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July 16, 2018

Title: Renewable Energy: It’s Not That Complicated
Topic: Renewable Energy
Discussed by Bill Peacock
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Is 100% renewable energy use possible? Bill Peacock has the answer! Bill is the Vice President of Research at the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Cities like Denton and Georgetown make claims that they are powered by 100% renewable energy. Is this true?

Some companies are claiming they use 100% renewable energy as well. Is this true?

What kind of energy are these cities and companies actually using?

Why is a backup generating plant needed? Who pays for the backup plant when it is not in use? Listen closely! This answer will NOT make you happy!

Are there times when the wind is not blowing and the sun is not shining?

How is the Texas Public Policy Foundation informing citizens of the dangerous consequences of switching to 100% renewable energy? Click here  for more information.

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January 28, 2015

Title: The Dangers of Renewable Energy
Topic: Renewable Energy
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Germany, The United Kingdom, Denmark, and Spain have all gone the route of expensive renewable resources over the last few decades. They are all now beginning to see the error of their ways. Will Texas follow the lead of Europe in aggressively pursuing renewable energy resources? If we do, we are doomed!

What happened in Germany? Kathleen White explains that 800,000 households (not people – households!) have had their electricity shut off due to the devastatingly high energy rates. It’s just simply unaffordable. Families are living like our ancestors did 200 years ago – using wood to heat their homes and to cook their food! This is simply unacceptable in the 21st Century!

England, Denmark, and Spain are close behind Germany. They aren’t quite living off wood-burning fireplaces and wood stoves, but Kathleen believes they soon will be if their policies don’t change – and soon! England, for example, has a fairly new policy in place called “Energy Rationing”. England is using their taxpayer’s money to pay industries to shorten their work day and work week. How is this working out for them?

Listen in as Kathleen White gives a dire warning to all Americans and what will happen if we choose to follow Germany’s lead, too.

Click [here] for more on this and other issues.

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March 25, 2011

Title: Can American citizens afford a large scale switch to renewable energy?
Topic: Renewable Energy
Discussed by Romina Boccia
with The Heritage Foundation (

Segment 1 of 2

Energy powers our homes, factories, offices, hospitals, and schools. It allows us to run our cars, trains, planes, computers, and air conditioners. Given the critical role it plays in every aspect of our lives, energy needs to be reliable, affordable, and convenient. Most renewable energy sources do not meet those criteria. More information can be found at 

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March 11, 2009

Topic: Renewable Energy
Discussed by Robert Bryce
with Energy Tribune

Messiah B.O. (Barack Obama) recently stated that “we will double the nation’s supply of renewable energy in the next 3 years”. Is this feasible? Guest Robert Bryce explains why it is not feasible and not needed. Log onto for more information.

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Topic: Renewable Energy
Discussed by Robert Bryce
with Energy Tribune

Messiah B.O. (Barack Obama) recently stated that “we will double the nation’s supply of renewable energy in the next 3 years”. Is this feasible? Guest Robert Bryce explains why it is not feasible and not needed. Log onto for more information.

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