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September 29, 2017

Title: Is a Federal Czar Needed?
Topic: Life After Harvey
Discussed by James Carafano
with The Heritage Foundation (

James Carafano is the Vice President of Foreign Policy and National Security at The Heritage Foundation. Today, James will be discussing the need for President Trump to appoint a Disaster Relief Commission to specifically address the many issues that have surfaced following Hurricanes HIM: Harvey, Irma, and Maria.

Click here  to order a copy of James’s book on this topic: “Mismanaging Mayhem”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did President Bush mishandle the crisis after Hurricane Katrina in Louisiana?

Is the government capable of planning in advance for disasters such as city-wide floods?

What should the government do in Puerto Rico?

Many small businesses are still recovering from the floods in 2015 and 2016. Now it happened again. Why is long-term help just as important as short-term help?

Should President Donald Trump form a Disaster Relief Commission to address issues that arise after a disaster? Should this Commission lead the community efforts and organization of all groups involved?

Does James have an opinion on who should be appointed head of the Disaster Relief Commission?

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October 3, 2014

Title: Ebola: The Facts and the Fiction
Topic: Ebola
Discussed by James Carafano
with The Heritage Foundation (

In 2013, 3 Billion people boarded planes and flew somewhere in the world. That’s a lot of people! How does this effect airborne diseases and other viruses, specifically Ebola? Every time a person is diagnosed with Ebola, two are infected. That multiples to four, then to eight, and so on. James Carafano is a national security and foreign policy expert. He has some answers on the Ebola case in Texas.

First, there is a difference between an outbreak, an epidemic, and a pandemic. There is a time to be concerned and a time to panic (calmly). Some may be too young to remember, but the HIV/AIDS pandemic was a scary time. But look at the flu virus. It is very easy to catch the flu, yet there are no restrictions for travel if you have the flu. Ebola, according to James Carafano, falls somewhere in between HIV/AIDS and the flu.

The confirmed Ebola case in Dallas, Texas, is disturbing for many reasons. The patient was honest with hospital staff concerning where he was from (Liberia), yet they didn’t check him for the Ebola virus the first time he visited the ER. He was simply sent home with medication only to return again four days later. There are even reports that he had contact with school-age children. Regardless of who is to blame, the fact remains that this should never have happened. And now we have Ebola in America.

Listen in as James Carafano, with the Heritage Foundation, explains more about Ebola, travel, and precautions we can take to protect ourselves.

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