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July 9, 2020

Title: The Life Story YouTube Is Terrified People Will Watch
Topic: Free Speech Rights
Discussed by Peter Sprigg
with Family Research Council (

Part 1 of 2

LGBTQ activists want you to “trust your kids” when it comes to the sexuality and gender identification. The truth is, though, that 80-95% of kids/teens with gender dysphoria will “grow out of it”. Yep. That’s right!

Peter Sprigg has more details about a banned YouTube video concerning this issue. Peter is a Senior Fellow for Policy Studies at the Family Research Council. His research and writing have addressed issues of marriage and family, human sexuality, the arts and entertainment, and religion in public life.

Click here  to view Walt Heyer’s testimony.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does the Left often craft powerful statements through the use of stories?

The LGBTQ community has been using personal stories for decades to win favor in the hearts and minds of the masses. What is Walt Heyer’s story?

Walt Heyer stated this: “This is a childhood developmental disorder.

Are those the words that sent YouTube running for the delete button claiming hate speech?

Is gender dysphoria still considered a psychological/mental disorder? This has a complicated answer. Listen close!

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The Life Story YouTube Is Terrified People Will Watch
Topic: Free Speech Rights
Discussed by Peter Sprigg
with Family Research Council (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Walt Heyer has an amazing testimony. Does he quote facts and figures, as well?

Did Walt Heyer’s testimony on YouTube have many views? Did its popularity catch the attention of YouTube?

Peter Sprigg discusses other stories of children who suffered from gender dysphoria…

Is there a substantial amount of people who regret having gender reassignment surgery? Do many people who have gender reassignment surgery commit suicide?

Do some people who suffer from gender dysphoria have other physical and mental ailments?

Why does the Left attempt to censor the Right so often?

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June 30, 2020

Title: YouTube Censoring Free Speech
Topic: Free Speech Rights
Discussed by Dr. Jeff Barrows
with Christian Medical and Dental Association

The First Amendment reads: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

However, this law apparently does not apply to Google, YouTube, or other social media platforms.

Dr. Jeff Barrows is the Executive Vice President for Bioethics and Public Policy for CMDA and an OBGYN physician.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who is Walt Heyer? Did he recently give a video testimony about gender dysphoria?

What did Walk Heyer say that resulted in YouTube classifying the video as hate speech? Six Words: “This is a childhood development disorder.”

Is there inadequate medical science supporting cross-sex hormones and the use of sex reassignment surgery as therapy for gender dysphoria?

Has YouTube removed and censored videos in the past that do not align with the Left’s narrative? Do the majority of children/teens who believe they are “in the wrong body” simply “grow out of it”?

What should parents do (and NOT do) if their child believes they are “in the wrong body”?

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September 17, 2019

Title: Student Lawsuit Against UT
Topic: Free Speech Rights
Discussed by Tim Snowball
with Pacific Legal Foundation (

Three University of Texas students fear investigation and punishment by university officials if they discuss topics like immigration, affirmative action, the Second Amendment, Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, and President Donald Trump on campus.

Attorney Tim Snowball is with the Pacific Legal Foundation. Tim encourages everyone to get involved, even if you don’t have children in college. This is happening all across the country and we must put a stop to it now. Click the link above for more information.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are college campus speech policies silencing Progressive Liberal ideas?

Are college campus speech policies silencing Conservative ideas?

Are campus speech policies silencing a Christian’s ability to share the gospel?

Just how ridiculous are “free speech rights” becoming on college campuses? Listen close!!! This will make your blood pressure spike!

Tim Snowball explains more about the lawsuit against UT…

Has intolerance of Conservative thought/ideas been growing for years?

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April 10, 2019

Title: More Free Speech Laws
Topic: Free Speech Rights
Discussed by Dr. Thomas Lindsay
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Do college campuses really need MORE free speech laws?

Tom Lindsay, Ph.D., is the Director of the Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Center for Innovation in Education and a Senior Constitutional Scholar. He has more than two decades experience in education management and instruction, including service as a dean, provost, and college president.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are LGBTQ and other progressive, socialist, liberal speakers being shouted down, driven off campus, and un-invited?

OR…. Is it the Conservative and tradionalist being discriminated against? Is this even happening on Texas college campuses? Listen as Dr. Lindsay reveals what happened recently to Representative Briscoe Cain!

