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August 14, 2023

Title: Tech Addiction is Harmful for Marriage
Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Dr. Wendy Wang
with Institute for Family Studies (

Part 1 of 3

In May, the US Surgeon General issued an advisory warning that social media drives anxiety, depression, emergency-room visits, and suicide ideation, calling its effect on adolescents, particularly girls, an “urgent public health issue.”

New guest Dr. Wendy Wang is the director of research at the Institute for Family Studies. Today, she discusses new information about the harmful effects technology has on marriages – not just young people.

Click here and here to read more on this important topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is everyone at risk for technology and social media addiction?

Does the compulsive use of electronics introduce a variety of marital troubles? Dr. Wang reveals some of the grim statistics and some of the issues it creates.

Through the use of electronic devices, can people create another life?

Can suspicion and absenteeism grow a wedge between spouses?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Tech Addiction is Harmful for Marriage
Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Dr. Wendy Wang
with Institute for Family Studies (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is “phubbing”? Phubbing is the habit of snubbing a physically present person in favor of a mobile phone.

Are many couples struggling with a smartphone addiction? Dr. Wang reveals that up to 40% of couples struggle with this.

Does the use of electronics limit our connections with others? Does this disconnect open the door to negative thinking?

Are couples from all walks of faith, economic status, and ethnicity affected by an addiction to technology and social media?

Can better communication, spending time together, and physical intimacy help fuel a happy marriage?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Tech Addiction is Harmful for Marriage
Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Dr. Wendy Wang
with Institute for Family Studies (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do over one-third of couples say they wish their spouse would spend less time on their smart phones?

Can a troubled marriage reverse course and become a happy marriage? Dr. Wang offers some great suggestions couples can implement to help save their marriage.

Click here to help support the Institute for Family Studies.

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February 22, 2022

Title: Get Married and Kids!
Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Nicole Hunt
with Focus on the Family

Part 1 of 2

Is marriage really important? Should people have kids – and more kids?

Attorney Nicole Hunt serves as a writer and spokesperson at Focus on the Family providing analysis and advocacy engagement for Christians to promote faith, family, and freedom. Nicole says: “If you want to live counterculturally as a Christian, get married and have kids!”

Click here for more marriage, parenting, and family tips from Focus on the Family.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Live for yourself” is quite possibly one of the most destructive and pervasive lies of our time. But why is this lie so dangerous? Nicole says: “It has robbed my generation and the coming generation of a type of joy, satisfaction, fulfillment, and life of meaning. They don’t realize what they’re missing out on.”

How will the low birth rate affect our society in the long-term?

Many able-bodied men in America are willingly leaving the workforce. How is this affecting families? How is this affecting our society? Nicole will discuss this issue more in the next segment.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Get Married and Kids!
Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Nicole Hunt
with Focus on the Family

Part 1 of 2

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How do we re-engage the men in our society who are choosing to drop-out? Nicole believes that we must reject the idea of toxic masculinity and raise men who will be men. “It’s their responsibility to take care of their family and the spiritual head of their household,” she says. “It’s starts in the home.”

What is “counterculture” and why is it important to our society? Focus on the Family can help! Call 1.800.A.FAMILY or click here for more information.

Must we always have the perfect-looking house, perfect-looking kids, perfect-looking marriage to be happy?

Nicole Hunt admits that sometimes life is hard. What is the driving force in her life that keeps her going? Nicole believes it first starts with a relationship with God and being grounded in His Word.

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July 14, 2017

Title: When Date Night Gets Cut Short
Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Erin Smalley
with Focus on the Family

Finally a night out on the town with your spouse. You both smile at each other, nearly giddy to have a moment to yourselves without the kids. As you dig into your beautifully crafted restaurant meal, mentally listing all the exciting things that you've been dying to tell each other, your cell phone begins buzzing. You take a deep breath as you glance at the phone: it's the babysitter.

