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June 20, 2016

Title: North and South Korea: We Can’t Ignore the Experiment
Topic: Capitalism vs. Socialism
Discussed by Stephen Moore
with The Heritage Foundation (

Socialist North Korea and Capitalist South Korea: An Experiment We Ignore at Our Peril. Korea offers a tale of two cities, one that should give pause to anyone enamored with socialism.

Stephen Moore wrote for The Wall Street Journal on matters of the economy and public policy. He is now a Distinguished Visiting Fellow at The Heritage Foundation within their Project for Economic Growth. Today, Stephen will be discussing why so many world leaders are pushing for socialism in order to save the planet from global warming and other economic woes, or so they say.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

At a recent UN Climate Summit, Bolivian Presidente Evo Morales stated: “The world is suffering from a fever due to climate change, and the disease is the capitalist development model.” Is this the mindset of too many world leaders?

Why do world leaders believe that capitalism is a “disease”? HINT: The leaders want control. Period. “The free enterprise system doesn’t give the power to the leaders,” Stephen Moore points out. They want the power, therefore they want socialism.

Stephen Moore also compares the economic situations in North and South Korea. One is obviously a socialist nation and the other offers the freedom of capitalism. Pure capitalism and pure socialism each have their faults, but which is better, which is worse, and why? Listen in as Stephen explains the difference.

Can the America economic system be described as a capitalistic system where legal conditions safeguard the free and un-coerced exchange of goods and services?

How many of the world inhabitants are wanting to move to North Korea? HINT: Not many!

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