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July 21, 2014

Title: The Goal of Energy Independence is Achievable
Topic: Energy Independence
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Part 1 of 3

Recently the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) sent out a "2014 Priority Issues Survey.” The survey included expected Tea Party bashing: "Help the Democrats protect the progress we have made from Tea Party radicals, deliver the positive changes America needs, and help Democrats win a majority in the U.S. House of Representatives!

There was also a section on energy. Section VII, asks: "Which of the following will help America achieve energy independence?” It offers five options that do little to move America toward energy independence – which isn't even a realistic goal given the current nature of liquid fuels. Additionally, most of the choices given on the DCCC survey actually increase energy costs for all Americans – serving as a hidden tax – and hurt those on the lower end of the socio-economic scale the most. The proposals hurt the very people the party purports to champion.

Marita Noon, with Energy Makes America Great, discusses.

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Energy Independence
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Within the Democrat survey, recipients were asked if the government should increase the gas mileage standards for all new cars and trucks. Suggesting a forced raising of gas mileage standards implies that auto manufacturers are in collusion with oil companies and are intentionally producing gas guzzlers to force Americans into buying lots of gasoline.

With the price of gasoline wavering between $3-4.00 a gallon, most people are very conscious of their fuel expenditures. If it were technologically possible to build a cost-effective truck or SUV that had the size and safety Americans want and that got 50 mpg, that manufacturer would have the car-buying public beating a path to its door. Every car company would love to be the one to corner that market – but it will definitely not be easy, it probably won't be possible, and it surely won't be cheap.

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Energy Independence
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

There is nothing inherently wrong with the idea renewable energy. Wind and solar energy are excellent sources of energy from renewable sources.

However, the cost is not where I take issue with the DCCC's inclusion of "Developing renewable energy sources” in its survey. The survey question is about achieving "energy independence.

Throughout America, people are beginning to feel the escalating costs of the forced renewable energy utility companies are required to add as a result of Renewable Portfolio Standards that more than half of the states passed nearly a decade ago.

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April 21, 2014

Title: The Goal of Energy Independence is Achievable
Topic: Energy Independence
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Part 1 of 3

Recently the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) sent out a "2014 Priority Issues Survey.” The survey included expected Tea Party bashing: "Help the Democrats protect the progress we have made from Tea Party radicals, deliver the positive changes America needs, and help Democrats win a majority in the U.S. House of Representatives!

There was also a section on energy. Section VII, asks: "Which of the following will help America achieve energy independence?” It offers five options that do little to move America toward energy independence – which isn't even a realistic goal given the current nature of liquid fuels. Additionally, most of the choices given on the DCCC survey actually increase energy costs for all Americans – serving as a hidden tax – and hurt those on the lower end of the socio-economic scale the most. The proposals hurt the very people the party purports to champion.

Marita Noon, with Energy Makes America Great, discusses.

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Title: Part 2 0f 3
Topic: Energy Independence
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Within the Democrat survey, recipients were asked if the government should increase the gas mileage standards for all new cars and trucks. Suggesting a forced raising of gas mileage standards implies that auto manufacturers are in collusion with oil companies and are intentionally producing gas guzzlers to force Americans into buying lots of gasoline.

With the price of gasoline wavering between $3-4.00 a gallon, most people are very conscious of their fuel expenditures. If it were technologically possible to build a cost-effective truck or SUV that had the size and safety Americans want and that got 50 mpg, that manufacturer would have the car-buying public beating a path to its door. Every car company would love to be the one to corner that market – but it will definitely not be easy, it probably won't be possible, and it surely won't be cheap.

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Energy Independence
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

There is nothing inherently wrong with the idea renewable energy. Wind and solar energy are excellent sources of energy from renewable sources.

However, the cost is not where I take issue with the DCCC's inclusion of "Developing renewable energy sources” in its survey. The survey question is about achieving "energy independence.

Throughout America, people are beginning to feel the escalating costs of the forced renewable energy utility companies are required to add as a result of Renewable Portfolio Standards that more than half of the states passed nearly a decade ago.

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February 25, 2014

Title: Should America Imitate a Third World Country?
Topic: Energy Independence
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Part 1 of 4

If imitation is the best form of flattery should the new Mexican President be observing the Obama administration when it comes to jobs growth and growing their economy?

