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June 13, 2024

Title: The Biggest Bully in the Room: The Southern Poverty Law Center
Topic: Left-Wing Politics
Discussed by Robert Knight
with Robert H Knight (

The Southern Poverty Law Center publishes a “hate map” with names of individuals and organizations which they deem harmful and dangerous. The purpose and mission of the SPLC, straight from their own website, is to “monitor and expose the activities of the American radical right”.

Robert Knight is a well-known author and journalist. He is a frequent guest on the What’s UP Radio Program. Today, he discusses this disgusting group and who they target for “hate”.

Click here to read Robert Knight’s op-ed on this topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is an “ad hominem” attack? Robert Knight gives one example of a group that was wrongly accused and attacked by the Southern Poverty Law Center and the shocking results of their lawsuit.

Is the SPLC well-funded? Where is most of their money “hidden”?

Who/which groups are on the SPLC latest hate map? Who do they claim to be fighting against? Click here to view their latest map, including every chapter of Moms for Liberty in the US.

Is the SPLC “hate map” wrong for many reasons?

What can we do to stop the Southern Poverty Law Center’s relentless attacks on religious leaders and organizations? Robert urges everyone to draw attention to this matter by sharing on social media and voting for strong Conservatives who will stand up for the little guy.

Support Robert Knight by purchasing one of his many books here.

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August 2, 2022

Title: Biden and the Democrats Can’t Stop Alienating Working Class Voters
Topic: Left-Wing Politics
Discussed by Matt Carpenter
with FRC Action (

Matt Carpenter is the Director of FRC Action. Today, Matt discusses the voter base the Democrats are clamoring for and the voter base that is gradually shifting toward the Right.

Click here to read Matt Carpenter’s op-ed on this topic.

Click here for more from Matt Carpenter on this and other issues.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has the Democrat party’s base become concentrated among college-educated white voters?

Are Democrats focused on different issues than Republicans? Matt believes gender identity and abortion are at the top of the list, but also reveals how the majority of Americans (on both sides of the aisle) are concerned with inflation, especially high gas prices.

Are many Hispanic voters offended when referred to as Latinx? Are Hispanic voters offended when compared to “tacos”?

Hispanic and Asian voters showing signs of fatigue with Democrats. How can Republicans capture their vote? Matt mentions the recent victory in Texas by Congresswoman Myra Flores, saying: “I think this trend is playing out in a positive direction.”

Can Republicans afford to stay stagnant, praying voters will just magically vote RED in November?

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July 22, 2022

Title: Biden and the Democrats Can’t Stop Alienating Working Class Voters
Topic: Left-Wing Politics
Discussed by Matt Carpenter
with FRC Action (

Matt Carpenter is the Director of FRC Action. Today, Matt discusses the voter base the Democrats are clamoring for and the voter base that is gradually shifting toward the Right.

Click here to read Matt Carpenter’s op-ed on this topic.

Click here for more from Matt Carpenter on this and other issues.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has the Democrat party’s base become concentrated among college-educated white voters?

Are Democrats focused on different issues than Republicans? Matt believes gender identity and abortion are at the top of the list, but also reveals how the majority of Americans (on both sides of the aisle) are concerned with inflation, especially high gas prices.

Are many Hispanic voters offended when referred to as Latinx? Are Hispanic voters offended when compared to “tacos”?

Hispanic and Asian voters showing signs of fatigue with Democrats. How can Republicans capture their vote? Matt mentions the recent victory in Texas by Congresswoman Myra Flores, saying: “I think this trend is playing out in a positive direction.”

Can Republicans afford to stay stagnant, praying voters will just magically vote RED in November?

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October 19, 2021

Title: Why is Walgreens Leaving California?
Topic: Left-Wing Politics
Discussed by Michael Letts
with IN-Vest USA (

Take what you want, but make sure it’s less than $949.99!

Michael Letts is the Founder and President of IN-Vest USA, a national grassroots non-profit organization helping hundreds of communities provide thousands of bullet-proof vests for their police forces through education, public relations, sponsorship, and fundraising programs.

Today Michael discusses the ongoing problem retailers and law enforcement officers are facing in California.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are thieves in California brazenly bagging whatever they want with no fear of paying for their crime?

Do these ridiculous laws impact the morale of law enforcement? Michael explains that this problem is not isolated to California; these do-not-prosecute-laws are rapidly spreading across the country.

Is this why Walgreens is leaving California? Michael says that he has seen third-world countries in better shape than San Fransisco! How truly sad this is.

Why is Michael Letts coming to South Texas? Michael shares that his organization is bringing bulletproof vests for first responders, who he calls “brave Texans”.

