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March 4, 2024

Title: Jimmy Carter’s First Election was Stolen Due to Voter Fraud.
Topic: Voter Fraud
Discussed by Hans von Spakovsky
with The Heritage Foundation (

Jimmy Carter personally experienced voter fraud, cried foul, refused to concede, and went to court to overturn the election.

Today, The Heritage Foundation’s Hans von Spakovsky tells the story. Hans is a former commissioner on the Federal Election Commission, and former counsel to the Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights at the US Department of Justice. He is a member of the board of the Public Interest Legal Foundation.

Click here to read Hans von Spakovsky’s op-ed on this topic in The Daily Signal.

Click here for more from Hans von Spakovsky.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Was there organized voter fraud in Jimmy Carter’s first run for office back in 1962? Hans explains the details of the fraud that took place and what Carter personally observed in Georgetown on Election Day.

Why was the 2005 Commission on Federal Election Reform established, with former President Jimmy Carter and former Secretary of State James Baker as co-chairs? What were some of their recommendations? NOTE: Some of the recommendations seem completely obvious, but the same fraudulent practices are still happening!

What is “LBJ’s Box 13”? How is it relevant to voter fraud?

Who commits voter fraud more often: Democrats or Republicans?

Click here to help support The Heritge Foundation.

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January 11, 2024

Title: Jimmy Carter’s First Election was Stolen Due to Voter Fraud.
Topic: Voter Fraud
Discussed by Hans von Spakovsky
with The Heritage Foundation (

Jimmy Carter personally experienced voter fraud, cried foul, refused to concede, and went to court to overturn the election.

Today, The Heritage Foundation’s Hans von Spakovsky tells the story. Hans is a former commissioner on the Federal Election Commission, and former counsel to the Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights at the US Department of Justice. He is a member of the board of the Public Interest Legal Foundation.

Click here to read Hans von Spakovsky’s op-ed on this topic in The Daily Signal.

Click here for more from Hans von Spakovsky.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Was there organized voter fraud in Jimmy Carter’s first run for office back in 1962? Hans explains the details of the fraud that took place and what Carter personally observed in Georgetown on Election Day.

Why was the 2005 Commission on Federal Election Reform established, with former President Jimmy Carter and former Secretary of State James Baker as co-chairs? What were some of their recommendations? NOTE: Some of the recommendations seem completely obvious, but the same fraudulent practices are still happening!

What is “LBJ’s Box 13”? How is it relevant to voter fraud?

Who commits voter fraud more often: Democrats or Republicans?

Click here to help support The Heritge Foundation.

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January 3, 2024

Title: Voter Fraud PROOF from the Violators Themselves
Topic: Voter Fraud
Discussed by Chris Talgo
with Heartland Institute (

Part 1 of 2

Leading up to the 2020 election, many states eliminated commonsense guardrails designed to prevent mail-in voting fraud.

Today, Chris Talgo discusses a recent poll  the Heartland Institute conducted with the Rasmussen Report on voter fraud among registered and non-registered voters. Chris Talgo is the Editorial Director and Socialism Research Fellow at the Heartland Institute.

Click here for more from Chris Talgo.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What guardrails were eliminated in 2020 that resulted in rampant voter fraud?

Is it extremely easy to commit voter fraud via mail-in ballots?

How many people admitted they illegally filled out a ballot for a friend or family member?

How many people admitted that a friend or family member illegally filled out their ballot?

How many people admitted to illegally voting in a state they no longer lived?

How many people admitted to illegally signing a ballot for a friend or family member?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Voter Fraud PROOF from the Violators Themselves
Topic: Voter Fraud
Discussed by Chris Talgo
with Heartland Institute (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Way back in 2012, what did the Pew Center on the States find when they analyzed state voter registration rolls?

Did the handling of mail-in ballots and the voter registration rolls irregularities play any significance with the Biden victory over President Trump? CHRIS TALGO REVEALS HOW MANY MAIL-IN BALLOTS ARE NORMALLY REJECTED COMPARED TO HOW MANY WERE REJECTED IN 2020. THIS NUMBER IS APPALLING!!

How many Democrat voters believe that journalists and media outlets should be punished for reporting that the 2020 election was tainted with voter fraud?

In 2005, what did former President Jimmy Carter and former US Secretary of State James Baker discover and report on about mail-in voter fraud?