Why is George Orwell’s book, “1984”, so relevant to today? Should EVERY high school and college student read this book? Do ADULTS need to read (or reread) this book?

Have the Liberals taken over college campuses across America? Dr. Lindsay offers some real facts concerning this…

Are many Conservative states like Texas attempting to legislate the right of ALL speakers to speak for a willing audience to hear?

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August 3, 2018

Title: The Right to Kneel – Or Not?
Topic: Free Speech Rights
Discussed by John Horvat
with Return to Order

After a public outcry, the NFL decided to fine any NFL player who does not show respect for the National Anthem during a football game. However, the players then protested, so the policy is tabled – for now.

John Horvat, the author of “Return to Order”, has more details…

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Should highly paid professional football players be allowed to disrespect the American Flag and the country it represents by taking a knee during the National Anthem?

Who is the NFL offending more – the paying citizen or the overpaid player?

Has the NFL learned its lesson?

What does John Horvat suggest the NFL propose to keep both fans and players satisfied?

Sign the petition telling the NFL that there is no “right” to disrespect our country.

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March 15, 2018

Title: First Amendment Rights in the Voting Booth
Topic: Free Speech Rights
Discussed by Hans von Spakovsky
with The Heritage Foundation (

Should the Supreme Court side with a voter named Andy Cilek and anyone else who wants to wear their NRA, Second Amendment, #MeToo, or Gadsden-flag T-shirt when they go to vote? Where should our First Amendment Rights begin and end at the polling location?

Hans von Spakovsky recently wrote an editorial  on this issue: “The Court Must Preserve Minnesota Voters’ First Amendment Rights”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is a simple message on a T-shirt really that intimidating or coercive?

Did US Supreme Court Justices on both sides chime in with pointed questions?

Is the law too broadly written?

Listen as Hans discusses Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s opinion on the issue…

Is there an indication of how the Minnesota Supreme Court will vote on this issue?

Hans testified a few years ago regarding the Black Panthers who stood outside polling locations in Pennsylvania intimidating voters. What was the outcome of that case?

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Title: Free Speech but Only for Them
Topic: Free Speech Rights
Discussed by Stan Stanart
with Stanart for Harris County Clerk

In a brief filed last Monday by the American Civil Rights Union involves a man who sued for the right to wear a Tea Party-associated Gadsden flag T-shirt and a “Please I.D. Me” button when voting. Minnesota law prohibits the wearing of political messages on clothing and buttons in polling places and within 100 feet of them. His argument: Why not allow this, but allow a floor-to-ceiling wall mural of President Obama at a polling location in Pennsylvania during the 2012 Election?

Listen in as Harris County Clerk Stan Stanart explains what the law is in Texas.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does this case exhibit equal justice in America?

How much power or discretion do Election Judges in Texas have when it comes to political statements in the voting booth?

What is the law concerning this issue in Texas? Listen as Stan explains what the “100 foot mark”  means and various problems that have occurred in the past.

For more information or to contact Stan, click here.

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July 17, 2017

Title: Free Speech but Only for Them
Topic: Free Speech Rights
Discussed by Stan Stanart
with Stanart for Harris County Clerk

In a brief filed last Monday by the American Civil Rights Union involves a man who sued for the right to wear a Tea Party-associated Gadsden flag T-shirt and a “Please I.D. Me” button when voting. Minnesota law prohibits the wearing of political messages on clothing and buttons in polling places and within 100 feet of them. His argument: Why not allow this, but allow a floor-to-ceiling wall mural of President Obama at a polling location in Pennsylvania during the 2012 Election?

Listen in as Harris County Clerk Stan Stanart explains what the law is in Texas.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does this case exhibit equal justice in America?

How much power or discretion do Election Judges in Texas have when it comes to political statements in the voting booth?

What is the law concerning this issue in Texas? Listen as Stan explains what the “100 foot mark”  means and various problems that have occurred in the past.

For more information or to contact Stan, click here.

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Title: Free Speech but Only for Them - Part 2
Topic: Free Speech Rights
Discussed by Robert Knight
with Robert H Knight (

In a brief filed last Monday in Minnesota Voters Alliance, et al. v. Joe Mansky, et al., the American Civil Rights Union argues that restrictions on messaging at polling places have been overly broad and that a Minnesota-based case deserves rehearing to resolve conflicting court rulings.

