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April 15, 2024

Title: BorderWars Documentary
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by Nicole McCaw
with BorderWars (

Part 1 of 2

Is America being overrun by illegal immigrants and cartels?

Nicole McCaw is the producer and host of a fantastic new documentary, “BorderWars”. In preparing for the documentary, Nicole captured over 150 hours of original footage of the trials and tribulations along the US-Mexican border.

Click here for all the information about “BorderWars”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is happening in Hamilton, Ohio?

Why hasn’t this hardened gang member been prosecuted for his crimes? Nicole reveals some shocking statements about “feelings” straight from the mouth of the Sheriff of the county.

Has this man been arrested and deported multiple times prior to this crime?

Why is Nicole McCaw so passionate about America being overrun by drugs, guns, and illegal immigrants? She shares about a tragedy which is affecting her own family.

Where are the ingredients for Fentanyl made and distributed from?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - BorderWars Documentary
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by Nicole McCaw
with BorderWars (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What was the biggest challenge in filming “BorderWars”? Nicole discusses her shock over the massive number of children who are being trafficked and the hidden dangers of Fentanyl.

What is the biggest take-away from “BorderWars”?

Are the guns, drugs, and humans smuggled across the southern border controlled by the cartels?

Is this lawlessness spreading to every community in America? Nicole offers a warning to people across the nation to be vigilant and pay attention.

Click here  to rent “BorderWars” today.

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March 8, 2024

Title: Does Texas Have the Right to Secure Its Border?
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by Dr. Robert Pacienza
with Institute for Faith and Culture (

Part 1 of 2

Today, new guest Dr. Robert Pacienza shares how justice and mercy can be shown at the southern border. Dr. Pacienza is the Senior Pastor of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church and founder of the Institute for Faith and Culture.

Click here to read Dr. Pacienza’s op-ed on this important issue.

Click here for more from Dr. Robert Pancienza on this and other topics.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Can justice and mercy walk safely side-by-side along our southern border?

Why did God institute government and politics? Dr. Pacienza discusses the importance of Romans 13

Did God institute government to seek justice for people outside their country? Dr. Pacienza discusses how the Left loves to twist the true meaning and purpose of Scripture that refers to neighbors, love, and mercy. He then goes on to implore the Church to step up and take responsibility.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Does Texas Have the Right to Secure Its Border?
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by Dr. Robert Pacienza
with Institute for Faith and Culture (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who is right: Biden or Abbott? Who is more Christ-like in their response to the crisis at the southern border?

Can America afford to welcome everyone who wants to come here to? Dr. Pacienza reminds us that millions of people have entered America legally. Millions more can do the same.

Should all entry points be closed?

What is a viable solution to the millions upon millions of illegal immigrants who are currently living in the US? Dr. Pacienza believes the first step is identifying and immediately deporting criminals. He also offers some good suggestions for helping those who contribute to society and wish to gain legal citizenship.

Click here to help support the Institute for Faith and Culture.

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February 7, 2024

Title: The Border, Election, and Illegal Immigration
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by Robert Knight
with Robert H Knight (

There’s more than meets the eye to the Democrats’ erasure of the nation’s southern border.

Robert Knight is a columnist for the Washington Times and frequent guest on The What’s UP Radio Program.

Click here to read Robert Knight’s op-ed on this important issue.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why do Democrats want open borders?

Millions upon millions of illegal immigrants are receiving handouts from the government. Will this break the piggy bank?

What is the Left planning to preplace our Capitalist system with?

Why do Democrats fight Voter ID Laws?

Can the pandemonium within our great country be replaced with peace and prosperity for all?

Click here to order a copy of Robert Knight’s many books.

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January 29, 2024

Title: A Standoff on the Border
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by Rodney Scott
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Rodney Scott is the current Distinguished Senior Fellow for Border Security at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Rodney served as the 24th Chief of the United States Border Patrol. During his three-decade career with the Border Patrol, under both Republican and Democrat administrations, Rodney earned the respect and admiration of agents, colleagues, and partners alike while working to successfully enforce our nation’s laws and secure our borders.

Click here to read the press release from the Texas Public Policy Foundation on this important topic.

Click here  to read more from Rodney Scott on this and other issues.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Have millions of people simply walked into America since Biden took office?

Has Rodney Scott ever witnessed such a flood of illegal immigrants entering America in his thirty-year career?