Click here to learn more about IN-Vest and how to help police officers.

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September 22, 2020

Title: George Soros Funding Prosecutors Across the Country
Topic: Left-Wing Politics
Discussed by Pat Nolan
with American Conservative Union Foundation Nolan Center for Justice (

Part 1 of 2

George Soros has been funding the campaigns of prosecutors intent on creating chaos rather than doing their jobs.

New guest Pat Nolan has more details about this blatant attempt by the Left to control more government. Pat is the Director of the American Conservative Union Foundation’s Nolan Center for Justice. He is a leader of the Right on Crime project, a national movement of conservative leaders supporting sensible and proven reforms to our criminal justice system.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why are George Soros and other wealthy radicals pouring millions of dollars in hard-to-trace dark money to fund District Attorney and other state and local races across the country?

Have George Soros and other wealthy radicals been successful?

What is their goal - their end game strategy? Pat Nolan urges everyone to research two Sociologists from Columbia University – Cloward and Piven – regarding their Socialist ideals. You can click here  to get started...

The Austin City Council recently voted to “defund the police department”. Who is financially responsible for their salary, safety, and welfare now?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - George Soros Funding Prosecutors Across the Country
Topic: Left-Wing Politics
Discussed by Pat Nolan
with American Conservative Union Foundation Nolan Center for Justice (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is criminal justice reform needed?

What areas need the most reform?

The American Conservative Union Foundation Nolan Center for Justice has some great reform suggestions. What are they and how would they work if implemented?

What is still lacking in criminal justice reform in Texas?

Should non-profit organization work to fill in the gap with prison parolees?

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October 22, 2018

Title: Are the Dems Losing Momentum?
Topic: Left-Wing Politics
Discussed by Steve Cortes
with Special Guest

Steve Cortes recently tweeted:  “Rush is spot-on. If we give the Democrats the keys to the car, they're driving it straight off the impeachment cliff in 2019.”

Steve is a Fox News and CNN Contributor, Former Trump Campaign Operative, and has appeared daily on TV news programs for a decade.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the GOP enthusiasm advantage holding, rising, or dropping post-Kavanaugh?

Is the mid-term election a referendum on impeachment? Steve Cortes says that there are much more pressing issues at hand than fighting Kavanaugh and President Trump – like jobs and the economy.

Why should we do all we can to ensure that the Democrats do not get a foot in the door?

Will the Kavanaugh debacle discourage other good, moral, Conservative judges and candidates for running for office?

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October 18, 2018

Title: The Twisted Strategy of the Left
Topic: Left-Wing Politics
Discussed by Curtis Bowers
with Agenda Documentary (

Part 1 of 3

When did you stop beating your wife? It’s an age-old ‘gotcha’ question. When did you stop beating your wife?

The Anarchists now just accuse you of _________________ (fill in the blank) and the rumor/lie spreads like wildfire.

New guest Curtis Bowers is the right’s equivalent of Michael Moore. He has two fantastic documentaries that every parent should watch with their kids (tweens through college age). They can be found here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who is the Establishment?

What are their goals?

Has the Establishment recruited an army of ‘Brownshirts’ to destroy anyone/any group that opposes the implementation of their goals? More on this in the second segment…

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - The Twisted Strategy of the Left
Topic: Left-Wing Politics
Discussed by Curtis Bowers
with Agenda Documentary (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What strategies are these new ‘Brownshirts’ implementing and perfecting to destroy anyone/any group that could stand in their way?

In the 1950’s, Senator McCarthy was going to expose the socialists/communists plans to take over America. Is this why they falsely accused Senator McCarthy? Did their attack plan work? Curtis Bowers references the book, “Blacklisted by History”  by M. Stanton Evans.

Are the socialists/communists/Anarchists still perfecting their playbook rule of character assassination? Was this evidenced in the recent attacks on Brent Kavanaugh?

Why is it so important for everyone in America to exercise their right to vote? Use our Voter Information tab on the home page for all the voting information you need.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - The Twisted Strategy of the Left
Topic: Left-Wing Politics
Discussed by Curtis Bowers
with Agenda Documentary (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Listen as Curtis Bowers explains the purpose behind his two documentaries: “AGENDA: Grinding America Down.” and “AGENDA 2: Masters of Deceit”, found here.  Every parent MUST watch these documentaries with their children from tweens to college-age. They will be shocked by the TRUTH!

Why has Curtis Bowers been attacked personally and professionally by the Left?