The case involves a man who sued for the right to wear a Tea Party-associated Gadsden flag T-shirt and a “Please I.D. Me” button when voting. Minnesota law prohibits the wearing of political messages on clothing and buttons in polling places and within 100 feet of them.

Robert Knight, with the American Civil Rights Union, discusses why they support and protect our Freedom of Speech Rights in America.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who is right and who is wrong?

Listen as Terry and Robert discuss a personal Election Day “clothing mishap” story…

Why does the ACRU believe this man had every right to wear a “Don’t Tread on Me” t-shirt in the polling booth?

What are some other examples of voting day issues? i.e: cell phones and sample ballot recommendations

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July 20, 2016

Title: Free Speech – Except for Christians
Topic: Free Speech Rights
Discussed by Brad Dacus
with Pacific Justice Institute (

This week, the Pacific Justice Institute (PJI) got another victory for the unqualified free speech right to preach the Gospel.

Brad Dacus founded PJI in 1997 with the hopes of defending religious liberties and parental rights to those who cannot afford to fight on their own. PJI now has hundreds of volunteer attorneys who handle more cases than any other organization on the West Coast.

The case which we are celebrating victory over today involves a street preacher, Brother Adelmo, from San Diego. Listen in as Brad Dacus shares those details.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What rights do street preachers have under the First Amendment of the US Constitution?

Were those passing by troubled by the messenger or the message?

Why take a case representing a street preacher?

Is this a message of persistence….don’t give up…don’t give in…stand your ground?

Are there other stories of Christians winning battles? Why don’t we hear about these stories from the MSM – or even Fox News? Brad Dacus believes that we must have a prayerful revival in this country. Christians must also get out and vote in mass for Conservative candidates this November.

If you aren’t sure if you are registered to vote where you live, click here to check and update your information if needed.

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Title: The Left is Muzzling You
Topic: Free Speech Rights
Discussed by Amy Ridenour
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

The National Center for Public Policy Research is calling on a group of high profile Senators working on the climate issue to prove they are not hypocrites. The call comes after a marathon on the Senate floor condemning dozens of conservative and free-market policy groups for not endorsing the global warming theory.

Amy Ridenour is here today with all the details.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What are these Senators asking climate change “deniers” to do?

Why did the National Center ask specific Senators to prove they aren't hypocrites?

Should politicians and candidates be subjected to “truth in advertising laws”?

Is climate change high on the average American’s priority lists?

Do Americans want higher energy prices to combat climate change?

Why don’t these environmentalists and others who believe the theory of man-caused climate change just take us “deniers” to court?

To read Amy Ridenour’s full article, click here.

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November 6, 2015

Title: Freedom of Speech – Except for Christians
Topic: Free Speech Rights
Discussed by John Guandolo
with Understanding the Threat (

In a balance between two important interests – free speech on one hand and the state’s power to maintain the peace on the other – the scale is heavily weighted in favor of the First Amendment. Unless, however, that free speech is directed towards telling the truth about Jesus Christ.

In 1996, John Guandolo joined the FBI serving at the Washington Field Office. Shortly after 9/11, he began an assignment to the Counterterrorism Division and is now an expert on the Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic Doctrine, the global Islamic Movement, and a myriad of terrorist organizations including Hamas, Al Qaeda, and others.

Today, John discusses a situation which occurred back in 2012, when a group of Christians attended an Arab Festival in Dearborn, Michigan, in hopes of spreading the Gospel to Muslims. Short story: Although they had a permit to be there, the Christians were arrested for disturbing the peace. Thankfully, the Sixth Court of Appeals just recently reversed a previous decision and ruled in favor of the Christians.

John also explains some specific laws regarding the protection of free speech. Do Muslims have the right, under free speech, to teach hatred to their followers? Do Islamist organizations have the right, under free speech, to teach men, women, and children how to overthrow the government? John encourages everyone to get informed and get involved. He believes pastors and church leaders need to be the first to step up to the plate. “Pastors should be teaching this,” he says, “not to invoke fear, but to educate….Yes, we are supposed to love our enemy. But I’ve never found anywhere in the Bible where Jesus taught that you’re supposed to be a moron.

To order a copy of John Guandolo’s book, “Raising a Jihadi Generation”, click [here].