Are many of those illegally entering America criminals?

Are cartels in Mexico monopolizing human trafficking to bring illegal drugs into America?

Are cartels charging their smugglers a “fee” to enter America? Rodney discusses some of the despicable ways illegals are “used” in order to gain “freedom” in America. He also offers a warning to people, especially Christians, who have fallen for the Left’s LIES about who is really entering America illegally.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - A Standoff on the Border
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by Rodney Scott
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are many illegals who are smuggled into America via cartels stuck in some sort of slavery (work, drug, or sex) as “payment” for their “freedom”?

Does Governor Greg Abbott have the Constitutional right to secure the southern border as he sees fit?

Should the Federal Government deport every illegal immigrant who has entered America (especially those who entered during the past three years under the Biden Administration)? Rodney has some great suggestions…

Will there be a happy ending?

Bottom Line: Are the American people being gaslighted by the Biden Administration about illegal immigration?

Click here to help support the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

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September 11, 2023

Title: The DOJ’s Attack on Texas Sovereignty
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by Carine Martinez
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

The DOJ has sued the state of Texas over the use of floating devices in parts of the Rio Grande to discourage illegal immigrants and cartel members from crossing the southern border into Texas. Today, Carine Martinez explains some of the laws regarding states’ rights to defend themselves against foreign invaders.

Carine Martinez joined the Texas Public Policy Foundation in 2016 and is campaign director of Secure and Sovereign Texas and has been director of research and publications since 2021. As campaign director, she oversees the Foundation’s initiative to look for additional and innovative policy solutions for the state of Texas to help secure its southern border.

Click here  to read Carine’s op-ed on this important issue.

Click here  to read more from Carine Martinez.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Must Texas stand firm against the Department of Justice and the Biden Administration’s refusal to defend the sovereignty of Texas?

Side Note: Carine is from France. Why did she choose to legally immigrate to America, specifically Austin, Texas?

Does the US Constitution explicitly make an exception to federal war powers to allow states to defend themselves against sudden foreign aggression?

Does the Constitution or any law deprive states the power to exclude from their sovereign territory people who have no right to be there?

Does the Texas Constitution explicitly grant the Governor the power to call forth the militia to execute laws for the state and to repeal invasions?

Click here  to help support the Texas Public Policy Foundation as they continue to protect individual liberty for all Texans.

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August 18, 2023

Title: Buoy Barriers Save Lives
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by Rodney Scott
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

New guest Rodney Scott is a Distinguished Fellow for Border Security with the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Before joining TPPF, Rodney served as the 24th Chief of the United States Border Patrol. During his three-decade career with the Border Patrol, under both Republican and Democrat administrations, Rodney Scott earned the respect and admiration of agents, colleagues, and partners while working to successfully enforce our nation’s laws and secure our borders.

Today, Rodney discusses (and disputes) claims that the use of buoy barriers maim and kill immigrants illegally crossing the southern border into Texas via the Rio Grande River.

Click here to read Rodney’s press release on this topic.

Click here and here for more information about buoy barriers and their purpose to save lives, not take them.

Click here for more information about Rodney Scott.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the buoy barrier the use of excessive force? Rodney explains the purpose of buoy barriers, comparing them to a locked front door or a security fence around a school.

Many MSM outlets are reporting that Governor Abbott’s intent is to maim or kill those illegally crossing the southern border into Texas via the Rio Grande River. In reality, is Governor Abbott trying to save lives by using the buoy barriers?

What is a “buoy barrier”?

Does the buoy barrier deter illegal crossings? Rodney explains why the answer is both yes and no, discussing the drug cartels’ use of a “second wave”.

Is the use of a buoy barrier cost effective?

Is a buoy barrier necessary? Rodney reveals how “one single border patrol agent can control and secure more border with the barrier than without”.

Click here to help support the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

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August 9, 2023

Title: Open Borders Creating Bidenvilles of Homelessness
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by Simon Hankinson
with The Heritage Foundation (

New guest Simon Hankinson is a senior research fellow in The Heritage Foundation's Border Security and Immigration Center. Today, he discusses the direct correlation between illegal immigration and the explosion of homelessness in America.

Click here to read Simon Hankinson’s op-ed on this important issue.

Click here for more information about Simon Hankinson.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has illegal immigration contributed to homelessness in many major US cities?