What do you do next? Listen as Erin Smalley, with Focus on the Family, shares some thoughts and helpful hints.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are Date Nights imperative for couples of all ages?

When the phone rings and it’s the babysitter with a situation they cannot handle or diffuse, what should parents do?

Sometimes Date Night is a camp out in the back yard or on the couch after the kids go to bed. What should the rules be in this scenario?

Can couples maintain strong relationships during the early stages of their kids' lives without Date Night?

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December 26, 2016

Title: An Intact Family is a Stronger Family
Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Dr. Patrick Fagan
with Marripedia

Part 1 of 2

MARRIpedia is a great new internet tool that everyone should save to their desktop – or even use as your homepage when you log on to the internet every day! Created by The Family Research Council, MARRIpedia is an online social science encyclopedia on all matters related to family, marriage, religion, and sexuality. The purpose of MARRIpedia is to let the data do the talking. The numerous cross-links illustrate the overlap of family and religion and a vast array of issues such as education, the economy, poverty, crime, and abuse.

Dr. Patrick Fagan is the Director of the Marriage and Religion Research Institute with The Family Research Council. Dr. Fagan is also the Editor and creator of MARRIpedia. He is here today to explain just what MARRIpedia is and why the FRC designed the new website.

Through observation of the data, researchers have concluded that the intact married family that worships God weekly is the core strength of any nation,” declares Dr. Fagan. The weakest family unit is the unmarried mother/father with children who do not worship God at all. In between, there are two other categories: the intact married family who does not worship and the broken family who worships regularly.

Listen in to the next segment with Dr. Fagan as he discusses more about MARRIpedia and how to use the website to learn more about family issues.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - An Intact Family is a Stronger Family
Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Dr. Patrick Fagan
with Marripedia

At MARRIpedia, you will find information on an array of issues and how they relate directly to marriage and the family. Even the economy and the market place are affected by marriage and family issues! Dr. Fagan says that MARRIpedia is a great resource for everyone – from pastors and counselors to high school and college students doing research for papers.

Let the data do the talking,” Dr. Fagan says. MARRIpedia is adding new research studies and social science data almost daily. Check it out with your kids and teens. Share the information with your friends and neighbors. Use the resources on MARRIpedia on social media cites like Facebook and Twitter to prove that God, marriage, and family really are the best combinations for success.

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December 2, 2015

Title: Boycotting for Traditional Families
Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

During the holiday season, many people bring up the issue of boycotting business that do not align with Christian values. Some people don’t believe that boycotts are effective; others are adamant that they are. Cathie Adams is here today to discuss the importance of standing for traditional family values. She says that there is definitely research which proves that boycotts of specific businesses are effective.                                            

But what about in politics? The Texas Republican Party State Convention is currently set to take place this coming May in Dallas, where the city council recently secretly and unanimously passed an ordinance similar to HERO allowing transgender males the opportunity to use female only facilities.

Should the Republican Party boycott and not attend the convention or move it to another city such as Houston?

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December 1, 2015

Title: An Intact Family is a Stronger Family
Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Dr. Patrick Fagan
with Marripedia

Part 1 of 2

MARRIpedia is a great new internet tool that everyone should save to their desktop – or even use as your homepage when you log on to the internet every day! Created by The Family Research Council, MARRIpedia is an online social science encyclopedia on all matters related to family, marriage, religion, and sexuality. The purpose of MARRIpedia is to let the data do the talking. The numerous cross-links illustrate the overlap of family and religion and a vast array of issues such as education, the economy, poverty, crime, and abuse.

Dr. Patrick Fagan is the Director of the Marriage and Religion Research Institute with The Family Research Council. Dr. Fagan is also the Editor and creator of MARRIpedia. He is here today to explain just what MARRIpedia is and why the FRC designed the new website.

Through observation of the data, researchers have concluded that the intact married family that worships God weekly is the core strength of any nation,” declares Dr. Fagan. The weakest family unit is the unmarried mother/father with children who do not worship God at all. In between, there are two other categories: the intact married family who does not worship and the broken family who worships regularly.