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March 26, 2015

Title: Free Speech on the Internet
Topic: Free Speech Rights
Discussed by Sean Noble
with American Encore

The hard working men and women at American Encore are dedicated to furthering the ideas of American exceptionalism, free speech, fiscal responsibility, and a return to American greatness. Sean Noble, President and Founder of American Encore, believes that if you do the right thing, good things will follow. That is why he is doing all he can to stop the FCC and their control over the internet. “The more we speak, the harder it is to shut us down,” Sean says.

When it comes to free speech, should people be allowed to voice their opinion without retribution? For example, let’s say you post a meme on Facebook making fun of Obama or Hillary Clinton or you retweet an article on Twitter which condemns Obamacare. The FEC – The Federal Election Committee – wants to force you to register as a “political committee” and submit all your posts, letters, emails, to them for review.

This does not only apply to big newspapers, PACs, or other organizations. They are coming after you – the individual, just spreading the word on social media.

Sean Noble believes that the left is using the FEC and FCC to shut the Republicans down. Plain and simple. “They don’t have control anymore and they are scared,” he laments. People don’t get their news information strictly from ABC or NBC anymore. The internet is quickly becoming the number one source for news and information.

To get updates from American Encore and to join the fight for freedom, click [here].

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September 24, 2012

Title: Fool Me Once, Shame On You! Fool Me Twice, Shame On Me.
Topic: Free Speech Rights
Discussed by Andy Andrews
with Andy Andrews (

Part 1 of 2

Should we have "T-P's" (truth pop-ups) during the upcoming debates? Do we NEED "T-P's" during the upcoming political debates between Obama and Romney?

What is Politifact? Do the polls show that the American population trusts or distrust their elected officials?

Tell our listeners about how Hitler killed 11 million people!

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Free Speech Rights
Discussed by Andy Andrews
with Andy Andrews (

Will Barack Hussein Obama tell falsehoods in his upcoming debates?

Is it true that there no truth in advertising when it comes to political advertising?

Andy Andrews is hailed by a New York Times writer as a "modern-day Will Rogers who has quietly become one of the most influential people in America." He has spoken at the request of four different U.S. Presidents, and every single minute a book by Andy Andrews is sold somewhere in the world!

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September 30, 2011

Title: Because of the Seventh Amendment, Discovery Wins Settlement for Free Speech Infringement by State-Run California Science Center.
Topic: Free Speech Rights
Discussed by Joshua Youngkin
with Discovery Institute (

California State-Run Science Center cancelled rental contract with the Discovery Institute when it learned the intent of the Discovery Institute to show a documentary about Intelligent Design theory.

In the face of abundant evidence of its violation of free speech rights, the California Science Center settled the case for $110,000 and invited the Intelligent Design proponents back.

Without our Seventh Amendment right to trial by jury, this would have never happened. Remember, we must protect our Seventh Amendment rights.

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August 20, 2009

Topic: Free Speech Rights
Discussed by Senator John Cornyn
with Elected Officials

Senator John Cornyn, chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, wrote a letter to the Messiah Obama raising privacy concerns about what the Senator called an “Obama monitoring program”. What was this? Is it legal? Should we be concerned?

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November 12, 2008

Topic: Free Speech Rights
Discussed by Rev. Louis Sheldon
with Traditional Values Coalition

Mainstream media has Americans believing that "we" caused global Warming; "we" are losing the war in Iraq; "we" are prohibiting gays from being married because of our selfish paranoia. Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats want to silence people like Dan Patrick and myself and to place a muzzle on organizations like Texas Eagle Forum and Texas Right to Life. It's now up to YOU to get informed and stay active. Log onto for more.

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January 7, 2008

Title: Mother Kicked Off Fort Worth Bus for Reading Bible to Her Children
Topic: Free Speech Rights
Discussed by Kelly Shackelford
with Liberty Institute

“What kind of person pulls over a bus and kicks out a mother and her children on the way to church? Bus driver states: “She was reading the Bible out load to her children and would not stop!” What is America coming to?

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November 26, 2007

Title: Club “X” at UT-San Antonio
Topic: Free Speech Rights
Discussed by Laura Elizabeth Morales
with Young Conservatives of Texas at UT San Antonio

Two students who joked about a porn club at UT San Antonio have decided to make it a reality. “Club X” as it’s being called believes that the club will promote safe sex because porn actors wear condoms, stated one of the organizers, a stripper and UTSA student. Not with our tax dollars and student fees says an activist with the Young Conservatives of Texas at the UT San Antonio campus.

