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April 28, 2022

Title: The International Energy Agency Report: A 10-Point Plan to Cut Oil Use
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

Part 1 of 2

On March 28, 2022, the International Energy Agency released their 10-Point Plan to Cut Energy Use.

Bill Sydow is the Retired Director of the Oil and Gas Commission from the State of Nebraska and a former Engineer with King Ranch Oil and Gas in Texas. Today he offers his expert opinion on this 10-point plan.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the “every-other-day” plan? Bill explains how this plan will restrict private car use on roads in large cities.

What is the “stay home on Sunday” plan? Would this ban the use of private cars on Sundays? Is this another way to stop people from going to church?

Why does this plan include reducing the speed limit on highways by 10 kph (which translates to a reduction in 6.5 mph in the US)?

Does this 10-point plan want more people to work from home more often?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The International Energy Agency Report: A 10-Point Plan to Cut Oil Use
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does this new 10-point plan include increasing the cost of SUV’s? If so, why?

WWhy do “they” want to tax the miles we drive? Would this really make a difference? Bill says: “I don’t think that would reduce oil consumption at all, Terry, because there is a certain requirement for driving to get things done in our country.”

Since gas prices have skyrocketed over the past few months, many people (especially on the Left) are hailing electric vehicles as the answer. How is the lithium mined and processed that is used for the batteries in electric cars?

DDo “they” think that electricity magically comes from unicorns? Bill believes that most people have no clue how electricity really works.

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March 23, 2022

Title: Russia Is Just Biden’s Scapegoat for Rising Gas Price
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Jason Isaac
with American Energy Institute (

Scapegoat: A person or group made to bear the blame (via

Jason Isaac with Life:Powered at the Texas Public Policy Foundation discusses his recent article on this topic, found here .  Jason previously served four terms in the Texas House of Representatives.

Jason wrote: “President Joe Biden’s announcement that the United States would ban Russian oil imports in response to the attack on Ukraine was met with serious concern from both sides of the aisle because of the impact it could have on already record high gas prices.”

Click here for more from Life:Powered.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did Obama boldly declare on the campaign trail in 2008: “Under my plan… electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket”? Is this happening again under the Biden Administration?

FACT: Electricity costs in Germany have skyrocketed 60% in the last year due to their “clean energy” policies, resulting in many deaths in the freezing months because people cannot afford to heat their homes.

Are celebrities and others demanding that banks cease funding to the Canadian pipelines?

Serious Question: Does the Left live in an alternate universe where electricity is produced out of thin air? Jason says: “It blows my mind how the Left thinks they can get electricity from rainbows and unicorns. It just doesn’t happen.” He goes on to place the blame on the Biden Administration…

Is oil and gas being produced in cleaner and safer ways anywhere else in the world as compared to American production? SHORT ANSWER: No. LONG ANSWER: Listen as Jason explains how much cleaner oil and gas production is in America, including shipping it overseas.

Some Democrats want to ban all oil and gas activity on Federal lands. Can this mindset be reversed? Jason discusses what must be done in the short-term and long-term to get America back to energy independence.

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Title: The International Energy Agency Report: A 10-Point Plan to Cut Oil Use
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

Part 1 of 2

On March 28, 2022, the International Energy Agency released their 10-Point Plan to Cut Energy Use.

Bill Sydow is the Retired Director of the Oil and Gas Commission from the State of Nebraska and a former Engineer with King Ranch Oil and Gas in Texas. Today he offers his expert opinion on this 10-point plan.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the “every-other-day” plan? Bill explains how this plan will restrict private car use on roads in large cities.

What is the “stay home on Sunday” plan? Would this ban the use of private cars on Sundays? Is this another way to stop people from going to church?

Why does this plan include reducing the speed limit on highways by 10 kph (which translates to a reduction in 6.5 mph in the US)?

Does this 10-point plan want more people to work from home more often?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The International Energy Agency Report: A 10-Point Plan to Cut Oil Use
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does this new 10-point plan include increasing the cost of SUV’s? If so, why?

WWhy do “they” want to tax the miles we drive? Would this really make a difference? Bill says: “I don’t think that would reduce oil consumption at all, Terry, because there is a certain requirement for driving to get things done in our country.”

