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March 25, 2024

Title: Are School Districts Broke or Just Broken?
Topic: Education Savings Accounts
Discussed by Mandy Drogin
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Mandy Drogin has discussed Education Savings Accounts many times over the past year here on the program. She is one of the top education reform leaders in Texas and is the campaign director for Next Generation Texas within the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Today, Mandy reveals why Dallas-area school district are failing miserably – and it’s not due to lack of money.

Click here to read Mandy Drogin’s op-ed on this important issue.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What are some school districts proposing to balance their budgets?

Funding for students/schools was increased during the last Texas legislative session. So, what is causing the budget short-falls? Mandy discusses what school districts are claiming and what is actually causing the problem, specifically out-of-control spending on elaborate buildings that are completely unnecessary. She also reveals some shocking details about the increases that are occurring across the board – increases that are NOT going directly to students.

Are too many students across Texas not performing at grade level?

Thirty-one states plus WDC currently have some form of student voucher program such as Education Savings Accounts. How many of those states have seen a total collapse of any public school district?

Click here to help support the Cannon, a publication of the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

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February 7, 2024

Title: It’s Time for Texas to Trust Parents
Topic: Education Savings Accounts
Discussed by Mandy Drogin
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Governor Greg Abbott has designated January 21st through the 27th as School Choice Week in Texas.

Mandy Drogin has all the details about the FREE Houston School Fair this Saturday, January 27, 2024, at Minute Maid Park. Mandy Drogin is one of the top education reform leaders in Texas with experience managing grassroots, marketing, election, and legislative campaigns. Mandy is the campaign director for Next Generation Texas within the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Click here to reserve your FREE FAMILY spot to the Houston School Fair

Click here to sign up for FREE emails and alerts from Texas Parents Matter

Click here  to learn more about Education Savings Accounts.

Click here to read more on this issue from the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why do some oppose School Choice in Texas? Who are the opponents? Have any of their fears or concerns happened in the 32 states and the District of Columbia that already have some form of school choice?

Do many of those who oppose School Choice, including school administrators and teachers, have their children in private schools?

What is the Houston School Fair? Mandy gives all the details about the event co-hosted by Families Empowered.

Is Governor Abbott going to call another Special Session for this January?

Click here to help support the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

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January 29, 2024

Title: It’s Time for Texas to Trust Parents
Topic: Education Savings Accounts
Discussed by Mandy Drogin
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Governor Greg Abbott has designated January 21st through the 27th as School Choice Week in Texas.

Mandy Drogin has all the details about the FREE Houston School Fair this Saturday, January 27, 2024, at Minute Maid Park. Mandy Drogin is one of the top education reform leaders in Texas with experience managing grassroots, marketing, election, and legislative campaigns. Mandy is the campaign director for Next Generation Texas within the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Click here to reserve your FREE FAMILY spot to the Houston School Fair

Click here to sign up for FREE emails and alerts from Texas Parents Matter

Click here  to learn more about Education Savings Accounts.

Click here to read more on this issue from the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why do some oppose School Choice in Texas? Who are the opponents? Have any of their fears or concerns happened in the 32 states and the District of Columbia that already have some form of school choice?

Do many of those who oppose School Choice, including school administrators and teachers, have their children in private schools?

What is the Houston School Fair? Mandy gives all the details about the event co-hosted by Families Empowered.

Is Governor Abbott going to call another Special Session for this January?

Click here to help support the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

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January 23, 2024

Title: It’s Time for Texas to Trust Parents
Topic: Education Savings Accounts
Discussed by Mandy Drogin
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Governor Greg Abbott has designated January 21st through the 27th as School Choice Week in Texas.

Mandy Drogin has all the details about the FREE Houston School Fair this Saturday, January 27, 2024, at Minute Maid Park. Mandy Drogin is one of the top education reform leaders in Texas with experience managing grassroots, marketing, election, and legislative campaigns. Mandy is the campaign director for Next Generation Texas within the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Click here to reserve your FREE FAMILY spot to the Houston School Fair

Click here to sign up for FREE emails and alerts from Texas Parents Matter

Click here  to learn more about Education Savings Accounts.

