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October 10, 2022

Title: Couple Fighting the EPA. Will They Win?
Topic: EPA Rules and Regulations
Discussed by Jim Burling
with Pacific Legal Foundation (

Will SCOTUS classify the puddle in your backyard that appears during a rainstorm as part of the “Waters of the US” governed by the EPA?

Jim Burling is the Vice President of Legal Affairs with the Pacific Legal Foundation, a national non-profit defending Americans threatened by government overreach and abuse. Today, Jim discusses how the EPA wants to control every square inch of land/water across the United States – even a puddle in your backyard.

Click here to read more on this case and how the decision by SCOTUS could affect you and your family.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has the EPA become the “local building permitting department”?

The Sackett’s purchased a vacant lot in a build-out subdivision approximately 300 feet from a lake. Why has the EPA dug in its heels and told the Sackett’s “You Shall Not Build There”? Jim tells the rest of the story, which is outrageous, by the way!!

Is the Sackett’s land in the middle of nowhere, where one could assume it could be classified as a wetland? HINT: Nope.

Should every property owner and every aspiring property owner be concerned with the wrong ruling in this case?

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March 17, 2022

Title: Landmark Legal Pushes Back Against the EPA
Topic: EPA Rules and Regulations
Discussed by Michael O'Neill
with Landmark Legal Foundation (

Is the EPA more powerful than Congress? Is the EPA working to cripple our energy independence?

Michael J. O’Neill is the Assistant General Counsel at Landmark Legal Foundation. Today he discusses why their organization is pushing back against the EPA’s war on energy independence.

Click here to read more on this topic from Landmark Legal Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are unelected bureaucrats at the EPA wanting to fundamentally change how electricity is produced in America?

Michael explains that on February 28, 2022, the court heard oral arguments in West Virginia v. EPA. This case will determine whether the EPA can issue a rule that would transform how our nation generates electricity under the thinnest of legal pretenses.

He goes on to reveal that pre-inflation and pre-Russia/Ukraine conflict, the wholesale electricity price was estimated to rise over $200 billion, with some states seeing an increase in prices exceeding 25%. CAN YOU AFFORD THIS?

Why doesn’t Congress step in and mandate the draconian rules themselves?

Is the liberal, anti-fossil-fuels crowd succeeding through the lower courts? Is there hope that the Supreme Court will rule against the bureaucrats at the EPA?

How can Congress clean house at the EPA and other governmental agencies? In response, Michael basically says that elections matter. He also explains that the EPA was never meant to regulate green house gas emissions.

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March 6, 2017

Title: What is the Clean Water Rule?
Topic: EPA Rules and Regulations
Discussed by Steve Milloy
with Junk Science (

Part 1 of 2

Senator Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) said the following during Scott Pruitt’s confirmation hearing:  My constituents tell me the EPA is out to get them rather than work with them. There is a huge lack of trust between many of my constituents and the EPA. If we take a look specifically at the WOTUS rule, Iowans truly feel that the EPA ignored their comments and concerns, threw them under the rug, and then just moved forward.”

Steve Milloy is the author of “Scare Pollution: Why and How to Fix the EPA”. He is also the founder of Junk Science.  Today, Steve Milloy will be explaining in more detail the drastic effects the Clean Water Rule is having on all Americans.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who does not want clean water?

What is the Clean Water Rule?

What areas of water are covered by the Clean Water Rule? NOTE: This includes a water puddle. Yes, a puddle in the street in front of your house.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - What is the Clean Water Rule?
Topic: EPA Rules and Regulations
Discussed by Steve Milloy
with Junk Science (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What areas of land are not covered by the Clean Water Rule? Europe, Asia, Antarctica…those are out of reach…

Is the EPA empowered to control any and all activity on land under the Clean Water Rule?

Is the Clean Water Rule really about water? Or is it about EPA control?

Will it be difficult — but not impossible — for Scott Pruitt to repeal this rule?

Wait a minute….Didn’t the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals issue a stay on the Waters of the US Rule?

What can the average citizen do to fight the EPA?

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July 25, 2016

Title: Punish the Poor and Elderly
Topic: EPA Rules and Regulations
Discussed by Doug Domenech
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

In March 2016, the Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Doug Domenech published “The EPA’s Clean Power Plan Will Hurt the Poor and Middle Class the Most.   The report compiles data from various studies in order to show the devastating impact of the EPA’s rule on both the cost of energy and on jobs.

The Honorable Doug Domenech is the Director of the Fueling Freedom Project at Texas Public Policy Foundation (TPPF). Prior to joining TPPF, he served as Secretary of Natural Resources in the Commonwealth of Virginia. As a member of the Governor’s Cabinet Domenech oversaw six state environmental, natural, and historic resource agencies with a staff of over 2,000.