Since gas prices have skyrocketed over the past few months, many people (especially on the Left) are hailing electric vehicles as the answer. How is the lithium mined and processed that is used for the batteries in electric cars?

DDo “they” think that electricity magically comes from unicorns? Bill believes that most people have no clue how electricity really works.

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March 16, 2022

Title: Skyrocketing Oil and Gas Prices
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

Part 1 of 3

Why can’t America “drill here and drill now”?

Did humans cause the Ice Age?

What is “their” end-game?

Bill Sydow is the retired Director of the Nebraska Oil and Gas Commission. Today, he discusses a recent Fox News segment “Dems Urge Biden to Increase Domestic Energy Production in the Face of Skyrocketing Gas Prices.”

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why can’t we just turn on the oil spigot overnight? Bill explains that it’s not just about oil; parts and even labor are even in short supply…

Is the cancellation of the Keystone Pipeline Permit just one outward sign of the misguided hatred that the elites have for fossil fuels?

From day one, has the Biden Administration punished oil and gas explores and producers? Bill discusses just how far the Biden Administration has gone to stop oil and gas production. It’s completely ridiculous!

Is there a coordinated effort to shut-off needed new capital loans for exploration and production? Even more ridiculous: Bill explains that some lenders are not looking at companies’ credit scores now. They are looking at their carbon footprint. “There may be loans that will not made to very viable companies because they have the wrong worldview,” he says.

What practical steps can be taken to increase oil and gas production in the US near and long-term?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Skyrocketing Oil and Gas Prices
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did the burning of fossil fuels cause or contribute to the Ice Age? Did humans cause or contribute to the Ice Age? Short Answer: Absolutely not. Listen as Bill explains why…

Have modern doomsayers been predicting climate and environmental disaster since the 1960s? Do they fluctuate between hot-cold-hot-cold-hot-cold?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Skyrocketing Oil and Gas Prices
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is “their” end-game? What is their “Great Reset”? Do they really want to remove affordable, reliable energy from the globe? Bill discusses the World Economic Forum,  a European-based company that has an impact worldwide. Bill explains that one of their stated goals is to do away with fossil fuel usage by the year 2030, calling this a “delusional idea”.

Can America rely on Venezuela’s oil supply like the Biden Administration hopes?

WWhy do elites think they are ‘gods’?

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February 9, 2022

Title: Does Biden Have a Magic Wand?
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Jason Isaac
with American Energy Institute (

Part 1 of 2

Former Texas State Representative Jason Isaac is the current Director of Life:Powered, a project of the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Their goal is to ensure that we, our children, and grandchildren continue to benefit from abundant, reliable, safe, and clean energy.

Jason recently wrote: “Our nation’s leaders must have missed the Schoolhouse Rock episode on supply and demand. The basic principles of economics…are astonishingly simple. The scarcer oil is, the more expensive it is.”

Click here to read more on this issue from Jason Isaac.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Could the Biden Administration pursue policies that would increase energy supplies and make energy sources more reliable, clean, and safe? Jason says: “YES – and they could even do it with American energy supplies not OPEC or Russia like they’ve been begging to produce more while killing American energy.”

Since Biden took office a little over a year ago, what has happened to the supply of energy in the US?

Has the Biden administration caused energy sources within the US to become scarcer? Jason discusses several reasons why.

The Biden Administration blames higher energy prices in the US on OPEC and collusion amongst the major energy companies within the US. Is this an accusation accurate?

What is the Strategic Petroleum Reserve? Why does Biden want to tap into it? Will it help both in the short term and long term? Jason says: “Short term: yes. Long term: no.” He then explains how it will punish American energy producers.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Does Biden Have a Magic Wand?
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Jason Isaac
with American Energy Institute (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the Biden Administration aiming to reduce the use of fossil fuels in the US to zero?

Under President Trump’s leadership, did the United States become energy independent for the first time in nearly 70 years? Jason explains how Trump’s America First policies were able to do that – and how Biden actually wants to block exports of energy!

Do wind and solar work well during real cold, snowy, and icy conditions? Jason laughs and firmly says “NO”.

Do more humans die from being too cold or being too hot?

If Conservative Republicans regain control of the House of Representatives in WDC and increase their majority in the US Senate, can some of the Draconian policies implemented by the Biden Administration be reversed?

