: It's the Economy, Stupid
Topic: Illegal Immigration
Discussed by Mike Gonzalez
with The Heritage Foundation (

You would think that Obama and his pals would understand by now that allowing millions of illegal aliens, I mean illegal immigrants, I mean undocumented immigrants, I mean poor, suppressed, desperate unemployed workers into our country is not a good idea. Oh oh oh but but but – they do all the jobs Americans won’t. Like what? Actually, we aren’t going to go there.

Since the mid-term election, many in the MSM have been saying that the Republicans now have a chance to really work with the Democrats. No, MSM. That is not why they were elected by the people. They were elected to reverse the horrible legislation that has been passed over the last six years by the Democrats.

Mike Gonzalez says, “Compromising on principles is never going to win anybody anything.” The President has stated he is prepared to pass executive orders on immigration reform and amnesty if the newly elected Republican Congress won’t compromise. It’s ok for the President to refuse to negotiate, but not the Republicans? How does this make sense?

Mike discusses the top five issues of concern to legal immigrants. Illegal immigration is near the bottom of this list at #4! Surprised? Mike Gonzalez says the left wants us to freak out about illegal immigration, and that resonates about as well as them trying to convince us that there is a “War on Women” – it doesn’t sit well and they don’t really even care.

So what is the #1 issue that concern Hispanics? Listen in as Mike Gonzalez gives the juicy details! Log on to  for more on this and other issues facing Americans. To listen  to an interview Mike had on The Daily Signal concerning this issue click [Here].

A Race for the Future is Mike Gonzalez’s new book. You can find it [here].

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October 30, 2014

Title: Taking the Lead on Ebola
Topic: Ebola
Discussed by Dr. John O'Shea
with The Heritage Foundation (

Doctors in America should be taking the lead on the fight against Ebola around the world. Dr. John O’Shea says that the response to the Ebola outbreak in Africa has not been addressed properly. So what’s the big deal with Ebola? Are people just ill-informed and panicked? Is there really a cause for concern in America? There is a real threat, but is it serious?

Approximately 50,000 Americans die every year from the flu. With flu season in full-swing, many people might become terrified, thinking they have Ebola because the symptoms are often similar to the flu. According to Dr. O’Shea, if you have not traveled recently, the chances are slim; your chance of contracting Ebola from someone who is infected is even smaller.

Dr. O’Shea also discusses the recent appointment of a non-medical professional to oversee the Ebola situation in America. What was Obama thinking? Also, should healthcare workers, soldiers, and those who have traveled to Ebola infected countries be automatically quarantined? What can we do to protect ourselves and our families?

John O’Shea is a visiting fellow in the Center for Health Policy Studies at The Heritage Foundation. He has been a practicing general surgeon for more than 20 years and was formerly a senior health policy advisor for the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.

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October 28, 2014

Title: Photo ID is Not Unconstitutional
Topic: Photo ID
Discussed by Hans von Spakovsky
with The Heritage Foundation (

“Voter fraud doesn’t exist!” so says the left. “Showing photo ID is racist!” so says the left. “Proving citizenship is a poll tax!” so says the left. “Voter turnout will be criminally low!” so says the left.

Why is the left so fearful of new Photo ID laws? After all, it’s always been a requirement to show some form of government documentation to vote. You have to show Photo ID to purchase alcohol, fill a prescription, cash a check, go to the hospital or doctor. What is the big deal about voting?

One of the left’s biggest claims concerning Photo ID Laws is “low voter turnout”. However, Hans Von Spakovsky says that voter turnout actually doubled in Texas during the last election cycle. In fact, in some counties voter turnout doubled, tripled, and even quadrupled! Those crazy Democrats just don’t know how to add. Did they study Common Core…?

Other states that have Photo ID Laws show the same type of increase in voter turnout as Texas has. Voter suppression has not occurred. People don’t stay home. But the opponents keep using Photo ID laws as a scare tactic and a fundraiser scheme. There has been a long history of voter fraud in the democrat party. Now that they know we are watching them, they are crying racism.

If you’re not sure if you have the right type of Photo ID to vote in this election, click on the “LINK Letter” tab on the home page and follow the link for the 2014 LINK Letter, Primary Edition. The Photo ID information is listed on page 3.