Today, Doug will be discussing the above-mentioned report, detailing its devastation, specifically to low-income and fixed-income households.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has the Obama Administration and the Democrat Party pushed for higher energy prices as the hammer to reduce demand?

When the Obama Administration and the Democrat Party stand on their high horses and shout that they are the defenders of the middle class, senior citizens, and the poor, especially poor Hispanic and black Americans, are they being less than honest?

Doug Domenech points out, however, that the higher energy prices do not just affect electricity bills at home; you have to consider the higher costs of electricity at the daycare center or church, at the grocery store or police station. Who pays for that? You do!

When Obama’s buddies in Congress failed to obtain enough votes to authorize his ‘green agenda’, he then instructed the EPA to go ahead with it, full speed ahead. This didn’t actually work out too well for the President. Listen in as Doug explains.

Without access to affordable, abundant energy, can the poor climb the economic ladder to better health, better housing, and better jobs?

Without access to affordable, abundant energy, will the middle-class in America continue to see more unemployment, stagnant wages, and more of their hard-earned money going to pay energy bills??

If low cost, affordable energy is the way to create jobs and prosperity, who best to guide America: Hillary or Trump?

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March 9, 2016

Title: Stop Work. Now!
Topic: EPA Rules and Regulations
Discussed by Tom Pyle
with Institute for Energy Research (

Tom Pyle is the President of the American Energy Alliance. He is encouraging everyone to stop working now. Yes, that’s right! He wants everyone to just stop working in order to curb an out-of-control EPA. “We’re just following the orders of the Supreme Court!” he declares.

Before Scalia’s death, the SCOTUS Justices reprimanded the EPA concerning a carbon-related regulation the EPA attempted to push on individual states; they wanted utilities to undermine rate-payers. “More states have filed a lawsuit against this particular regulation than any other [one] – ever,” Tom points out. “We should not turn over the control of our electricity to Washington, DC.” Furthermore, Congress never passed a bill allowing the EPA the right to this atrocity! The EPA is just doing it on their own! And President Obama fully approves of their illegal actions.

CO2 is not a pollutant, even though Obama and the environmentalists at the EPA like to shout otherwise. They know it is not a pollutant, but because “they want it to be, it is”. They are wasting billions upon billions of tax-payer dollars trying to shut down coal-fired energy plants, when they know it will do nothing to affect the temperature of our planet! “They are catering to an extreme environmental community,” Tom Pyle believes. “These policies hurt the poorest among us: seniors, people on fixed income, and those just trying to make it in this economy.

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January 29, 2016

Title: Congress Needs to do More to Stop the EPA
Topic: EPA Rules and Regulations
Discussed by Daren Bakst
with The Heritage Foundation (

Daren Bakst is the Research Fellow in Agriculture Policy at the Heritage Foundation where he writes and studies about agricultural and environmental policy and property rights. His agriculture portfolio is extremely broad, covering a multitude of issues from agricultural subsidies and trade, to food policy issues such as GMO food labeling and the FDA’s de facto artificial trans-fat ban.

Today, Daren is with us to discuss the EPA’s overreach and why Congress needs to do more to stop them – much, much more. While Congress deserves some credit for passing Legislation blocking three new EPA rules, there is still more to be done. “The Congressional Review Act is Legislation that gives Congress to ability to try to [stop] rules from different agencies,” Daren explains. However, it’s not as easy as it sounds, because the President can just veto all the hard work Congress does. Listen in as Daren explains in more detail what the Congressional Review Act is, why it’s important, and what needs to change to make it better. The Checks and Balance system just doesn’t always work.

The problem with the current Congress is they still don’t have enough votes to override Obama’s veto. So, when they pass good Legislation and the President vetoes it, it’s over. The Senate won’t be able to, either. “For too long, Congress wasn’t passing good Legislation because they said the President is just going to veto it anyway,” Daren Bakst believes. “But that’s on President Obama.”

Voters need to pay attention to their Congressperson’s votes on the issues. If your elected official in DC is not making good decisions, it’s time for them to go. Be a smart voter. Be informed.

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July 22, 2015

Title: 69,000 Deaths Prevented by 2100! WOW!
Topic: EPA Rules and Regulations
Discussed by Dr. Marlo Lewis
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

The EPA is now claiming it can reduce the amount of premature deaths due to pollution and extreme heat by 69,000 by the year 2100. That’s a whopping 811 lives per year! Amazing! No, not really.

Wouldn’t it be more amazing if we could save 1,325,581 people? That number is much, much better!

Dr. Marlo Lewis,  with the Competitive Enterprise Institute, explains what the EPA wants to do with their “global action on climate change”. Collectively across the globe, trillions of dollars would be required to accomplish their goal to save nearly 70,000 lives – in America. I don’t really think that voters in China or Iran would agree to spend billions of their countries’ money on America, do you?