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October 27, 2020

Title: Venezuela Oil Production Down to Almost ZERO
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

Part 1 of 3

Venezuela, a founding member of OPEC, is close to producing ZERO barrels of oil. Is America next?

Bill Sydow is the former Director of the Nebraska Oil and Gas Commission. Today, he discusses the dire situation in Venezuela and offers a stern warning to America.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Was Venezuela once the largest oil producer in the world?

Did Socialism factor into the decaying/declining oil production in Venezuela? Bill refers to Socialism as the “demise” of Venezuela.

There are no dogs and cats in their major cities. Why? The people are starving and they have to eat them just to survive. Socialism on display for all to see how it does not work in real time.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Venezuela Oil Production Down to Almost ZERO
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has the oil production collapse in Venezuela hurt oil supplies in the US with a direct effect being higher prices for US consumers? Bill explains that the US has been affected for many, many years; this is not a new issue.

Is the massive decline of oil production in Venezuela due to poor management or lack of below ground oil resources?

Why does Bill believe that the oil collapse in Venezuela is due to Socialism and cronyism?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Venezuela Oil Production Down to Almost ZERO
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has the collapse and loss of revenue from oil production contributed to the starving condition of many in Venezuela?

EDITOR’S NOTE: Cities in America that have been run by Democrats for decades mirror the poor conditions of Venezuela. The Silent Majority MUST stand up and put a stop to this before their negative ideals are spread nationwide.

If Democrats gain control of Congress and the White House, implementing AOC’s New Green Deal, will we see the collapse of oil and gas production in America like Venezuela?

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October 15, 2020

Title: Venezuela Oil Production Down to Almost ZERO
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

Part 1 of 3

Venezuela, a founding member of OPEC, is close to producing ZERO barrels of oil. Is America next?

Bill Sydow is the former Director of the Nebraska Oil and Gas Commission. Today, he discusses the dire situation in Venezuela and offers a stern warning to America.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Was Venezuela once the largest oil producer in the world?

Did Socialism factor into the decaying/declining oil production in Venezuela? Bill refers to Socialism as the “demise” of Venezuela.

There are no dogs and cats in their major cities. Why? The people are starving and they have to eat them just to survive. Socialism on display for all to see how it does not work in real time.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Venezuela Oil Production Down to Almost ZERO
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has the oil production collapse in Venezuela hurt oil supplies in the US with a direct effect being higher prices for US consumers? Bill explains that the US has been affected for many, many years; this is not a new issue.

Is the massive decline of oil production in Venezuela due to poor management or lack of below ground oil resources?

Why does Bill believe that the oil collapse in Venezuela is due to Socialism and cronyism?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Venezuela Oil Production Down to Almost ZERO
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has the collapse and loss of revenue from oil production contributed to the starving condition of many in Venezuela?

EDITOR’S NOTE: Cities in America that have been run by Democrats for decades mirror the poor conditions of Venezuela. The Silent Majority MUST stand up and put a stop to this before their negative ideals are spread nationwide.

If Democrats gain control of Congress and the White House, implementing AOC’s New Green Deal, will we see the collapse of oil and gas production in America like Venezuela?

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August 24, 2020

Title: Venezuela Oil Production Down to Almost ZERO
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

Part 1 of 3

Venezuela, a founding member of OPEC, is close to producing ZERO barrels of oil. Is America next?

Bill Sydow is the former Director of the Nebraska Oil and Gas Commission. Today, he discusses the dire situation in Venezuela and offers a stern warning to America.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Was Venezuela once the largest oil producer in the world?

Did Socialism factor into the decaying/declining oil production in Venezuela? Bill refers to Socialism as the “demise” of Venezuela.

There are no dogs and cats in their major cities. Why? The people are starving and they have to eat them just to survive. Socialism on display for all to see how it does not work in real time.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Venezuela Oil Production Down to Almost ZERO
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has the oil production collapse in Venezuela hurt oil supplies in the US with a direct effect being higher prices for US consumers? Bill explains that the US has been affected for many, many years; this is not a new issue.

Is the massive decline of oil production in Venezuela due to poor management or lack of below ground oil resources?

Why does Bill believe that the oil collapse in Venezuela is due to Socialism and cronyism?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Venezuela Oil Production Down to Almost ZERO
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has the collapse and loss of revenue from oil production contributed to the starving condition of many in Venezuela?

