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February 10, 2023

Title: Bible Camp BANNED?
Topic: Christian Discrimination in America
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

Recently, Nebraska Senator Megan Hunt (D) introduced a proposal to amend LB371 a bill that would protect children from adult-themed drag performances. What a fabulous bill designed to protect the innocent children!

However, Hunt’s proposal, AM74, is anything BUT fabulous. In fact, her proposal would essentially bar children from attending a “religious indoctrination camp”.


In addition, the amendment declares anyone 19 or older who “knowingly brings” someone under 19 to a religious indoctrination camp to “be guilty of a Class I misdemeanor.”

Bill Sydow is a long-time friend of Terry Lowry and they have discussed many issues over the years. Bill is the Retired Director of the Oil and Gas Commission from the State of Nebraska. Today, Bill passionately discusses this horrific proposal, urging parents and grandparents everywhere to stand up and get in the fight for our children and grandchildren.

Click here to read the op-ed that inspired this discussion. Credit: Joshua Arnold, The Washington Stand.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do most people in Nebraska believe children should be allowed to attend church-related events or events sponsored by a religious organization?

Do most people in Nebraska believe that children should be allowed to witness drag queen events or events where adults are sexual before children?

The Great Commission: Matthew 28:18-20 ESV “18And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, 'All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.' Amen.”

Does the Great Commission apply to adults teaching children, especially their own?

Should parents and grandparents be extra careful when listening to the radio and watching TV (especially at night)? Oh, be careful little eyes what you see. Oh, be careful little ears what you hear.

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Title: Bible Camp BANNED?
Topic: Christian Discrimination in America
Discussed by Joshua Arnold
with The Washington Stand (

Recently, Nebraska Senator Megan Hunt (D) introduced a proposal to amend LB371 a bill that would protect children from adult-themed drag performances. What a fabulous bill designed to protect the innocent children!

However, Hunt’s proposal, AM74, is anything BUT fabulous. In fact, her proposal would essentially bar children from attending a “religious indoctrination camp”.


In addition, the amendment declares anyone 19 or older who “knowingly brings” someone under 19 to a religious indoctrination camp to “be guilty of a Class I misdemeanor.”

Joshua Arnold is the Media Coordination with the Family Research Council. Today, he discusses this astonishing news out of Nebraska and why Christian parents and grandparents must stand up and fight for the innocence of our children and grandchildren.

Click here to read Joshua’s op-ed on this important issue.

Click here for more from Joshua Arnold at The Washington Stand, a Family Research Council publication.

Click here to help the Family Research Council as they continue the fight to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a Biblical Worldview.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What exactly is Nebraska Senator Megan Hunt’s proposing? Joshua gives all the details that will make your blood boil!

Is this a joke? Or is she just trying to prove a point? No matter what – this is still disgusting and a direct stab at Christians.

How is the Nebraska Legislature different from the Texas Legislature? Which Party has the majority in Nebraska? Joshua reveals that Senator Megan Hunt has repeatedly filed off-the-wall amendments and proposals, usually targeting pro-life bills and bills that protect children from the LGBTQ agenda.

Does Senator Megan Hunt’s proposal include barring adults from taking children to Sunday School?

WWould events like “Freedom Weekend” (retreats for teenagers at a church) and Vacation Bible School be banned under this proposal? Joshua reveals that YES these types of events would be banned, saying: “[These are] a widely used mechanism in churches across America for children to hear God’s Word. And we shouldn’t be putting obstacles in their way.” Amen, Joshua!

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Bible Camp BANNED?
Topic: Christian Discrimination in America
Discussed by Joshua Arnold
with The Washington Stand (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What are “religious indoctrination camps” in Nebraska Senator Megan Hunt’s proposal?

Would the amendment slap a $10,000 fine per offense on any business, establishment, or nonprofit organization that hosts or sponsors a “religious indoctrination camp” and permits underage persons to attend?

Would Senator Megan Hunt’s proposal outlaw the Great Commission? Matthew 28:18-20 ESV “18And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, ‘All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.’ Amen.”

Joshua Arnold closes the interview with this supplication: “If we have to choose between obeying government and obeying God’s order…we have to obey God.”