Listen in to the next segment with Dr. Fagan as he discusses more about MARRIpedia and how to use the website to learn more about family issues.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - An Intact Family is a Stronger Family
Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Dr. Patrick Fagan
with Marripedia

At MARRIpedia, you will find information on an array of issues and how they relate directly to marriage and the family. Even the economy and the market place are affected by marriage and family issues! Dr. Fagan says that MARRIpedia is a great resource for everyone – from pastors and counselors to high school and college students doing research for papers.

Let the data do the talking,” Dr. Fagan says. MARRIpedia is adding new research studies and social science data almost daily. Check it out with your kids and teens. Share the information with your friends and neighbors. Use the resources on MARRIpedia on social media cites like Facebook and Twitter to prove that God, marriage, and family really are the best combinations for success.

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November 10, 2015

Title: Restoring the Natural Family
Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Robert Knight
with Robert H Knight (

Part 1 of 2

Recently, Robert Knight attended the World Congress of Families IX (WCF9) in Salt Lake City with 200 speakers and over 3,300 attendees from more than 50 countries. Robert said it felt like a rock concert for pro-life, pro-family American citizens. It was amazing! He was so encouraged to see so many people stand in faith for family values.

However, if you listen to the MSM and the progressive elites, they insist that the mom-dad family is no longer necessary and can replaced by whatever adults want to do to gratify themselves. Robert Knight doesn’t believe this is true. “The natural family is not dead,” he says. The left is just lying, like they always do, saying it is creating more diversity. “In reality, they leave a trail of victims behind,” Robert says. Listen in as he discusses the breakdown of the family, according to the left, and how it only hurts women and children.

Rafael Cruz, father of Presidential Candidate Ted Cruz, gave an outstanding speech at t the WCF9 convention urging civil disobedience in regards to the Supreme Court decision in June allowing homosexual marriage across the nation. But what about Sanctuary Cities? How can we justify allowing illegal aliens access to our country’s money and healthcare when a county clerk is ostracized for refusing to issue a marriage license to a gay couple? The same goes for transgender youth and men who wish to use whatever restroom/locker room/shower on a particular day. Robert says, “It’s totally hypocritical. It’s our way or the highway.” Our Founding Fathers must be rolling in their graves.

Out of the 293 countries that belong to the UN, only 20 have changed the definition of marriage to include same-sex couples. Only two of the largest countries, Brazil and the United States, have used the court system to do this. “The cultural elites in this country are way out of step with the people,” Robert believes. He goes on to say, “The sexual revolution is a way to empower bullies!

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Restoring the Natural Family
Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Robert Knight
with Robert H Knight (

Research has shown that children are more likely to grow up in poverty if they live in a single-parent household. In fact, some of the speakers at the WCF9 in Salt Lake City linked current economic problems and the lack of government growth to the collapse of the natural family. Do these studies and opinions have any merit, though? Robert Knight believes they do. “The countries that have let marriage become weak and have basically socialized childcare are suffering greatly,” Robert reveals. You can just look at any inner-city in America and see this happening.

At the WCF9, Robert Knight spoke on how the sexualization of America from the left creates the conditions which help liberal policies thrive, aka socialism. “More sexual chaos spurs more government need to pick up the pieces,” Robert says. Socialists, however, don’t view the failures of other countries’ socialist efforts as noteworthy; they only look at the minor flaws in capitalism and ignore the tremendous good which results from it.

Jennifer Roback Morse was another speaker at the WCF9. She has been a frequent guest on the What’s UP Radio Program in the past. Listen in as Robert discusses Jennifer’s speech at the WCF9 where she described the three most often repeated lies from the left: 1) sex has nothing to do with babies; 2) marriage has nothing to do with sex; and 3) men and women are interchangeable. But has the sexual revolution run its course? What does the future look like through the eyes of Robert Knight?

