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April 2, 2015

Title: The True Facts about Religious Freedom Laws
Topic: Religious Freedom
Discussed by Sarah Torre
with The Heritage Foundation (

When will it end? Will it ever stop? The fight against religious freedom in this country is just out of control. The MSM jumps at every chance to side with the Gay Mafia, bashing Christians and labeling them as homophobic bigots.

Sara Torre, with The Heritage Foundation, discusses how the recent Indiana law protects the citizens – all citizens – from violating their Constitutional rights under the 1st Amendment. Sara says that states passing laws like this “is a very common sense way to balance the fundamental right to religious liberty with compelling government interest.” Bill Clinton signed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act 20 years ago. Why has the Gay Mafia just recently become so outraged over the issue?

It all boils down to “artistic expression”. Listen in as Sara explains the difference between simply selling an already-baked good or pre-made flower arrangement to someone, compared to making a customized cake or bouquet.

Click [here]  for more from The Heritage Foundation.

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