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October 22, 2014

Title: Why are Marriage Rates Declining?
Topic: Marriage
Discussed by Jennifer Marshall
with The Heritage Foundation (

Millennial marriage rates are declining more every year. In 1960, 1 in 10 adults over the age of 25 were not married, as compared to 1 in 5 adults now. What has changed? Are they scared? Is it for financial and economic reasons? Or are they just co-habiting and don’t feel the need to get a “piece of paper” to make their relationship legit?

Jennifer Marshall is a new guest with the Heritage Foundation. Listen in as she discusses the government’s involvement in marriage and social science data studies. The Heritage Foundation has a new website, strictly for family issues:

Jennifer mentions that nearly twenty-five percent of young adults aged 25-34 are co-habiting and don’t feel it’s necessary to marry. We are living in the wake of the sexual revolution and the feminist movement. In fact, Jennifer wrote a book, entitled “Now and Not Yet: Making Sense of Single Life in the 21st Century”, which addresses these very issues.

Also, many millennials are having a hard time finding a job. They have been forced to move back in with their parents, other relatives, or live with two or three other people in a small apartment. It’s an expensive world and many just can’t afford to have a family these days.

What about the social science data? Homosexuals will argue against the “man and woman marriage is best” ideal. But, how can you argue with the facts? Jennifer discusses the most recent data, not only for heterosexual vs. homosexual relationships, but also why bringing in a boyfriend/girlfriend into the home, unmarried, is damaging to kids.

You can find more on this issue at  You can get a copy of Jennifer’s book, “Now and Not Yet: Making Sense of Single Life in the 21st Century”, from Amazon.

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October 13, 2014

Title: The War on Poverty - It's Not what we Expected.
Topic: War on Poverty
Discussed by Rachel Sheffield
with The Heritage Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

FACT: $22 TRILLION has been spent battling the War on Poverty during the last 50 years. This is 3 times MORE than the United States has spent on ALL of our military wars combined since the beginning of our history.

What do we have to show for it?

I believe LBJ had good intentions when addressed the issues driving people into poverty, but the system has become so twisted and corrupt that even some on the left are beginning to question the validity. I really don’t believe that anyone could foresee the mess we are in now, 50 years later.

Rachel Sheffield is a policy analyst with the DeVos Center for Religion & Civil Society at The Heritage Foundation, found at Her area of expertise is welfare, marriage and the family, and education.

Listen in as Rachel shares how much Obama wants to spend on the War on Poverty over the next ten years! (HINT: It’s a lot! A whole, whole lot!)

Also, what kind of “extras” do the poor have today? Are they all necessary? Do middle-to-upper class citizen have these “extras”? I know many people far above the poverty line who go without a lot of “extras” these days to make ends meet.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The War on Poverty - It's Not what we Expected.
Topic: War on Poverty
Discussed by Rachel Sheffield
with The Heritage Foundation (

Since the War on Poverty began over 50 years ago, the poverty rate has remained, for the most part, the same. There has been some fluctuation here and there, but it really hasn’t changed drastically. Why, then, are so many more Americans on government aid? Well, the answer is a little complex. Rachel Sheffield has researched this extensively and she has some answers.

At the height of the recession in 2009, 96% of parents stated that their children never went hungry. This isn’t meant to downplay the hardships that so many families face every day. However, compared to the rest of the world’s poor, America’s “poor” have it pretty good, especially when you consider all the “extras” they are blessed with like TV’s, play stations, and smart phones.

Rachel Sheffield says that the single most important factor in assuring your children will not grow up in poverty is an intact family. Maybe if we had spent $22 TRILLION on strengthening the traditional American family instead of government programs for the poor, we wouldn’t be in this mess today.

It’s time for pastors and community leaders to step up to the plate and promote the family. It’s time our government leaders, from the City Council to the Oval Office, realize that we cannot keep throwing money at these programs, expecting different results than we’ve experienced over the last 50 years.

You can find Rachel Sheffield’s article on this issue at

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October 3, 2014

Title: Ebola: The Facts and the Fiction
Topic: Ebola
Discussed by James Carafano
with The Heritage Foundation (

In 2013, 3 Billion people boarded planes and flew somewhere in the world. That’s a lot of people! How does this effect airborne diseases and other viruses, specifically Ebola? Every time a person is diagnosed with Ebola, two are infected. That multiples to four, then to eight, and so on. James Carafano is a national security and foreign policy expert. He has some answers on the Ebola case in Texas.