What is meant by “inadmissible aliens”? Simon explains that “inadmissible alien” is the new formal legal term the State Department is using for illegal immigrants.

How many inadmissible aliens are being encountered at our borders? How many are being released into our country?

What is a “Bidenville”? This is really interesting and slightly funny! Listen for Simon’s explanation…

Are inadmissible aliens taking over many streets across America?

Are many inadmissible aliens processed by non-profit organizations along our Southern border and then transported to cities across America at government expense? Simon explains that the inadmissible aliens usually ask to be transported to specific towns/cities. In addition, they aren’t really required to show any type of formal ID and when summoned to appear in court, they rarely (almost never) show up.

Are some state and local officials actually begging/asking private citizens to take inadmissible aliens into their private homes? Has the Mayor of New York City even stated: “We need to control the border”?

Is our ability to house, feed, clothe, and provide medical assistance been stretched to the breaking point?

Click here to help support The Heritage Foundation.

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July 28, 2023

Title: The DOJ’s Attack on Texas Sovereignty
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by Carine Martinez
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

The DOJ has sued the state of Texas over the use of floating devices in parts of the Rio Grande to discourage illegal immigrants and cartel members from crossing the southern border into Texas. Today, Carine Martinez explains some of the laws regarding states’ rights to defend themselves against foreign invaders.

Carine Martinez joined the Texas Public Policy Foundation in 2016 and is campaign director of Secure and Sovereign Texas and has been director of research and publications since 2021. As campaign director, she oversees the Foundation’s initiative to look for additional and innovative policy solutions for the state of Texas to help secure its southern border.

Click here  to read Carine’s op-ed on this important issue.

Click here  to read more from Carine Martinez.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Must Texas stand firm against the Department of Justice and the Biden Administration’s refusal to defend the sovereignty of Texas?

Side Note: Carine is from France. Why did she choose to legally immigrate to America, specifically Austin, Texas?

Does the US Constitution explicitly make an exception to federal war powers to allow states to defend themselves against sudden foreign aggression?

Does the Constitution or any law deprive states the power to exclude from their sovereign territory people who have no right to be there?

Does the Texas Constitution explicitly grant the Governor the power to call forth the militia to execute laws for the state and to repeal invasions?

Click here  to help support the Texas Public Policy Foundation as they continue to protect individual liberty for all Texans.

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June 14, 2023

Title: Transnational Criminal Organizations Devastating Communities in Texas
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by Melissa Ford
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Transnational criminal organizations (TCO’s) are devastating communities along our southern border. Something must be done to stop the wave of illegal activities.

Melissa Ford is the Policy Director for the Secure and Sovereign Texas Initiative within the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Today, Melisaa discusses her recent testimony before the US House Homeland Security Committee detailing the dangers posed by transnational criminal organizations.

Click here to read the transcript of Melissa’s testimony.

Click here to watch the video of her testimony.

Click here for more on this and other topics from Melissa.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do TCO’s control most of Mexico? Melissa explains in detail what the Mexican government is not doing to curtail the TCO’s.

Are TCO’s ruthless, well-armed, and bold?

Is the impact on the Texas side of the border disheartening? Melissa reveals that the ever-increasing criminal activity that is not only ravaging southern Texas border towns, but is spreading rapidly throughout every major city, town, and suburb in the United States.

Did Democrats in the Texas House recently call Republicans and others who are asking for more border security “vigilantes”?

Do TCO’s control all of the criminal activity coming into the US, including human and sex trafficking and drug smuggling? Melissa discusses one of their new tactics to distract border security agents.

Why aren’t more people outraged by the massive amounts of deaths from drug overdoses? Why are they ignoring the dangers of TCO’s?

Click here to donate to the Texas Public Policy Foundation as they continue to promote and defend liberty, personal responsibility, and free enterprise in Texas and the nation.

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June 6, 2023

Title: Will Texas be Safer in the Future?
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by Greg Sindelar
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Greg Sindelar is the Chief Executive Officer of the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Greg and the TPPF applaud the Texas House for passage of important border security legislation, HB7. Unfortunately, the bill did not pass in the Senate.

Click here for more from Greg Sindelar at the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Click here for more on public safety from the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Click here to donate to the Texas Public Policy Foundation as they protect individual liberty and secure the prosperity of all Texans.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Would HB7 give Texas law enforcement agencies additional tools to fight drug trafficking? Greg discusses the good and bad news about HB7.

