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June 19, 2018

Title: The Social Security Crisis
Topic: Social Security
Discussed by Romina Boccia
with The Heritage Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Decades ago, Washington politicians promised baby boomers medical and retirement benefits that are no longer affordable, because the programs were not designed in a way that actually protected taxpayers from the programs’ ever-increasing costs. The American people need to know the state of finances of the Social Security program so they can better understand why reform is absolutely essential.

Today, Romina Boccia will be explaining exactly what is happening to our nation’s Social Security program. Romina is a leading fiscal and economic expert at The Heritage Foundation, focusing on government spending and the national debt.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How much has the average person over the age of 55 saved for retirement?

What does the future look like over the next decade or two for Social Security?

Will elected officials simply raise taxes to pay off the IOU’s? Is this a good or bad idea?

Where is the money that we have all paid into Social Security? Is it in a lock-box somewhere? Or has the Federal Government spent it?

Who is at fault for this crisis – Republicans, or Democrats, or both? Romina will continue this discussion in the next segment…

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The Social Security Crisis
Topic: Social Security
Discussed by Romina Boccia
with The Heritage Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did the Social Security crisis begin with Roosevelt way back in 1935?

How would Romina “fix” Social Security? She has LOTS of suggestions! Listen in!

One suggestion, however, is not ideal and would cause quite an uproar on both sides of the aisle. What is this suggestion and how does Terry feel about it?

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March 25, 2011

Title: Can American citizens afford a large scale switch to renewable energy?
Topic: Renewable Energy
Discussed by Romina Boccia
with The Heritage Foundation (

Segment 1 of 2

Energy powers our homes, factories, offices, hospitals, and schools. It allows us to run our cars, trains, planes, computers, and air conditioners. Given the critical role it plays in every aspect of our lives, energy needs to be reliable, affordable, and convenient. Most renewable energy sources do not meet those criteria. More information can be found at 

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Title: Big Oil Companies were granted their wish - no responsibility for oil spill.
Topic: Tort Reform and Limiting Liability
Discussed by Romina Boccia
with The Heritage Foundation (

Segment 2 of 2

Romina advocates that the government should remove special limited tort liability for energy producers in the Gulf. She argues: the danger of shielding energy producers from the full risks associated with their risky decisions is that taxpayers are forced to subsidize their bad decisions. Should big business be granted limited liability in other areas? Should car manufacturers, tire manufacturers, the makers of baby clothes and toys, pharmaceutical companies and/or health care providers also receive a ‘special shield of immunity’ from their risky, bad or incorrect decisions? More information can be found at

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March 11, 2011

Title: Enter the IWV ObamaCare Video Contest: First Prize $5000 Cash
Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Romina Boccia
with The Heritage Foundation (

The Independent Women’s Voice announces its “ObamaCare Anniversary Video Contest”!

Send in your one-minute or less video explaining how the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Ace – popularly known as ObamaCare – will hurt our medical system and our freedoms. The winning video submission will receive a $5,000 cash prize. The second and third prizes are $2,500 and $1,000 respectively with a $500 cash prize for an honorable mention.

 For all the details log onto .

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