First, there is a difference between an outbreak, an epidemic, and a pandemic. There is a time to be concerned and a time to panic (calmly). Some may be too young to remember, but the HIV/AIDS pandemic was a scary time. But look at the flu virus. It is very easy to catch the flu, yet there are no restrictions for travel if you have the flu. Ebola, according to James Carafano, falls somewhere in between HIV/AIDS and the flu.

The confirmed Ebola case in Dallas, Texas, is disturbing for many reasons. The patient was honest with hospital staff concerning where he was from (Liberia), yet they didn’t check him for the Ebola virus the first time he visited the ER. He was simply sent home with medication only to return again four days later. There are even reports that he had contact with school-age children. Regardless of who is to blame, the fact remains that this should never have happened. And now we have Ebola in America.

Listen in as James Carafano, with the Heritage Foundation, explains more about Ebola, travel, and precautions we can take to protect ourselves.

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September 18, 2014

Title: Renewable Alternatives
Topic: Fossil Fuels
Discussed by Dr. David Kreutzer
with The Heritage Foundation (

Renewable alternatives to fossil fuels are wind, solar, and ethanol. However, the problem with these “renewables” is that they are not competitive to fossil fuels. Dr. David Kreutzer goes into more detail about the differences in coal, wind, and solar energy in this segment. David also poses this question: if these renewables are so competitive, like the EPA claims, why place mandates on them?

Germany is a very developed country and very wealthy. It’s not like the days of war anymore, and hasn’t been for a long time. They have malls, high rises, and fast-food restaurants; they have universities, soccer teams, and Starbucks.

Germany has also been a big advocate for renewable energy sources. Germans are paying 2-3 times MORE for their electricity and heat than we are in America! Some people actually freeze in the winter because they cannot afford to heat their homes and apartments. Manufacturers are leaving the country because the power prices are so outrageous, they cannot compete with low prices for their consumers.

The good news is that many manufacturing and chemical engineering companies that moved overseas for cheaper labor are now moving BACK to America for lower natural gas prices! But, we must be careful that we do not allow the same thing to happen to us; we must be vigilant and keep one eye on our leaders at all times and not permit them to pass any law banning fossil fuels or placing mandates on renewable energy sources.

Dr. David Kreutzer is a Research Fellow in Energy Economics and Climate Change with The Heritage Foundation. He will be in attendance during the 9:30-10:30 session on Friday morning on September 26 for the “At the Crossroads: Energy and Climate Policy Summit”. The title of the session is: “Not up Task: Energy Alternatives to Fossil Fuels”. He will be discussing the winners and losers of renewable energy, what the government is promoting, and the drastic effects the mandates will have on the public.

For registration information and more details, log on to

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September 11, 2014

Title: Illegal Alien Children are a Total Drain on our Economy
Topic: Can We Allow All to Come?
Discussed by Genevieve Wood
with The Heritage Foundation (

On average, each student costs $12,000 per year to educate. This obviously does not include special-needs or non-English speaking children. It also does not include feeding the students – that is a totally different budget cost!

So what are schools to do with this influx of children? The State Department send a letter to every state and local school official in May of 2014, reminding them that they are required by law to educate anyone who comes in their school – regardless of legal status. Even a child who comes alone, with no adult, no birth certificate, no paperwork, will to be treated like a homeless student and will receive free education and free food.

Our own citizens aren’t treated this well! Our children are required to prove residency, have shot records, pay for food or bring their own lunch, parents are required to accompany their kids when registering. Such a double standard! When will it end?

Over 50,000 illegal immigrant children have entered the US just this year. The numbers have slowed somewhat over the summer because it is just too hot to travel and the risk of death is even greater. However, with cooler weather coming and the impending amnesty-for-everyone bill that President Obama has promised to sign in to law after the mid-term elections, more illegals are sure to flood our borders once again.