How high on the list of priorities is border security for Texans?

What stopped border security legislation from being debated and passed in the Senate? Greg first blames the Democratic caucus, but then discusses other factors.

Why are Democrats opposed to securing the border and ensuring public safety in Texas? Greg discusses how their newest tactic is to call the Republicans a “vigilante force”.

What is on the agenda list for the upcoming Special Session?

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February 13, 2023

Title: What Authority Do States Have To Execute Immigration Law Under Existing Federal Statute?
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by John Hostettler
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 3

Today, the Honorable John Hostettler discusses his report, “State Authority to Execute Immigration Law Under Existing Federal Statute” John is a former Texas Representative who served as Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security, and Claims. John is currently the Vice President for Federal Affairs for States Trust within the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Click here for key points from his publication.

Click here to read more from John on this and other issues.

Click here to help the Texas Public Policy Foundation as they continue to fight to protect individual liberty and secure prosperity for all Texans.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does the Biden administration in WDC perceive that we have a border problem? John reveals that people from 171 countries entered the US illegally in December 2022. Yet, the Biden Administration says that the border is secure!

Are states limited in their ability to affect illegal migration into the US?

Can states arrest, detain, and deport those who illegally enter into the US? John explains that states can arrest and detain, but cannot deport illegal immigrants.

What is meant by “entry points between land ports of entry”? Can states transport illegal aliens to points outside their state? John discusses this, explaining that it’s a touchy subject with lots of red tape.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - What Authority Do States Have To Execute Immigration Law Under Existing Federal Statute?
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by John Hostettler
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the main focus of John’s report, “State Authority to Execute Immigration Law Under Existing Federal Statute”? John discusses coyotes, conspiracies, cartels, and high-dollar payouts.

Once an illegal immigrant is arrested, what really happens next? Who has the authority to prosecute?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - What Authority Do States Have To Execute Immigration Law Under Existing Federal Statute?
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by John Hostettler
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Can anyone crossing the border into the US claim they are seeking “Asylum”? Are all illegal immigrants treated the same? How should our government treat asylum seekers?

Why did John do this report on illegal immigration at ports of entry?

If states actually arrested, detained, and deported illegal immigrants, would it stop the massive inflow? John believes it would have “a tremendous chilling effect on the border.”

Are illegal immigrants crossing the Southern border really conspiring with drug cartels? John reveals that virtually no one crosses the border without paying the drug cartels money – and that is a conspiracy. He says: “If they don’t pay, they don’t cross.”

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August 11, 2022

Title: A Course Correction is Needed on the Border
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by John Hostettler
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 4

When it comes to solving the border crisis, the first step is admitting there is a problem.

John Hostettler is the Vice President for Federal Affairs with the Texas Public Policy Foundation. While serving in Congress from 1995 to 2007, Representative Hostettler rose to be Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security, and Claims.

Today, John discusses the crisis at the southern border and why action must be taken immediately to protect American citizens.

Click here for more from John Hostettler on this and other issues.

Click here for more information about the American Security Taskforce plan to secure the border.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why should the Federal Government secure the border immediately? John reveals that the TPPF tried to warn people that Biden would open the borders and a crisis would ensue…

Why do Democrats oppose securing the border? Are they hoping that illegal immigrants will give them more votes? (EDITOR’S NOTE: Illegals aren’t even supposed to be able to vote…Think about that one…)

Who is coming across our southern border? FACT: 58 individuals who are on the terrorist watch list have crossed the southern border since Biden took office!

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Title: Part 2 of 4 - A Course Correction is Needed on the Border
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by John Hostettler
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do we really know how many illegals are coming across our southern border? John explains that illegals know how to “work” the American system.

Who are unaccompanied minors? How do they get into America in the first place? Are parents really giving “coyotes” their children (and lots and lots of money)? John explains how parents who send their kids to America illegally are eventually able to come, too!

Is there documented proof that females are often abused on their way to America illegally? John gives the sad, sad details…

What is the American Security Taskforce?

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Title: Part 3 of 4 - A Course Correction is Needed on the Border
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by John Hostettler
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does the United States Federal Government cover the costs to provide health care, housing, food, and/or education for illegals in each state? SHORT ANSWER: Yes.

Does any other country in the world cover the costs to provide health care, housing, food, and/or education to illegals living there? SHORT ANSWER: No.