Why does Chris Talgo believe that the true winner of the 2020 election was Donald Trump?

Click here to help support the Heartland Institute.

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April 12, 2018

Title: Lawsuit against Harris County Voter Registrar
Topic: Voter Fraud
Discussed by Erin Anderson
with Empower Texans (

New guest Erin Anderson is the Metroplex Correspondent for Empower Texans and Texas Scorecard. Her responsibilities include reporting on state and local issues, events, and government actions that impact Texas citizens in communities throughout the area.

One of the biggest issues affecting the people of Texas is voter fraud. Erin will be discussing the lawsuit brought against Harris County Tax Accessor Registrar, Ann Harris Bennett, by the Public Interest Legal Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do Federal Laws require accurate, up-to-date voting rolls?

What are “motor voter laws”?

Does Federal Law require transparency, allowing citizens the right to insure laws are being followed?

Does Federal Law also allow citizens to sue the Voter Registrar if they believe a law has been broken?

How are jury duty and voter registration data bases connected? NOTE: For more on this issue, listen to the two segments with Chris Daniel that preceded this interview.

Why is the Public Interest Legal Foundation suing Harris County elected officials for non-compliance with Federal Election Laws?

Should only vetted, registered voters be allowed to cast their vote?

Is the current Democrat Tax Accessor Voter Registrar refusing to submit records which Federal Law and the Texas Public Information Act require they make available to the public?

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September 22, 2017

Title: The Problem of Duplicate Voting
Topic: Voter Fraud
Discussed by Robert Knight
with Robert H Knight (

Part 1 of 2

Voter fraud has become an increasingly dangerous issue. Yes, dangerous. The Left does not seem to mind at all that some of their ranks commit voter fraud election after election – and their tactics are more hazardous than ever.

Robert Knight is a Senior Fellow with the American Civil Rights Union (ACRU). Today, Robert will be discussing a recent study entitled “America the Vulnerable: The Problem of Duplicate Voting”, compiled by the Government Accountability Institute in partnership with the Simpatico Software Systems and Virtual DBS, Inc. You can read the report here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

President Trump’s Government Accountability Institute review board discover that 8,471 people voted twice in the 2016 Election. Remember: Bush 43 won Florida by 537 votes.

This number doesn’t seem that much in the big scheme of things… Why is this such a big deal?

How does the review board determine who committed voter fraud?

How many couples voted in two different states?

What is the punishment for voter fraud? Is this punishment being enforced?

What happened with Al Franken’s Senate race? Was he also the final vote in favor of Obamacare? Was there evidence of voter fraud?

Is “same day voter registration” a good or bad idea? Listen as Robert Knight discusses a situation from New Hampshire…

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The Problem of Duplicate Voting
Topic: Voter Fraud
Discussed by Robert Knight
with Robert H Knight (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Robert Knight reveals that nearly 46,000 were 115 years old or older but managed to vote in the 2016 Presidential Election! Wow! Amazing isn’t it?

Listen as Robert Knight discusses a lawsuit they have filed in Broward County, Florida concerning voter fraud. The ACRU also found similar evidence in three Pennsylvania counties and pursued a lawsuit there as well.

Has there been an issue with people registering to vote using a post office box or different address other than their home address? Some people even use basketball courts, abandoned buildings, and even parks!

How can we get back to honest elections in America?

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May 1, 2017

Title: Voter Fraud Should Be A Crime
Topic: Voter Fraud
Discussed by Robert Knight
with Robert H Knight (

Part 1 of 2

Did Joseph Stalin once declare: "It's not the people who vote that count, it's the people who count the votes." This is the same thinking of Liberals in America. Do they have no shame?

Robert Knight, with the American Civil Rights Union, will be discussing this very serious subject over the next two segments.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Where does the majority of voter fraud occur? Listen as Robert Knight offers several examples…

What is wrong with matching ID’s with other state registration rolls?

Why does the left vehemently oppose Voter ID Laws?

Do some precincts have more voters than the number of adults who actually live there?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Voter Fraud Should Be A Crime
Topic: Voter Fraud
Discussed by Robert Knight
with Robert H Knight (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Over the last two decades, has the left been changing both the rules of our election process and America's demographics to suit their political agenda?

The ACRU has been involved in several lawsuits concerning Voter Fraud. Listen as Robert Knight discusses some of those details.

Are Voter ID Laws racist?

