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November 3, 2023

Title: Red Flag Laws
Topic: Gun Rights
Discussed by Michael Letts
with IN-Vest USA (

Part 1 of 3


Red Flag Laws are a special type of protection order that allows authorities to confiscate weapons and ammunition from individuals. The order is issued by a court when someone is deemed a risk to themselves or to other people.

Today, Michael Letts discusses more details about Red Flag Laws and the rights of gun owners. Michael is the Founder, President, and CEO of IN-Vest USA with over thirty years of law enforcement experience.

Click here for more information about Michael Letts.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Terry begins the segment telling of his Uncle Bill who had PTSD and owned many, many guns. Should his uncle have been allowed to keep his guns or should they have been forcefully taken from him?

What is a Red Flag Law? Michael Letts discusses the need to define “mental illness” as it pertains to gun laws.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Red Flag Laws
Topic: Gun Rights
Discussed by Michael Letts
with IN-Vest USA (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What are more details about Red Flag Laws? Terry begins this segment telling of his daughter’s abusive husbands’ accusations against him. Is telling someone you have a gun a criminal offense? Michael Letts explains the different possibilities.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Red Flag Laws
Topic: Gun Rights
Discussed by Michael Letts
with IN-Vest USA (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who was the shooter in the recent Maine mass shooting? Was he mentally ill? Who did he threaten? Was anything done after his threat? Could the mass shooting have been avoided if he had been committed/arrested beforehand?

Currently, what is wrong with Red Flag Laws? What is the solution? Michael Letts offers several great suggestions and warns that taking Joe Biden’s proposal at face value is a bad idea for everyone.

Click here to help support IN-Vest USA.

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March 7, 2017

Title: Concealed Carry Reciprocity Bill Introduced into Senate
Topic: Gun Rights
Discussed by Michael Hammond
with Gun Owners of America (

What is reciprocity? Should the Federal Government allow reciprocity for concealed handguns?

Michael Hammond is the former Executive Director of the Senate Steering Committee and was often called the "101st Senator" when he worked on Capitol Hill. Today, Michael serves as the Legislative Counsel of Gun Owners of America.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Michael Hammond begins the segment by sharing a real-life story about a woman who innocently and accidentally found herself on the wrong side of the law, facing two decades in prison, simply for making a wrong turn into New Jersey with a gun in her car.

What is SB446, introduced by Texas Senator John Cornyn?

Do laws preventing concealed handgun owners from crossing state lines really stop people from committing crimes? Or is this just another lie from the left?

Click here for FREE emails from Gun Owners of America.

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June 17, 2016

Title: Right to Carry Axed
Topic: Gun Rights
Discussed by Hans von Spakovsky
with The Heritage Foundation (

The Second Amendment becomes a second class right in California. We want to be respectful for those injured and the families of those killed in Orlando during this interview. Please keep an open heart and an open mind when listening to this segment.

Hans von Spakovsky is here to discuss the decision by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in California which states: “The Second Amendment does not preserve or protect a right of a member of the general public to carry concealed firearms in public.”

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What was the original purpose of the Second Amendment?

What did The 9th Circuit base its conclusion on?

One exception is for someone who has “good cause” or a specific documented threat against their safety and well-being. Living in a “bad neighborhood” is not sufficient enough. Listen in as Hans von Spakovsky explains more about the few exemptions the Court allowed for and why they really don’t even matter.

What is meant by the 9th Circuit Court relying an “overwhelming consensus of historical sources”? HINT: It dates back to 1299 in England! Seriously. We are not kidding.

Will this eventually make its way to the US Supreme Court?

Do elections matter?

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June 14, 2016

Title: No More Grandpa’s Guns
Topic: Gun Rights
Discussed by Erich Pratt
with Gun Owners of America (

PLEASE NOTE: The following interview was recorded BEFORE the deadly Sunday morning massacre in Orlando, FL. The following interview is NOT related to this event. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all the victims and their families who have been affected by this tragedy. May God bring them peace and comfort during this difficult time. May He hold them in His arms and cover them with His grace and mercy.

One promise Obama made before taking office was for stricter gun control. Thankfully, this is one promise that has not been fulfilled. However, he is now attempting to ban senior citizens from owning firearms.