Click here to read more on this issue from the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why do some oppose School Choice in Texas? Who are the opponents? Have any of their fears or concerns happened in the 32 states and the District of Columbia that already have some form of school choice?

Do many of those who oppose School Choice, including school administrators and teachers, have their children in private schools?

What is the Houston School Fair? Mandy gives all the details about the event co-hosted by Families Empowered.

Is Governor Abbott going to call another Special Session for this January?

Click here to help support the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

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Title: School Choice: Good or bad for Homeschoolers?
Topic: Education Savings Accounts
Discussed by Jeremy Newman
with Texas Homeschool Coalition (

Jeremy Newman clears up some myths and confusion being spread about School Choice: Education Savings Accounts. The Texas Legislature has been in a Special Session since October 9 debating this and other issues. Jeremy is the Vice President of Policy and Engagement with the Texas Homeschool Coalition.

Click here to read more about Texas Homeschool Coalition’s stance on School Choice: Education Savings Accounts.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why do some homeschool parents oppose School Choice through Education Savings Accounts?

Many states have passed School Choice, empowering parents to choose the best educational path for their children. Have home educators in those states experienced regulated curriculum? THSC statement on this issue: “We have reviewed the data from every state that has passed school choice legislation and sports access laws going back almost five decades and have found no state in which homeschoolers have suffered a loss of freedom as a result of those laws.” (see link above for statement)

What is the Leeper Decision? Click here to read the Texas Supreme Court Decision.

Has the Texas Legislature restricted and/or interfered with home schooling in Texas since the Leeper decision?

BOTTOM LINE: Will School Choice through Education Savings Accounts empower all parents in Texas to make positive education choices for their children?

Click here to help support the Texas Homeschool Coalition.

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November 2, 2023

Title: School Choice: Good or Bad for Homeschoolers?
Topic: Education Savings Accounts
Discussed by Jeremy Newman
with Texas Homeschool Coalition (

Jeremy Newman clears up some myths and confusion being spread about School Choice: Education Savings Accounts. The Texas Legislature has been in a Special Session since October 9 debating this and other issues. Jeremy is the Vice President of Policy and Engagement with the Texas Homeschool Coalition.

Click here to read more about Texas Homeschool Coalition’s stance on School Choice: Education Savings Accounts.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why do some homeschool parents oppose School Choice through Education Savings Accounts?

Many states have passed School Choice, empowering parents to choose the best educational path for their children. Have home educators in those states experienced regulated curriculum? THSC statement on this issue: “We have reviewed the data from every state that has passed school choice legislation and sports access laws going back almost five decades and have found no state in which homeschoolers have suffered a loss of freedom as a result of those laws.” (see link above for statement)

What is the Leeper Decision? Click here to read the Texas Supreme Court Decision.

Has the Texas Legislature restricted and/or interfered with home schooling in Texas since the Leeper decision?

BOTTOM LINE: Will School Choice through Education Savings Accounts empower all parents in Texas to make positive education choices for their children?

Click here to help support the Texas Homeschool Coalition.

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October 30, 2023

Title: UPDATE On Education Savings Accounts in Texas
Topic: Education Savings Accounts
Discussed by Jeremy Newman
with Texas Homeschool Coalition (

Jeremy Newman is the Vice President of Policy and Engagement at the Texas Homeschool Coalition. Today, he gives an update on Education Savings Accounts and Parental Empowerment in Texas.

Click here for all the information you need to know about homeschooling in Texas.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

For decades, many have been advocating for some form of universal school choice for all families in Texas. Has the Texas Senate already passed their version of School Choice during this Special Session?

Has the Calendars Committee in the House scheduled a vote?

Some in the Texas House are calling saying that all kids (regardless of which setting) should take the same tests required by public school students. How do other states handle the “accountability” question?

Will the Texas Home School Coalition support any legislation subjecting home school students to standardized testing requirements?

Click here to help support the Texas Homeschool Coalition.

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October 6, 2023

Title: Parental Empowerment in Texas
Topic: Education Savings Accounts
Discussed by Jeremy Newman
with Texas Homeschool Coalition (

Parental empowerment through School Choice and Education Savings Accounts have been accomplished in several states.

