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March 2, 2017

Title: Leaked News Placing Us At Risk
Topic: National Security
Discussed by Hans von Spakovsky
with The Heritage Foundation (

Is fake news putting our national security at risk?  Hans von Spakovsky says it is!

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does our government listen in to our conversations? And if so, what do they listen to? Is a warrant necessary prior to listening?

Why was there such a buzz over Michael Flynn’s resignation and his connections to Russia?

What is the Logan Act of 1799? Has anyone ever been prosecuted under this law?

Will there be charges against Michael Flynn, or the Trump Administration more focused on finding the person who leaked the information?

Are there “good leaks” and are there “bad leaks”?

Should Donald Trump continue to battle back against the MSM?

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October 22, 2012

Title: Benghazi: Were Established Intelligence Protocols Followed?
Topic: National Security
Discussed by Professor Dr. Earl Tilford
with Center for Vision and Values (

Part 1 of 2

A generation ago, could the US intelligence community have discerned whether or not a US consulate was under attack by terrorists or by rioters run amuck? If they could do this a generation ago, could they have done so a month ago?

Were there Viet Cong during the Vietnam War that got inside our compound, our US Embassy, in Saigon? If so, how long did it take for the White House to know about it?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: National Security
Discussed by Professor Dr. Earl Tilford
with Center for Vision and Values (

You are a retired air force intelligence officer - what was your highest rank? Would it be your head if you were a watch officer and one of your superiors saw something on national television, and you didn't tell him about it?

Is it conceivable that President Obama did not know that there was a deliberate terrorist attack by well armed militia with automatic weaponry on the compound - and that he was not told about this for 12 hours or 7 days?

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