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February 2, 2017

Title: The Rules of Order
Topic: Dem’s Become Obstructionists
Discussed by Rachel Bovard
with The Heritage Foundation (

Can the Sergeant at Arms force Democrats to vote in Committee?  Can they be forced to vote on the floor? Hint: No and Yes.

When you are sick, those in your office (even the boss) say, “Stay home.”  But when you just don’t show up, does the boss have the right to fire you? Does he/she stop all work/progress because you are not there, or do your co-workers continue on?

New guest, Rachel Bovard, is the Director of Policy Services with The Heritage Foundation. She works hard to provide members of Congress with the latest Conservative solutions and recommendations. Today she will be discussing the anticipated filibusters the Democrats are sure to use concerning all things Conservative.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do Republicans have the majority in both the House and the Senate? How will this affect the next four years concerning Committees?

What constitutes a quorum within a Committee?

Can the Democrats boycott each committee hearing and just refuse to attend, resulting in very few bills moving further for a full vote? Listen as Rachel Bovard discusses the various options available.

Can the Sergeant at Arms force Democrats to vote in Committee? Can they be forced to vote on the floor? Hint: No and Yes.

Have the Republicans ever boycotted a Committee Hearing?

Can Republican House Majority Leader Mitch McConnell compel Democrats to show up for work? Rachel Bovard reveals some of the sneaky methods McConnell can use to encourage the Democrats to cooperate.

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