Does Mexico require a photo ID to vote in their elections? SHORT ANSWER: Yes.

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Title: Part 4 of 4 - A Course Correction is Needed on the Border
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by John Hostettler
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

BOTTOM LINE: Do we have a problem along our southern border? John doesn’t believe we have a problem; he and others believes we have a CRISIS and an INVASION.

Do Democrats just not care that illegals are bringing drugs to America? Do Democrats just not care that terrorists are crossing into America illegally? Do Democrats just not care that women and even children are being raped on their way to America illegally? Do Democrats only care about the votes they may receive by allowing illegal immigrants to stay unchecked in America?

How much does it cost Texas taxpayers to provide health care, housing, food, and/or education for illegal immigrants? Click here to view the 2020 report about Liberty County, Texas from the TPPF.

With the help of the American Security Taskforce,  will Congress ever pass a bill to secure the border? Will Joe Biden sign such legislation into law? John is hopeful that Congress can get the job done, but is not as optimistic about Biden…

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May 11, 2022

Title: What is Causing the Border Crisis?
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by Crystal Kate
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

New guest Crystal Kate is the Senior Director of Marketing for the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Today, Crystal discusses the crisis at the border and why we should all be paying attention to this serious issue.

Click here to watch TPPF’s border crisis video.

Click here for more on a wide range of issues that TPPF covers and reports on.

Click here to donate to TPPF so they can continue fighting for the rights, freedoms, and liberties of all Texans.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

The Migrant Protection Protocol was implemented by President Trump. Are the protocols still in place? Crystal explains that the Biden Administration revoked the protocols in June of 2021. She says: “Overall, Border Patrol agents are having a tough time understanding what to enforce, what not to enforce, and it’s causing chaos and confusion at the border.”

Do territorial walls (border walls) work for their intended purposes?

Are Border Patrol Agents (BPA) trained in babysitting? Crystal reveals that too many people, including infants, are victims of human trafficking, making up “false families”, and then totally abandoned once they cross the border. She also explains the role of BPAs and how these “false families” take up way too much time from what the BPAs are paid to do.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - What is Causing the Border Crisis?
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by Crystal Kate
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

The MSM lambasted Governor Abbott for giving some illegal immigrants free rides to WDC. Isn’t that what the Biden Administration does with tens of thousands of illegals – give them free tickets by bus, train, or plane to the destination of their choice?

What is “asylum fraud”? Crystal reveals that only 26% of asylum claims between 2000 and 2021 were legitimate and the rest are still here in America roaming free! She also discusses a letter from a Miami-based Russian-American immigration lawyer…

What happens to the abandoned children and infants who are left at the border by human traffickers and drug cartel members? This specific issue is very dear to Crystal’s heart and she passionately talks about the sad reality…

Is the Biden Administration turning a blind-eye towards the human and drug traffickers?

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August 16, 2021

Title: Catch and Release Isn’t Working
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by Pete Hutchison
with Landmark Legal Foundation (

President Ronald Reagan once said “A nation that cannot control its borders is not a nation.” Something positive must be done to control our border. Is Biden up to the task?

Pete Hutchison is the President of the Landmark Legal Foundation The Ronald Reagan Legal Center. Today, he discusses the ever-growing problem of illegal immigration in America.

Click here for recent posts from Landmark Legal on a range of issue effecting our nation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Should Americans just sit back and let the UN control our lives as citizens of the One World Government?

Are people breaking into China – Russia – Cuba – Venezuela – willing to be controlled by their government? Pete points out that Canada isn’t allowing people into their country and they aren’t being accused of being racist!

What is the current US immigration policy?

Are parents of healthy, legal American children going to be upset if and when illegal immigrant children are in their schools, spreading COVID to the masses?

Are those on the Left ignoring the devastating public health and safety threats we face because of the open Southern border? Pete discusses some of the solutions we should implement immediately to secure our border to protect the health and safety of legal American citizens…

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August 5, 2019

Title: REAL Border Patrol Numbers
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by Ken Paxton
with Ken Paxton (

During the month of May 2019, the Border Patrol apprehended over 144,000 individuals along the southern border, a record-breaking number.

Ken Paxton, the Texas Attorney General, has more details about the arrests, people who are coming in illegally, and the lies the Democrats continue to tell the American people.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is Texas the only state that tracks the number of criminal offenses and arrests for homicides for illegal immigrants on the border?