Illegal immigration is not just an education issue. Illegal immigration is a national security issue as well as a public health issue. You can find more on this at

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September 2, 2014

Title: Are We Our Brother's Keeper? And the Keeper of Their Children?
Topic: Are We Our Brother’s Keeper?
Discussed by Genevieve Wood
with The Heritage Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

There is not another country in the world today that allows as many illegal immigrants to enter – and stay – in their country. Some are saying the United States will soon lose all restrictions on immigration into the country – giving anyone and everyone who wants to come an open invitation. I hope not!

It isn’t that I don’t want immigrants; I just don’t want illegal immigrants. We have laws and regulations for a reason. The thousands of illegal immigrant children who entered the US this summer…where are they? Are they with their parents or other relatives? Are they in foster care? Will they be in school with your children – unvaccinated and not speaking our language?

The majority of the illegal immigrant children, however, are 13-16 year old males. How do we know they aren’t part of a gang, here to spread mayhem in our cities? They aren’t legal adults in the United States, but are certainly old enough to take jobs away from honest, hard-working Americans.

Genevieve Wood, with The Heritage Foundation, is concerned because these children and teens are lawfully allowed to attend our public schools, even though they aren’t legally allowed to be here! Listen in as she discusses this serious issue.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Are We Our Brother's Keeper? And the Keeper of Their Children?
Topic: Are We Our Brother’s Keeper?
Discussed by Genevieve Wood
with The Heritage Foundation (

America is the most generous country in the world in regards to LEGAL immigration. For nearly 40 years, America has allowed 1,000,000 (that’s 1 MILLION) LEGAL immigrants to enter our borders per year. That is nearly 40,000,000 (that’s 40 MILLION) LEGAL immigrants. That is more than most of the rest of the world – combined.

This sounds all well and good until you look at the unemployment numbers. Legal immigrants are coming to America on work visas, working for less money, and taking good-paying jobs from American people.

This is exactly why big businesses are in favor of comprehensive immigration reform. They want cheap workers who can’t quit because they’ll be deported.

Genevieve encourages everyone to vote this coming November 4. We need to elect leaders who will fight for us and bring America back to the American people. Log on to for more on this and other issues facing our country.

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May 16, 2013

Title: Congrats! You’re a College Graduate! Now What?
Topic: College Graduates Living at Home
Discussed by Rich Tucker
with The Heritage Foundation (

President Obama has been spouting off how “they” want tyranny and how “they” don’t want anyone to be creative or think for themselves. Well, Mr. President, Mr. Rich Tucker begs to differ. You, sir, Mr. President, are the deceiver. In your world, Mr. President, people are only given 2 choices in life: be a loner and do things for yourself or rely on the government for everything.

“We”, Mr. President, that is, the “right-wing, bible-thumping, baby-loving, family-values, gun-toting, Christians” are the people believe in voluntary, religious, and family organizations, not government-run institutions.

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September 24, 2012

Title: Help Those IN The Wagon Get OUT Of The Wagon!
Topic: Government Control
Discussed by David Azerrad
with The Heritage Foundation (

Part 1 of 3

When someone who is wealthy earns one dollar, does that mean that someone who is in the bottom 20% cannot move up?

Since the 1960's, have conservative policies encouraged the absence of the father in the majority of black homes in America?

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Government Control
Discussed by David Azerrad
with The Heritage Foundation (

What effect on the family, on education, on crime rates, on earning potential does the absence of fathers have on specific families?

Is there a big difference in the philosophy of spelling god G.O.D. and the philosophy of spelling God g.o.v.e.r.n.m.e.n.t.

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Government Control
Discussed by David Azerrad
with The Heritage Foundation (

Does the dependency of the 'government check' foster a positive work ethic? When did we forget this truism: if your outflow exceeds your inflow, your upkeep will be your downfall?

Truthfully, did conservatives break the education system in America, or did progressives, with their ideas of 'whole language', invited math, and is it the right of every boy and girl in America to have sex anytime, anywhere, and with as many as possible?

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March 15, 2012

Title: Morning Bell: The Nuclear Option for Powering America!
Topic: Energy Independence
Discussed by Jack Spencer
with The Heritage Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Will there be enough electricity tomorrow or a year from now for us to enjoy the same lifestyle we are enjoying today?