Today, Jeremy “JD” Newman discusses details about School Choice and Education Savings Accounts, how tax payers and public school are affected, and what choices parents should have for their children’s education. Jeremy is the VP of Policy and Engagement at the Texas Home School Coalition.

Click here for all the information you need to know about homeschooling in Texas.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is “parental empowerment”?

Will parental empowerment cause an increase in property taxes?

What is an Education Savings Account?

Have public schools in states with School Choice/Education Savings Accounts been decimated because of a loss of funds?

In Texas, how much money is allocated for each student enrolled in public school?

If Texas passes parental empowerment, how much money will each family receive for their child’s education?

Are elected officials in Austin trying to help parents be empowered with their children’s education? How many bills were filed during the last Legislative Session?

Governor Abbott has to called a Special Session to begin October 9th to address School Choice and Education Savings Account. What does Jeremy expect to happen?

Why are educators against parental empowerment? Why are some homeschoolers against parental empowerment?

Click here to help support the Texas Home School Coalition.

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October 4, 2023

Title: Parental Empowerment in Texas
Topic: Education Savings Accounts
Discussed by Jeremy Newman
with Texas Homeschool Coalition (

Parental empowerment through School Choice and Education Savings Accounts have been accomplished in several states.

Today, Jeremy “JD” Newman discusses details about School Choice and Education Savings Accounts, how tax payers and public school are affected, and what choices parents should have for their children’s education. Jeremy is the VP of Policy and Engagement at the Texas Home School Coalition.

Click here for all the information you need to know about homeschooling in Texas.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is “parental empowerment”?

Will parental empowerment cause an increase in property taxes?

What is an Education Savings Account?

Have public schools in states with School Choice/Education Savings Accounts been decimated because of a loss of funds?

In Texas, how much money is allocated for each student enrolled in public school?

If Texas passes parental empowerment, how much money will each family receive for their child’s education?

Are elected officials in Austin trying to help parents be empowered with their children’s education? How many bills were filed during the last Legislative Session?

Governor Abbott has to called a Special Session to begin October 9th to address School Choice and Education Savings Account. What does Jeremy expect to happen?

Why are educators against parental empowerment? Why are some homeschoolers against parental empowerment?

Click here to help support the Texas Home School Coalition.

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January 26, 2017

Title: Support for ESA’s is Growing
Topic: Education Savings Accounts
Discussed by Peggy Venable
with Education Choice (

Ted Cruz recently stated: “Every child deserves an equal opportunity to learn. Yet today millions of children across our nation find themselves trapped in failing schools, barring them from the chance to receive the education they need to climb out of poverty and up the economic ladder.

Peggy Venable, with the Texas Public Policy Foundation, discusses more statistics and questions surrounding School Choice and Education Savings Accounts.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does every child deserve the opportunity to learn in the best possible environment according to their needs?

Listen as Terry and Peggy discuss some statistics surrounding Charter Schools.

Tuesday, January 24, was the Education Freedom School Choice Rally in Austin. Who attended and why?

Why is a “recorded vote” regarding this issue so important to the people?

Many rumors are being spread by opponents of School Choice and Education Savings Accounts. One rumor states that they should only apply to special needs students. Is this true?

Another rumor asserts the law will only apply to those currently enrolled in public school. Is there any truth to this?

For more information, click here.

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January 13, 2017

Title: Why Do Educrats Oppose School Choice?
Topic: Education Savings Accounts
Discussed by Allan Parker
with The Justice Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Allan Parker is the President of The Justice Foundation. He has been a guest on The What’s UP Radio Program several times, specifically discussing School Choice and Education Savings Accounts (ESA’s) in recent months. Today, he will be discussing why liberals are so opposed to the idea of ESA’s and School Choice.

Be sure to follow Faith Leaders for School choice on Facebook.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Will there be a battle in the Texas Legislature concerning Education Savings Accounts and School Choice?

Why are liberals so against School Choice? Allan Parker explains the two main liberal groups which oppose School Choice and ESA’s.

The former Secretary of Labor, Robert Reich, was very clear on his intentions concerning education. What was his goal?

Is there a spiritual battle being waged in our public schools across America?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Why Do Educrats Oppose School Choice?
Topic: Education Savings Accounts
Discussed by Allan Parker
with The Justice Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does education have to be solely provided by the State of Texas to be considered a valid means of education under the Texas Constitution?

