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June 26, 2024

Title: Should Noncitizens be Counted Towards the Census?
Topic: Census Information
Discussed by Hans von Spakovsky
with The Heritage Foundation (

Hans von Spakovsky is the Manager of the Election Law Reform Initiative and a Senior Fellow at The Heritage Foundation. Today, he discusses the Equal Representation Act and how changes to the census code could impact America’s future for generations to come.

Click here to read more on this topic.

Click here for more from Hans von Spakovsky on this and other election issues.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does the US Constitution mandate an “actual enumeration” of the US population for determining the number of members in the House of Representatives? Hans explains how this was set in place in 1929 and hasn’t changed since. He also explains how the number of Representatives each state receives is determined.

It is the intent of each census to count all souls living in an area, including visitors, travelers, and “others”. Should those “others” be included? Who are the “others”? Hans explains the many negative reasons why “others” should not be included.

What is HR7109, the Equal Representation Act?

By allowing “others” to be counted, are the political rights of American citizens diluted? Is that fair? More importantly, is that good for America’s future?

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May 15, 2024

Title: Should Noncitizens be Counted Towards the Census?
Topic: Census Information
Discussed by Hans von Spakovsky
with The Heritage Foundation (

Hans von Spakovsky is the Manager of the Election Law Reform Initiative and a Senior Fellow at The Heritage Foundation. Today, he discusses the Equal Representation Act and how changes to the census code could impact America’s future for generations to come.

Click here to read more on this topic.

Click here for more from Hans von Spakovsky on this and other election issues.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does the US Constitution mandate an “actual enumeration” of the US population for determining the number of members in the House of Representatives? Hans explains how this was set in place in 1929 and hasn’t changed since. He also explains how the number of Representatives each state receives is determined.

It is the intent of each census to count all souls living in an area, including visitors, travelers, and “others”. Should those “others” be included? Who are the “others”? Hans explains the many negative reasons why “others” should not be included.

What is HR7109, the Equal Representation Act?

By allowing “others” to be counted, are the political rights of American citizens diluted? Is that fair? More importantly, is that good for America’s future?

Click here  to help support The Heritage Foundation.

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February 1, 2019

Title: Updates on Census Information
Topic: Census Information
Discussed by Hans von Spakovsky
with The Heritage Foundation (

Thomas Jefferson recommended knowing how many citizens and noncitizens make up our Democratic Republic. The Constitutionally required census is right around the corner. Should those responding answer this question: Are you a US citizen?

Hans von Spakovsky offers details about updates to the new Census questionnaire.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why does the United States perform a census every ten years?

What is the American Community Survey? Listen as Hans von Spakovsky reveals questions and details from the ACS

The Trump administration and the Commerce Department reinstated a citizenship question on the 2020 census form. Is there historical precedence for this?

Has the ACS replaced the census form?

What is the current status of Trump’s new census questionnaire?

When Eric Holder was the Attorney General, did he object to the citizen question on the ACS?

What’s the beef against using the citizenship question on the upcoming 2020 Census form? Is the Left just afraid of the truth?

Does any other country in the world count noncitizens in their census count?

FACT: The UN (a beacon of liberalism) even recommends countries ask a citizen question!

You can read more on this issue here.

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April 1, 2010

Topic: Census Information
Discussed by Jeff Mateer
with Liberty Institute

The US Constitution granted Congress the authority to conduct a census every ten years. Why? Are the questions asked really that relevant? What are the consequences if a person refuses to answer the questions asked on the census form? Has anyone ever sued the Federal Government over the census and won? For more information on the 2010 census, log on to

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March 31, 2010

Topic: Census Information
Discussed by Jeff Mateer
with Liberty Institute

The US Constitution granted Congress the authority to conduct a census every ten years. Why? Are the questions asked really that relevant? What are the consequences if a person refuses to answer the questions asked on the census form? Has anyone ever sued the Federal Government over the census and won? For more information on the 2010 census, log on to

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