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December 20, 2022

Title: Hostility Against Churches is on the Rise in the US
Topic: Christian Discrimination in America
Discussed by Arielle Del Turco
with Family Research Council (

All Americans have the right to worship and live out their faith freely – including the freedom to live without fear that they will be the next target of an attack.

Arielle Del Turco is the Assistant Director of the Center for Religious Liberty at the Family Research Council. Today, Arielle discusses her latest report: “Hostility Against Churches is on the Rise in the United States”.

Click here to read Arielle’s op-ed on this topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is freedom of religion under increasing assault throughout the United States?

Are we witnessing the symptomatic collapse of societal reverence of church property? Arielle discusses specific documented attacks in recent years.

Is the Department of Justice actively and aggressively investigating and/or prosecuting the criminal wrongdoers? Arielle reveals that this is not happening.

How many churches suffered arson damage or the complete loss of their church from attacks?

Should our Elected Officials become involved in this issue?

Are these attacks an attempt to intimidate and even silence Christians?

Do these attacks reveal a true hatred against Christianity in America? Arielle urges every Christian to be involved and stay vigilant, saying: “Speak the truth from a Biblical Worldview.”

Click here to donate to the Family Research Council.

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December 15, 2022

Title: Texas City Wanted to Ban Christians from Holiday Parade
Topic: Christian Discrimination in America
Discussed by Mary Elizabeth Castle
with Texas Values (

Mary Elizabeth Castle is the Director of Government Relations for Texas Values. Today, Mary discusses Agenda Item #13 from the Taylor City Council Agenda meeting, which would have banned Christians and churches from participating in city holiday parades. She urges Christians to stay vigilant and stay involved.

Click here for more information about the meeting that was held on December 8, 2022.

Click here  for more information about the Texas Values “Merry Christmas Project”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Where is Taylor, Texas?

Have radical leftists taken control the Taylor City Council? Mary explains what Agenda Item #13 is and that it is unclear who exactly proposed the agenda to the Council.

Why did Texas Values hold a press conference in front of the Taylor City Hall before the council meeting? Who was in attendance? Was the council room packed, making it necessary for an overflow room?

During the Taylor City Council Meeting, were members of the public allowed to testify for or against Agenda Item #13? Mary reveals that the majority of people who testified were against the agenda, with only a few in favor.

What arguments did those in favor of Agenda Item #13 give to ban Christians and churches from participating in holiday parades?

A battle has been won in Taylor, Texas. However, is the war against Christians in the public square far from over?

Click here to donate to Texas Values as they fight every day to preserve and advance a culture of family values in the state of Texas.

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June 2, 2021

Title: Christianity Under Attack in Montgomery, Texas
Topic: Christian Discrimination in America
Discussed by Katherine Beck Johnson
with Family Research Council (

An organization of atheists, agnostics, and skeptics continue their quest to stamp out any form of prayer in our country by attacking Judge Wayne Mack, Justice of the Peace, Montgomery County, Texas.

Katherine Johnson is a Research Fellow for Legal and Policy Studies at the Family Research Council. Today she discusses the case. More details can be found here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the Freedom from Religion Foundation?

Judge Wayne Mack has been in public service in Texas for many years. It has been his practice to use volunteer Chaplains to help and comfort families. Does he only use ordained Baptist Ministers for short invocations each day in his courtroom?

When did the Freedom from Religion Foundation first bring Judge Mack before the Texas State Commission to stop all this praying? How did the Texas State Commission rule? Katherine explains how Lt. Governor Dan Patrick and Attorney General Ken Paxton became involved in the case.

Not deterred in their quest to remove prayer from the public square, the Freedom from Religion Foundation filed suit in a local federal court. How did left-leaning Federal District Judge Kenneth Hoyt rule?

Will this case ultimately find its way to the US Supreme Court?

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May 22, 2019

Title: When the Bully gets Smacked
Topic: Christian Discrimination in America
Discussed by Robert Knight
with Robert H Knight (

The Family Research Council (FRC) has been on the Southern Poverty of Law Center’s (SPLC) “hate map” for years. However, things may be taking a different turn after Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) has written to the IRS asking for an investigation into the tax-exempt status of the SPLC. Sen. Cotton has described the SPLC as a "racist and sexist slush fund devoted to defamation".