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February 24, 2015

Title: The State of Marriage and the Family
Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Dr. Patrick Fagan
with Marripedia

Part 1 of 2

We’ve gone from courting, dating, graduating from college, becoming engaged, getting married, and then children to meeting someone, having sex, getting pregnant but not married, then moving on to someone else. Young people these days don’t value marriage the same way we do or like our parents did.

Are we rewarding bad behavior? Out of wedlock births are on the rise, and climbing every year. The same goes for the divorce rate. Dr. Patrick Fagan, with the Family Research Council’s Marriage and Religion Research Institute (found [here] ), reports that 54% of kids do not live with both of their biological parents.

MARRI has issued its 7th annual “Index of Family Belonging and Rejection” report. Dr. Fagan discusses some of the differences between black, Hispanic, Asian, and white families in all areas of country. Why have the family structures changed so drastically since the 1950’s? Is society to blame? Government? There are more black men in prison now than there were half a century ago. Where were there fathers? Were they absent, too?

Listen in as Dr. Fagan gives more details and reveals the one group of people who are actually holding the country together.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The State of Marriage and the Family
Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Dr. Patrick Fagan
with Marripedia

Dr. Fagan poses this convicting question: “If our churches are not teaching teens the consequences, why should the government?” Ouch! Slap in the face! Unless our pastors really preach the Word and tell the truth about the life-long consequences of pre-marital sex, there is little hope that our country will change.

As a group, the majority of children raised in a single-parent family or without their biological parents have less chance of succeeding in life. Many do not graduate. Most do not attend/graduate college. Most females become pregnant out of wedlock. Many males turn to a life of crime. Of course, there are always exceptions to this, but this cycle just repeats generation after generation.

The breakup of the family boils down to lack of knowledge about sex, according to Dr. Fagan. Society has just twisted the sacred significance of sex to something flippant and meaningless. Even many Christians see nothing wrong with living together before marriage.

If we reward marriage instead of single-parenting, what would happen? Would more couples actually stay together to raise their kids instead of running to divorce court at the first sign of a struggle? Should we require people to have a job, even part-time, in order to qualify for welfare? This worked in the past – it can work again! But the liberals will never allow any positive changes because they want to be reelected!

Click [here]  for the full report from the Family Research Council’s Marriage and Religion Research Institute.

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Title: Welfare is Corrupting the Institute of Marriage
Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Robert Rector
with The Heritage Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Has the War on Poverty become the War on the Family? We reward those who don’t get married. We reward those without a job. We reward those whose spouses or parents of their children are incarcerated.

Robert Rector has been studying poverty and the break-up of the family for nearly three decades and is a leading authority on the subject. Robert says, “Marriage is dead in nearly half the population… When Johnson launched his War on Poverty, only six percent of children were born out of wedlock. Today, that number has risen to 75-80% in low-income areas.” Race doesn’t matter. Marriage is being wiped out across the board by the Welfare State.

Listen in as Robert offers some insight on what must be done to deter young girls from having sex and having babies out of wedlock.

FACT: Last year alone, the US government spent $920 billion on 80 different anti-poverty programs. $920 BILLION.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Welfare is Corrupting the Institute of Marriage
Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Robert Rector
with The Heritage Foundation (

Our government continues to reward those on welfare with free this and free that. There is zero incentive to get married. There is zero incentive to graduate from high school and go on to college. There is zero incentive to find a job.

Robert Rector continues to discuss raising children in a single-parent household as compared to a two-parent household. Not only will children with two parents do better in school, they are less likely to experiment with drugs and alcohol; girls are less likely to become pregnant out of wedlock; boys are less likely to commit crime and become incarcerated; they are more likely go to college and get a good-paying job.

One way to reduce the amount of money being wasted every year on anti-poverty programs is to clean up fraud within the IRS, specifically the Earned Income Tax Credit. Listen in as Robert explains, that while the EITC does help single moms, it harms married couples more. Fraud, however, within the system is rampant and getting more out of control every year.

