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June 22, 2016

Title: We Must Stop Teaching Children to Hate America
Topic: America Under Attack
Discussed by Mike Gonzalez
with The Heritage Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

With all the social and moral issues facing our nation – and especially the youngest generation – it astounds me that nearly 90% of children are still in public schools. I completely understand that oftentimes both mom and dad work outside the home. I recognize the fact that private, Christian school is very expensive and most families cannot afford the cost.

FYI: My oldest daughter is a single mom with three children, two of whom she has homeschooled for three years (the oldest graduated high school last year). She knows many single mothers (and even single fathers) who home school their children. If they can do it, anyone can!

Mike Gonzalez is a Senior Fellow at The Heritage Foundation. He will be discussing why so many public schools are teaching our children to hate America and all she stands for. History does not lie, but the teachers sure seem to!

Questions/Issues Discussed:

If America is “soooooo bad”, then why do so many people immigrate to our great country?

It’s been a long, long time since children in public schools were taught that God truly does Bless America. Is the absence of God in schools really part of the problem?

What did the Founders believe about education?

Mike Gonzalez has traveled extensively across the globe. He does not recall a single country (other than America) who teaches its citizens, especially children, to hate their own country. Listen in to the next segment as he discusses more on this sobering issue.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - We Must Stop Teaching Children to Hate America
Topic: America Under Attack
Discussed by Mike Gonzalez
with The Heritage Foundation (

Mike Gonzalez reveals that the #1 Selling Political Science textbook is “A People’s History of the United States”, which was first published in 1980. Listen in as Mike explains why this book is a “pack of lies”.

Mike also discusses why it is so important for parents to explore other options to educate their children other than public school. The fight isn’t about “multiculturalism”; it’s about teaching Americans that America comes first.

Should all teachers – all Americans – pledge allegiance to the United States of America?

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December 19, 2014

Title: Cuba: Has Obama Finally Lost it?
Topic: Cuba
Discussed by Mike Gonzalez
with The Heritage Foundation (

Mike Gonzalez was born in Cuba and left in 1972 at the age of 12. He has reported from Afghanistan, Pakistan, China, Panama, and Cyprus, among others. He left journalism to join the administration of President George W. Bush and now works for The Heritage Foundation. Mike says that Obama has shown "complete disregard” for his office.

There is nothing that the Castro brothers have done over the last 55 years that prove they will ever cooperate with the United States or any other country. There is no negotiation. The Castro brothers have used terror to control the people of Cuba for over 5 decades. What makes Obama think they’ll stop now? They won’t!

What exactly does Obama and the US gain by normalizing relations with Cuba? What did we gain? Nothing! Listen in as Mike discusses his opinion of Obama, Cuba, why communism will never work, and why Bibles are so important to the people in the country.

Log on to  for more on this and other issues facing our great nation. .

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November 13, 2014

Title: It's the Economy, Stupid
Topic: Illegal Immigration
Discussed by Mike Gonzalez
with The Heritage Foundation (

You would think that Obama and his pals would understand by now that allowing millions of illegal aliens, I mean illegal immigrants, I mean undocumented immigrants, I mean poor, suppressed, desperate unemployed workers into our country is not a good idea. Oh oh oh but but but – they do all the jobs Americans won’t. Like what? Actually, we aren’t going to go there.

Since the mid-term election, many in the MSM have been saying that the Republicans now have a chance to really work with the Democrats. No, MSM. That is not why they were elected by the people. They were elected to reverse the horrible legislation that has been passed over the last six years by the Democrats.

Mike Gonzalez says, “Compromising on principles is never going to win anybody anything.” The President has stated he is prepared to pass executive orders on immigration reform and amnesty if the newly elected Republican Congress won’t compromise. It’s ok for the President to refuse to negotiate, but not the Republicans? How does this make sense?

Mike discusses the top five issues of concern to legal immigrants. Illegal immigration is near the bottom of this list at #4! Surprised? Mike Gonzalez says the left wants us to freak out about illegal immigration, and that resonates about as well as them trying to convince us that there is a “War on Women” – it doesn’t sit well and they don’t really even care.

So what is the #1 issue that concern Hispanics? Listen in as Mike Gonzalez gives the juicy details! Log on to  for more on this and other issues facing Americans. To listen  to an interview Mike had on The Daily Signal concerning this issue click [Here].

A Race for the Future is Mike Gonzalez’s new book. You can find it [here].

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