Robert Knight is a frequent guest on The What’s UP Radio Program, discussing a wide range of issues. He is also the author of several books, including his two newest books “A Strong Constitution: What Would America Look Like If We Followed the Law?” and “A Nation Worth Fighting For: 10 Steps to Restore Freedom”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What and who is the Southern Poverty Law Center? Robert Knight reminds us of what happened several years ago at the FRC headquarters….

Is the SPLC now ensnared in its own scandal regarding racist and sexism?

Should the MSM and corporate America refrain from using the SPLC as a source until it cleans up its hateful act and stops smearing people?

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April 15, 2019

Title: When the Bully gets Smacked
Topic: Christian Discrimination in America
Discussed by Robert Knight
with Robert H Knight (

The Family Research Council (FRC) has been on the Southern Poverty of Law Center’s (SPLC) “hate map” for years. However, things may be taking a different turn after Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) has written to the IRS asking for an investigation into the tax-exempt status of the SPLC. Sen. Cotton has described the SPLC as a "racist and sexist slush fund devoted to defamation".

Robert Knight is a frequent guest on The What’s UP Radio Program, discussing a wide range of issues. He is also the author of several books, including his two newest books “A Strong Constitution: What Would America Look Like If We Followed the Law?” and “A Nation Worth Fighting For: 10 Steps to Restore Freedom”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What and who is the Southern Poverty Law Center? Robert Knight reminds us of what happened several years ago at the FRC headquarters….

Is the SPLC now ensnared in its own scandal regarding racist and sexism?

Should the MSM and corporate America refrain from using the SPLC as a source until it cleans up its hateful act and stops smearing people?

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April 4, 2019

Title: Anti-Religious Zealots Wreaking Havoc Across America
Topic: Christian Discrimination in America
Discussed by Travis Weber
with Family Research Council (

Is faith in God and moral conscience is a thing of the past? Our Founding Fathers must be rolling in their graves at the state of unrest in our country.

Travis Weber is the Director of the Center for Religious Liberty at the Family Research Council. Travis previously served as a Navy pilot after graduating from the US Naval Academy, where he was captain of the Intercollegiate Sailing Team and a two-time College Sailing All-American.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are there anti-religious zealots filing suit across America against any form of religious expression from the public square?

How should we respond to these anti-religious zealots?

What is meant by “public square”?

Why are these anti-religious zealots so against anything related to Christianity? Why aren’t they just as outraged concerning other religions?

Many fear that Christians are being pushed inside a box, never to be heard from again. What can we do NOW to stop the Christian discrimination and persecution in America?

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February 18, 2019

Title: Christian Discrimination in America
Topic: Christian Discrimination in America
Discussed by Nicole Hudgens
with Texas Values Action (

Nicole Hudgens personally invites you to attend Faith and Family Day on March 13 in Austin, Texas. Click here  for more information.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are Christians across the United States being silenced and are Christians facing discrimination?

Carrollton Texas, Really? What happened at a meeting recently in Carrollton, Texas?

What happened to a fire chief from Atlanta, Georgia?

Google “No Bible Ban” for more information on how you can get involved to fight bills that have been filed in the Texas Legislature that specifically target Christian families and businesses owned by Christians.

Also, make plans to attend the Texas Faith and Family Day on Wednesday, March 13 in Austin.

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Title: Left Targeting Christian Foster Parents
Topic: Christian Discrimination in America
Discussed by Emilie Kao
with The Heritage Foundation (

Just when you thought the discrimination against Christians couldn’t get any worse…

LGBTQ and LAMBDA Legal are now targeting Christian foster parents and Christian-based adoption services in Texas.

Emilie Kao is the Director of the Center for Religion & Civil Society at The Heritage Foundation. Today she shares the unbelievable details.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the Left trying to eliminate Christian foster and adoption agencies in Texas? Does this lead to stopping Christians from fostering and adopting children? Are they also targeting the Jewish population?

Have faith-based agencies (FBA) been a cornerstone of the child welfare system for decades, with many modern agencies tracing their roots back over 100 years?

Has there been Legislation filed that will ban FBA from receiving both state and federal funds?

Have many FBA been forced to discontinue their foster and adoption services because of the LGBTQ communities push to drive them out?

FACT: 2,500 children were displaced in Illinois when Catholic charities were forced to close their doors due to these new regulations.