Germany and other European countries have switched from coal to using only “green” energy and they are paying the price – literally – as much as three times more than Americans to simply heat and cool their homes. Many can’t afford to “eat and heat”, as Dr. Lewis puts it, so they have to make a choice: food or heat/AC. He also explains how the automobile replacing horses as the main mode of transportation was the best thing that could have happened to human beings.

You can read Dr. Lewis’s full report here.

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March 25, 2015

Title: More than Half US States Oppose EPA's Clean Power Plan
Topic: EPA Rules and Regulations
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Are you concerned about your sky-rocketing electric bill?  Kathleen White, with the Texas Public Policy Foundation, discusses the newest unconstitutional rules and regulations the EPA wants to impose on hard-working Americans.

The EPA is attempting to close all coal-fired electric generating plants as soon as possible by issuing these mandates. But since the EPA can’t do this alone, they are trying to force individual states to do it for them! “This is not just another air pollution rule. This is something that really strikes to the heart of our personal and business lives. It will affect our entire country,” Kathleen asserts.

Natural gas is the most reliable form of renewable energy. It works in the winter when it’s cold and in the summer when it’s hot. It works 24/7 at the lowest cost,” Kathleen White says. “It’s good to have competition, though, to ensure low-cost, efficient electricity to consumers.

Kathleen also reminds us how Germany and the UK have passed laws in the last decade, banning the use of coal. Now, as a result, Germany’s electric rates are three times higher than the US. Three times higher, people. Do the math. Could you afford that? NO! Neither can the Germans, which is why an estimate 800,000 homes no longer even use electricity!

For more on this and other issues from Kathleen White, click [here].

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December 16, 2014

Title: EPA Wants Texas to Follow New York's Example
Topic: EPA Rules and Regulations
Discussed by Dr. Wayne Winegarden
with Pacific Research Institute (

Part 1 of 2

The gas tax in New York is just outrageous! Here in Texas we have it good. Our gas prices keep falling thanks to the lower price of $50 per barrel on oil. In fact, prices are falling all across the country. But that’s not the case in New York due to their 50 cent per gallon tax on gasoline.

Dr. Wayne Winegarden has 20 years of business, economic, and policy experience with an expertise in applying quantitative and macroeconomic analyses to create greater insights on corporate strategy, public policy, and strategic planning. Basically, he helps create solutions to make the world go round with the best possible solution for everyone involved.

Dr. Winegarden also discusses the electric rates in New York compared to the rest of the country. He says it has nothing to do with geography and everything to do with policy: “Energy is vital to prosperity. New York should reform its over-regulated energy market — both to save consumers money and boost economic growth.”

Listen in as Dr. Winegarden explains how technological advances are actually hindering economic growth in many cases and how the EPA is overstepping their authority.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - EPA Wants Texas to Follow New York's Example
Topic: EPA Rules and Regulations
Discussed by Dr. Wayne Winegarden
with Pacific Research Institute (

Dr. Winegarden’s article in the New York Times, “The Empire State’s Ugly War on Energy”, is just common sense. The average American realizes that placing higher taxes and more regulations on cheaper, more reliable fossil fuels is harming the economy. The average American knows that solar and wind energy are less reliable and high in cost.

The government is not stupid. They know exactly what they are doing when they place harsh regulations and policies on the backs of hard-working Americans. They have strategic plans to make them appear better in the long run.

Listen in as Dr. Winegarden explains New York’s strategy and what the state is losing in jobs and economic growth by not utilizing the fracking technique. Also, what can Texans do to ensure that similar regulations from the EPA aren’t implemented in our great state?

You can learn more from Dr. Winegarden and others at

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October 7, 2014

Title: Who's watching out for the Dollars in your Wallet?
Topic: EPA Rules and Regulations
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

If you use electricity, you need to listen to this segment. If your friends and family members use electricity, they need to hear this segment.

Kathleen White discusses the EPA’s new “Clean Power Plan”, which she calls the most aggressive and far-reaching rule in the 40 year history of the EPA. The “Clean Power Plan” is designed to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from electric power plants. That sounds great – until you read the entire 1,000-page document and find out what is actually in it.

Yes, Nancy Pelosi, Kathleen White has read the entire proposal and doesn’t need you to pass it in order for us to know what’s in it. She knows. Others know. And they don’t like it.

The proposed plan by the EPA will only reduce the temperature over the next 30 years by 0.018 of a degree. However, the cost to business owners and families will be astronomical. If you think your electric bill is high now, just wait until it is doubled or even tripled! Could your business or family afford this type of increase?

Listen in as Kathleen explains the “Clean Power Plan” in detail, why it’s bad, and what needs to be done to stop it. Log on to  for more on this and other issues facing Texans.

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