Erich Pratt is the Director of Communications for Gun Owners of America. He is here today to discuss the seriousness of this issue. If you think it won’t happen, just look at the last seven years of Obama’s Presidency…

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is Obama’s “back door” plan to take guns away from senior citizens?

How many Military Vets have had their guns taken away from them and why?

Is this just a mental health issue? Hint: NO!

Erich Pratt reveals just a few of the recent incidences where senior adults have thwarted crimes because they had a gun. Listen in!

What is Obama’s ultimate goal? How does he plan to take away all the guns? “The gun ban affects everybody,” Erich Pratt says. Click here  for more information on this important freedom issue.

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May 15, 2015

Title: The Difference Between Garland and Paris
Topic: Gun Rights
Discussed by Erich Pratt
with Gun Owners of America (

When armed terrorists attacked Charlie Hebdo headquarters over Muhammad cartoons on January 7, unarmed police officers were forced to flee for their lives. When armed men attacked people gathered in Garland, Texas, over Prophet Muhammad cartoons on May 3, armed police cut them down.

FACT: The Garland attack lasted 15 seconds. The Paris attack lasted 48 hours. The difference between Garland and Paris can be summed up in one word: guns. There was tragic loss of life in both situations. However, if it hadn’t been for the armed police officers in Garland, Texas, many more would have perished. Erich Pratt, with Gun Owners of America, explains how and why the outcome of the two attacks were so different.

There have been quite a few mass shootings or attempted mass shootings in recent years. The FBI is now admitting that there are ISIS groups in America but they do not know where they are. In response, some believe that police departments should be equipped with armored vehicles. But what is Erich’s opinion?

You can learn more about gun rights [here].

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April 21, 2015

Title: Concealed Carriers aren't the Problem
Topic: Gun Rights
Discussed by Larry Pratt
with Gun Owners of America (

In Texas, concealed carry permit handgun owners commit crimes at roughly the same rate as police officers: 0.18%. Total. This includes violent crimes. So what’s all the fuss about? Why not allow open carry in Texas? The FBI Director was recently asked about the crimes committed by people who are legally carrying a handgun. Larry Pratt is the Executive Director of Gun Owners of America. He reveals the response by the FBI director.

Larry also explains the difference between concealed handgun owners and criminals carrying guns. Gun control advocates are totally fixated on those who legally own guns and ignore the real problem: armed criminals. The facts don’t lie. States with concealed carry laws have less crime than those with strict gun laws. But this is not the MSM believes….

Also discussed in the interview with Larry Pratt are the staggering statistics surrounding the increasing number of deaths caused by drunk driving in America. Listen in to hear those numbers! Although every death is tragic, maybe we should be less focused on gun deaths and more focused on drunk driving deaths. “There is a definite correlation with those who drink and commit crimes. They have no regard for human life,” Larry Pratt believes.

Click [here] for more information about concealed handgun laws and gun rights.

Quote of the Interview (concerning accidental deaths and discharges of weapons): “Americans are really not the doofuses that the elite thinks that they are.” – Larry Pratt, Executive Director of Gun Owners of America

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Title: Don't Touch my Guns!
Topic: Gun Rights
Discussed by Mike Hammond
with Gun Owners of America (

Family values are a good thing! Right? Well, maybe not! Walmart says it is upholding family values, but a church in New York City is mad about it! Mike Hammond is part of the Legislative Council team for Gun Owners of America. He is here today to discuss the issue this church has with Walmart selling guns in their stores. FYI: Walmart is the biggest gun retailer in the country.

Mike Hammond explains how this church on Wall Street believes it can bully Walmart around because it owns 3,500 shares of the company. Even if a liberal judge rules in favor of this “church” (listen in as Mike explains why it can hardly be called a church), the total number of outstanding shares in Walmart is 3.23 Billions shares. How many shares are owned by the Walton family, though? Take a guess!

Listen in as Mike Hammond explains more about this lawsuit. What does corporate law state concerning the issue? Do the Board of Directors have a say in the matter or is it up to the liberal judge?

Listen in to the last part of this segment with Mike Hammond as he and Terry debate/discuss the church’s role in politics. It gets pretty heated!

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