Are many children in the grandparent’s care because their parents are incarcerated due to drug abuse?

Are there any studies of child abuse occurring in foster care and/or an adoption home?

Click here for more on this issue from Keep Kids First.

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October 15, 2018

Title: Are Christian Organizations Still being Discriminated Against?
Topic: Christian Discrimination in America
Discussed by Robert Knight
with Robert H Knight (

The hate business is not be what it used to be - at least on the government level. The Defense Department has become the latest Federal Agency to sever ties with the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), an Alabama-based left-wing non-profit whose "hate map" is being used against Christian groups.

Robert Knight discusses the SPLC’s financial donors and why we should all be paying attention.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the history behind the Southern Poverty Law Center and its ties to the left? Did it begin as a “good group”?

Do you remember the attack on the Family Research Council in 2012? Robert discusses this tragic attack and the gunmen’s belief that the FRC was evil according to the SPLC.

Is the Southern Poverty Law Center well-funded? Who are the biggest donors? Is the CEO of Apple, Tim Cook, a donor to the SPLC? PEOPLE: Know where your money is going when you buy stuff!

Click here for your copy of “A Nation Worth Saving: 10 Steps to Restore Freedom”.

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October 3, 2016

Title: Freedom After Work
Topic: Christian Discrimination in America
Discussed by Justin Danhof
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

It is a sad reality when employees must abandon their personal beliefs at the workplace. But, is it a basic freedom to reclaim those same beliefs in order to participate in non-work related activities, without the fear of retribution from their employer?

Justin Danhof is with the National Center for Public Policy Research. His division oversees their "Employee Conscience Protection Project". Justin has been going into shareholder meetings across the country to ask CEOs, upper management, and shareholders to allow certain freedoms to their workforce.

Currently, only about half of American workers live in a jurisdiction that provides statutory protection against employer retaliation for engaging in First Amendment activities. Some of these laws are weaker than others, and many corporations do not offer this protection as a condition of employment.

In other words, the activities which employees participate in on their own time should be left alone. Justin Danhof discusses the incident that brought to light the seriousness of this issue. “The CEO of a company was ousted from his job because liberal activists uncovered that he had donated to the Proposition 8 Marriage Amendment in California…with his own money.”

Listen in as Justin discusses the National Center’s efforts to convince major corporations across the country to offer protections to the employees regarding “off the clock” activities, including political activism. Most corporations they have approached, such as Walmart, GE, Pfizer, Merck, Visa, PepsiCo, and Home Depot, have accepted their proposal, protecting over 5 million people with new corporate policies.

WARNING: All Starbucks and Costco lovers will NOT like the following information, but it needs to be revealed. Both companies were founded and currently directed by extreme, far-left leaning people. When Justin and the National Center approached Starbucks and Costco with the very same proposal which the above companies and others have already agreed to, their response was… Listen in to hear more!

From college campuses to the board room, free speech, primarily for Christians, is under attack. “It’s a totalitarian mindset,” Justin believes. “And it’s only coming from liberal folks!” Don’t be afraid to speak out and stand up on your own time. If you have questions or concerns about protections for you at your job, click here to learn more.

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May 3, 2016

Title: Picnic at the Park with a Jesus Message
Topic: Christian Discrimination in America
Discussed by Eric Buehrer
with Gateways to Better Education

If a school allows its students an open-campus policy for lunch, meaning students are allowed to leave campus in search for lunch, why should the administration care if the students seek out a “Jesus Lunch”? That is the question for Eric Buehrer with Gateways to Better Education. A school district in Wisconsin is upset because several hundred students are willingly – and legally – leaving campus to head across the street to a park to eat and have a brief five-minute devotional with volunteer parents.

Eric Buehrer has twenty-five years of experience in dealing with Constitutional rights for parents, teachers, and other school staff regarding their faith and the law. Today, he is here to explain the situation in more detail – how it started, why it started, and when it became such a big deal.

The school district first tried to tell the press that they were simply concerned about the health and safety of the students. What about the other 1,600 students who are still allowed to go off campus for lunch? Aren’t they concerned for their health and safety, too? Then, they tried to claim that students who weren’t there felt left out, but the lunch is welcome to everyone – all faiths, all races, all genders! “The school district is making fools of themselves,” Eric says.

