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September 1, 2016

Title: The REAL Effects of a Higher Minimum Wage
Topic: Minimum Wage
Discussed by James Sherk
with The Heritage Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Employees must earn what it costs to employee them. Forcing businesses to pay starting wages at $15 an hour makes less-skilled workers and less-experienced workers unemployable.

James Sherk is a Research Fellow with Labor and Economics at The Heritage Foundation. He is an expert on jobs, labor policy, unemployment, and economic mobility.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

First, James Sherk summarizes the REAL effects on the economy if the Federal Minimum Wage is increased to $15. “Basically, you get fewer jobs and higher prices,” James says. Business will hire less workers who will still do the same amount of work as more workers, therefore, causing more stress on workers. The business owner will, in turn, raise prices because they will be paying more in wages, even with fewer workers.

FACT: If the Federal Minimum Wage requirement is raised to $15, it would cost Texas alone 900,000 jobs. Nearly a million jobs – gone. Nearly one million people – unemployed, likely for a long, long time.

Today, in America, are there fewer workers in the workforce than at any other time since 1977?

Is the true unemployment rate much, much higher than the government is reporting? NOTE: You may be surprised by James Sherk’s answer!

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The REAL Effects of a Higher Minimum Wage
Topic: Minimum Wage
Discussed by James Sherk
with The Heritage Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

If there are too many unemployed workers chasing too few open positions, what happens to wages?

If open positions have few, or no, applicants wanting to fill those positions, would employers begin to increase the wages being offered in an attempt to hire new employees?

When the cost of doing business increases due to a hike in the Federal Minimum Wage, what choices do the business owners have?

What happens to America’s workforce if the minimum wage is increased to $15 per hour?

How many Texas workers would be effected by a minimum wage increase to $15 per hour?

Why is it bad public policy to artificially mandate a minimum start wage of $15 per hour?

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August 25, 2016

Title: The Minimum Wage Debate Keeps Growing
Topic: Minimum Wage
Discussed by Pamela Villarreal
with National Center For Policy Analysis

Do you think that the national minimum wage should be increased? Guest Pamela Villarreal says, “For several years now, stagnant wage growth and a sputtering economy have encouraged a movement by labor rights groups to raise the minimum wage.” However, what is the flip side? That is the focus of today’s interview with Pamela.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the US economy really in a slump? How long has the stagnation been occurring?

The MSM portrays the US as needing more workers. Will more workers just place more downward pressure on wage growth?

Who earns minimum wage now? NOTE: This is key. Listen in as Pamela explains.

What are some of the effects of increasing the minimum wage? Who is affected the most? br />
Why is increasing the minimum wage so appealing to younger voters?

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July 13, 2016

Title: The Minimum Wage Debate Keeps Growing
Topic: Minimum Wage
Discussed by Pamela Villarreal
with National Center For Policy Analysis

Do you think that the national minimum wage should be increased? Guest Pamela Villarreal says, “For several years now, stagnant wage growth and a sputtering economy have encouraged a movement by labor rights groups to raise the minimum wage.” However, what is the flip side? That is the focus of today’s interview with Pamela.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the US economy really in a slump? How long has the stagnation been occurring?

The MSM portrays the US as needing more workers. Will more workers just place more downward pressure on wage growth?

Who earns minimum wage now? NOTE: This is key. Listen in as Pamela explains.

What are some of the effects of increasing the minimum wage? Who is affected the most? br />
Why is increasing the minimum wage so appealing to younger voters?

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November 20, 2015

Title: Is Raising the Minimum Wage the Cure-All to Inequality?
Topic: Minimum Wage
Discussed by DrRyan Streeter
with Center for Politics and Governance (

One of the hottest issues across social media is “inequality”. I think we can all agree that we should treat each other as we would want to be treated. Jesus told us, after all, to “love thy neighbor”. But where do we draw the line? The topic for today is “Minimum Wage”. Fast-food workers are going on strike at record numbers, demanding they get paid $15 an hour to flip burgers, fry chicken, and fold a soft taco.

Dr. Ryan Streeter is the Director at the Center for Politics and Governance at the University of Texas, Austin. There are certainly benefits to raising the minimum wage; however, the benefits are far-outweighed by the tremendous economic and social harms it would trigger. First, Dr. Streeter explains that fewer “minimum wage” jobs will be available, therefore resulting in more unemployment. He doesn’t believe, however, that small businesses will be affected at the rate large companies will be.