EDITOR’S NOTE: Cities in America that have been run by Democrats for decades mirror the poor conditions of Venezuela. The Silent Majority MUST stand up and put a stop to this before their negative ideals are spread nationwide.

If Democrats gain control of Congress and the White House, implementing AOC’s New Green Deal, will we see the collapse of oil and gas production in America like Venezuela?

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August 12, 2019

Title: Drill Here. Drill Now.
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

Although America is becoming increasingly energy independent, it’s still vulnerable to political upheavals. For example, environmentalists are fighting a new development in Alaska which could produce a significant amount of oil, boosting our country’s economy.

Horace Cooper has more details today. Horace is a Senior Fellow with the National Center for Public Policy Research, Co-Chairman of the Project 21 National Advisory Board, and a legal commentator. Click here for more from Horace on this issue.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Can anyone accurately forecast America’s energy needs?

Can the US afford to be in a position where bad actors use oil and/or natural gas exports as leverage to influence political events around the globe?

Horace points out that we have the ability to make our own destiny. Listen as he explains…

By allowing drilling activity on 2,000 acres in Alaska, would Americans have access to oil in substantial quantities? More on this in the next segment…

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Drill Here. Drill Now.
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How much recoverable oil could be produced from developing a mere 2,000-acre plot of land?

What is stopping the exploration and development of this oil in Alaska?

FACT: Every new house in California MUST have a solar component. In addition, there are some counties in California where natural gas use is completely banned.

Where do we draw the line?

Click here  to send Terry a comment on this important issue!

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July 16, 2019

Title: Electricity Freedom on Demand
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

The U.S. will soon dominate the global Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) market. But some, specifically in New York City, are working hard to stop our success and growth.

Kathleen White is the Director of their Armstrong Center for Energy & the Environment at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Kathleen will be discussing “Electricity Freedom on Demand” today.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is access to reliable, affordable electricity a key stepping-stone in leaving poverty and poor health behind?

Since 2008, has oil and gas production in the US risen, remained flat, or declined?

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March 14, 2019

Title: Is Colorado the New California?
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Jason Isaac
with American Energy Institute (

Now that new oil and gas drilling in California has essentially been locked down, Colorado is the focus of the “Keep It in the Ground” movement.

Jason Isaac is the Senior Manager for TPPF’s initiative “Life: Powered”.  Their goal is to inform the national discussion about energy resources and advocate for energy policies that promote economic freedom and advance the human condition.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Due to advancements in energy production: Are people living longer and healthier lives? Is poverty decreasing? Is our environment cleaner than ever before?

How has America regained the position as the world’s number one producer of oil and gas?

The environmentalists have conquered California. Why is Colorado next on their list? Has New York already implemented extreme measures to become more “green”?

What would happen to current production levels if Texas Democrat leaders push through any oil and/or gas drilling obstructions? How many jobs would be lost? Would the air quality suffer?

FACT: German citizens pay three times more to heat and cool their homes than Americans. Spaniards pay four times more than we do! BUT WAIT --- THERE’S MORE! Right here in Texas, the city of Georgetown (north of Austin) went 100% renewable. How much are THEY paying? How much money has the city lost?

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June 19, 2017

Title: The Future of Oil and Gas Production in Texas
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Christi Craddick
with Christi Craddick (

Part 1 of 2

The US Energy Information Administration  forecasts crude oil production from the seven major US onshore regions to greatly expand in the near future.

Christi Craddick is one of three Chairmen to the Texas Railroad Commission. Today, she will be discussing how the expansion will effect Texas.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What part of this massive increase does the Texas Railroad Commission play?

Can drilling for oil and gas be accomplished in a safe, consistent, environmentally-friendly manner?

Should Texas – and America as a whole – accelerate the export of Liquefied Natural Gas?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The Future of Oil and Gas Production in Texas
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Christi Craddick
with Christi Craddick (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

There are those who believe it is better to keep oil and natural gas in the ground as compared to drilling, producing, and using it today to make our lives healthier, happier, more productive, and longer. Christi Craddick’s response to this statement is absolutely brilliant. Listen in as Terry adds his two-cents, as well…

Does an increase in oil and gas production help women in third-world countries?