The next part is the REAL kicker! The kids who don’t attend the picnic lunch at the park aren’t complaining about it – parents are! In fact, there is a group of atheist parents who are now protesting at the park while the students are having lunch! The funny thing is, though, that all this attention has increased the number of students who have been participating! “These students just want to have lunch together and talk about their faith,” Eric states.

Listen is as Eric Buehrer discusses his involvement, along with the Alliance Defending Freedom, to help the parents who started this lunchtime picnic. Eric has published a great FREE resource pamphlet which outlines the law regarding religious freedom on all campuses. This is for EVERYONE to use – not just those involved in this case. Eric says, “What Satan meant for evil, God’s going to use for good.

Click here  for more information on the National Free to Speak Campaign and to order FREE pamphlets for your church or school.

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April 19, 2016

Title: Let Police Officers Pray
Topic: Christian Discrimination in America
Discussed by Briscoe Cain
with Briscoe Cain (

Part 1 of 3

Briscoe Cain is a candidate for State Representative District 128 in Houston. He has been on the show several times to discuss various cases he has accepted pro-bono – all defending life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. He is a defender of all people, especially the unborn and those without a voice.

Today, Briscoe will be sharing why he decided to fight for those being persecuted because of their faith. First, he tells Terry “thank you!” concerning a situation in Beaumont, Texas, involving several police officers who met for a Bible study off the clock during their lunch break. However, Briscoe gives all the credit to the police officer who brought the circumstance to light. Listen in!

Would a government entity attempt to stop a Muslim from praying during the work day on company time? Why is an atheist permitted to discuss their “lack of belief” when Christians are looked down upon for saying “God bless you”? Why does the discrimination only seem to apply to Christians?

We all just want to be left alone. Briscoe says, “It’s not that they leave them alone and come after us. Actually the government is helping them and enabling other religions – defending them.”

Regarding Briscoe Cain’s campaign.... Briscoe makes the following bold statement: “The political class - we’ll often hear them bragging about how they voted for something. But, pushing a button really isn’t enough. It’s like showing up to church, but if you leave and don’t go out into the world to share the Gospel, you’re not doing what He commanded us to do.”

Tune in to the next segment as Briscoe discusses the case involving David Daleiden and Planned Parenthood.

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Title: Defending the Unborn
Topic: Christian Discrimination in America
Discussed by Briscoe Cain
with Briscoe Cain (

Part 2 of 3

Briscoe Cain is a personal friend of David Deleiden and the Texas Legal Counsel for Operation Rescue, the key organization behind the creation of the Center for Medical Progress. He is helping David and the Center for Medical Progress in their case in Houston where he has been accused of “using a fake government document”.

In this segment, Briscoe explains how the case was initially against Planned Parenthood and how the Grand Jury flipped, instead indicting the Center for Medical Progress. “The Grand Jury is the orchestra, but the conductor is still the DA’s office,” Briscoe says. In other words, sometimes the Grand Jury does what the DA and the prosecutor want, ignoring the facts in the case. This seems to be the case here.

Briscoe also discusses some of the specifics of the case. Some aspects are still mystery, such as whether or not the Grand Jury even viewed the incriminating videos filmed by the Center for Medical Progress. We do know that they did not cast a vote regarding this issue. It’s hard to imagine an indictment that revolves around this very reason yet still did not reach a vote. It’s truly shameful, Devon Anderson. Absolutely appalling.

About a week after the indictment against David Daleiden, Briscoe released documents which proved that Planned Parenthood in Houston had, in fact, been offering and selling baby body parts, which is illegal in the United States. If the DA’s office had done their job properly, they would asked for those documents before the indictment was even announced!

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April 5, 2016

Title: Freedom After Work
Topic: Christian Discrimination in America
Discussed by Justin Danhof
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

It is a sad reality when employees must abandon their personal beliefs at the workplace. But, is it a basic freedom to reclaim those same beliefs in order to participate in non-work related activities, without the fear of retribution from their employer?

Justin Danhof is with the National Center for Public Policy Research. His division oversees their "Employee Conscience Protection Project". Justin has been going into shareholder meetings across the country to ask CEOs, upper management, and shareholders to allow certain freedoms to their workforce.

Currently, only about half of American workers live in a jurisdiction that provides statutory protection against employer retaliation for engaging in First Amendment activities. Some of these laws are weaker than others, and many corporations do not offer this protection as a condition of employment.