How many illegal immigrants have been charged with a criminal offense since June 2011 in Texas?

Does every country in the world have the right to protect their citizens by controlling who enters their country?

Have the Democrats been saying for years that there is no crisis on the border? Are they still claiming this?

What is Ken Paxton doing to secure our border? Are his hands pretty much tied? What does WDC need to change?

Is illegal immigration one of the top concerns for Texans?

Click here  for more information on this straight from the Texas Department of Public Safety.

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July 17, 2018

Title: Fences Make Good Neighbors
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by John Horvat
with Return to Order

Would a border wall make us better neighbors? Will the alternative (no borders) be our ultimate demise? John Horvat, the author of “Return to Order”, offers some insight…

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do good fences make good neighbors?

Are there public parks where anyone and everyone could walk into your space, sleep in your space, recreate in your space, and prepare meals in your space?

Do you lock your windows and doors?

Would you allow anyone to simply walk into your office, set up a desk, install a phone line, and run a business – all on your dime?

What does “trespassing” mean? Are there both civil and federal trespassing laws?

Can anyone start their own meeting/group at a church without permission? Can anyone pass their own offering plate at church and take the money for themselves?

Are walls/boundaries necessary and proper?

Did God instruct His people to set up boundaries? This is a loaded question! Listen for the answer!

Are some Americans alone in their desire to have a border wall? Or, are there countries across the world who have strict border laws?

Do we just need to follow the law?

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April 24, 2017

Title: Are Border Reforms on the Horizon?
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by John Malcolm
with The Heritage Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Attorney General Jeff Sessions recently paid a visit to the US–Mexico border during a trip to Nogales, Arizona, where he spoke to a group of Customs and Border Protection agents and prosecutors.

New guest John Malcolm will be discussing this visit, crime in the US, and the infamous wall. John Malcom is the Vice President for the Institute for Constitutional Government at the Heritage Foundation

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is government’s first and primary responsibility the protection of its citizens?

What is “ground zero”?

Are brutal attacks, including rapes, murders, and beheadings, occurring within the borders of the US on a daily basis? Are the majority of these crimes committed by illegals?

Has Jeff Sessions stated that every person coming illegally into America will be stopped and questioned? Will this apply to illegals already in America?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Are Border Reforms on the Horizon?
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by John Malcolm
with The Heritage Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

With so few prosecutors and federal judges focused on illegal entrants, what is Attorney General Jeff Sessions proposing?

Will Trump and Sessions stick to their guns and follow through on their promises regarding this issue?

WHAT’S UP with The Wall?

Is the Trump Administration taking the necessary steps to protect US citizens?

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March 26, 2015

Title: Beefing up Security
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by State Rep. Dwayne Bohac
with State Rep. Dwayne Bohac (

The effects of weak border security measures are astounding. Drugs, gang members, crime, and human trafficking are getting worse every year. State Representative Dwayne Bohac (R-Houston) has authored two bills which, if passed, will significantly strengthen border security and help law enforcement crackdown on border-related crime. HB11, the “Stronger Border, Safer Texas Act,” will dramatically increase the number of Department of Public Safety (DPS) Troopers in the border region, impose tougher penalties on smugglers, and provide more resources for police statewide. HB1450 will establish the Texas Border Security Division, focusing on the break-up of cartels throughout the southern border region.

Representative Bohac says, “Even though protecting our border is Washington’s responsibility, we have to step in and be the adults because they are not doing their job. The guns, drugs, people, and crime don’t stay on the border,” he continues. “They spread throughout the entire country.”

He also discusses how much money has been spent in the past on border security and what the current proposed budget is. How will new projects and initiatives be funded? How much will it cost the taxpayers? Is it worth it? Where do we draw line, folks? Representative Bohac compares securing the border of our nation to a family securing their own home. “It’s not unloving,” he says. “It’s the opposite…We have a duty as a home owner – as a country – to protect those we love. That’s all we’re trying to do.

To learn more about this and other issues dear to Representative Dwayne Bohac, click [here].

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June 24, 2014

Title: The Border Crisis
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by State Representative Debbie Riddle
with Debbie Riddle

The federal government is not going to do anything about the crisis at the border. They’ve already said they won’t do anything. “Come to America”, they shout from the rooftops. “Come here and get whatever you want! We’ll pay for it all!

