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October 30, 2014

Title: Taking the Lead on Ebola
Topic: Ebola
Discussed by Dr. John O'Shea
with The Heritage Foundation (

Doctors in America should be taking the lead on the fight against Ebola around the world. Dr. John O’Shea says that the response to the Ebola outbreak in Africa has not been addressed properly. So what’s the big deal with Ebola? Are people just ill-informed and panicked? Is there really a cause for concern in America? There is a real threat, but is it serious?

Approximately 50,000 Americans die every year from the flu. With flu season in full-swing, many people might become terrified, thinking they have Ebola because the symptoms are often similar to the flu. According to Dr. O’Shea, if you have not traveled recently, the chances are slim; your chance of contracting Ebola from someone who is infected is even smaller.

Dr. O’Shea also discusses the recent appointment of a non-medical professional to oversee the Ebola situation in America. What was Obama thinking? Also, should healthcare workers, soldiers, and those who have traveled to Ebola infected countries be automatically quarantined? What can we do to protect ourselves and our families?

John O’Shea is a visiting fellow in the Center for Health Policy Studies at The Heritage Foundation. He has been a practicing general surgeon for more than 20 years and was formerly a senior health policy advisor for the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.

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Title: CDC Gets an "F" from the President of the AAPS
Topic: Ebola
Discussed by Dr. Richard Amerling
with Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (

The CDC was created to protect the American people. Over the years, however, it seems as though politics has gotten in the way of the CDC’s original purpose. In fact, Dr. Richard Amerling, the President of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, says the head of the CDC looks like he’s being forced at gunpoint to tell the American people that Ebola is not a threat to the United States. Dr. Amerling says the CDC is simply not doing its job. Period.

Dr. Amerling was absolutely astounded when Obama and the “experts” said that a no-fly, no-travel ban to and from Ebola-ravaged countries is not necessary and would do more harm than good. Dr. Amerling disagrees with this 150%! The only way Ebola can be contained is by quarantining the infected areas and not allowing people to leave, especially by airplane to all corners of the globe.

Dan Henninger wrote in the Wall Street Journal about “Killer Bureaucracies”: “Ebola, the Secret Service, Veterans Affairs, Obamacare rollout, the Centers for Disease Control, the World Health Organization, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Behind all these names are federal bureaucracies that are supposed to protect people or help them. Instead of helping, are they putting individuals at risk – or worse, our County at RISK?” Dr. Amerling responds to this statement.

Dr. Amerling also explains how hospital staff need more training to be better prepared. Right now, if one Ebola patient enters a hospital ER, half the system is shut down because the patient needs constant care and supervision, not to mention the quarantining and sterilization involved.

How can we, as Americans, be more proactive in helping the physicians and aid workers in Africa who are fighting Ebola on the front lines? Listen in as Dr. Amerling shares how you can help. Log on to for more on this and other health issues.

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October 29, 2014

Title: Fighting Ebola with Salt and Electricity
Topic: Ebola
Discussed by David Darg
with Operation Blessing International (

David Darg, Vice President of International Operations with Operation Blessing, has been on the front line fighting Ebola in Liberia. Operation Blessing has been using salt, water, and electricity to produce sodium hypochlorite for years in third world countries to help clean and disinfect. In America, it’s even used to purify our tap water. And now the solution is being sent throughout Liberia to combat Ebola.

David Darg met recently with the President of Liberia, explaining the benefits of sodium hypochlorite and why more facilities need to be using the solution. In fact, Operation Blessing established the first ever chlorine generation facility in the country of Liberia and has produced more than 3,300 gallons of the disinfectant, which kills Ebola on contact.

Listen in as David Darg explains why shipping liquid chlorine, or sodium hypochlorite, is unfeasible, thus making it necessary to construct the facility and use equipment, water, electricity, and salt to make their own liquid chlorine. Operation Blessing needs your help with this. Obviously, it is very expensive to ship this equipment and the supplies to Liberia and even more expensive to produce the solution. Log on to  to see how you can help combat Ebola right from your home or office.

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October 15, 2014

Title: ENT Doc says the U.S. is Not Prepared for Ebola
Topic: Ebola
Discussed by Dr. Elaina George
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

How contagious is Ebola? Dr. Elaina George says that most Americans do not have a robust, healthy immune system. We may think we do, but we really don’t. In fact, she says: "We eat processed foods, we don't sleep well, we don't take care of ourselves, and we're living under a great deal of stress, and by definition that will all affect the immune system."

The CDC is saying they are “absolutely certain” Ebola is not an “airborne disease”. Dr. George says that, when it comes to diseases, you can never be “absolutely certain” because they are constantly changing and adapting to their environment. In fact, Ebola has already mutated about 400 times!

No one is exempt when it comes to Ebola. No one. Even if the infected person is not showing symptoms, Ebola can still be passed from person to person.

Dr. Elaina George is an Ear Nose and Throat Physician with a wealth of information about Ebola and the Enterovirus D68. Today, she is here to discuss some useful guidelines to help keep you and your family safe and healthy. She even recommends that you have plenty of supplies on hand in case of a quarantine – food, water, medicine, gas for cars, cash on hand.

Dr. George also suggests that the US immediately execute measures to delay or stop travel from countries where outbreaks have occurred or quarantining people who do travel from those countries. You can find Dr. George at  or

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Title: Ebola: Where did it Come From?
Topic: Ebola
Discussed by Dr. Christian Brugger
with Culture of Life Foundation (

Talk about Ebola is all over the news, social media, and radio. People think it is this new, scary virus that we know nothing about. However, researchers and doctors have known about Ebola since 1976. Over the past 40 years, there have been 33 Ebola outbreaks worldwide, with approximately 2,500 cases and 1,500 deaths. What? You didn’t know that? Most people don’t! There are also four different strains of Ebola, none of which have a tried-and-true vaccine or treatment.