In other words, the activities which employees participate in on their own time should be left alone. Justin Danhof discusses the incident that brought to light the seriousness of this issue. “The CEO of a company was ousted from his job because liberal activists uncovered that he had donated to the Proposition 8 Marriage Amendment in California…with his own money.”

Listen in as Justin discusses the National Center’s efforts to convince major corporations across the country to offer protections to the employees regarding “off the clock” activities, including political activism. Most corporations they have approached, such as Walmart, GE, Pfizer, Merck, Visa, PepsiCo, and Home Depot, have accepted their proposal, protecting over 5 million people with new corporate policies.

WARNING: All Starbucks and Costco lovers will NOT like the following information, but it needs to be revealed. Both companies were founded and currently directed by extreme, far-left leaning people. When Justin and the National Center approached Starbucks and Costco with the very same proposal which the above companies and others have already agreed to, their response was… Listen in to hear more!

From college campuses to the board room, free speech, primarily for Christians, is under attack. “It’s a totalitarian mindset,” Justin believes. “And it’s only coming from liberal folks!” Don’t be afraid to speak out and stand up on your own time. If you have questions or concerns about protections for you at your job, click here to learn more.

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January 5, 2016

Title: Beaumont Bans Bible Study
Topic: Christian Discrimination in America
Discussed by Briscoe Cain
with Briscoe Cain (

Part 1 of 3

Briscoe Cain, candidate for State Representative District 128, is the lead attorney for four Beaumont police officers who were told they could not hold a Bible Study during their lunch break. This is something we could expect to see in California or New York, but not in Texas! In this case, a human resource director, the city manager, and the city attorney found out about the Bible Study and demanded they stop immediately.

Listen in as Briscoe Cain explains how he became involved in this case. He continues to discuss the case, the lame excuses the city gave, and the outcome in the next two segments.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Beaumont Bans Bible Study
Topic: Christian Discrimination in America
Discussed by Briscoe Cain
with Briscoe Cain (

The City’s case against the police officer’s and other city employees was weak from the very beginning. Briscoe reveals some of their lame excuses in this second segment. For example, the city claimed they would have to allow Boy Scouts and Girls Scouts use their facilities if the officers were allowed to hold a Bible Study! Well, as it turns out, they already use the facility – for FREE! The whole case would be laughable if it wasn’t centered around such an important issue.

NOTE: Briscoe Cain represented theses four police officers for FREE! Because that is the kind of guy he is.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Beaumont Bans Bible Study
Topic: Christian Discrimination in America
Discussed by Briscoe Cain
with Briscoe Cain (

Briscoe Cain concludes his interview today with sharing the outcome of this case against four police officers in Beaumont. The accusers (the human resource officer, the city manager, and the city attorney) initially said they could use the police chief’s conference room for their Bible Study. But Briscoe said they shouldn’t be limited in what space they could use. Listen in as he explains what happened.

However, the biggest news – the cherry on top – comes next! Briscoe Cain is in negotiations with the city to agree to take “sensitivity training classes”!! Yes, that’s right! The Liberty Institute is even involved in this. Listen in as Briscoe gives the details!

Briscoe has helped on other cases against Christians in and around Houston, as well. He shares some of those experiences in this final segment. For more information about Briscoe and his campaign for State Rep District 128, click here.

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June 10, 2015

Title: Equal Access – Except for Christians
Topic: Christian Discrimination in America
Discussed by Joseph Infranco
with Alliance Defending Freedom (

Does everyone deserve “equal access”?  Joseph Infranco serves as Senior Counsel and Vice President of the Alliance Coordination Team with Alliance Defending Freedom. He currently works with over 2,500 attorneys across the nation defending our freedoms. The Alliance Defending Freedom team of attorneys have provided over $180 Million of pro-bono work benefiting the body of Christ.

As with most issues, when the government becomes involved, it doesn’t really turn out the way it is intended. Joseph says, “Equal access stands for a very basic proposition of fairness. Which means, you cannot treat religious speech or religious users less favorably than the general public.” Most people, however, have a skewed opinion of separation of church and state. Listen in as Joseph Infranco explains more about “equal access”.