What role do women play in the Oil and Gas Industry? What role do women play within the Texas Railroad Commission?

Christi Craddick encourages students to pursue STEM classes as early as possible to get their foot in the door for a fantastic career later in life. Parents, do a Google search to find STEM classes near you.

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September 14, 2016

Title: Making the Most of America’s Oil Reserves
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Dr. David Kreutzer
with The Heritage Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Energy is an integral component of human life around the world, yet it is often taken for granted. By tapping many of its uncovered resources, America has the potential to be the world’s largest producer of energy. With the right policies in place, tapping this energy can help create a vibrant and prosperous economy for decades to come.

David Kreutzer is a Senior Fellow with The Heritage Foundation. He is an expert on Energy and the Environment, Climate Change, Energy Policy, and Renewable Energy.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

First, there are three myths that must be overcome: It is better to leave it in the ground; we should use everyone else’s and save ours for last; and the greatest off-shoring of US jobs has been to shift oil and gas exploration, development, and refining offshore. Listen in as David Kreutzer discusses these myths.

Is energy still a fundamental element to basic human life? Is more modern energy needed in countries all across the world?

Has the US doubled oil production between 2008 and 2015? Is this because of federal energy policy, or in spite of it?

What sort of energy powerhouse could the U.S. be with an energy policy that unleashes America’s total energy productivity?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Making the Most of America’s Oil Reserves
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Dr. David Kreutzer
with The Heritage Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Would allowing more energy production in the US have a positive or negative effect on the average family?

What restrictions should the federal government remove to encourage more energy production in the US? Listen in as David Kreutzer reveals the difference between state and federal land permits, the threat of lawsuits, and what the government must do to encourage more drilling.

Should the US export oil, natural gas, and coal? If so, in what quantities and to which countries?

Would this be in the best interest of the US and all its citizens?

Are other countries like China and Iraq as environmental conscience as Americans? Listen as David gives some details about Nigeria that will make you shudder!

To read David Kreutzer’s article in full, click here.

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June 12, 2015

Title: Is the Oil Industry Dead?
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Mark P. Mills
with Manhattan Institute (

Part 1 of 2

The last time we had an excess of oil in reserves was 1986. There are now 2 billion more people on the earth consuming more oil than ever before. 30 million more barrels daily, to be exact. The world’s population will not stop expanding. People will not stop needing to cook and heat and cool their homes and businesses. Therefore, we must continue to produce and provide oil and gas to the world. But how?

Mark Mills is senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute. Mark served in the White House Science Office under President Reagan. He holds several patents from his work in microprocessors, fiber optics, missile guidance, and nuclear energy. Mark is here to discuss the oil industry’s transition for Shale oil 1.0 to Shale 2.0. He does not believe the oil industry is dead or dying. In fact, Mark says the demand will only increase.

Businesses get lazy when the profits come easy, and that’s what is going on now,” Mark explains about the current slump. He also discusses how technology has affected the oil industry – both positively and negatively. Tune in to the next segment with Mark as he examines the government’s role.

NOTE: Mark’s report on this topic can be found [here].

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Is the Oil Industry Dead?
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Mark P. Mills
with Manhattan Institute (

In the beginning of this segment, host Terry Lowry relives the glory days from his time in the oil and gas industry. He tells a lively story about spending money!! Listen in…

Companies do not just go spend money like they used to. They still need new, young faces to join their teams, though! Mark Mills explains how technician and trade jobs are most needed. Hundreds of thousands of people are retiring; these are high-paying jobs that are in high demand.

Beware of government interference, though! Obama and his minions are blocking the exportation of oil every chance they can. “Laws from a century ago need to be changed and reflect modern time,” Mark says. Furthermore, lies about fracking are crippling the production growth of oil and gas. The EPA has even admitted they lied! Time to step up the game, folks. We need new policies. Period.

The Federal Government currently owns over half of the undeveloped land in America, most of which can be used for oil and gas production, boosting our economy even further. But, no! Obama won’t allow it. The Dems won’t allow it. The environmentalists won’t allow it because a dung beetle in the middle of a muddy swamp might be disturbed. Oh, the horror.

NOTE: Mark’s report on this topic can be found [here].