Does the current K through 12 education system in Texas serve the needs of all students within the system?

Can the current K through 12 education system in Texas be changed/corrected/fixed to serve the needs of all students with the system?

When parents start pulling their kids out of public school the school district will finally take notice. But will that be too late?

Allan Parker has been on the frontlines regarding Education Savings Accounts since 1989. Today, he closes the interview by explaining how much is spent per student each year in public schools, and how Education Savings Accounts work.

NOTE: Terry is curious how much you spend for your child’s private or home education. Would you benefit from an ESA? Please email Terry Lowry here  with the name of the school, what grade your child is in, and how much you spend annually.

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January 5, 2017

Title: Education Choice is a Chance for All
Topic: Education Savings Accounts
Discussed by Allan Parker
with The Justice Foundation (

The opportunity for parents to choose the right school for their child is gaining popularity. Allan Parker, with The Justice Foundation, has some answers for parents who are still on the fence about Education Savings Accounts.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do polls reveal parental dissatisfaction with the schools their children attend?

Are most students locked into their neighborhood school because of the cost to go elsewhere?

Allan has been working front and center on Education Savings Accounts in Texas for a number of years. Listen as he explains in more detail how ESA’s benefit children.

Would granting ESA’s to students/parents bankrupt the local public school district?

Would granting ESA’s to students/parents harm the students left behind in the local public schools? Allan explains how “bad” schools with a history of bullying and gang activity often improve dramatically once ESA’s are offered.

Would granting ESA’s to students/parents harm the financial solvency of the local school district?

Many educators believe that all children and parents who receive ESA’s should be required to follow all the state regulations. Would this happen in Texas?

Allan urges all parents to contact their elected representatives to encourage a positive vote for Education Savings Accounts. Click here  for more information.

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Title: Education Choice is a Chance for All
Topic: Education Savings Accounts
Discussed by Peggy Venable
with Education Choice (

Many people, specifically homeschool parents and educators, are very hesitant to support Education Savings Accounts (ESA’s). This is one of the many reasons we have done quite a bit of programming in recent months concerning the issue. (Search our Archives under “Education Savings Accounts” for more.)

Peggy Venable is with Education Choice.  Peggy is a staunch supporter of ESA’s and will hopefully put some fears and anxieties to rest today with her interview.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why are educators against Education Savings Accounts?

Why are some Conservatives concerned about ESA’s?

Has a bill been filed in Texas for the upcoming Legislature to consider?

Would ESA’s bring more stability to the family environment?

How can we become “kitchen table lobbyists”? (Note: Click on the above link for more information and how to become more involved.)

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November 30, 2016

Title: Education Savings Accounts
Topic: Education Savings Accounts
Discussed by Stephanie Matthews
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Who should decide what is best for children regarding education?

Stephanie Matthews is the Senior Policy Advisor in the Center for Education Freedom at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Stephanie has spent the majority of her professional career in and around the state Capitol. Prior to joining TPPF, Stephanie served as the Chief of Staff for State Senator Donna Campbell, M.D.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who should decide what is best for children regarding education?

Who takes advantage of education choice?

Why are ESA’s beneficial to families who wish to homeschool but do not think they can afford it?

Are ESA’s helping families with a special needs child?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Education Savings Accounts
Topic: Education Savings Accounts
Discussed by Stephanie Matthews
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

The Texas Supreme Court called upon lawmakers to “upend an ossified [fossilized, inflexible] regime ill-suited for 21st century Texas.” What does this mean?

Will ESA’s really empower parents to have true choice?

How will ESA’s effect homeschool students?

Will the TPPF oppose any and all legislation which will restrict or place stipulations upon homeschool students?

What can parents do to encourage Legislators to vote in favor of ESA’s? Stephanie recommends getting more information here.

Are ESA’s viewed in a positive light from both Parties?

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November 10, 2016

Title: Education Savings Accounts
Topic: Education Savings Accounts
Discussed by Randan Steinhauser
with Texans for Education Opportunity (

Randan Steinhauser is back to give us an update on Education Savings Account and how they affect every family.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

The bill for Education Savings Account has not been written yet. Why not?