FACT: Equal Access” began, initially, to protect the rights of students at public high schools or colleges who wanted to form religious clubs. They simply wanted the same rights, rules, and regulations as non-religious clubs. The Supreme Court actually made a good decision for once on this!

The issue of “equal access” become a hot topic when the city of Chicago got in hot water because they denied World Outreach, an inner-city ministry, the use of an old YMCA building. This has been a 10 year battle, which began with a mysterious rezoning mission on the part of the city. Joseph Infranco says, “Unfortunately, we see this same scenario played out all too commonly.” Listen in as he explains the Federal Law which protect churches and religious organizations: The Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (LUPA).

If you have questions about “equal access”, please call Alliance Defending Freedom at 800.835.5233 or click [here].

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May 14, 2015

Title: Is this the End of Christian Military Chaplains?
Topic: Christian Discrimination in America
Discussed by Travis Weber
with Family Research Council (

President Obama wants to fundamentally change America. There is no more powerful place to start than in the U.S. military. If he can silence Christians in the military – Chaplains in particular – he can force the left's values and codes of politically correct speech on the rest of us.

Terry Lowry quotes from the Go  Army website concerning the duties and responsibilities of an Army Chaplain. For example, “The Army chaplaincy is a religiously diverse population reflecting the diversity of the Army, yet each chaplain ministers according to the tenets of his or her distinctive faith community.

Travis Weber is the Director of the Center for Religious Liberty with the Family Research Council. He is also a Navy veteran. Travis believes that Christian Chaplains are being targeted for their faith. He says, “We are seeing actions being taken against Chaplains for nothing other than the expression and promulgation of their faith in accordance with the endorsing agency of the Chaplain’s own faith.” He explains how and why this is happening now under the leadership of Obama.

Travis Weber also discusses how two men, Chaplain Joseph Lawhorn and Lt. Commander Wes Modder, have been discriminated against for various reasons. You will be shocked! These are not isolated cases, either. Listen in and share this segment on social media so the truth can be spread far and wide!

You can follow Travis Weber on Twitter @tsurenweber.

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April 27, 2015

Title: Does Christianity have a Place in Today's World?
Topic: Christian Discrimination in America
Discussed by Dr. John Lennox
with Dr. John Lennox

Part 1 of 3

Dr. John Lennox is Professor of Mathematics at the University of Oxford. He holds an MA and DPhil from Oxford University and an MA in Bioethics from the University of Surrey. He is definitely an intelligent man. But what inspired him to write a book about Daniel, “Against the Flow: The Inspiration of Daniel in an Age of Relativism.

Daniel has things to teach us in the 21st Century on how to remain stable and courageous,” Dr. Lennox says. Daniel lived in one of the most interesting eras in all of history. He was part of a very small minority that believed in God. In spite of this and other hurdles, he still rose to be the ruler of a great nation. He accomplished many great things in the name of God.

Christians can still learn from Daniel today. During this and the next two segments, Dr. Lennox tells more of Daniel’s back story. “If you put God first, in the end, He will honor you,” he says.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Does Christianity have a Place in Today's World?
Topic: Christian Discrimination in America
Discussed by Dr. John Lennox
with Dr. John Lennox

Dr. Lennox calls the times in which we live a “Modern Babylon”. But, are things really that bad? Babylonians, after all, Babylonians worshipped many gods. They had many idols. They were very “me” focused. How is that any different than today? Think about it….

In this segment, Dr. Lennox explains how Daniel and his friends were able to rise to power amidst the corrupt culture. Jeremiah taught them that they should accept the education that was given to them, but they should guard their heart. Jeremiah warned Daniel and the others not to allow the influence to corrupt them.

Christians must focus on integrity when they find themselves in positions of power and influence. Dr. Lennox says, “The secret to integrity is to choose God at each stage.”

FACT CHECK: The concept of 60 seconds in a minute and 60 minutes in an hour comes directly from Babylon. Pretty cool.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Does Christianity have a Place in Today's World?
Topic: Christian Discrimination in America
Discussed by Dr. John Lennox
with Dr. John Lennox

Politics, government, and the need for some “control” or order is necessary in every society. It’s a necessary evil. Christians must play an active, positive, important role in politics. It is our duty.