Well, being true Texans, we’ve decided that we will just do it ourselves. Representative Debbie Riddle has been working tirelessly on this issue. Listen in as she describes her (and other’s) efforts.

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June 23, 2014

Title: Border Crisis
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by Senator Dan Patrick
with Dan Patrick

State Senator Dan Patrick has called on the current leadership of the Texas government to provide emergency funding to secure the Texas/Mexico border. It is estimated that 8,000 illegals are captured each week. This does not include the number that we do NOT catch, which is significantly higher.

Dan discusses what happens when an unaccompanied minor is apprehended and what we do with a convicted criminal who is attempting to re-enter the US. He also describes the plans for the future.

We MUST take action NOW before it is too late.

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July 18, 2012

Title: Calling All Environmentalists! The Illegal Aliens Are Trashing The Ranches & Countryside!
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by Art Bedford
with Texas Border Volunteers

Part 1 of 3

Tell our listeners more about "The Ranch" - where is it? What kind of invasion was it experiencing?

How are the illegal aliens trashing the ranches and the countryside?

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by Art Bedford
with Texas Border Volunteers

Alongside many ranchers, you met with David Dewhurst and were able to ask him important questions – please tell our listeners about the good the bad and the ugly!

Do you think that David would be a friend to Americans over allowing illegal's to have more rights than Americans?

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by Art Bedford
with Texas Border Volunteers

Let’s shift to Ted Cruz. Do you think that Cruz would be a friend to Americans over allowing illegal's to have more rights than Americans?

If Dewhurst is elected, do you think he would be open to having members of your organization go to Washington and meet with him to talk about immigration issues? What about if Cruz is elected?

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June 28, 2012

Title: Calling All Environmentalists! The Illegal Aliens Are Trashing The Ranches & Countryside!
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by Art Bedford
with Texas Border Volunteers

Part 1 of 3

Tell our listeners more about "The Ranch" - where is it? What kind of invasion was it experiencing?

How are the illegal aliens trashing the ranches and the countryside?

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by Art Bedford
with Texas Border Volunteers

Alongside many ranchers, you met with David Dewhurst and were able to ask him important questions – please tell our listeners about the good the bad and the ugly!

Do you think that David would be a friend to Americans over allowing illegal's to have more rights than Americans?

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by Art Bedford
with Texas Border Volunteers

Let’s shift to Ted Cruz. Do you think that Cruz would be a friend to Americans over allowing illegal's to have more rights than Americans?

If Dewhurst is elected, do you think he would be open to having members of your organization go to Washington and meet with him to talk about immigration issues? What about if Cruz is elected?

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December 6, 2011

Title: Bridges, Fences, Man Power - Steps to Control Our Southern Border.
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by State Representative Debbie Riddle
with Debbie Riddle

Part 1 of 2

What is the first thing Texas and the U.S. Government should do along our southern border?

Should we build a fence from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Ocean?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by State Representative Debbie Riddle
with Debbie Riddle

Do we send all the illegals home?

Is the ‘sum of all the costs spent on illegals’ breaking the piggy bank in Texas?

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May 20, 2011

Title: Why is the Border Not Secure?
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by Rick Oltman
with Immigration Tea Party (

Part 1 of 3

Who is monitoring the immigration and employment laws in America? Anyone?? Is Republican Big Business in America selling out our own hard-working Americans for cheaper labor? Rick Oltman, with the Immigration Tea Party, explains how action must be taken NOW to secure our borders and to ensure every worker in America is, in fact, a legal citizen. Log on to for more.

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by Rick Oltman
with Immigration Tea Party (

Do certain elected officials and hopefuls sucker punch low-income families, offering them free money, health-care, child-care, housing, food, etc…? How does this have an effect on the labor and immigration laws in Texas? Log on to for more.

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by Rick Oltman
with Immigration Tea Party (

10,000 Baby Boomers retire every day in America, decreasing their imprint on the economy. What must be done to replace this loss of revenue back into the market to keep the US economy alive? Log on to for more.

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June 10, 2010

Topic: Border Security
Discussed by Lt Col. Christopher Hatley
with Lt Col. Christopher Hatley

Lt. Col. Christopher Hatley outlines what states and even citizens can do to fight illegal immigration in his book “Provide for the Common Defense”. Log on to to order your copy today.

