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August 9, 2023

Title: Open Borders Creating Bidenvilles of Homelessness
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by Simon Hankinson
with The Heritage Foundation (

New guest Simon Hankinson is a senior research fellow in The Heritage Foundation's Border Security and Immigration Center. Today, he discusses the direct correlation between illegal immigration and the explosion of homelessness in America.

Click here to read Simon Hankinson’s op-ed on this important issue.

Click here for more information about Simon Hankinson.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has illegal immigration contributed to homelessness in many major US cities?

What is meant by “inadmissible aliens”? Simon explains that “inadmissible alien” is the new formal legal term the State Department is using for illegal immigrants.

How many inadmissible aliens are being encountered at our borders? How many are being released into our country?

What is a “Bidenville”? This is really interesting and slightly funny! Listen for Simon’s explanation…

Are inadmissible aliens taking over many streets across America?

Are many inadmissible aliens processed by non-profit organizations along our Southern border and then transported to cities across America at government expense? Simon explains that the inadmissible aliens usually ask to be transported to specific towns/cities. In addition, they aren’t really required to show any type of formal ID and when summoned to appear in court, they rarely (almost never) show up.

Are some state and local officials actually begging/asking private citizens to take inadmissible aliens into their private homes? Has the Mayor of New York City even stated: “We need to control the border”?

Is our ability to house, feed, clothe, and provide medical assistance been stretched to the breaking point?

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