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May 6, 2024

Title: Biden Deputizes FCC to Police the Internet
Topic: Federal Communications Commission
Discussed by Stephen Moore
with The Heritage Foundation (

At the direction of the Biden Administration, Federal Communications Commission (FCC) lawyers have developed a new standard known as “disparate impact”, which means telecom companies must provide minority neighborhoods the exact same internet access as a high-income area. If they fail to comply, the FCC will sue them.

Stephen Moore is an economist and author, serving as a Distinguished Fellow in Economics at The Heritage Foundation. Stephen is also the co-founder of The Committee to Unleash Prosperity.

Click here to read Stephen Moore’s op-ed on this topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do the majority of Americans have access to the internet? Do most Americans have a cell phone with internet access?

What is “disparate impact”?

What is “Digital Discrimination” and does it exist in America? Stephen Moore reveals that the FCC has even admitted that this doesn’t exist in America.

Can the implementation of this proposed FCC regulation be stopped?

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February 13, 2024

Title: Biden Deputizes FCC to Police the Internet
Topic: Federal Communications Commission
Discussed by Stephen Moore
with The Heritage Foundation (

At the direction of the Biden Administration, Federal Communications Commission (FCC) lawyers have developed a new standard known as “disparate impact”, which means telecom companies must provide minority neighborhoods the exact same internet access as a high-income area. If they fail to comply, the FCC will sue them.

Stephen Moore is an economist and author, serving as a Distinguished Fellow in Economics at The Heritage Foundation. Stephen is also the co-founder of The Committee to Unleash Prosperity.

Click here to read Stephen Moore’s op-ed on this topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do the majority of Americans have access to the internet? Do most Americans have a cell phone with internet access?

What is “disparate impact”?

What is “Digital Discrimination” and does it exist in America? Stephen Moore reveals that the FCC has even admitted that this doesn’t exist in America.

Can the implementation of this proposed FCC regulation be stopped?

Click here to help support The Heritage Foundation.

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March 30, 2016

Title: The FCC is Picking Winner and Losers
Topic: Federal Communications Commission
Discussed by Tom Schatz
with Citizens Against Government Waste  (

Once again, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has entered into unnecessary and wasteful rulemaking. This time, in addition to mandating the use of outdated technology, the agency will allow search engine companies to access and search all broadcast content, repackage it, monitor consumer viewing habits, and optimize the advertisements they deliver to consumers. In other words, the FCC wants to allow a third party to spy on you through your “set top box”.

Tom Schatz, the President of Citizens Against Government Waste, first explains that the “set top box” is how consumers receive their television service, whether through cable or satellite or some other means. “The FCC wants to take that information and the content itself and open it up to whoever wants to pick and choose what to show,” Tom explains. To make a long story short, the FCC wants to highjack unnecessary information and intellectual property from the consumer, while increasing costs.

Ready for more shocking news? Google is the big push behind this effort! And they don’t want to pay for it! Tom Schatz explains that Google will be able to “get what they cannot get in the marketplace through regulation.” If the FCC is allowed to follow through with this plan, Google will be able to obtain information from all your devices – not just your TV. They’ll have access to your cell phone, iPad, iPod, computer – everything!

Google is not the only company who would benefit from this new regulation. Listen in as Tom explains that, currently, there are strict privacy laws. If this regulations is allowed, however, any company could pay your television provided “x amount of dollars” to essentially hack into your home! President Obama has been the “approve every new regulation” kind of President and is most definitely pushing this new FCC rule through the door of every home in America. Do yourself a favor. Get rid of the “box” and choose a new option to view your favorite shows, like Amazon or Roku.

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