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March 29, 2016

Title: All Black Male Dorm. Why Not One for White Women?
Topic: Reverse Discrimination
Discussed by Professor Gail Heriot
with New American Civil Rights Project (

According to the University of Connecticut, ScHOLA2RS (no, this is NOT a typo!) House is a “Learning Community designed to support the scholastic efforts of students who identify as African-American/Black.” In other words, it is a residence hall exclusively for black men. Professor Heriot is Co-Founder of the New American Civil Rights Project. She says, “Rather than expand the horizons of young black college men, this ‘safe space’ will ghettoize them.”

DID YOU KNOW? Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits race discrimination at federally-funded universities. However, MIT has a racially-themed housing unit called “Chocolate City”. Many other colleges and universities around the country offer similar segregated housing for various ethnicities, except for whites. These types of housing situations are absolutely against the law. Why aren’t these violations being addressed? Why does the government continue to allow this blatant exhibition of reverse discrimination?

ScHOLA2RS actually stands for (are you ready??): Scholastic House of Leaders Who are African-American Researchers and Scholars. Professor Heriot says, “We need colleges and universities that are fully integrated.” Obviously, a white male is not going to feel comfortable applying for housing in a dorm called “Chocolate City”. Neither would a black male feel welcome in a “White City” dormitory (which doesn’t – and shouldn’t – exist, by the way).

Studies indicate that students become closest to the people they live with during their college years, no matter their race or background. If they live only with “their race”, they will not branch out and develop relationships with others. Shockingly (or maybe not so much), many college and university Professors are encouraging their students to form racially-divided clubs and housing options. There is absolutely nothing wrong with desiring to be around people who are “like you”, but these “New- Age Professors” are most definitely adding fuel to an already out-of-control fire.

We want students to socialize and learn from each other and this doesn’t help at all,” Gail Heriot reminds us. In fact, she calls it a “serious hindrance”. Furthermore, “White Privilege” should not even be an issue. “The only people that subscribe to that belief are people who just don’t know that many white individuals and don’t realize how different one person is from another,” she states.

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