It is assumed that the Texas ESA bill will be patterned after Nevada’s, which allows any and all families to utilize the benefits, not just low-income families like some states. Listen as Randan explains why this is so important.

On average, how much tax-payer money goes directly to the classroom? How much is allocated for administrative costs?

How much money would each family receive from an ESA per student? Does some money still go to the school district?

What can the ESA money be spent on? Is it limited to just books? HINT: NO! Listen as Randan explains.

CCan money from an ESA be used year-to-year, like “rollover minutes” for a cell phone?

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Title: Education Choice Day
Topic: Education Savings Accounts
Discussed by Randan Steinhauser
with Texans for Education Opportunity (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Education Choice Day is Tuesday, January 24. The event/rally will be held in Austin, Texas.

Why is it so important that parents concerned about their child’s education attend this rally?

The rally begins at 10 AM on Tuesday, but there are other events as well during the entire week. Listen in as Randan gives more information about those events. It’s a great time for the whole family to spend in Austin learning more about school choice.

Find more information on Facebook.

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November 7, 2016

Title: Too Many Students are Unprepared After High School
Topic: Education Savings Accounts
Discussed by Randan Steinhauser
with Texans for Education Opportunity (

A few years ago, a survey of young adults between the ages of 18 and 24 years revealed that less than half could identify New York and Ohio on a U.S. map. In addition, they are six times more likely to know who won “American Idol” than they are to know the name of the speaker of the House.

New Guest, Randan Steinhauser, is the Executive Director for Texans for Education Opportunity. Listen in as she discusses more statistics and why Education Savings Accounts are vital to reshaping the education system in Texas and the country.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are too many students not prepared academically for work or college after high school?

Should parents have more choices when it comes to educating and preparing their kids for the rest of their lives?

Why are others so against ESA’s?

Why is Texans for Education Opportunity in favor of ESA’s?

Click here  for more information about Education Savings Accounts.

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November 4, 2016

Title: Homeschool and Education Savings Accounts
Topic: Education Savings Accounts
Discussed by Tim Lambert
with Texas Homeschool Coalition (

Part 1 of 3

The government controls the educational funding paid by every Texas family. Parents of more than 600,000 students in Texas are paying twice for their kids’ education and others are stuck without options.

Tim Lambert, President of the Texas Homes School, believes that Texas is on the right track to give parents more choice – and more money – through Education Savings Accounts.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is it time for parents to truly control their children’s education opportunities?

What are Education Savings Accounts?

Has anyone proposed a bill for ESA’s?

What are the downsides to school choice and ESA’s?

What is the Texas Homeschool Coalition’s position on ESA’s?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Homeschool and Education Savings Accounts
Topic: Education Savings Accounts
Discussed by Tim Lambert
with Texas Homeschool Coalition (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who opposes ESA’s and why?

In Texas, parents have the right to homeschool their children. What are some of the requirements to do so? Listen in as Tim Lambert explains the battle which transpired years ago and how parents won.

How much money do public schools spend on non-educational materials?

Could the Texas Legislature change the law at any time and require homeschool parents to use state-approved curriculum and testing guidelines?

How often do Democrats files legislation which would place restrictions on homeschool families?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Homeschool and Education Savings Accounts
Topic: Education Savings Accounts
Discussed by Tim Lambert
with Texas Homeschool Coalition (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the Tim Tebow Bill?

Does the bill just include sports or other activities, as well?

Who opposes the Tim Tebow Bill?

For more information on ESA’s and the Tim Tebow Bill, click here.

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October 28, 2016

Title: Use ESA’s to Stabilize the Family
Topic: Education Savings Accounts
Discussed by Peggy Venable
with Education Choice (

Part 1 of 2

Proverbs 22:6 reads: “Train up a child in the way they should go, and when they are old they will not depart from it.Are parents and grandparents – even Christian ones – really doing the best they can? I believe most are, but many could do more, especially when it comes to their education.

Peggy Venable, formally with Americans for Prosperity, is the new spokesperson for EdChoice.  She is here today to give encouragement to parents and grandparents who want more for their children and grandchildren’s future.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is an Education Savings Account? Are they available to all students?

What kind of control do parents get with ESA’s?

Will government be taking control of books and testing?

