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May 31, 2018

Title: Steps to Better School Security
Topic: School Violence
Discussed by Steve Bucci
with The Heritage Foundation (

Part 1 of 3

How do we materially enhance school security by deterring shooters, defending students, and equipping faculty and administrators?

Today, Steve Bucci will discuss four steps our nation should take to stop school violence. Bucci served America for three decades as an Army Special Forces Officer and top Pentagon Official. He is now a visiting Fellow at The Heritage Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Would a nationwide gun-ban solve the problem? Short answer: NO!

Should the government supply all school employees with guns? Short answer: NO!

Why is it so important for parents, students, and teachers to speak up when they suspect something is amiss? The first step Steve Bucci recommends for better school security is: pre-emptive response (aka see something, say something).

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Steps to Better School Security
Topic: School Violence
Discussed by Steve Bucci
with The Heritage Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

The second step Steve Bucci recommends for better school security is: controlling access to school facilities. Many people have been suggesting this over the past few weeks. Listen as Steve explains how too many schools do not enforce this rule, and, therefore, leave students and staff susceptible to danger.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Steps to Better School Security
Topic: School Violence
Discussed by Steve Bucci
with The Heritage Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

The third step Steve Bucci recommends for better school security is: securing classrooms. This is another topic that many people are discussing, but many disagree on how to go about this. What does Steve Bucci suggest?

Did you know that school districts across the country have access to bulletproof partitions? What’s UP with those?

Is calling 911 enough? The fourth step Steve Bucci recommends for better school security is: responding on-site to incidents. Are armed security officers and/or trained staff members the answer?

How did Israel respond to mass killings in their schools?

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March 28, 2017

Title: Is North Korea Really A Threat?
Topic: North Korea
Discussed by Steve Bucci
with The Heritage Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Russia, China, and Iran pose major challenges for U.S. missile defense.  But for the new Trump Administration, the most immediate problem is North Korea.

NNew guest, Steve Bucci, is a visiting fellow with the Heritage Foundation. He focuses on cybersecurity, military special operations, and defense support to civil authorities. He offers some valuable information concerning North Korea and the threat they pose to America.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How many American military bases are in Hawaii?

If North Korea struck Hawaii with a nuclear missile, what damage might it cause?  NOTE: Steve will go into more detail on this issue in the second segment.

Does North Korea have the capability to reach the mainland of The United States with a nuclear missile?

Which is the most immediate threat to America: China, Russia, Iran, or North Korea? Steve Bucci says that it depends on the situation. Listen as he explains.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Is North Korea Really A Threat?
Topic: North Korea
Discussed by Steve Bucci
with The Heritage Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How long would a nuclear missile take to reach Hawaii from North Korea?

Is the American military often surprised at the advancement of other country’s missile defense systems?

Does North Korea organize weapons tests frequently and without notice to other nations?

Do we have the capability to shoot a missile down from Hawaii?

What sort of short-term defensive actions must be taken? Listen as Steve Bucci discusses what the Trump Administration must do as soon as possible.

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