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May 24, 2017

Title: ACLU Employs Ex-Cons to Canvass Voters
Topic: Left-Wing Politics
Discussed by Robert Knight
with Robert H Knight (

With what seems like an unending supply of money, the Left is perched to defeat the Right from the local courthouse all the way to the White House.

Robert Knight, with the American Civil Rights Union, discusses the scary details of the Left’s meticulous well-funded plan.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is George Soros and his billions involved in American Politics? Is he a United States citizens?

What is the 10-10-10 plan? PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO THIS!!!

Has Robert Knight ever seen Republicans with such a 10-10-10 plan?

When Democrats win elections, they take power. When Republicans win elections, they take office,” Robert says. And that, my friends, is the difference between the Left and the Right.

Joseph Stalin once said: "It's not the people who vote that count. It's the people who count the votes." Those on the WRONG side of the political spectrum seem focused on not only counting the votes but getting to decide who votes in the first place. Listen as Robert Knight discusses this serious issue.

For the Right to win, and to keep on winning, will it take a focused effort on defeating the Democrats and less fighting each other? “If you put just a few people together, they can change the world,” Robert believes. Let’s get together!

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May 20, 2016

Title: The Closing of the Liberal Mind
Topic: Left-Wing Politics
Discussed by Dr. Kim Holmes
with The Heritage Foundation (

“The Closing of the Liberal Mind: How Groupthink and Intolerance Define the Left”. We live in hostile times – yes, even in the suburbs of Houston and Austin, Dallas and San Antonio. There is nothing the left wants to do more than destroy us all from within.

New guest Dr. Kim Holmes is a former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State. Dr. Holmes has been part of the Defense and Foreign Policy Team for more than two decades at The Heritage Foundation. As a historian of U.S. political movements and ideology, Holmes writes about America’s place in the world and the changing political landscape. His latest book, “The Closing of the Liberal Mind: How Groupthink and Intolerance Define the Left”, can be found here.

Dr. Holmes uses the term “illiberalism” to describe Progressive Liberalism. He believes that the problem lies heavily in the leaders of the movement and even the President of the United States. He has seen the issue evolve over the last eight years with extreme intensity, but his book shows how the problem has been advancing for much longer.

Dr. Kim Holmes also discusses the left’s hostility for anyone who will not conform to their logic (or lack thereof). His book shows how the 1960’s was really the starting point for all the “live and let live” ideology and how it basically ruined our country. “Now we have gotten to the point that these people are basically America’s ruling class,” Dr. Holmes declares.

How the Sexual Revolution became the Cultural Revolution. Dr. Holmes says, “When you start getting into that level of radicalism and start defining that as a new civil right, it’s going to take a lot of coercion to make everyone go along with that new agenda.” Listen in as he explains what the liberal view was and what it has become. He urges everyone to obtain the full facts and know exactly what we are up against. We can’t be “willy-nilly” about this issue anymore; it’s time to put on our boots, buckle our belts, and march to the leaders demanding a change.

BONUS: Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” can be found here.

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May 17, 2016

Title: The Left’s Conscientious Objection
Topic: Left-Wing Politics
Discussed by Dr. Paul Kengor
with The Institute for Faith and Freedom (

Who was Daniel Berrigan? Berrigan was a Jesuit priest well-known for his protests of the Vietnam War. He became a household name in the 1960s, along with his brother, Philip Berrigan, also a priest. They were known as the “Berrigan Brothers,” leading fights in the anti-war movement. Daniel recently passed away at age 94.

Our good friend, Dr. Paul Kengor, is with us today to discuss the Left’s love for their own – no matter what – and their absolute hatred for anyone else. He explains that the infamous Berrigan brothers were well-known among war protestors during the 1960’s. In May of 1968, the brothers and seven others stole the records of hundreds of men who were to be drafted to the Vietnam War. Listen in as Dr. Paul recounts the rest of the story and tells of its significance.

The Berrigan Brothers were heroes for the left for their efforts in “conscientious objection”. But, now look at what the left is doing to Christians who express their conscientious objection – Christians are practically burned at the stake! “The Berrigan Brothers stand today as a symbol of the hypocrisy of where the left is,” Dr. Paul Kengor states passionately. “Conscientious objection is a handy tool for them when it serves their purposes, and then they just trash it and stomp on it when it doesn’t.

The left did not kick Senator Bird out of the Democrat Party when it was discovered that he was a member of the KKK. The left also praises the vision and work of Dr. Margaret Sanger, who founded Planned Parenthood under the guise of ridding the world of “undesirables” such as blacks and the disabled. Where is the outcry from the left over these and other hypocrites? “They’re totally forgiving of all of these sins when they’re on behalf of their icons on the left,” Dr. Kengor points out.

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