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November 13, 2018

Title: The History of Anchor Babies
Topic: Anchor Babies
Discussed by Hans von Spakovsky
with The Heritage Foundation (

Listen as Hans von Spakovsky discusses all things anchor babies…

Questions/Issues Discussed:

After the Civil War, were Democrats in the South refusing to allow some African Americans to vote because they were not born in America?

Is this why Congress passed the 14th Amendment?

Historically, not all babies born on American soil were automatic citizens of the United States. Listen as Hans von Spakovsky explains when and why this changed…

Once the Genie is out of the bottle, how can it be put back in?

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November 6, 2018

Title: Anchor Babies
Topic: Anchor Babies
Discussed by Phyllis Schlafly
with Eagle Forum (

How do we stop the practice of illegals having anchor babies in America?

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September 12, 2016

Title: Anchor Babies explained by Phyllis Schlafly
Topic: Anchor Babies
Discussed by Phyllis Schlafly
with Eagle Forum (

Part 1 of 4

How do we stop the practice of illegals coming to America and having their "Anchor Babies" on US soil?

What do you think should be done?

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September 10, 2015

Title: Part 2 of 2 - Gaming the System
Topic: Anchor Babies
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

In this second segment with Cathie Adams, she discusses “anchor babies” and the effect illegal immigrant women and their children have on our communities, states, and the nation. Canada and America are the only two nations that allow illegal immigrant women to enter the country in order to have a baby. This is happening while tax-paying American citizens are struggling daily to feed their families and pay their bills.

Cathie goes on to explain the 14th Amendment and how “Mexico uses this law to encourage their citizens to come into Texas in order to take part in our liberal social welfare programs.” There are about a dozen women (all admitted illegal immigrants) who have filed a lawsuit in Texas, complaining they cannot obtain birth certificates for their children. Listen in as Cathie discusses this lawsuit and the liberal group helping them. Note: This group’s biggest financial supporter collected $375 Million dollars in the current fiscal year.

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August 24, 2015

Title: Anchor Babies: Who Are They, When Did They Start, and What Congress Must Do Now
Topic: Anchor Babies
Discussed by Phyllis Schlafly
with Eagle Forum (

It’s long overdue for Congress to stop Judicial Activism. The 14th Amendment was not intended for this purpose. Detaching the Anchor from Anchor Babies with our Guest Phyllis Schlafly.

Congress must stop the racket of bringing pregnant women into our country to give birth, many at taxpayer expense, and then the audacity to call these babies “U.S. Citizens”.

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January 19, 2011

Title: Babies: Who Are They, When Did They Start, and What Congress Must Do Now
Topic: Anchor Babies
Discussed by Phyllis Schlafly
with Eagle Forum (

It’s long overdue for Congress to stop Judicial Activism. The 14th Amendment was not intended for this purpose. Detaching the Anchor from Anchor Babies with our Guest Phyllis Schlafly. Congress must stop the racket of bringing pregnant women into our country to give birth, many at taxpayer expense, and then the audacity to call these babies “U.S. Citizens”.

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January 3, 2007

Title: ANCHOR BABIES Replay from July 27, 2005
Topic: Anchor Babies
Discussed by Phyllis Schlafly
with Eagle Forum (

How do we stop the practice of illegals coming to America and having thier " Anchor babies" on US soil? What do you think should be done? Email your opinion to

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March 7, 2006

Topic: Anchor Babies
Discussed by Phyllis Schlafly
with Eagle Forum (

How do we stop illegal immigrants from entering U.S. soil to have their "Anchor Babies"?

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February 27, 2006

Topic: Anchor Babies
Discussed by Phyllis Schlafly
with Eagle Forum (

How do we stop illegal aliens from entering US soil to have their "Anchor Babies"?

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Topic: Anchor Babies
Discussed by Congressman Ron Paul
with Ron Paul (

Congressman Ron Paul believes illegals alien babies born on US soil should not automatically become US citizens, anchoring themselves and scores of relatives in the US. Their parents are not US citizens and, more importantly, they do not owe permanent allegaince to the United States.

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December 16, 2005

Title: Should everyone born on American soil automatically become an American citizen?
Topic: Anchor Babies
Discussed by Professor John C. Eastman
with Claremont Institute

What does the 14th Amendment really say? Some say it is an automatic ticket to US citizenship to everyone born on US soil. What is an Anchor Baby? Has a US Judge ever sent the mother of an Anchor Baby home? What should Congress do about this problem?

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July 27, 2005

Title: Anchor Babies
Topic: Anchor Babies
Discussed by Congressman Ron Paul
with Ron Paul (

Congressman Ron Paul believes babies born on US soil should not automatically become US citizens, anchoring themselves and scores of relatives in the US, if 1: Their parents are not US citizens; or 2. They do not owe permanent allegaince to the United States. What do you think?

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Title: Anchor Babies explained by Phyllis Schlafly
Topic: Anchor Babies
Discussed by Phyllis Schlafly
with Eagle Forum (

How do we stop the practice of illegals coming to America and having thier " Anchor babies" on US soil? What do you think should be done?

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May 10, 2005

Title: STOP Anchor Babies NOW!
Topic: Anchor Babies
Discussed by Congressman Ron Paul
with Ron Paul (

Congressman Ron Paul believes babies born on US soil should not automatically become US citizens, anchoring themselves and scores of relatives in the US, if: 1. Their parents are not US citizens; or 2. They do not owe permanent allegiance to the United States. What do you think?

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Title: Anchor Babies explained by Phyllis Schlafly
Topic: Anchor Babies
Discussed by Phyllis Schlafly
with Eagle Forum (

How do we stop the practice of illegals coming to America and having their "Anchor Babies" on US soil? What do you think should be done?

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