Why is voter integrity so important to the election process? Robert says: “We need honest elections. Our liberties depend on them.

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January 31, 2017

Title: How Does Voter Fraud Affect YOUR Vote?
Topic: Voter Fraud
Discussed by Hans von Spakovsky
with The Heritage Foundation (

Hans von Spakovsky is a Senior Legal Fellow at The Heritage Foundation and former Justice Department official. Along with John Fund, Hans is the co-author of “Who’s Counting? How Fraudsters and Bureaucrats Put Your Vote at Risk” and “Obama’s Enforcer: Eric Holder’s Justice Department.” You can get your copies here.

Today, Hans von Spakovsky will be discussing how voter fraud affects your vote.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

First…A backstory of how and why Hans von Spakovsky worked for the Justice Department. After all, he IS a Conservative…He states: “Nowhere did I ever encounter such radical, left-wing ideology as in the voting section of the Civil Rights Division.”

Do American voting jurisdictions operate on the “honor system” when it comes to registering to vote and actually voting? In other words, are voting applications checked to make sure the applicant is an American citizen and legally allowed to vote? And, are people “vetted” at the voting location to ensure they are who they claim to be? Note: Not all states require photo ID to vote; only a verbal “I am so-and-so” is enough to cast a vote.

Is this same type of “honor system” used in other countries to register voters? Or are their voting laws stricter?

Democrat pundits, along with the MSM, are crying, saying Trump is wrong and there is not massive voter fraud. However, Hans knows of many instances where voter fraud has occurred and discusses several cases.

Is there anything stopping non-citizens from registering to vote? Is there anything stopping these illegals from voting? What are the various methods a person can commit voter fraud?

How many legal Americans are registered to vote in multiple states?

How does Hans von Spakovsky believe the Trump Administration will enforce voter fraud laws?

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Title: Is Voter Fraud Real?
Topic: Voter Fraud
Discussed by Robert Knight
with Robert H Knight (

Is voter fraud in America real? Robert Knight is with the American Civil Rights Union, not to be confused with the American Civil Liberties Union. He’s on the “right” side. Listen in as he discusses the real threat of voter fraud and how it affects everyone.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

In Robert Knight’s opinion, is there evidence of voter fraud in America? More specifically, did voter fraud occur in the 2016 Presidential Election?

Are there at least 200 known counties in America which have more registered voters than legal adult residents? How did the ACRU determine this information?

What is the easiest way to commit voter fraud?

What state only allows mail-in ballots? (This state does not have polling locations where a registered voter will go to vote.)

How many legal citizens are registered to vote in multiple states?

How many “dead people” are registered to vote – and are still voting? Robert Knight says, “Well, they’re probably voting in Chicago!”

Does the voter registration process need to be revamped and changed?

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February 26, 2016

Title: Is the Obama Administration Encouraging Illegals to Vote?
Topic: Voter Fraud
Discussed by Hans von Spakovsky
with The Heritage Foundation (

Returning guest Hans von Spakovsky has bombshell theory about the upcoming elections and the Obama Administration’s push to allow illegal immigrants the right to vote. There are many reasons this is a horrible idea. Hans first explains how groups like the League of Women Voters are fighting for voting rights for “entrants” into the United States (i.e.: illegal immigrants). (Hans discusses more about the League of Women Voters later in the segment and you might be surprised at what he reveals! Listen in!)

Bonus Fact: Only four states (Alabama, Arizona, Georgia, and Kansas) currently have laws which require voter registration applicants to prove they are a United States citizen.

One reason this has become such a hot-topic issue is that every state currently has different voting requirements. “Federal Bureaucrats in Washington, specifically those friendly with the Obama Administration, do not want states to have any ability to verify the citizenship of those registering to vote,” Hans believes.

It is becoming more common across the country for the Obama Administration to fight the local registrar offices for this very reason. It’s just getting out of control! Listen in as Hans explains exactly what they have been trying to do everywhere. No other country in the world would allow this kind of asinine behavior within their voting system and Hans shares how “South Africa has a big voter ID requirement”. Listen in as he reveals what it is!

Hans encourages everyone – even you, the average voter – to pay close attention to what is happening at the polls. If something seems fishy, report it! Also, do not be afraid to call or email your elected officials, urging them to require valid citizenship in order to register to vote. Furthermore, Voter ID Laws is not discrimination! It’s common sense protection of our rights.

