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July 24, 2018

Title: Fake News: Trump’s Breastfeeding Order
Topic: Fake UN News
Discussed by Dr. Susan Yoshihara
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

What really happened with the breastfeeding scandal in Geneva? Did Trump order a stop to breastfeeding overseas?

Dr. Susan Yoshihara has the “real news” for us today. She is Senior Vice President for Research at the Center for Family and Human Rights in Washington. Before joining C-Fam, Dr. Yoshihara served for twenty years as an active duty U.S. Navy helicopter pilot in the Western Pacific. She led combat logistics missions in the Gulf War and conducted humanitarian assistance missions in Africa, Asia, and the Pacific Islands.

Share this segment on Social Media so people know what really happened with Trump, the UN, and breastfeeding mamas!

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did President Trump UN negotiators really ban breastfeeding around the world? Listen as Dr. Susan Yoshihara shares the back story…

Is every new mother able to breastfeed?

For the mothers who cannot breast feed, what is the alternative for their young babies?

How many countries around the world actually followed the 37-year-old WHO edict virtually banning formula?

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Title: Fake News: The US is in Extreme Poverty
Topic: Fake UN News
Discussed by Robert Rector
with The Heritage Foundation (

A recent UN report claimed the following statement is true of the American population: “About 40 million live in poverty, 18.5 million in extreme poverty, and 5.3 million live in third-world conditions of absolute poverty.”

But, is this true or more fake news from the biased, Liberal media?

Robert Rector is a Senior Research Fellow for Domestic Policy Studies at the Institute for Family, Community, and Opportunity at the Heritage Foundation. Listen as Robert shares the facts.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the above statement true?

What is the definition of “extreme poverty”? Do 5.3 million Americans really experience those horrible, drastic conditions?

How much money does the United States government give to people and families through food stamps, welfare, and other programs?

Listen as Robert Rector breaks down the numbers to show the truth… In fact, he says “these numbers are complete nonsense.”

Why is the US commissioner pulling funding from this UN committee?

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