Do Americans take for granted their electricity?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Energy Independence
Discussed by Jack Spencer
with The Heritage Foundation (

How many nuclear power plants are in America? What percent of our energy is generated from nuclear energy?

Tell us about "Powering America" and why, in your opinion, do we need more nuclear plants?

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July 26, 2011

Title: What is Poverty in America? Would You Agree That Someone Who Has An A/C, TV, and an Xbox, may not be Living in Poverty?
Topic: Poverty
Discussed by Robert Rector
with The Heritage Foundation (

When Americans think of poverty, we tend to picture people who can’t adequately shelter, clothe and feed themselves or their families. The Census Bureau defines about 40 million Americans as poor. But let’s look at many of those 40 million called poor. How do they live today?

Many have cable TV, air conditioning, and their kids have an Xbox. They also have a roof over their heads, the have a washing machine and dryer and a refrigerator.

There are those that are temporarily homeless, or have the electricity turned off, but there are NOT 40 million Americans living that way. Many who are homeless choose to live on the street because of their mental illness or their addictions. More government spending is not the solution.

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March 25, 2011

Title: Can American citizens afford a large scale switch to renewable energy?
Topic: Renewable Energy
Discussed by Romina Boccia
with The Heritage Foundation (

Segment 1 of 2

Energy powers our homes, factories, offices, hospitals, and schools. It allows us to run our cars, trains, planes, computers, and air conditioners. Given the critical role it plays in every aspect of our lives, energy needs to be reliable, affordable, and convenient. Most renewable energy sources do not meet those criteria. More information can be found at 

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Title: Big Oil Companies were granted their wish - no responsibility for oil spill.
Topic: Tort Reform and Limiting Liability
Discussed by Romina Boccia
with The Heritage Foundation (

Segment 2 of 2

Romina advocates that the government should remove special limited tort liability for energy producers in the Gulf. She argues: the danger of shielding energy producers from the full risks associated with their risky decisions is that taxpayers are forced to subsidize their bad decisions. Should big business be granted limited liability in other areas? Should car manufacturers, tire manufacturers, the makers of baby clothes and toys, pharmaceutical companies and/or health care providers also receive a ‘special shield of immunity’ from their risky, bad or incorrect decisions? More information can be found at

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March 11, 2011

Title: Enter the IWV ObamaCare Video Contest: First Prize $5000 Cash
Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Romina Boccia
with The Heritage Foundation (

The Independent Women’s Voice announces its “ObamaCare Anniversary Video Contest”!

Send in your one-minute or less video explaining how the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Ace – popularly known as ObamaCare – will hurt our medical system and our freedoms. The winning video submission will receive a $5,000 cash prize. The second and third prizes are $2,500 and $1,000 respectively with a $500 cash prize for an honorable mention.

 For all the details log onto .

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August 12, 2009

Topic: Government Controlled Healthcare
Discussed by Robert Moffit
with The Heritage Foundation (

Bob Moffit, with the Heritage Foundation, has a list of 5 questions that you should ask your Congressman about the health care reform bill. In this segment, he discusses the first 2 questions: 1) Can you promise me that I will not lose my current plan and doctor? and 2) Can you promise that you and your family will enroll in the public health plan option? Log on to for more information on the Health Care Debate.

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Topic: Government Controlled Healthcare
Discussed by Robert Moffit
with The Heritage Foundation (

3 more questions: 3) Can you promise that Obama Care will not lead to higher deficits in the long term? 4) Can you promise that government bureaucrats will not ration health care for patients on the public plan? 5) Can you promise me that tax dollars will not fund abortions?

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June 26, 2009

Topic: Health Care
Discussed by Robert Moffit
with The Heritage Foundation (

Bob Moffit, with the Heritage Foundation, is back to answer more questions on The Messiah Obama’s proposed health care plan. Is the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) really placing a $1 TRILLION price tag on the plan? Is this estimate too high or too low? Will the plan cover EVERYONE’S health needs? For more, log on to or

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Topic: Health Care
Discussed by Robert Moffit
with The Heritage Foundation (

In this segment, Bob Moffit, urges everyone to call their Elected Reps, encouraging them to vote AGAINST Obama’s health plan. To contact your EO, click on the link on the home page. For more info on the Heritage Foundation and the current health care crisis, log on to or

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June 18, 2009

Topic: Health Care
Discussed by Robert Moffit
with The Heritage Foundation (

The left is aggressively attempting to persuade the American people that a government run health care system is in the best interest of the United States. Why are they so gung-ho about it? What is their hidden agenda? Bob Moffit, the Director for the Heritage Foundation’s Center for Health Policy Studies, shares his opinion on the matter. Log on to or for more information.

