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November 16, 2015

Title: Minority Students Need to Stop Playing the Victim
Topic: College Campus Tolerance Lacking
Discussed by Andrew Kloster
with The Heritage Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Well, it appears that a lot of college kids really are spoiled little brats. Not all, but some, especially those who are considered to be in a minority affiliation. This time, again, black college students are feeling threatened by the Constitution, specifically the First Amendment.

Andrew Kloster is a legal fellow in the Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies at The Heritage Foundation. He focuses his attention on civil rights, the role of Federal courts, and other Constitutional issues. Andrew is here to discuss the black Missouri students’ demands of “My Way of the Highway”. A university professor was also involved in the uproar and ultimately encouraged assault on several journalists who were taking photographs and attempting to interview some of the protestors. Note: This professor resigned after a troubling video of her surfaced, so that’s a plus!

Listen in as Andrew Kloster explains what the “rule of law” means, how it applies to everyone, and what is actually going on in Missouri. Don’t miss the next segment with Andrew as he discusses Lady Justice.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Minority Students Need to Stop Playing the Victim
Topic: College Campus Tolerance Lacking
Discussed by Andrew Kloster
with The Heritage Foundation (

Lady Justice is a symbol of hope and freedom for all; she offers the assurance that all Americans receive the same treatment, no matter their race, sex, religion, or age may be. Some people just don’t see it that way, though. They will always – always – think they are being unfairly treated.

Higher Education has always been a place where students are challenged. They have always received controversial information which makes them think. Some may change their opinion on an issue due to these debates; others push back harder for their belief to be accepted. Many colleges now have a place where students can release their frustration. These places are called “Safe Spaces”. They won’t get their feelings hurt. They won’t have to worry about feeling oppressed. They can color and meditate and act like children.

Andrew Kloster continues to discuss the situation in Missouri where black minority students, including many on the football team, felt threatened and staged a protest and hunger strike in order to force the President of the university to resign. Well, their ploy worked; the President resigned, but they have not stopped their whining.

In Missouri, the protesting students won’t allow reporters on campus because they feel threatened by them! New Flash Kiddos: You do not make the demands; the law does. Listen in as Andrew explains the law and offers his opinion on the issue.

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