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March 26, 2007

Topic: Free Speech Rights
Discussed by Jason Mattera
with Young America's Foundation

Students were allowed to dress up for Halloween at school - as a witch or goblin or the devil - but when one student showed up dressed like Jesus Christ, he was told he had to remove his crown of thorns! Start planning your child's costume for next year! Log onto for more.

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February 27, 2007

Topic: Free Speech Rights
Discussed by Jason Mattera
with Young America's Foundation

Students were allowed to dress up for Halloween at school - as a witch or goblin or the devil - but when one student showed up dressed like Jesus Christ, he was told he had to remove his crown of thorns! Start planning your child's costume for next year! Log onto for more.

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January 30, 2007

Topic: Free Speech Rights
Discussed by Kelly Shackelford
with Liberty Institute

Why should Christianity be pushed inside four walls? Will you be forced to remove the cross from your loved ones' head stone? Enough is enough. Kelly Shackelford gives an update on the persecution of Christians in America.

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January 23, 2007

Topic: Free Speech Rights
Discussed by Wendy Wright
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

Michael Savage did not oppose the Legislative Transparency and Accountability Act of 2007. Was he wrong on this issue?

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January 9, 2007

Topic: Free Speech Rights
Discussed by Rev. Louis Sheldon
with Traditional Values Coalition

Mainstream media has Americans believing that "we" caused global Warming; "we" are losing the war in Iraq; "we" are prohibiting gays from being married because of our selfish paranoia. Nancy Pelosi and the democrats want to silence people like Dan Patrick and myself and to place a muzzle on organizations like Texas Eagle Forum and Texas Right to Life. It's now up to YOU to get informed and stay active.

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August 24, 2006

Topic: Free Speech Rights
Discussed by Mark Tooley
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

The Methodist Seminary in Denver hosted a Democrat Party Conference on how to attract religious voters. Surely, this is in violation of “Separation of Church and State” doctrine and they should lose their tax-free status? What do you think?

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May 3, 2006

Topic: Free Speech Rights
Discussed by Jon Dougherty
with Freedom Alliance

In Mexico, foreigners can be deported without an hearing. In Mexico, foreigners can be detained by the average citizen for no reason. In Mexico, foreigners cannot protest in the street. In Mexico, foreigners cannot participate in the political process.

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April 25, 2006

Topic: Free Speech Rights
Discussed by Jonathan Saenz
with Texas Values (

School districts cannot treat Christian groups any differently than non-Christian groups. A Federal Judge has actually ruled in FAVOR of a Christian group! Attorney Jonathon Zaenz, with the Free Market Foundation, gives an update on this great Christian group from Plano: S.W.A.T. - Students Witnessing Absolute Truth.

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March 16, 2006

Title: Can a Legislation Body open in Prayer and end in Jesus’ name?
Topic: Free Speech Rights
Discussed by Hiram Sasser
with Liberty Institute

Hiram Sasser explains the rights of legislative bodies to pray. Please lift this situation up in your prayers.

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February 14, 2006

Title: Katy ISD in the Dog House
Topic: Free Speech Rights
Discussed by Kelly Shackelford
with Liberty Institute

Katy ISD was issued a Temporary Restraining Order warning them not to interfere with the free speech rights of students. For more, log onto

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January 19, 2006

Topic: Free Speech Rights
Discussed by Jason Mattera
with Young America's Foundation

Free Speech Rights are halted by the left unless it it conservative speech. Be informed! At our public, tax-payer supported colleges, "left" speakers are welcomed with open arms. But, conservative speakers are interrupted or not invited at all.

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January 18, 2006

Topic: Free Speech Rights
Discussed by Jason Mattera
with Young America's Foundation

Free Speech Rights are halted by the left unless it it conservative speech. Be informed! At our public, tax-payer supported colleges, "left" speakers are welcomed with open arms. But, conservative speakers are interrupted or not invited at all.