Or, should President Obama and his administration be observing how the current President of Mexico is providing new jobs for his population and growing their economy?

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Title: part 2 of 4
Topic: Energy Independence
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

The Mexican government is actually encouraging for-profit businesses to expand and make more profits! No, that is NOT a typo!

Even more astounding is the President of Mexico is reducing their take of taxes, fees, and in-kind contributions from the international oil companies! Again – NOT a typo!

Listen in to hear more unforeseen tales that are true!

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Title: Part 3 of 4
Topic: Energy Independence
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Not everyone is happy about the new President of Mexico’s brilliant plan. The day the reforms were signed, protesters pounded on metal barriers with rocks and spoons. Riot police stood guard. In fact, more than 1.6 million signatures have been gathered on a petition demanding a referendum on energy reform.

So, what will happened? Will the new Mexican President back down?

Listen in to hear Marita’s opinion.

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Title: Part 4 of 4
Topic: Energy Independence
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

If an American President had the guts to go up against the EPA and the environmental tree huggers in order to increase oil, gas, and coal production in all the states of these United States, it would bring down the cost of gasoline and electricity.

Not only that, it would create hundreds of thousands of jobs for the American people, building a more secure America by freeing us from the chains held by O.P.E.C.

Learn more about this and other issues affecting our environment at

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October 23, 2012

Title: Does Energy Make America Great?
Topic: Energy Independence
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Why should women care about energy? Obama's new CAFÉ standards are staggering - with a projected 50% increase in mpg over the next 13 years. Will you please explain these standards and what they will mean for our economy?

The Obama administration promised 5 million new energy jobs at a cost of $15 billion per year. The amount of new jobs that have been established is far less than that and the plan has cost much more. Are women beginning to see the truth hidden behind the lies?

What is the biggest concern for women when they go and vote? Can you break down some of the "green jobs" that Obama has claimed to have created? Why should women even care about how much green energy is actually costing us?

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October 3, 2012

Title: If Romney Wins, Does OPEC Lose? Is Obama the OPEC President?
Topic: Energy Independence
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Part 1 of 2

Do the OPEC countries have a choke hold on the world economy? If so, how and why?

Could the US be the Saudi Arabia of: coal, natural gas, wind, and oil?

Has Obama declared war on fossil based fuel?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Energy Independence
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

In your opinion, is Obama and his minions more loyal to shutting down Americas economy or more loyal to putting Americans back to work?

Is Obama the best advocate for OPEC?

Is this true: if Obama wins, OPEC wins?

What about: If Romney wins, American families win?

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April 2, 2012

Title: EPA Regulations Expected to Further Cripple Coal Industry and to Unnecessarily Drive Electricity Costs Sky High! Surprised?
Topic: Energy Independence
Discussed by Tom Borelli
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Part 1 of 2

Coal currently provides what percentage of the nation's electricity? Is it true that the proposed regulation will ban future construction of new coal-fired power plants and force utilities to use other power sources? What would those other sources be?

Will the EPA’s greenhouse gas rule essentially end the use of coal as a power source in our country? Is President Obama bankrupting the coal industry through his regulatory black boot? (For our listeners, what does the regulatory boot mean?)

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Energy Independence
Discussed by Tom Borelli
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Is Obama delivering on his promise to make electricity prices skyrocket? Will American coal be exported to China, thus putting our country at a competitive disadvantage for cheap power?

Does the new rule remove coal as a competitor for electricity, making way for Obama’s renewable alternatives, wind and solar? The new rule is a bail out for whom?

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March 15, 2012

Title: Morning Bell: The Nuclear Option for Powering America!
Topic: Energy Independence
Discussed by Jack Spencer
with The Heritage Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Will there be enough electricity tomorrow or a year from now for us to enjoy the same lifestyle we are enjoying today?

Do Americans take for granted their electricity?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Energy Independence
Discussed by Jack Spencer
with The Heritage Foundation (

How many nuclear power plants are in America? What percent of our energy is generated from nuclear energy?

Tell us about "Powering America" and why, in your opinion, do we need more nuclear plants?

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November 30, 2011

Title: Do you remember from physics or chemistry what “E” stands for? - The USA and its ENERGY independence crisis.
Topic: Energy Independence
Discussed by Judson Phillips
with Judson Phillips (

Part 1 of 2

President John F. Kennedy guided American policy to place a man - an American - on the moon.  Today, does America have a leader, bold enough, charismatic enough, and strong enough to guide America to “energy independence in 10 years” and if so, will this ‘Drill Here - Drill Now’ policy crash the world oil prices?

