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September 8, 2016

Title: From Prosecution to Persecution
Topic: Jail Climate Change Deniers
Discussed by Sterling Burnett
with Heartland Institute (

What’s the deal with New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman? Government elected officials are attempting to squelch any and all opposition to climate change. Schneiderman has even compared deniers to the mob! Has he gone off the deep-end or what?

Dr. Sterling Burnett is a Research Fellow and Managing Editor of Environment and Climate News with the Heartland Institute. He is with us today to give an update concerning the left’s attempts to prosecute climate change deniers – and how the prosecution has turned into persecution.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What happened to the other AG’s who once stood with Eric Schneiderman?

NOTE: If you are unaware of what Schneiderman has done, click on the “archives” link on our homepage and search “Jail Climate Change Deniers” to learn more.

After the AG in the Virgin Islands issued subpoenas to Exxon Mobile, what was he forced to do?

What did the AG of Massachusetts do?

What is the popular opinion among Americans concerning man-caused climate change? And, do they want to pay to fix it?

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July 25, 2016

Title: Jail Climate Change Deniers
Topic: Jail Climate Change Deniers
Discussed by Dr. Bonner R. Cohen
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Portraying themselves as defenders of free speech, nineteen Democrat Senators protested recently in the bowels of the US Senate chambers demanding that those denying man is causing catastrophic, cataclysmic climate be punished criminally and civilly.

Dr. Bonner Cohen is the Environment Scholar for the National Center for Public Policy Research. Today he will be discussing the need to stop the Democrats and the EPA once and for all.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Portraying themselves as defenders of the Constitution, did nineteen Democrat Senators show their true colors as haters of anyone who disagrees with them?

Is this a blatant act of intimidation?

Do their actions depict a frontal attack on our First Amendment Right of Free Speech? Dr. Bonner Cohen absolutely believes this to be true! In addition, he says it is an attack on science. Listen in as he explains his position.

What are the Fundamentals of Scientific Inquiry using Global Warming/Climate Change as the example?

You may be thinking: “Who cares?” Why should those in the middle-class care? Why should Senior Citizens care? Why should all minorities care?

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June 1, 2016

Title: Climate Change Deniers Being Investigated
Topic: Jail Climate Change Deniers
Discussed by Dr. Marlo Lewis
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

For more than two decades, climate action groups have knowingly misled the public about the perils of putting an energy-starved planet on an energy diet. Aren’t they guilty of knowingly misleading the public about a clear and present danger, thereby robbing innocent people of their lives and livelihoods?

Dr. Marlo Lewis, Ph.D. is a Senior Fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, writing on global warming, energy policy, and public policy issues. We’ve done interviews with other experts recently on the topic of “Jail Climate Change Deniers”. Click here and search on Topic "Jail Climate Change Deniers"

Dr. Lewis explains the RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupted Organizations Act) investigation, led by Dr. Jagadish Shukla and Dr. Ed Maibach, both professors at George Mason University. He also reveals the desire of seventeen state Attorney Generals who have banned together to investigate climate change “deniers”. These two entities are comparing people and organizations who spread the “real truth” about climate change (or lack thereof) to the Mafia and those who participate in organized crime. This is just ludicrous!

“We have more to fear from their agenda than we have to fear from climate change itself,” Dr. Lewis declares. Listen in as he discusses the hidden agenda of these professors, the seventeen AG’s, and the EPA.

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April 27, 2016

Title: Climate Deniers Covered by the First Amendment
Topic: Jail Climate Change Deniers
Discussed by Sterling Burnett
with Heartland Institute (

On March 29, 2016, charges were filed against ExxonMobil in New York City for racketeering. Using the RICO statute, sixteen state Attorney Generals announced their intention to go after organizations that were “committing fraud” by “knowingly deceiving” the public about the threat of manmade climate change. (We interviewed Sam Kazman on April 13 about their attack on the Competitive Enterprise Institute, which you can find in our archives.)

The statute which these AG’s are using is Section 241 of US Code Title 18. It makes it a felony “for two or more persons to agree together to injure, threaten or intimidate” another person in exercising their constitutional rights.

Today, we have expert Dr. Sterling Burnett, with the Heartland Institute, to discuss more about this dangerous and very serious issue. He boldly claims that WE (the climate change deniers) should be suing THEM under this law! “This is a violation of our civil rights under the law,” he states.

Dr. Burnett goes on to say that ExxonMobil simply needs to request that the climate change alarmists show their model predictions for the current year’s temperature, hurricane strength, droughts, and polar ice cap measures. The numbers don’t match! “They’ve got the case to make,” he declares. “They’re the ones that are claiming science has spoken, but that is a lie.”

Listen in as Dr. Burnett and host Terry Lowry have a lively discussion about the Supreme Court, the First Amendment, weather throughout the ages, and what the future may look like if the left wins.

To learn more TRUTH about climate change and the future, go see the new documentary Climate Hustle on Monday, May 2. Click here  for ticket locations near you.