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Topic: Free Speech Rights
Discussed by Deidre McQuade
with US Conference of Catholic Bishops

Pro-Life groups pay over $43,000 to place ads on 280 Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) Trains and in 48 BART stations in San Francisco only to have them defaced by Pro-Choice groups. So much for free speech rights. For more info, log onto

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January 3, 2006

Topic: Free Speech Rights
Discussed by Jason Mattera
with Young America's Foundation

Yale University receives $300,000,000 in federal government grants each year. The Solomon Amendment says if a publicly supported college or university receives federal aid, it must allow Army Recruiters on campus if they allow other recruiters. If they do not, they forfeit all federal aid. Yale is not. How will the Supreme court rule?

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December 8, 2005

Title: The left is fighting free speech rights
Topic: Free Speech Rights
Discussed by Jason Mattera
with Young America's Foundation

Yale University receives $300,000,000 in federal government grants each year. The Solomon Amendment says if a publically supported college or university receives federal aid, it must allow Army Recruiters on campus if they allow other recruiters. If they do not, they forfeit all federal aid. Yale is not. How will the Supreme court rule?

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November 9, 2005

Title: Radicals Use Invasion Tactics
Topic: Free Speech Rights
Discussed by Peter Sprigg
with Family Research Council (

Radical groups, including the violent homosexual group ACT-UP, are chaining themselves inside offices demanding that Conservatives stop pushing abstinence. Throwing condoms through private areas of the Family Research Council offices and shouting and condemning the Abstinence Promoters as "KILLERS", the 'invaders' were taken away by police. Note: If we did this inside an abortion clinic, we would still be in jail and on our way to a lengthy prison stay. What hipocrisy! Peter Sprigg, with the Family Research Council, gives more insight.

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Title: Our elected officials desire to mussel our free speech when it comes to criticizing them!
Topic: Free Speech Rights
Discussed by Chris Kinnan
with Freedom Works (

Congress fails to approve your right to "blog" about federal races prior to an election! Please pass this information on to your friends. Chris Kinnan, with Freedom Works, can be found at

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October 4, 2005

Title: Banned Book week is based on a lie!
Topic: Free Speech Rights
Discussed by Mitchell Muncy
with Spence Publishing

Mitchell Muncy exposes the hypocrisy and silliness behind BBW-Banned Books Week. But what is BBW and how does a book make the "BBW List"?

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April 25, 2005

Title: Say No to Muzzling Nonprofits
Topic: Free Speech Rights
Discussed by Dr. Joe Pojman
with Texas Alliance for Life (

Say "NO" to House Bill 1348, so says the Executive Director of Texas Alliance for Life, Dr. Joe Pojman. He asks our listeners to call their State Representatives and encourage them to vote "NO". On the What's UP Radio Program's home page in the lower left corner: "Click [here] to contact your elected representatives". This affects state candidates only.

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March 10, 2005

Title: First Amendment Right for ALL Churches
Topic: Free Speech Rights
Discussed by Congressman (R-NC) Walter Jones
with Elected Officials

The Reverand Martin Luther King, Jr. insisted that: "The Church must be reminded that it is not the master or the servant of the State, but rather the conscience of the State. It must be the guide and the critic of the State, and never its tool." Congressman Walter Jones (R-NC) has re-introduced HR235, The Houses of Worship Free Speech Restoration Act" to Congress. Call your Congressperson and see if they are either co-sponsoring or supporting this bill. The main phone number is 202.224.3121. Call Congressman Tom DeLay at 202.235.4000 to encourage a floor vote of this bill. Call the Speaker of the House, Dennis Hastert, and urge him to bring a floor vote for this bill - 202.235.0600.

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February 17, 2005

Title: Court Vindicates Free Speech
Topic: Free Speech Rights
Discussed by Attorney Brian Fahling
with American Family Association (

Eleven Christians were arrested in Philadelphia in October, 2004, for peacefully preaching the gospel at a homosexual celebration called Outfest. Four men and a juvenile were bound over for trial on criminal charges: hate speech! Four had charges dismissed, with charges against the juvenile expected to be dropped soon. This is an answer to prayer and a cause to praise Him!

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February 15, 2005

Title: FBI examines Pastor's notes
Topic: Free Speech Rights
Discussed by Pastor Randy Steele
with Pastors and other Pro-Family Advocates

Pastor Randy Steele, Southwest Christian Church, Mt. Vernon, Ill, shares his experience when the FBI came calling. The FBI wanted to view his notes on sermons he preached on abortion activity and homosexuality.

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