You can find more from Robert Rector [here].

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August 26, 2014

Title: Faulty Ideas about Marriage
Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Phyllis Schlafly
with Eagle Forum (

Karl Marx was in love with the idea of traditional families. He only wanted the BEST for traditional families. He thought traditional families were the next best thing after peanut butter.

NOT!! Communism is sustained by the people’s need for the government for all aspects of life – jobs, food, shelter, etc. Karl Marx saw the traditional family as the ultimate stumbling block to the success of communism. A man married to a woman raising children typically did not rely on the government for support; therefore he sought to destroy the family.

Phyllis Schlafly, President of Eagle Forum, is back to give us an update on the left’s idea of marriage and what they want to FORCE all of us to support and defend. The left not only wants to legalize gay marriage nationwide, they are hell-bent on destroying the traditional family all-together. Sound familiar?

Progressives. Democrats. Communists. Are they one-in-the-same? What about Modern Libertarians? Where do they stand in all of this mess?

Listen in to hear Phyllis’s opinion and how she believes we can protect the traditional family for generations to come.

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August 20, 2012

Title: Does Paul Ryan Support Traditional Marriage?
Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Donna Garner
with Pro-Family Leader

Part 1 of 3

Are we our "brother's keeper"?

Do we teach our kids how to set fires safely in school or how to rob gas stations quickly?

Who in America is contracting HIV/AIDS today?

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Donna Garner
with Pro-Family Leader

Who invented using the word "gay" to describe the homosexual lifestyle?

Is the LGBT community plagued with sexually transmitted diseases?

Is the human body built for LGBT activities? Is homosexuality inborn?

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Donna Garner
with Pro-Family Leader

Is HIV a disease of choice? Does the LGBT lifestyle result in premature deaths?

Let's look at research dollars - how much is the NIH spending each year per death on Alzheimer's? Parkinson's? breast cancer? HIV/AIDS?

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May 11, 2012

Title: A Best of Segment: The Roman Turtle Shell - United We Stand, Divided We Fall - The Family Unit Breakdown.
Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Dr. Patrick Fagan
with Marripedia

Part 1 of 4

Do the actions of the parents affect their children?

Does rejection caused by divorce affect their children?

Is the “family unit” the building block of society?

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Title: A Best of Segment: Part 2 of 4
Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Dr. Patrick Fagan
with Marripedia

Are the majority of the nation’s children affected negatively by the breakdown of the family unit across America?

Will the major institutions of the future: the family, churches, schools, the marketplace and even our government be similarly weakened as these children gradually take their roles of leadership within these institutions?

Let’s look at the second annual Index of Family Belonging and Rejection: what are the prognosis and projection for future trends and outcomes?

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Title: A Best of Segment: Part 3 of 4
Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Dr. Patrick Fagan
with Marripedia

First, what is the prognosis of the family unit in America?

Is the family unit strongest in the south?

Is the out-of-wedlock birthrate overwhelming all ethnic groups in America?

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Title: A Best of Segment: Part 4 of 4
Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Dr. Patrick Fagan
with Marripedia

What are some of the consequences of the out-of-wedlock births and single parenting?

How do we break the cycle of divorce?

How do we break the cycle of out-of-wedlock births and single parenting?

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December 1, 2011

Title: The Roman Turtle Shell - United We Stand, Divided We Fall - The Family Unit Breakdown.
Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Dr. Patrick Fagan
with Marripedia

Part 1 of 4

Do the actions of the parents affect their children?

Does rejection caused by divorce affect their children?

Is the “family unit” the building block of society?

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Title: Part 2 of 4
Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Dr. Patrick Fagan
with Marripedia

Are the majority of the nation’s children affected negatively by the breakdown of the family unit across America?

Will the major institutions of the future: the family, churches, schools, the marketplace and even our government be similarly weakened as these children gradually take their roles of leadership within these institutions?