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February 13, 2015

Title: America Needs a New Energy Policy
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Louis Finkel
with American Petroleum Institute

Part 1 of 2

Did Obama’s administration encourage oil and gas exploration in America? Or are lower gas prices in spite of Obama and his minions? Millions of Americans are enjoying the lower gas prices, but at what cost?

Louis Finkel is the Executive Vice President for Government Affairs with the American Petroleum Institute. He is responsible for integrating API’s advocacy resources – federal affairs, state affairs, mobilization, and communications. He explains that for every penny gasoline goes down, it puts another BILLION dollars into the pockets of American consumers. This is all well and good, but thousands of oil and gas employees are waiting on pins and needles to see if they have a job when they go to work tomorrow. Those who are responsible for drilling the wells are worried they’re going to lose it all, just like the oil crash in the 80’s.

Louis believes that what America needs right now more than anything is better policies. In Texas alone, up to 62,000 new jobs could be created if Obama would just pass good policies! Listen in as he explains his point of view and why it is so important for the administration to begin drilling on federal land, not just the private sector. 

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - America Needs a New Energy Policy
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Louis Finkel
with American Petroleum Institute

America is now the leading oil and gas producer in the world, but it really has nothing to do with Obama. His policies are putting a stop to new drilling at every turn, resulting in a massive decrease in oil and gas production on federal land, while privately-owned land production is thriving.

America’s job, economic, and military security all center around the energy industry. It is time Obama and his cronies realize this and start making up for lost time by opening the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic. Louis Finkel explains why Obama is stalling, which is really quite shocking when you think about it.

Louis also believes that when America is allowed to export oil to other countries in the world, our status in the global market will sky rocket. We are not depending on others as much anymore; we have our own. Let’s get drilling, Mr. President! Click [here]  for more on the oil and gas industry.  

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July 22, 2014

Title: Loss of Oil from Iraq in America
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Part 1 of 2

Iraq exports approximately 3.5 million barrels of crude every day (as of February, 2014). America imports roughly 300,000 of those barrels.

If all oil exports from Iraq stopped, what would happen? Would people really pay $10-15 per gallon for gas? Or, would the world just shrivel up and die?

Listen in as energy expert, Marita Noon, discusses the latest numbers and what it means for you.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Loss of Oil from Iraq in America
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Drilling and fracking on private and state lands rose by 61% from 2009 and 2013, but decreased by six percent on federally owned land. Why such a vast difference?

What should our local, state, and federal governments really be focused on? Caring for thousands upon thousands of illegal aliens? The horrible state of our kids’ school lunches? Bill and Hillary’s “debt problem”?

Marita Noon says – and I agree with her – that our government must be focused on producing more sustainable energy. We cannot simply rely on others to supply our country with crude. We have plenty here. It’s time to take action.

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June 26, 2014

Title: Loss of Oil from Iraq in America
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Part 1 of 2

Iraq exports approximately 3.5 million barrels of crude every day (as of February, 2014). America imports roughly 300,000 of those barrels.

If all oil exports from Iraq stopped, what would happen? Would people really pay $10-15 per gallon for gas? Or, would the world just shrivel up and die?

Listen in as energy expert, Marita Noon, discusses the latest numbers and what it means for you.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Loss of Oil from Iraq in America
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Drilling and fracking on private and state lands rose by 61% from 2009 and 2013, but decreased by six percent on federally owned land. Why such a vast difference?

What should our local, state, and federal governments really be focused on? Caring for thousands upon thousands of illegal aliens? The horrible state of our kids’ school lunches? Bill and Hillary’s “debt problem”?

Marita Noon says – and I agree with her – that our government must be focused on producing more sustainable energy. We cannot simply rely on others to supply our country with crude. We have plenty here. It’s time to take action.

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February 28, 2014

Title: Oil and Gas Expansion in America
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Karen Moreau
with Energy Tomorrow

Part 1 of 3

In his State of the Union Address in 2012, Obama emphasized the importance of job growth in America, but squashes every opportunity that arises, specifically in the oil and gas industry.

The oil and gas industry supplies nearly 10 million jobs in the United States and more than $86 million per DAY in revenue to our government. So, why do Obama and his cronies want to impede expansion?

Listen in as Karen Moreau with the American Petroleum Institute explains.

