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April 24, 2017

Title: Are Border Reforms on the Horizon?
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by John Malcolm
with The Heritage Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Attorney General Jeff Sessions recently paid a visit to the US–Mexico border during a trip to Nogales, Arizona, where he spoke to a group of Customs and Border Protection agents and prosecutors.

New guest John Malcolm will be discussing this visit, crime in the US, and the infamous wall. John Malcom is the Vice President for the Institute for Constitutional Government at the Heritage Foundation

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is government’s first and primary responsibility the protection of its citizens?

What is “ground zero”?

Are brutal attacks, including rapes, murders, and beheadings, occurring within the borders of the US on a daily basis? Are the majority of these crimes committed by illegals?

Has Jeff Sessions stated that every person coming illegally into America will be stopped and questioned? Will this apply to illegals already in America?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Are Border Reforms on the Horizon?
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by John Malcolm
with The Heritage Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

With so few prosecutors and federal judges focused on illegal entrants, what is Attorney General Jeff Sessions proposing?

Will Trump and Sessions stick to their guns and follow through on their promises regarding this issue?

WHAT’S UP with The Wall?

Is the Trump Administration taking the necessary steps to protect US citizens?

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