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October 22, 2014

Title: Why are Marriage Rates Declining?
Topic: Marriage
Discussed by Jennifer Marshall
with The Heritage Foundation (

Millennial marriage rates are declining more every year. In 1960, 1 in 10 adults over the age of 25 were not married, as compared to 1 in 5 adults now. What has changed? Are they scared? Is it for financial and economic reasons? Or are they just co-habiting and don’t feel the need to get a “piece of paper” to make their relationship legit?

Jennifer Marshall is a new guest with the Heritage Foundation. Listen in as she discusses the government’s involvement in marriage and social science data studies. The Heritage Foundation has a new website, strictly for family issues:

Jennifer mentions that nearly twenty-five percent of young adults aged 25-34 are co-habiting and don’t feel it’s necessary to marry. We are living in the wake of the sexual revolution and the feminist movement. In fact, Jennifer wrote a book, entitled “Now and Not Yet: Making Sense of Single Life in the 21st Century”, which addresses these very issues.

Also, many millennials are having a hard time finding a job. They have been forced to move back in with their parents, other relatives, or live with two or three other people in a small apartment. It’s an expensive world and many just can’t afford to have a family these days.

What about the social science data? Homosexuals will argue against the “man and woman marriage is best” ideal. But, how can you argue with the facts? Jennifer discusses the most recent data, not only for heterosexual vs. homosexual relationships, but also why bringing in a boyfriend/girlfriend into the home, unmarried, is damaging to kids.

You can find more on this issue at  You can get a copy of Jennifer’s book, “Now and Not Yet: Making Sense of Single Life in the 21st Century”, from Amazon.

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