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October 10, 2014

Title: What Good is a College Degree Anymore?
Topic: College Graduates Living at Home
Discussed by Dr. Thomas Lindsay
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Do you have an adult child who has graduated from college in recent years? If so, where are they now?

Do you have a high school senior preparing to head off to college next year? Have they picked a major? Have they researched what careers might be available for them when they graduate college?

Dr. Thomas Lindsay is the Director of the Center for Higher Education at the Texas Public Policy Foundation and editor of . Dr. Lindsay says the statistics are shocking in regards to unemployment or underemployment for college graduates. You’d be surprised at how many are living back home with their parents and even more stunned at how many adult children are still living off of their parent’s paycheck. (HINT: 23 percent of 2012 college graduates are still unemployment or underemployment two years after graduation.)

On a side note: Dr. Lindsay discusses how he believes it is a good idea for high school graduates to take a year off before they attend college. He suggests they get a job – or several jobs – to experience “real life”. Not everyone is fit for college. Some should even consider attending a trade school to become an electrician, plumber, or carpenter. Listen in as Dr. Lindsay and host Terry Lowry discuss this subject.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - What Good is a College Degree Anymore?
Topic: College Graduates Living at Home
Discussed by Dr. Thomas Lindsay
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

The average student debt for graduating seniors is now $29,400! The monthly payments over 6-7 years is the equivalent of a car note! If they cannot find a job, however, or are one of the lucky ones who actually is working but only 20 hours a week, how are they supposed to be able to afford that, in addition to rent, car insurance, car payment, electricity, cell phones, and food? Many thought that once they graduated college they would also graduate from eating Ramen noodles and macaroni and cheese every day. Boy, are they surprised when they get out in the “real world” and are living on less than they did in college!

Dr. Lindsay doesn’t want to be all negative. He says that there are many students who graduate high school, go immediately into college, know what they want to major, graduate college in four years with little debt, and find a great job immediately. It does happen. But it is becoming less and less of the norm.

Dr. Thomas Lindsay just wants to send out a warning to parents and their children: Know what you want before you begin the process. Be smart. Choose the right college according to what your major is. Junior colleges are great places to start. Get a job while you’re in college. Don’t borrow too much money. Make connections with the right people. And work hard.

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May 16, 2013

Title: Congrats! You’re a College Graduate! Now What?
Topic: College Graduates Living at Home
Discussed by Rich Tucker
with The Heritage Foundation (

President Obama has been spouting off how “they” want tyranny and how “they” don’t want anyone to be creative or think for themselves. Well, Mr. President, Mr. Rich Tucker begs to differ. You, sir, Mr. President, are the deceiver. In your world, Mr. President, people are only given 2 choices in life: be a loner and do things for yourself or rely on the government for everything.

“We”, Mr. President, that is, the “right-wing, bible-thumping, baby-loving, family-values, gun-toting, Christians” are the people believe in voluntary, religious, and family organizations, not government-run institutions.

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