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June 15, 2009

Topic: Health Care
Discussed by Robert Moffit
with The Heritage Foundation (

On June 9, Bob Moffit, the Director of the Heritage Foundation’s Center for Health Policy Studies, and Congressman Paul Ryan (R-WI) had an open discussion with over 1,300 concerned citizens about the future of health care in America. For more details on this incredibly serious issue, which demands your IMMEDIATE attention, please visit or

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Topic: Health Care
Discussed by Robert Moffit
with The Heritage Foundation (

How much money would each state save in Medicaid costs with Congressman Paul Ryan’s health care plan as compared to Obama’s? Also, how can the average citizen help Congressman Ryan pass his proposed health care bill and defeat Obama’s? For more details on this incredibly serious issue, which demands your IMMEDIATE attention, please visit or

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Topic: Health Care
Discussed by Robert Moffit
with The Heritage Foundation (

The average citizen receives health care benefits through their employer. Will they see a dramatic change in their coverage if Obama’s health care policy is passed? Will EVERYONE eventually be forced into the government-run health care system? For more details on this incredibly serious issue, which demands your IMMEDIATE attention, please visit or

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Topic: Health Care
Discussed by Robert Moffit
with The Heritage Foundation (

Congressman Paul Ryan’s bill promises to reduce Medicare and Medicaid fraud. But, will Obama’s? Also, why is the proposed bill from the “left” so bad? Why are they keeping the information contained in the bill so secret? For more details on this incredibly serious issue, which demands your IMMEDIATE attention, please visit or

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March 30, 2009

Title: IS IT REALLY “FREE CHOICE”? Part 1 of 2
Topic: Employee Free Choice Act
Discussed by James Sherk
with The Heritage Foundation (

The Employee Free Choice Act (HR 1409 and SB 560) does more than take away secret union ballot elections. It empowers the Federal Government to impose contracts on newly organized companies. The government would set wages, benefits, work assignments, promotion procedures, and all other major changes to business operations for SMALL businesses. Log on to for more information.

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Title: IS IT REALLY “FREE CHOICE”? Part 2 of 2
Topic: Employee Free Choice Act
Discussed by James Sherk
with The Heritage Foundation (

The Employee Free Choice Act (HR 1409 and SB 560) does more than take away secret union ballot elections. It empowers the Federal Government to impose contracts on newly organized companies. The government would set wages, benefits, work assignments, promotion procedures, and all other major changes to business operations for SMALL businesses. Log on to for more information.

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December 9, 2005

Title: Is your pediatrician injecting your child with mercury?
Topic: Autism
Discussed by Rich Tucker
with The Heritage Foundation (

In 1985, only 4 out of every 10,000 children were diagnosed with autism. Now, the CDC says as many as 1 out of every 166 children is on the autism spectrum. What has caused this? Rich Tucker, with The Heritage Foundation, explains how many think mercury in the vaccines caused this increase.

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September 14, 2005

Title: A just society: a level playing field for eveyone. Segment 1 of 2
Topic: Tort Reform
Discussed by Genevieve Wood
with The Heritage Foundation (

Why throw out the baby with the bath water? Moses laid down the law for punitive damages... why close the court house doors now.

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Title: A Just Society: a level playing field for everone.
Topic: Tort Reform
Discussed by Genevieve Wood
with The Heritage Foundation (

Why throw out the baby with the bath water? Moses laid down the law for punitive damages... why close the court house doors now?

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July 25, 2005

Title: Why protect the makers of the RU-486 pill?
Topic: RU-486 Pill
Discussed by Genevieve Wood
with The Heritage Foundation (

Does the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) have its own lab to conduct independent tests on drugs and/or health devices? Why should Congress pass legislation shielding the makers of RU-486 from liability? Call to action! Call your congressman - say "vote no to protect the makers of RU-486 in HR.534"

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