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Title: part 2 of 3
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Karen Moreau
with Energy Tomorrow

We’ve had a dot-com crash, real estate crash, and the economic depression within the last 10 years. Many public and private pensions, 401 (k’s), and IRA’s hold stock in oil and gas companies.

If exporting goods and services to other counties is a good thing, then why not export oil and gas? Furthermore, why not use more of our own countries oil and gas ourselves?

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Karen Moreau
with Energy Tomorrow

America has become one of the top producers of oil and gas in the world, which affects every single person in terms of heating and cooling our homes, businesses, churches, and schools. It affects gas prices for our cars, even the price of eggs and milk and your clothes!

President Obama’s agenda does not line up with more energy, lower consumer costs, and more good paying jobs. Log on to  for more on this issue.

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December 13, 2013

Title: Standing up for Texans while Dems Cow-Tow
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Barry Smitherman

Part 1 of 2

Barry Smitherman discusses his lawsuit against the EPA concerning the shut-down of Texas power plants, which would cost Texans job and increase electrical rates.

The rules the EPA proposed were not based on sound science but rather a radical, anti-carbon agenda.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Barry Smitherman

As the number one producer of coal and the number four user of coal, The Cross State Air Pollution case is critically important to Texas and our economy. Obama wants to shut down all coal-fired generating plants.

Barry Smitherman, candidate for Texas Attorney General, vows to fight the EPA on the behalf of all Texas. Learn more about Barry at

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December 11, 2013

Title: Oil Production in Texas - Christian
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Wayne Christian
with Wayne Christian (

According new federal data Oil production in Texas has hit its highest monthly rate on record, more than doubling in less than three years.

The state pumped 2.7 million barrels of crude per day during September, the highest monthly average since at least January 1981. Texas oil production had been declining since the U.S. Energy Information Administration’s monthly record-keeping began in 1981. But the tide abruptly turned in 2008 with the beginning of the shale oil and gas boom.

Wayne Christian, candidate for Texas Railroad Commissioner, discusses this and more.

To learn more about Wayne Christian and his campaign, click [here].

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Title: Oil Production in Texas - Boyuls
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Malachi Boyuls
with Malachi Boyuls

Texas’ oil production peaked in 1972, when it produced an average of 3.4 million barrels per day, according to data from the Texas Railroad Commission.

For 25 straight months, the state’s oil production rate has increased by more than 25 percent year-over-year, notes economist Mark J. Perry, a professor at the University of Michigan’s School of Management.

Malachi Boyuls is a candidate for Texas Railroad Commissioner.

Listen in as he explains the current Texas oil boom and how he plans to fight the EPA if elected.

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Title: Oil Production in Texas - Berger
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Becky Berger
with Becky Berger

Part 1 of 2

The Obama administration has waged a personal war against the use of coal in America.

Now that Texas is on the verge of becoming a shining beacon in the oil arena, the EPA is eye-balling specific land in Texas as potential targets.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Becky Berger
with Becky Berger

Becky Berger, another candidate for Texas Railroad Commissioner, discusses a recent article concerning Norway and why they are so concerned with the increasing activity of crude oil and the financial challenges it poses.

You can find Becky by clicking [here].

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December 21, 2012

Title: Fracking - Good or Bad?
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

Part 1 of 3

Bill Sydow is a long-time friend and an expert in the Oil and Gas field.

He is here to explain what “fracking” is and the purpose behind “surface casing”.

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

In this second segment, Bill explains the history of “fracking” and why both domestic and foreign legislators are focused on the practice.

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

The EPA wants to ban the use of hydraulic fracking. Bill explains why a ban would be catastrophic!

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Title: Fracking Creates Jobs!
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Over 1 million oil and gas wells have been drilled in America since the early 1940’s using “fracking”. There are NO cases of contamination, yet the EPA wants to ban the method!

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Obama did not place a single expert in the Oil and Gas industry on the panel to review the “damage” caused by fracking.


You shouldn’t be.

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July 30, 2012

Title: Need-To-Know Information on The Whole Fracking "Problem"!
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

Part 1 of 3

As a petroleum engineer, have you used a technique called fracking?

Is it a requirement in every state to set surface casing? What is its purpose?

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

Has this organization that is made up of member states and international bodies discussed the term fracking?

Please take a few minutes and discuss for our listeners the history of fracking, when it began, its purpose, etc.