Let’s look at the second annual Index of Family Belonging and Rejection: what are the prognosis and projection for future trends and outcomes?

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Title: Part 3 of 4
Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Dr. Patrick Fagan
with Marripedia

First, what is the prognosis of the family unit in America?

Is the family unit strongest in the south?

Is the out-of-wedlock birthrate overwhelming all ethnic groups in America?

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Title: Part 4 of 4
Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Dr. Patrick Fagan
with Marripedia

What are some of the consequences of the out-of-wedlock births and single parenting?

How do we break the cycle of divorce?

How do we break the cycle of out-of-wedlock births and single parenting?

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June 6, 2011

Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Dr. Patrick Fagan
with Marripedia

Part 1 of 2

The Family Research Council’s Marriage and Religion Research Institute recently released a synthesis paper showing that economic well-being in the US is strongly related to marriage. Married men make more money and stay in one job longer than their counterparts. And this directly affects women and children. Log on to  for more.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Dr. Patrick Fagan
with Marripedia

The rate of poverty among children whose mothers remarry after divorce is reduced by 66 percent. We’re not saying that all single moms and dads should rush out and get remarried ASAP. We’re just showing the facts. Log on to  for more.

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February 24, 2009

Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Dr. John Trent
with Strong Families

Dr. John Trent will be one of the many speakers at the Focus on Marriage Conference this Saturday. Dr. Trent is an expert on strengthening marriage and family relationships. Log onto for more information on Dr. Trent. If you would like more information on the upcoming Focus on Marriage Conference being simulcast live at Graceview Baptist Church in Tomball, log onto or call 281.351.4979.

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February 23, 2009

Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Bryan Donahoo

Log onto for more information about the Focus on Marriage Simulcast Conference on Saturday, February 28. Or call 281.351.4979.

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Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Mitch Temple
with Focus on the Family

Guest Mitch Temple discusses some of the speakers for the Focus on Marriage Conference that will be simulcast at several churches in the Houston area on Saturday, February 28. Log onto for more information.

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Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Mitch Temple
with Focus on the Family

Guest Mitch Temple discusses some of the speakers for the Focus on Marriage Conference that will be simulcast at several churches in the Houston area on Saturday, February 28. Log onto for more information.

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February 20, 2009

Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Lori Jones

Log onto for more information about the Focus on Marriage Simulcast Conference on Saturday, February 28. Or call 281.351.4979.

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Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Mitch Temple
with Focus on the Family

Guest Mitch Temple discusses some of the speakers for the Focus on Marriage Conference that will be simulcast at several churches in the Houston area on Saturday, February 28. Log onto for more information.

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Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Mitch Temple
with Focus on the Family

Guest Mitch Temple continues discussing the Focus on Marriage Conference that will be simulcast at several churches in the Houston area on Saturday, February 28. Log onto for more information.

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February 28, 2007

Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse
with The Ruth Institute (

Bad marriages will make you ill, stressed out, and less productive at work, reports the Annual of Behavioral Medicine. Does that mean unhappy couples should divorce? Absolutely not, says marriage expert Jennifer Roback Morse. Divorce usually makes a bad situation worse.

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February 19, 2007

Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Rena Lindevaldsen
with Libery Counsel

Lisa Miller was artificially inseminated while civilly joined with her partner in a same-sex union in Vermont. Now a Christian and no longer a homosexual, she is living in Virginia, which does not recognize same-sex unions. The child custody matter is now before the Surpeme Court. What will they do? Will they give her child away? Log onto for more information.

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January 24, 2007

Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse
with The Ruth Institute (

Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse is the author of "Smart Sex: Finding Life-Long Love in a Hook-Up World" and "101 Tips for a Happier Marriage". In this segment, Jennifer discusses the new report that states 51% of women are living without a spouse. But, what does the report really say? Where did the authors get their facts?

