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March 1, 2021

Title: What Happens When Bailouts No Longer Work?
Topic: Bailouts Aren’t the Answer
Discussed by John Horvat
with Return to Order

Part 1 of 2

Are bailouts helping or harming our country?  In one of his latest opinion pieces, John Horvat writes: “Massive government intervention is dangerous because it is habit-forming. Once a government indulges in printing money to deal with disasters and crashes, there is no crisis too big or small that will not serve as a pretext for printing more. Indeed, the print reflex becomes almost automatic, and the amount of money grows exponentially with each new adventure.”

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do too many people “want it now”, not caring about the cost? Is this a Christ-honoring attitude?

Is a “free lunch” really “free”?

Surveys over the past decade indicate that nearly half of all Americans could not write a check for $500 in an emergency. Is this a sobering and frightening realization?

What is the current debt for the Federal Government?

Will the countries (and even individuals) who America owes money to just wipe the slate clean and say “No worries. You don’t owe us anything”?

At some point will there be a crash? What will it look like? More on this in the next segment…

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - What Happens When Bailouts No Longer Work?
Topic: Bailouts Aren’t the Answer
Discussed by John Horvat
with Return to Order

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Will the government one day run out of money if we keep giving money away? John Horvat gravely says: “We’re not paying it down. We’re not getting new revenue.”

Why do politicians ignore the fact that we cannot keep borrowing money?

How should we prepare for this catastrophe?

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May 6, 2020

Title: Bailouts Aren’t the Answer
Topic: Bailouts Aren’t the Answer
Discussed by Rachel Greszler
with The Heritage Foundation (

Texans should NOT be responsible for the mismanagement of spending by other states.

Rachel Greszler is with Center for the Federal Budget at The Heritage Foundation. Her role as a Senior Policy Analyst focuses on jobs, labor, and social security.

You can read more from Rachel on this issue here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why is Nancy Pelosi asking for MORE free money? Are other Democrats joining her crusade? Rachel reveals that many states have used the coronavirus money the Federal government has already given them on things like raises and bonuses for public sector workers – NOT for the citizens of the state who are suffering due to loss of income.

Have any individual states furloughed any government employees during the Coronavirus shut down? YES – but listen for the reason!

Forget New York or California… Illinois is asking for an astronomical amount of money. What do they “need” this money for and why should every taxpayer across the nation be responsible for bailing them out?

Does this all boil down to a socialist bailout scheme? In her recent op-ed, Rachel wrote the following: “Socializing government debts by redistributing state and local costs to federal taxpayers in times of crisis is like eating out with a group then splitting the check: Everyone still pays — they just wind up paying a lot more.

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