“The problem with the minimum wage debate is that it often distracts us from the more serious problem which is the pressure that a growing regulatory regime is actually having on job creation,” Dr. Streeter says. The rate that new businesses are being created is rapidly declining. In fact, it is nearly half of what it was twenty-five years ago. This is all due to federal regulations spiraling out of control. Sound familiar? Check out the interview with Wayne Crews with the Competitive Enterprise Institute!

No one should start out at a minimum wage job expecting to stay in that same position for the rest of their lives. It is an entry level position for a reason. Minimum wage jobs are meant for high school and college students, people in between jobs, and those who need a little extra money. Minimum wage jobs were never meant to support a family in the long-term. Gain skills through college or a trade school. Get out there and get a real job.

Dr. Streeter believes that all the hoop-la about raising the minimum wage is simply a distraction from the real issues affecting our economy. Building new businesses, creating more jobs, and fixing the healthcare system are the real issues we should be focused on.

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May 7, 2015

Title: Higher Wages = Less Jobs
Topic: Minimum Wage
Discussed by Dr. Tracy Miller
with Center for Vision and Values (

Part 1 of 2

Dr. Miller is an associate professor of economics at Grove City College and fellow for economic theory and policy with The Center for Vision & Values. He has released a report on “Overcoming Stagnant Wages: Stronger Unions and Higher Minimum Wages are Not the Answer”.

Too often today in the exchange of different viewpoints, when one side begins to win the debate with sound facts, the other side resorts to attacking the presenter. Dr. Miller’s opinion on the minimum wage debate is obviously not very popular. CNN and NBC sure aren’t going to be calling him for an interview any time soon!

Concerning the stagnant wage cycle we’ve been hearing about, Dr. Miller reveals how, since 1979, wages have not risen as rapidly as productivity, with the exception from 1995-2000 when wages rose very rapidly. But where did that get us? Right now, in America, we are at a historic low for men in the work-force, largely in part to the rise in minimum wage and hiring foreign workers.

Dr. Miller also discusses “wage inequality” and breaks down the different population brackets. He believes that education most definitely affects your income. Just because you think you deserve a certain amount of money, doesn’t mean you should get it. Tune in to the next segment with Dr. Miller as he discusses this further.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Higher Wages = Less Jobs
Topic: Minimum Wage
Discussed by Dr. Tracy Miller
with Center for Vision and Values (

Dr. Tracy Miller continues with his discussion on the risks of raising the minimum wage. Historically, when the minimum wage is increased, the lowest skilled workers lose their jobs,” says Dr. Miller. Also, business owners who might hire three or four extra workers during the summer time might only hire one. This causes the employment numbers to plummet. In addition, “wage inequality” is going to exist in every society, no matter how hard the government tries to intervene.

Some experts are now saying that we are actually doing teens and college students a disservice by raising the minimum wage. They can’t find a job while in high school or college, therefore if they do in fact graduate from college with a degree, it is difficult for them to find a job – whether in their field or not – because they have little to no work experience at all. Dr. Tracy Miller agrees with this statement. Listen in as he elaborates.

Another concern when the minimum wage is increased is the number of businesses which will move their business operations overseas. America doesn’t need foreign workers doing their jobs – here or abroad. We need to get America back to work and raising the minimum wage is not the answer. Dr Miller has some suggestions on how we can get Americans back to work.

You can learn more about Dr. Tracy Miller and the Center for Vision and Values [here]. 

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February 14, 2014

Title: Myth of Raising a Family on Minimum Wage
Topic: Minimum Wage
Discussed by Peter Ferrara
with The Carlson Center for Welfare Reform

Part 1 of 2

The President recently said in his SOTU address that: But Americans overwhelmingly agree that no one who works full time should ever have to raise a family in poverty.”

When it comes to “money earned”, how much do people “really” make?

Peter Ferrara, a Senior Fellow at The Carlson Center for Welfare Reform, gives some statistics.

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Title: part 2 of 2
Topic: Minimum Wage
Discussed by Peter Ferrara
with The Carlson Center for Welfare Reform

President Obama has done nothing to decrease the unemployment dilemma in this country.

We all know that the economy is tanking, jobs are being lost and outsourced to foreign workers, prices for every day goods are rising, and the American Family is struggling.

But why? Take a look at the numbers and you will find our “leaders” once again lying to us to gain votes.

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