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May 6, 2024

Title: Biden Deputizes FCC to Police the Internet
Topic: Federal Communications Commission
Discussed by Stephen Moore
with The Heritage Foundation (

At the direction of the Biden Administration, Federal Communications Commission (FCC) lawyers have developed a new standard known as “disparate impact”, which means telecom companies must provide minority neighborhoods the exact same internet access as a high-income area. If they fail to comply, the FCC will sue them.

Stephen Moore is an economist and author, serving as a Distinguished Fellow in Economics at The Heritage Foundation. Stephen is also the co-founder of The Committee to Unleash Prosperity.

Click here to read Stephen Moore’s op-ed on this topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do the majority of Americans have access to the internet? Do most Americans have a cell phone with internet access?

What is “disparate impact”?

What is “Digital Discrimination” and does it exist in America? Stephen Moore reveals that the FCC has even admitted that this doesn’t exist in America.

Can the implementation of this proposed FCC regulation be stopped?

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February 13, 2024

Title: Biden Deputizes FCC to Police the Internet
Topic: Federal Communications Commission
Discussed by Stephen Moore
with The Heritage Foundation (

At the direction of the Biden Administration, Federal Communications Commission (FCC) lawyers have developed a new standard known as “disparate impact”, which means telecom companies must provide minority neighborhoods the exact same internet access as a high-income area. If they fail to comply, the FCC will sue them.

Stephen Moore is an economist and author, serving as a Distinguished Fellow in Economics at The Heritage Foundation. Stephen is also the co-founder of The Committee to Unleash Prosperity.

Click here to read Stephen Moore’s op-ed on this topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do the majority of Americans have access to the internet? Do most Americans have a cell phone with internet access?

What is “disparate impact”?

What is “Digital Discrimination” and does it exist in America? Stephen Moore reveals that the FCC has even admitted that this doesn’t exist in America.

Can the implementation of this proposed FCC regulation be stopped?

Click here to help support The Heritage Foundation.

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January 31, 2020

Title: How is Trump’s Job Market?
Topic: Trump Economic Policies Working
Discussed by Stephen Moore
with The Heritage Foundation (

You probably know that our nation’s unemployment rate is currently 3.5 percent – a 50-year low. However, this official decline in joblessness doesn't tell the entire story of the improvement in the job market in the United States. More importantly, it doesn't fully capture the change in direction between what happened under President Barack Obama and what is happening now with President Trump.

Stephen Moore is the author of “Trumponomics: Inside the America First Plan to Revive the American Economy".  Stephen is a Distinguished Visiting Fellow at The Heritage Foundation within their Project for Economic Growth.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the Trump Administration doing right to keep unemployment down and the labor force participation rate up?

Have people, for various reasons, simply stopped looking for work? Is this why the rate is down? Stephen Moore offers some good suggestions for people looking for work, especially those graduating high school…

When Stephen was in college, what did he learn about a 4% unemployment rate? Does this still ring true?

In Stephen’s opinion, on a scale of 1 to 10, how does today’s job market rate?

Stephen offers this advice to parents: “If you want your kids to be a success, start them working early.

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October 26, 2016

Title: The Case for Donald Trump
Topic: Donald Trump
Discussed by Stephen Moore
with The Heritage Foundation (

How can Christians still support Donald Trump? This is a question which Stephen Moore has been asked repeatedly. He is here today to set the record straight and encourage Christians to vote in this election.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why does Stephen Moore still support Donald Trump?

The majority of Americans do not believe that our economy is in good shape. What is Hillary’s opinion of the American economy? What is Donald Trump’s plan?

Are both candidates “bullies” in their own way?

Why is Stephen Moore not supporting Hillary Clinton?

Listen in as Stephen discusses Education Savings Accounts, energy, coal, manufacturing, taxes, and exporting costs.

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June 20, 2016

Title: North and South Korea: We Can’t Ignore the Experiment
Topic: Capitalism vs. Socialism
Discussed by Stephen Moore
with The Heritage Foundation (

Socialist North Korea and Capitalist South Korea: An Experiment We Ignore at Our Peril. Korea offers a tale of two cities, one that should give pause to anyone enamored with socialism.

Stephen Moore wrote for The Wall Street Journal on matters of the economy and public policy. He is now a Distinguished Visiting Fellow at The Heritage Foundation within their Project for Economic Growth. Today, Stephen will be discussing why so many world leaders are pushing for socialism in order to save the planet from global warming and other economic woes, or so they say.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

At a recent UN Climate Summit, Bolivian Presidente Evo Morales stated: “The world is suffering from a fever due to climate change, and the disease is the capitalist development model.” Is this the mindset of too many world leaders?

Why do world leaders believe that capitalism is a “disease”? HINT: The leaders want control. Period. “The free enterprise system doesn’t give the power to the leaders,” Stephen Moore points out. They want the power, therefore they want socialism.

Stephen Moore also compares the economic situations in North and South Korea. One is obviously a socialist nation and the other offers the freedom of capitalism. Pure capitalism and pure socialism each have their faults, but which is better, which is worse, and why? Listen in as Stephen explains the difference.

Can the America economic system be described as a capitalistic system where legal conditions safeguard the free and un-coerced exchange of goods and services?

How many of the world inhabitants are wanting to move to North Korea? HINT: Not many!

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June 8, 2016

Title: Fueling Freedom: Exposing the Mad War on Energy
Topic: Fueling Freedom: Exposing the Mad War on Energy
Discussed by Stephen Moore
with The Heritage Foundation (

On June 3, 2016, we had Kathleen White with the Texas Public Policy Foundation on to discuss a new book she co-wrote with our current guest, Stephen Moore. The book, “Fueling Freedom: Exposing the Mad War on Energy,  is a must-read for everyone, especially high-school and college-aged students.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Donald Trump recently gave a speech focused on the need for American energy. If elected, would he be able to implement his plan? Is Trump’s plan better than Hillary’s?

Why can’t Americans really understand that affordable, abundant, and reliable energy fuels their cars, heats and cools their homes, and charges their iPhones and fancy Mac computers?

If elected, could Trump reverse EPA mandates against the use of coal in electrical generation and mining coal? Would we be able to export more coal to other countries, especially to China? Would this help America re-build its manufacturing sector?

In “Fueling Freedom: Exposing the Mad War on Energy”, Mr. Moore states that producing American energy is the single best way to do three things. Listen in as he reveals those secrets!

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