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March 28, 2022

Title: Supreme Court Nominee Can’t Define a Woman
Topic: Supreme Court Confirmation Process
Discussed by Sid Roth
with Sid Roth (

The Supreme Court Senate Confirmation Hearings are in full swing. Perhaps the most eye-opening inquiry was when nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson said she could not define woman because she's not a biologist. Indeed, she's not a biologist, but she is a school board member of Georgetown Day School, which teaches 5-year-olds they can switch genders if they so choose.

New York Times bestselling author Sid Roth is also the internationally-renowned television host of “It's Supernatural!" and a popular conference speaker. Today he discusses the definition of woman and why we’re a heading down a slippery slope if we don’t stop this nonsense soon.

Click here for more on Sid Roth’s ministry.

Click here for articles by Sid Roth on a wide range of topics.

Click here for more information about “It’s Supernatural!”

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is a great Bible verse that supports traditional relationships and marriage? Genesis 2:24 (MEV) "Therefore a man will leave his father and his mother and be joined to his wife, and they will become one flesh."

Does a person need to be a biologist to define the words man or woman?

When a Supreme Court Nominee says she can’t define woman, should all of America hit the re-set button? Sid Roth says: “In my opinion, it is beyond my comprehension what is happened to the sexual revolution in America.”

Does the Bible warn of a time where wrong is called right and right is called wrong? Sid Roth offers Scripture from both the Old and New Testaments…

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September 13, 2018

Title: UPDATE: Confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh
Topic: Supreme Court Confirmation Process
Discussed by Carrie Gordon Earll
with Focus on the Family

If Brett Kavanaugh is confirmed to the Supreme Court, left-leaning groups are sure to bring out all the stops to rally support for abortion rights during the midterm elections.

Carrie Gordon Earll offers encouragement for the months ahead and how you can help. Carrie is the Vice President of Public Policy with Focus on the Family.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

With the pending confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the US Supreme Court, do we stand at a crossroads in America with new hope and opportunities to save more babies from the scourge of abortion?

What is the purpose of the Supreme Court?

Why are good, moral judges so important?

Has Planned Parenthood conceded? Or, are they working twice as hard?

Click here to register to vote and commit to vote in the mid-term election coming up in November.

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July 12, 2018

Title: SCOTUS Confirmation Process
Topic: Supreme Court Confirmation Process
Discussed by Dr. Chris Gacek
with Family Research Council (

Part 1 of 2

What is the Supreme Court confirmation process for President Trump’s recent nominee, Brett Kavanaugh? Chris Gacek is a Senior Fellow at the Family Research Council. Chris will be discussing the confirmation process and how the votes could swing.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

If Roy Moore had been elected in Alabama to the US Senate, would the SCOTUS confirmation process be easier?

What are Brett Kavanaugh’s qualifications for the United States Supreme Court?

How many members are on the Senate Judiciary Committee? What are their responsibilities?

Is it past time for our Elected Representatives to look beyond politics and start doing what is right for ALL Americans?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - SCOTUS Confirmation Process
Topic: Supreme Court Confirmation Process
Discussed by Dr. Chris Gacek
with Family Research Council (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How many votes are needed for confirmation in the Senate Judiciary Committee?

How many total votes are needed in the Senate?

How did Harry Reid change the confirmation process in 2013 when he was the Senate Majority Leader?

Many are concerned that several Republicans will not vote in favor of Kavanaugh. Who are they and how should we pray for them?

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Title: SCOTUS Confirmation Process
Topic: Supreme Court Confirmation Process
Discussed by Thomas Jipping
with The Heritage Foundation (

Thomas Jipping is the Deputy Director of the Center for Legal and Judicial Studies at the Heritage Foundation. Today, Thomas will be explaining the SCOTUS nomination process and the challenges Senate Republicans could face from Democrats.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Will Senator John McCain be able to return to the US Senate for an up or down vote on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh?

If Roy Moore had been elected as a US Senator from Alabama, would the confirmation process be much easier?

Did Harry Reid, as Senate Majority Leader in 2013, change the rules to close debate?

Will it be political suicide for those few Senate Republicans who may vote against Kavanaugh’s appointment?

Should Supreme Court nominees be weary of answering questions concerning abortion?

Is it likely that the Senate Judiciary Committee will send Kavanaugh’s confirmation nomination to the Senate?

Are there several Republicans that need our prayers concerning their decision to vote in favor of or against Kavanaugh?

Could President Trump potentially have the opportunity to appoint one or two more additional Supreme Court Justices in 2019 and/or 2020? If so, is it absolutely imperative that Republicans keep control of the US Senate this November?

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