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Topic: Border Security
Discussed by Lt Col. Christopher Hatley
with Lt Col. Christopher Hatley

Why is the government refusing to respond to the border states’ concern over illegal immigration? What does the Constitution really say about the issue? Lt. Col. Hatley has a great plan for reform. Visit to learn more.

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Topic: Border Security
Discussed by Oltman Rick
with Immigration Tea Party (

There is definitely something wrong in a country where gang members in ONE county outnumber America’s finest. Get with it folks! Log on to for more on the illegal immigration issue.

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Topic: Border Security
Discussed by Oltman Rick
with Immigration Tea Party (

Log on and search for “July 12, 2009/Kouri” to see the FACTS about illegal immigration.

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January 10, 2007

Topic: Border Security
Discussed by Chris Simcox
with Texas Minuteman

Border Patrol and National Guard Agents "protecting" our borders from illegal aliens are afraid for their lives. Why? Because they've been informed that they cannot fight back if they are under attack. If they do fight back, they will go to prison. Chris Simcox, with the Minute Men organization, urges you to call your Elected Official to see what they plan to do about this outrageous problem at our border. Log onto for more information.

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October 13, 2006

Topic: Border Security
Discussed by Colin Hanna
with We Need a

Is the proposed building of an additional 375 mile fence a good start?

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June 5, 2006

Topic: Border Security
Discussed by Chris Simcox
with Texas Minuteman

10,000 illegals enter the United States daily. How many enter to do harm? All who enter are breaking the law! Engage in a peaceful protest – Join the Minuteman.

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May 25, 2006

Topic: Border Security
Discussed by Colin Hanna
with We Need a

In Washington D.C., the House passed what some call an “Enforcement Bill”. Next week, the U.S. Senate is scheduled to debate an “Amnesty Bill”. Mr. Hanna, with We Need a Fence, briefly points out the different solutions and why America needs a fence along its Southern Border from the Pacific Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico.

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May 19, 2006

Topic: Border Security
Discussed by Colin Hanna
with We Need a

Is the proposed building of an additional 375 mile fence a good start?

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May 5, 2006

Topic: Border Security
Discussed by Chris Simcox
with Texas Minuteman

10,000 illegals enter the United States daily. How many enter to do harm? All who enter are breaking the law! Engage in a peaceful protest – Join the Minuteman.

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March 24, 2006

Topic: Border Security
Discussed by Chris Simcox
with Texas Minuteman

10,000 illegals enter the United States daily. How many enter to do harm? All who enter are breaking the law! Engage in a peaceful protest – Join the Minuteman.

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March 21, 2006

Title: We Need a Fence
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by Colin Hanna
with We Need a

In Washington D.C., the House passed what some call an “Enforcement Bill”. Next week, the U.S. Senate is scheduled to debate an “Amnesty Bill”. Mr. Hanna, with We Need a Fence, briefly points out the different solutions and why America needs a fence along its Southern Border from the Pacific Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico.

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November 23, 2005

Title: We Need a Fence
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by Colin Hanna
with We Need a

Congressman DeLay agrees: We need to SIN - Stop Immigration Now! "Housing" illegal immigrants costs American taxpayers 10's of billions of dollars each year! The cost of a fence from the Pacific Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico along our southwestern border is only $4-8 billion. Should we demand that the fence be built? How do we get the attention of our elected officials? Log onto for more information.

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October 14, 2005

Title: Do we need a fence between us and Mexico?
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by Susan Tully
with Federation for American Immigration Reform

What would stem the flood of illegal immigration into America the best: a fence between us and Mexico or severe penalties placed on any employer using illegal workers? Log onto for more from their perspective.

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October 13, 2005

Title: Do we need a fence on our Southern Border?
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by Rick Oltman
with Immigration Tea Party (

Do we have a "holy" fence today between the U.S. and Mexico? Where is it- does it work? Do we need more linear feet of fence and what will it cost? Rick Oltman, the western field Director with FAIR answers these questions.

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October 11, 2005

Title: We Need a Fence.Com
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by Colin Hanna
with We Need a

Congressman Delay Agrees: We Need S.I.N. Stop Illegals Now! The cost of American taxpayers every year is estimated to cost 10's of billions of dollars. The cost of a fence from the Pacific Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico along our southwestern border is estimated to cost $4-8 billion. Should we demand that it be built? How do we get the attention of our elected officials? Log onto For more!

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