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

Should the EPA outlaw the use of the hydraulic fracking technique that is so common place in the oil industry today?

If the Nebraska legislature came to you and said that they wanted you to hire an expert to study the fracking process - Who would you hire? A restaurant owner? Your pastor? An accountant?

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May 22, 2012

Title: Obama's Gas-Powered War On Coal - Should We Have Seen This Coming?
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Phil Kerpen
with American Commitment (

Part 1 of 2

Did Obama declare war on coal during his candidacy? If so, then why did Obama declare war on coal?

Will this mean that across America we will lose another 183,000 good paying jobs? Does this mean we will be paying up 20 percent more for electricity?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Phil Kerpen
with American Commitment (

Explain to our listeners how and why the leadership of these environmental groups doesn’t want any more Americans (or anymore people across the globe!).

What is the story of the Zulu hut? Why did Obama get a free pass when he stated that he planned on sabotaging the coal industry?

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May 17, 2012

Title: What In The World Is A Railroad Commission?
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Barry Smitherman

Part 1 of 2

Special guest Barry Smitherman answers:

Can we push legislation next year to change the name of the railroad commission? What in the world does the railroad commission actually do?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Barry Smitherman

Has it been proven that there is at least one frac job somewhere in America that caused potable water contamination? Does fracking cause earthquakes?

Talk to our listeners about the importance of this race and why you are the most qualified candidate!

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May 16, 2012

Title: Is Fracking Shaking Up The Earth's Crust?
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Special guest Kathleen White answers:

Is there any evidence that ONE frack job has contaminated potable water?

Is there any evidence that fracking causes earthquakes?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Will Obama and his new executive order shut down the use of these fracking technique or are we just crying wolf?

How can conservatives stand up and say no to this overreaching federalization of the oil and gas drilling industry on private lands?

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May 4, 2012

Title: Their Engines Are Revving, Sparks Are Flying - Look Out! "BoatU.S." is On The Warpath!
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Margaret Podlich
with BoatU.S. (

Part 1 of 2

Special guest Margaret Podlich answers:

Does boating put billions of dollars into our economy and into our recreation? Does it improve our lives?

Why does BoatU.S. oppose a bill in Washington D.C. to limit liability to all in the fuel chain? For our listeners, what is it that the EPA wants to do in relation to ethanol?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Margaret Podlich
with BoatU.S. (

Is there a current bill in Washington that is anti-consumer? Why do you believe this to be true?

For our listeners, what did you write in the letter you sent to the committee of energy and commerce back on April 17?

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May 3, 2012

Title: The Endless Potential of The Leviathan & Tamar Gas Fields - Who Will Have Their Power?
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Dr. Uzi Landau
with Minister of Energy and Water Resources for the State of Israel

Part 1 of 2

Special guest Dr. Uzi Landau answers:

Tell us more about the Leviathan & Tamar Gas fields - How big are they and what is their worth? Could they turn Israel into a major exporter?

Will money help you be safer, or will money again divide your people, the Israelis, from your hostile neighbors?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Dr. Uzi Landau
with Minister of Energy and Water Resources for the State of Israel

Will this discovery allow Israel to sit down with its neighbors and negotiate as civil countries and work for the best of all people?

What is the purpose of an underwater electricity cable? Is the Palestinian education system planting seeds of dissention in its young people? Will this be problematic later?

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March 29, 2012

Title: Are You Running On Pure Energy? Updates On The Oil & Gas Industry In America.
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

Part 1 of 4

Special guest Bill Sydow answers:

Could the oil and gas industry today in America be booming more than it is? If not for what?

Is there more oil and gas to be discovered in America than we have discovered up till now? What has stopped exploration?

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Title: Part 2 of 4
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

How many acres is King Ranch? Is that bigger than some states?

Tell us about the technique that oil companies are using to "frack" the tight shale/hydraulic fracturing.

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Title: Part 3 of 4
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

Do you know of any well that was "fracked" that caused a migration of gas or oil to seep into any usable water zone in America?

Have you discussed this at seminars with other directors of oil and gas commissions at various states around the country?

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Title: Part 4 of 4
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

Do you know of any well that was "fracked" that caused a migration of gas or oil to seep into any usable water zone in America?

Have you discussed this at seminars with other directors of oil and gas commissions at various states around the country?

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