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February 4, 2015

Title: Reversing Effects of RU 486
Topic: RU-486 Pill
Discussed by Brad Mattes
with Life Issues Institute (

This year’s pro-life rally/march in Washington, DC saw the largest numbers yet. Brad Mattes, with Life Issues, conservatively estimates 200,000 people in attendance! The weather was beautiful and people were looking to spread love and knowledge. Brad says at one point, the march was at a crawl because of the crowd. But Praise God! That is an excellent situation to be in!!

Of course, if you listen to the MSM, you wouldn’t even know there was a rally! They MSM was almost completely silent concerning the march. And that’s really too bad, because nearly three-quarters of the attendees were millennials! We are definitely winning the younger crowd.

Since the 1970’s, we’ve won some battles and lost some battles. One of the hardest losses we have endured was the passage of the RU-486 Pill. Listen in as Brad Mattes explains the RU-486 Pill, the process, and what the protocol is supposed to be. Also, if a woman takes the RU-486 Pill and changes her mind, can her baby still be saved?

Click [here] to learn more.

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October 6, 2010

Title: Abortion Clinics must be licensed to provide RU-486 Abortions
Topic: RU-486 Pill
Discussed by Dr. Joe Pojman
with Texas Alliance for Life (

Dr. Joe Pojman with Texas Alliance for Life discusses Texas’ Attorney General Greg Abbott’s ruling that Texas Abortion clinics must be licensed to perform abortions using the RU-480 pill.

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July 25, 2005

Title: Why protect the makers of the RU-486 pill?
Topic: RU-486 Pill
Discussed by Genevieve Wood
with The Heritage Foundation (

Does the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) have its own lab to conduct independent tests on drugs and/or health devices? Why should Congress pass legislation shielding the makers of RU-486 from liability? Call to action! Call your congressman - say "vote no to protect the makers of RU-486 in HR.534"

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