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October 5, 2016

Title: Education Savings Accounts: Good or Bad?
Topic: Education Savings Accounts
Discussed by Lindsay Burke
with The Heritage Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Are Education Savings Accounts (ESA’s) good or bad for school choice? New guest, Lindsey Burke, is an expert from The Heritage Foundation. Lindsey focuses on two critical areas of education policy: reducing the federal government’s role in education and empowering families with school choice.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is an Education Savings Account?

How does each family decided to use an ESA? How is the money dispersed to families?

In other states with ESA’s, in order to receive aid from an ESA, a student is required to have attended public school for a minimum amount of time. Will Texas families be subjected to the same requirement? Note: There is an exception to this rule. Listen in as Lindsey explains more.

In addition to the above requirement, must parents provide their child’s name and other private information to the state in order to receive aid from an ESA?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Education Savings Accounts: Good or Bad?
Topic: Education Savings Accounts
Discussed by Lindsay Burke
with The Heritage Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Will ALL homeschool and private-school families be subjected to the state rules regarding testing and textbooks? NOTE: Please listen VERY CAREFULLY to Lindsey’s response to this VERY IMPORTANT question. There is A LOT OF CONFUSION regarding this issue. Please listen in.

Lindsey also explains more about “putting your child in public school for 100 days in order to receive funds in an ESA”.

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