If America became energy independent within the next 10 years, would this put Americans back to work?

By becoming energy independent within the next 10 years, would this provide safe, secure energy supplies for our children and grandchildren?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Energy Independence
Discussed by Judson Phillips
with Judson Phillips (

Have there been too many Republican Presidential Debates”?  Are voters across the country beginning to exhibit “debate fatigue”?

Judson, let’s review the early primaries and how the vote totals may be split: winner takes all vs. proportional?

     a. What about Iowa?
     b. New Hampshire
     c. South Carolina
     d. What other states will be holding primaries in January?

What happens next?

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July 7, 2010

Topic: Energy Independence
Discussed by Denise McCourt
with American Petroleum Institute

Denise McCourt is the Industry Relations Director for the American Petroleum Institute, which represents nearly 400 member companies in the US. She discusses why Congress will not allow US oil companies to drill in the most promising areas for oil and gas exploration and who owns the majority of stocks. Log onto for more information.

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September 30, 2008

Topic: Energy Independence
Discussed by Denise McCourt
with American Petroleum Institute

Denise McCourt is the Industry Relations Director for the American Petroleum Institute, which represents nearly 400 member companies in the US. She discusses why Congress will not allow US oil companies to drill in the most promising areas for oil and gas exploration and who owns the majority of stocks. Log onto for more information.

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August 11, 2008

Title: OPEC Is Using Their Money To Buy America! A Best of Segment
Topic: Energy Independence
Discussed by Dr. Robert Zubrin
with Author

Before long, OPEC Countries will own all American Businesses if we do not stop them now! Author Dr. Robert Zubrin discusses this important issue. Find his great book, Energy Victory, at

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August 7, 2008

Title: OPEC Is Using Their Money To Buy America!
Topic: Energy Independence
Discussed by Dr. Robert Zubrin
with Author

Before long, OPEC Countries will own all American Businesses if we do not stop them now! Author Dr. Robert Zubrin discusses this important issue. Find his great book, Energy Victory, at

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August 6, 2008

Title: Energy Taxes Proposed by McCain vs. Obama Part 1 of 2
Topic: Energy Independence
Discussed by Brian Johnson
with Americans for Tax Reform

Brian Johnson, with Americans fro Tax Reform, discusses the different approaches to energy independence proposed by McCain vs. Obama. For more log onto

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Title: Energy Taxes Proposed by McCain vs. Obama Part 2 of 2
Topic: Energy Independence
Discussed by Brian Johnson
with Americans for Tax Reform

Obama has proposed raising the energy stock dividend tax rate from 15% to 39.6%...what will this do to your retirement fund? For more log onto

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August 5, 2008

Title: Senator John Cornyn on Drill Here – Drill Now!
Topic: Energy Independence
Discussed by Senator John Cornyn
with Elected Officials

Senator Cornyn comments on our need to drill here and to drill now. America must become energy independent. For more log onto

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Title: Insanity Is Doing The Same Thing Over and Over Hoping For A Different Result! One of Three
Topic: Energy Independence
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Insanity Is Doing The Same Thing Over and Over Hoping For A Different Result! Kathleen White, former Chair of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, discuss the Democrats refusal to an open debate and vote on Energy Independence. Part 1 of 3

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Title: In Quotes is the Democrat’s Plan For Energy Independence: “ " [Hint they have no plan]
Topic: Energy Independence
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Kathlene White, with the Texas Public Policy Foundation, continues explaining the differences between the Democrats non-plan and Republican “Action Plan” for Energy Independence. Part 2 of 3

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Title: MIT States the Increase in Energy Costs to Heat and Cool Your Home to be on average $4500 per Year!
Topic: Energy Independence
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

New study by MIT states the Increase in Energy Costs to Heat and Cool Your Home to be on average $4500 per Year! Are your ready?

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July 15, 2008

Title: Senator John Cornyn on Drill Here – Drill Now!
Topic: Energy Independence
Discussed by Senator John Cornyn
with Elected Officials

Senator Cornyn comments on our need to drill here and to drill now. America must become energy independent. For more log onto

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