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Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse
with The Ruth Institute (

In this segment, Jennifer discusses how the modern, liberated concept of "sex anytime, anywhere, with anyone" has left most people - men and women - miserable. She also expresses her opinion of why the divorce rate is so high. Log onto

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October 18, 2006

Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse
with The Ruth Institute (

Have most people joined the radical sexual revolution in embracing flawed ideas? The "new" way of thinking is that freedom means being unencumbered by relationships and sex is purely a private activity with no moral or social significance. Author of "101 Tips for a Happier Marriage", Jennifer Roback Morse, shows how these ideas reduce sex to a commodity. Log onto to order a copy of "101 Tips for Happier Marriage".

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May 25, 2006

Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse
with The Ruth Institute (

Dr. Morse discusses how unilateral divorce and gay marriage are related. What's wrong with "Live and Let Live"? Visit or call 888-773-6782.

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Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse
with The Ruth Institute (

Since we live in a free society, why can't people divorce or marry whomever they want? Dr. Morse continues her discussion on what we can do to strengthen marriage.

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April 18, 2006

Title: A BAD MARRIAGE IS BAD - BUT DIVORCE IS WORSE Replay from September 27, 2005
Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse
with The Ruth Institute (

Bad marriages will make you ill, stressed out, and less productive at work. Does that mean unhappy couples should divorce? Absolutely not, says marriage expert and economist Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse.

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September 27, 2005

Title: New study reports bad marriages are bad for you- but divorce is worse.
Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse
with The Ruth Institute (

Bad marriages will make you ill, stressed out, and less productive at work, reports the Annual of Behavioral Medicine. Does that mean unhappy couples should divorce? Absolutely not, says marriage expert and econimist Jennifer Roback Morse. Divorce usually makes a bad situation worse.

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March 21, 2005

Title: All You Need is Love and Other Lies About Marriage
Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Dr. John Jacobs
with Author

In ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE AND OTHER LIES ABOUT MARRIAGE, Dr. Jacobs shows loving couples how to make their relationships stronger by accepting and living certain truths. Among them: romantic love is insufficient to sustain an intimate relationship; change is always possible - even small, unilateral change can produce big results; your family of origin always influences your marriage; egalitarian marriages are fraught with confusion over gender-role expectations; your children are a serious threat to your marriage; sex is more frustrating now that sexy media images share your bedroom.

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Title: All You Need is Love and Other Lies About Marriage
Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Dr. John Jacobs
with Author

"Marital unhappiness, dissatisfaction, and divorce are part of the fabric of modern life", states veteran marriage counselor John W. Jacobs, M.D. A psychiatrist who has worked with hundreds of couples over the last three decades, Dr. Jacobs knows just how fragile the bond of marriage is and how difficult preserving it can be. Still, he firmly believes most couples can create and maintain a mutually satisfying, deeply loving relationship - but only with hard work, diligence, and a reality check every once in a while. In ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE AND OTHER LIES ABOUT MARRIAGE, Dr. Jacobs presents a radically truthful approach to making a marriage work and last. Based on his clinical experience and extensive research, Dr. Jacobs reveals how a sweeping cultural transformation has encouraged men and women to subscribe to what he calls the "seven lies of marriage".

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February 2, 2005

Title: How to handle kids in a 'blended family'
Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse
with The Ruth Institute (

Kids are hard enough, but when you throw his, hers, and theirs in a pot together - watch out! Some advice on where to begin...

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January 20, 2005

Title: Marriage Prep
Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Pastor Danny Havard
with Second Baptist Church, Houston (

Marriage Prep is necessary and this workshop is a great tool for those planning a marriage.

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January 18, 2005

Title: 101 Tips For a Happier Marriage
Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse
with The Ruth Institute (

How to fight while being partners in winning. "Love is a Decision, Not a Feeling" 101 Tips for a Happier Marriage. (This is a continuing series on the What's UP Radio Program...)

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February 23, 2004

Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Bryan Donahoo

Log onto for more information about the Focus on Marriage Simulcast Conference on Saturday, February 28. Or call 281.351.4979.

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