We have cures for many, many viruses and diseases. Why not Ebola? There is a vaccine that has been tested successfully on primates since 2000 who have contracted Ebola. Why not humans? Dr. Christian Bruggar argues that if Ebola had broken out in San Francisco or London or Houston, billions of dollars would have been invested into finding a cure. Since it’s concentrated at the moment in South Africa, the western world doesn’t seem to care.

Dr. Bruggar discusses some ways to contain the current worldwide outbreak, how people can protect themselves from the virus, and how he thinks the United States government should be handling the situation. Log on to for more on this and other issues.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Ebola: Just the Facts. No Fiction.
Topic: Ebola
Discussed by Dr. Jane Orient
with Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (

Dr. Jane Orient says that Ebola is an “equal opportunity disease”. It can be transmitted with one simple cell.   One.  Simple.  Cell.   If it can happen in apes and pigs, it can happen in humans. It doesn’t only occur during “risky behavior” or “unsafe behavior”. In her opinion, Ebola should be considered an airborne virus.

Facts about Ebola:
1. In Africa, the virus is killing between 50-70% of the infected people. It is doubling every 3 weeks.
2. The former Soviet Union attempted to use Ebola as a biological weapon.
3. Ebola and AIDS are both zoonotic diseases, meaning they exist in human and animals.
4. Ebola infects animals, including dogs, but they do not show symptoms or become sick for the virus.

Dr. Jane Orient agrees with our former guest, Dr. Elaina George, concerning the government’s role is stopping the spread of the Ebola virus. She believes that people leaving the African region where the outbreak is occurring should not be allowed on an airplane, let alone allowed to enter the country. She also agrees that hand-washing, sanitation of public counters and tables, and avoiding crowded public places are key to staying healthy.

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October 9, 2014

Title: Ebola: Where did it Come From?
Topic: Ebola
Discussed by Dr. Christian Brugger
with Culture of Life Foundation (

Talk about Ebola is all over the news, social media, and radio. People think it is this new, scary virus that we know nothing about. However, researchers and doctors have known about Ebola since 1976. Over the past 40 years, there have been 33 Ebola outbreaks worldwide, with approximately 2,500 cases and 1,500 deaths. What? You didn’t know that? Most people don’t! There are also four different strains of Ebola, none of which have a tried-and-true vaccine or treatment.

We have cures for many, many viruses and diseases. Why not Ebola? There is a vaccine that has been tested successfully on primates since 2000 who have contracted Ebola. Why not humans? Dr. Christian Bruggar argues that if Ebola had broken out in San Francisco or London or Houston, billions of dollars would have been invested into finding a cure. Since it’s concentrated at the moment in South Africa, the western world doesn’t seem to care.

Dr. Bruggar discusses some ways to contain the current worldwide outbreak, how people can protect themselves from the virus, and how he thinks the United States government should be handling the situation. Log on to  for more on this and other issues.

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October 3, 2014

Title: Ebola: The Facts and the Fiction
Topic: Ebola
Discussed by James Carafano
with The Heritage Foundation (

In 2013, 3 Billion people boarded planes and flew somewhere in the world. That’s a lot of people! How does this effect airborne diseases and other viruses, specifically Ebola? Every time a person is diagnosed with Ebola, two are infected. That multiples to four, then to eight, and so on. James Carafano is a national security and foreign policy expert. He has some answers on the Ebola case in Texas.

First, there is a difference between an outbreak, an epidemic, and a pandemic. There is a time to be concerned and a time to panic (calmly). Some may be too young to remember, but the HIV/AIDS pandemic was a scary time. But look at the flu virus. It is very easy to catch the flu, yet there are no restrictions for travel if you have the flu. Ebola, according to James Carafano, falls somewhere in between HIV/AIDS and the flu.

The confirmed Ebola case in Dallas, Texas, is disturbing for many reasons. The patient was honest with hospital staff concerning where he was from (Liberia), yet they didn’t check him for the Ebola virus the first time he visited the ER. He was simply sent home with medication only to return again four days later. There are even reports that he had contact with school-age children. Regardless of who is to blame, the fact remains that this should never have happened. And now we have Ebola in America.

Listen in as James Carafano, with the Heritage Foundation, explains more about Ebola, travel, and precautions we can take to protect ourselves.

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August 7, 2014

Title: What is Ebola?
Topic: Ebola
Discussed by Dr. David Stevens
with Christian Medical and Dental Association

Part 1 of 2

There has been quite a lot of chatter about the doctor and nurse who have been transferred to Atlanta from Africa. The two have the Ebola virus.

But, what is Ebola? How contagious is it, really? Dr. David Stevens is the CEO of the Christian Medical and Dental Associations, the nation’s largest faith-based association of healthcare professionals.

Listen in as he explains the symptoms, incubation period, and how likely it is (or isn’t) to spread.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - What is Ebola?
Topic: Ebola
Discussed by Dr. David Stevens
with Christian Medical and Dental Association

Many people are calling Dr. Kent Brantley, the infected doctor, a hero. Dr. Stevens says he is not a hero. He is simply living out a normal Christian life, serving others.

Dr. Stevens knows Dr. Kent Brantley personally. He describes Dr. Brantley as a compassionate, Christian man with a heart for the less fortunate. Dr. Brantley and his wife were following the call God placed on their lives when they moved to Africa.

Are his action commendable? Yes.

Are they heroic? No.

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