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May 1, 2020

Title: Holding China Accountable for COVID-19
Topic: Post Coronavirus
Discussed by Riley Walters
with The Heritage Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Riley Walters is a Policy Analyst in the Davis Institute for National Security and Foreign Policy at The Heritage Foundation. He states:

China will be our most persistent and consequential US foreign-policy challenge for the next several decades. There might be right ways to hold the Chinese Communist Party accountable for the COVID-19 outbreak and its other misdeeds. But there are also wrong ideas that undermine US long-term interests.

Riley Walter’s op-ed on this topic can be found here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are Americans more upset with China or Trump/Pelosi because of their upside-down lives and lost livelihoods?

How can Americans hold China accountable? Riley discusses legal standing, sovereign immunity, restitution, and the recovery of money damages.

How can Americans build a legal case against China? Will the Chinese government ever publicly admit to liability?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Holding China Accountable for COVID-19
Topic: Post Coronavirus
Discussed by Riley Walters
with The Heritage Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did the Chinese Government suppress information from November to early January regarding the Coronavirus?

What should Americans NOT do regarding this issue?

Should we refuse to repay Chinese holders of US debt?

Should US companies pack up and leave China? Riley poses this question in response: “Why are we not holding more Chinese companies responsible for intellectual property theft?”

Good question, Riley! Terry rebuts this with another question. Listen close!

Will it be difficult to hold China financially responsible for the Coronavirus outbreak?

SSix months from now, when we are living our “new normal”, will Americans remember what we’ve been through? Will they care if a product is American-made or foreign-made? Will it make a difference in who they vote for?

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