What is Dan Patrick’s plan for ESA’s?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Use ESA’s to Stabilize the Family
Topic: Education Savings Accounts
Discussed by Peggy Venable
with Education Choice (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Everyone must pay taxes, including education taxes. This is another reason why Peggy and so many others are pushing for school choice – you shouldn’t have to pay twice to educate your child! Listen in as she explains.

Do ESA’s bring financial stability to families?

Are ESA’s like Medical Savings Accounts?

Will home school families be forced to use a certain curriculum?

How much money will the school district still receive per student from an ESA? How much will the family receive?

For more on Education Savings Accounts, click here.

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October 25, 2016

Title: Real High School Dropout Statistics
Topic: Education Savings Accounts
Discussed by Dr. Patrick Wolf
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

New guest, Dr. Patrick Wolf, is a Professor of Education Policy. Today he will be discussing the importance of dropout rates, Education Savings Accounts, and the future of education.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How many students finish high school in four years?

How are high school graduate’s lives different than those who do not obtain their diploma?

What ethnic and social-economic groups represent most dropouts?

Do students graduate in higher percentages if they attend charter or private schools?

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Title: Education Savings Accounts
Topic: Education Savings Accounts
Discussed by Dr. Patrick Wolf
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 2 of 2

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Listen in as Dr. Patrick Wolf explains Education Savings Accounts and how they benefit low-income families. It’s not just about “free money”; it’s about choice.

How is the money for an ESA stored?

Who decides where and how the money is spent?

Can “leftover” money be used for college?

How will an ESA affect a home school family?

Is there FALSE information being spread among home school communities regarding ESA’s?

Why do some oppose the concept of ESA’s?

Learn more on this and other issues affecting Texas here.  Another great organization is “Ed Choice”,  formally the Friedman Foundation.

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October 24, 2016

Title: Homeschoolers and Education Savings Accounts
Topic: Education Savings Accounts
Discussed by Allan Parker
with The Justice Foundation (

This is an update on Education Savings Accounts in Texas. There is a lot of confusion concerning this issue. What is right and what is wrong?

Allan Parker is the President of The Justice Foundation. Today, he will be explaining the concept behind Education Savings Accounts (ESA’s) and facts and myths surrounding the issue.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is “school choice”?

Will homeschool parents be forced to accept ESA’s?

Who decides how the money is spent?

What can the money be used for?

Can ESA’s be used for college education?

Many parents choose to homeschool their children so they do not have to take nationalized tests. If a homeschool parent chooses to utilize an ESA for their child/children, what type of testing must they use?

Are religious liberties an important factor to parents when they choose to leave public schools for a choice system?

Why does the group Pastor's for Texas Children oppose all forms of educational choice, as well as a parent’s right to choose the best educational options for their child?

If you have questions about Education Savings Accounts, use the “Feedback” link above. We will have Allan and others back often before the next Texas Legislative Session to give more details and we value your input and opinion.

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October 5, 2016

Title: Education Savings Accounts: Good or Bad?
Topic: Education Savings Accounts
Discussed by Lindsay Burke
with The Heritage Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Are Education Savings Accounts (ESA’s) good or bad for school choice? New guest, Lindsey Burke, is an expert from The Heritage Foundation. Lindsey focuses on two critical areas of education policy: reducing the federal government’s role in education and empowering families with school choice.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is an Education Savings Account?

How does each family decided to use an ESA? How is the money dispersed to families?

In other states with ESA’s, in order to receive aid from an ESA, a student is required to have attended public school for a minimum amount of time. Will Texas families be subjected to the same requirement? Note: There is an exception to this rule. Listen in as Lindsey explains more.

In addition to the above requirement, must parents provide their child’s name and other private information to the state in order to receive aid from an ESA?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Education Savings Accounts: Good or Bad?
Topic: Education Savings Accounts
Discussed by Lindsay Burke
with The Heritage Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Will ALL homeschool and private-school families be subjected to the state rules regarding testing and textbooks? NOTE: Please listen VERY CAREFULLY to Lindsey’s response to this VERY IMPORTANT question. There is A LOT OF CONFUSION regarding this issue. Please listen in.

Lindsey also explains more about “putting your child in public school for 100 days in order to receive funds in an ESA”.

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