But how do we participate when all we hear seem to hear is Christians are racist, bigoted, homophobic, and haters? Dr. Lennox says this: “Political correctness is paralyzing public debate.” Atheists and others are adamant that God does not exist; they do not want to hear anything positive about Jesus and his love for us. Therefore, they try to silence us at every turn.

Dr. Lennox believes that the single most important things Christians can do is to put God in the first place in our lives and trusting Him to help us navigate through life.

Click [here]  to order a copy of his great new book, “Against the Flow: The Inspiration of Daniel in an Age of Relativism.”

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April 23, 2015

Title: Christians will not have Rights in New America
Topic: Christian Discrimination in America
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Part 1 of 2

We are living in dark, perilous times. Evil is rampant everywhere. Christians are being persecuted, kidnapped, and murdered across the globe. Even in America, Christians are not safe. The left is attacking the moral fiber of our country and I fear we will not survive the New America.

Cathie Adams, the President of Texas Eagle Forum, is a firm believer in Jesus Christ. She says, “It doesn’t matter how many college degrees you have or don’t have… Who are you in Jesus Christ? That is the determining factor.

Cathie urges Christians everywhere to realize the dire circumstances we are facing in America. The homosexual agenda is forcing our country into depths that we may not recover from. Our President is lying to the American public about everything he has done – or hasn’t done.

Concerning the Houston ordinance allowing transgender bathrooms, Cathie says this: “That is unhealthy. That is bad behavior. This is not God’s model for a healthy and wholesome and prosperous nation.

Listen in as Cathie shares her heart about this and other issues concerning our nation in this segment and the next segment, as well. Share the segments on Facebook and Twitter. Email your contact list. We must be vigilant, ever watchful, and always praying.

John 14:6 “Jesus answered: I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Christians will not have Rights in New America
Topic: Christian Discrimination in America
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

No matter what a person’s religious affiliation is… Maybe a person an atheist, a homosexual, a murderer, a child molester, or an abortionist… We care about them. We love them. We want them to come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and turn from their sin. We do not discriminate or judge anyone. That is why Cathie Adams fights so hard for our country.

On April 28, 2015, on the steps of the Supreme Court building in Washington, DC, pro-family, pro-life activists will gather to send a message to SCOTUS: America wants traditional marriage. “We have to be ready and armed fully equipped with every spiritual bit of armor we have,” Cathie Adams says. She goes on to explain some of the briefs that have been filed with SCOTUS and why they are so significant in this fight. She also discusses Justice Kennedy, his past rhetoric on the issue, and why Christians should be praying specifically for him to vote the right way.

When men start doing what is right in their own eyes, then it is time for judgment,” Cathie reminds us. The devil is using the homosexual movement to test us. He is using abortion to test us. It is not too late to pray. It is not too late to get involved. One thing is certain: “No matter what the Supreme Court decides, we will not let it change our minds and our hearts toward our Holy God.” – Cathie Adams

Click [here]  to join the fight for our freedom. The fight for God.

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April 9, 2015

Title: Christian Discrimination
Topic: Christian Discrimination in America
Discussed by Peter Sprigg
with Family Research Council (

The newest “fad” is Christian Discrimination. A gay couple can sue a Christian baker, florist, or photographer in America – and the gay couple will win loads and loads of money. A straight, Christian man can sue a gay baker for refusing to bake a cake with the 10 Commandments – and the straight, Christian man will lose. Christian Discrimination. Plain and simple.

Religious Freedom Restoration Acts (RFRA’s) across the nation have not been entirely successful, despite being the law of the land – the entire land – for over two decades. The uproar the Gay Mafia is causing now is nothing but “a paranoid delusion concerning these laws” according to Peter Sprigg. They claim the RFRA’s are a “license to discriminate against homosexuals.” Listen in as Peter explains why this is an outright lie.

Peter Sprigg also gives his opinion about the Gay Mafia coming after churches and pastors. He says, “Once they’ve succeeded in excluding traditional values from the public square altogether, than they will put the squeeze on churches by taking away their tax exemption.” Peter hopes we never get to that point, but we must be prepared with clear by-laws in all churches regarding who can and who cannot marry in the church, just in case.

NOTE: If you think there aren’t many gay activists suing Christian small business owners concerning homosexual issues, think again. There are 58 active cases! 58!

Click [here]  for more from the Family Research Council on this and other issues.

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