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April 21, 2016

Title: Climate Change Deniers Being Investigated
Topic: Jail Climate Change Deniers
Discussed by Hans von Spakovsky
with The Heritage Foundation (

Reasonable minds can disagree about the science behind global warming, and disagree they do. This type of scientific and political debate is healthy and should be encouraged. However, those who do not study history and do not heed its warnings are bound to repeats its mistakes.

Hans Von Spakovsky is an expert on Civil Justice Reform, Legal Issues, and Elections at the Heritage Foundation. Today, he is here to discuss a recent decision by a coalition of fifteen state Attorney Generals, as well the AG’s from the District of Columbia and the Virgin Islands. It is important to note that all but one are Democrats.

On March 29, New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman said, “The bottom line is simple: Climate change is real.” He went on to say that if companies are committing fraud by “lying” about the dangers of climate change, they will “pursue them to the fullest extent of the law.” In fact, the AG from the Virgin Islands, Claude Walker (the lone Independent in the group) has filed a subpoena for all documents from the Competitive Enterprise Institute.

Hans Von Spakovsky explains that the fourteen-page subpoena is a “voluminous document asking for everything, including private donor information.” He goes on to say, “It is an unbelievable abuse of the First Amendment and clearly intended to intimidate and deter a think-tank from doing research on this issue.” Listen in as Hans uses the Spanish Inquisition of 1478 as a way to compare the leaders then to those who are pushing this illegal bullying tactic upon honest, hard-working, intelligent people now.

Is catastrophic, man-made climate change occurring? I doubt there is a reasonable person who listens to the What’s UP Radio Program who will deny that climate change is occurring – day to day, month to month, year to year. Climate changes. However, the issue at hand is the impact that humans have on the temperature. The environmentalists just don’t really know what to do because all of their computer models for decades have been wrong about future weather patterns! So, now, they are looking for a scapegoat and that is the “climate change denier”. “They have no shame,” Hans states sadly.

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April 13, 2016

Title: Climate Change Deniers Fighting Back
Topic: Jail Climate Change Deniers
Discussed by Sam Kazman
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

The Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) is being sued by Claude Walker, the Attorney General of the Virgin Islands. This is strange enough, but when you hear the reason why, your blood will boil! If you doubt that Christianity is being attacked, then hopefully this interview will open your eyes. The group of seventeen Attorney Generals (sixteen Democrats, one Independent and fifteen from US states and two from territories) call themselves the Attorney Generals United for Clean Power.

Sam Kazman is General Counsel for CEI. He is with us today to discuss the case they are involved in concerning this issue. The environmentalists want to squash any debate or disagreement with their theory of “climate change”. In his opinion, Al Gore is the real celebrity cheerleader behind the entire effort to silence CEI and others from revealing the truth to the masses.

What if the AG’s are successful in the effort to suppress the First Amendment? Who will the losers be? Sam says, “Everyone who values free speech and anyone who can use affordable and reliable energy will lose as well.” Any person who dares to disagree with their global warming agenda is a threat and must be stopped.

Why is CEI fighting back against the Al Gore bullies? Why not just give the AG’s the information they want and be done with it? Sam believes that if CEI gives in, it paves the way for more and more lawsuits in the future against companies and organizations which dare to question the government’s plan for halting all use of fossil fuels.

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April 12, 2016

Title: Climate Change Deniers Being Investigated
Topic: Jail Climate Change Deniers
Discussed by Hans von Spakovsky
with The Heritage Foundation (

Reasonable minds can disagree about the science behind global warming, and disagree they do. This type of scientific and political debate is healthy and should be encouraged. However, those who do not study history and do not heed its warnings are bound to repeats its mistakes.

Hans Von Spakovsky is an expert on Civil Justice Reform, Legal Issues, and Elections at the Heritage Foundation. Today, he is here to discuss a recent decision by a coalition of fifteen state Attorney Generals, as well the AG’s from the District of Columbia and the Virgin Islands. It is important to note that all but one are Democrats.

On March 29, New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman said, “The bottom line is simple: Climate change is real.” He went on to say that if companies are committing fraud by “lying” about the dangers of climate change, they will “pursue them to the fullest extent of the law.” In fact, the AG from the Virgin Islands, Claude Walker (the lone Independent in the group) has filed a subpoena for all documents from the Competitive Enterprise Institute.

Hans Von Spakovsky explains that the fourteen-page subpoena is a “voluminous document asking for everything, including private donor information.” He goes on to say, “It is an unbelievable abuse of the First Amendment and clearly intended to intimidate and deter a think-tank from doing research on this issue.” Listen in as Hans uses the Spanish Inquisition of 1478 as a way to compare the leaders then to those who are pushing this illegal bullying tactic upon honest, hard-working, intelligent people now.

Is catastrophic, man-made climate change occurring? I doubt there is a reasonable person who listens to the What’s UP Radio Program who will deny that climate change is occurring – day to day, month to month, year to year. Climate changes. However, the issue at hand is the impact that humans have on the temperature. The environmentalists just don’t really know what to do because all of their computer models for decades have been wrong about future weather patterns! So, now, they are looking for a scapegoat and that is the “climate change denier”. “They have no shame,” Hans states sadly.

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