Get a copy of Hans von Spakovsky’s great book, “Who’s Counting? How Fraudsters and Bureaucrats Put Your Vote at Risk,” from Amazon.

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April 30, 2015

Title: Who Controls the Vote Controls the Election
Topic: Voter Fraud
Discussed by Robert Knight
with Robert H Knight (

The rule of law is the legal principle that law should govern a nation, as opposed to arbitrary decisions by individuals or government officials. John Adams, the first Vice President and second President of the United States, once declared that, "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."

Robert Knight discusses the practice of cheating from the left when it comes to voting, voting rights, and voter ID laws. Robert says, “The whole idea of voting is that we are a self-governing nation and that only citizens should be able to vote and even that is under attack.” The left loves to claim racism whenever laws concerning voter ID come up for a public vote. Republicans are just trying to suppress the minority vote, after all, because we hate them. (sarcasm)

Robert Knight reveals how the Department of Homeland Security is spending millions of dollars to register illegal immigrants as voters before the 2016 Presidential Election. He explains the Strategic Action Plan on Immigrant and Refugee Integration, chaired by White House Domestic Policy Advisor Cecilia Munoz. NOTE: Ms. Munoz is the former Vice President of the radical group National Council for La Raza, which literally translates as “the race”. This group does not just believe in helping Mexicans in America – they literally want to violently take over our country. This group is dangerous!

Listen in as Robert discusses past elections and what they could look like in the future. Click [here]  for more on this and other issues affecting our great nation.

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November 26, 2012

Title: Does Voter Fraud Exist?
Topic: Voter Fraud
Discussed by Catherine Englebrecht
with True the Vote (

Part 1 of 2

Give our listeners some background information on your organization that has caused the left to go into a frenzy!

Are the precincts throughout Texas, better yet, are the precincts throughout the United States, run in the same way?

Does voter fraud actually exist? Does voter fraud have the power to change the outcome of some elections?

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Title: Part 2 of 4
Topic: Voter Fraud
Discussed by Catherine Englebrecht
with True the Vote (

Unfortunately, Americans have lost faith in the integrity of our nation's election results and fraud and law-breaking has become all too common in our electoral system. True the Vote hopes to change that perception. True the Vote is a citizen-led effort to restore truth, faith, and integrity to our elections.

Please help support True the Vote - an initiative developed by citizens for citizens, to inspire and equip volunteers for involvement at every stage of our electoral process.

To sign up to donate funds or your time, go to  To listen to the entire interview with Catherine Englebrecht, log on to .

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Title: Part 3 of 4
Topic: Voter Fraud
Discussed by Catherine Englebrecht
with True the Vote (

True the Vote is an initiative developed by citizens for citizens, meant to inspire and equip volunteers for involvement at every stage of our electoral process. They promote ideas that actively protect the rights of legitimate voters, regardless of their political party affiliation.

Our government was built upon the belief that election results represent the true will of the people and our election processes were always intended to be supported by citizen volunteers. True the Vote is helping stop corruption where it can start – at the polls.

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Title: Part 4 of 4
Topic: Voter Fraud
Discussed by Catherine Englebrecht
with True the Vote (

Based in Houston, Texas and headed by Catherine Engelbrecht (President), True The Vote is staffed by volunteers all across the country. Essentially, True The Vote is you and me. Every day Americans interested in the integrity of the elections in the home district.

As a volunteer, you can participate with True the Vote in a variety of ways – leading an effort in your county/area, working at the polls, registering new voters and helping in other efforts to ensure the accuracy of our elections. Are you ready to get involved to ensure a free and fair election?

To sign up with True the Vote, log to  To listen to the entire interview with Catherine Englebrecht, log on to .

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Title: How Can The Election Officials Commit Voter Fraud?
Topic: Voter Fraud
Discussed by David Riddle
with Republican Senatorial District 7 Chair

Does voter fraud actually exist? If so, how can the election officials commit voter fraud?

As an elected party official, in the general election, early voting cycle, are you aware of reported abuses at polling locations?

Were there reports of individuals showing up at polling locations in t-shirts that said "non partisan worker", entering within the boundary, and focused on intimidating voters?

Do you know what group or organization trained them and sent them out to the polling locations?

Tell us about the 100 foot law - it is a law, correct? What is the history and purpose of this law, how does it protect the voters?

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