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March 19, 2019

Title: Congresswoman Ilhan Omar: Scholar or Bigot?
Topic: Bigotry against Jews
Discussed by Joel Griffith
with The Heritage Foundation (

Congresswoman Ilhan Omar has attempted to manipulate political leadership and national opinion against the Jewish people.

New guest Joel Griffith is a Research Fellow for the Institute for Economic Freedom and Opportunity at The Heritage Foundation. He will be discussing the affects her comments are having on people of all races and religions, not just Jews.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did Congresswoman Omar study Old Testament writings, particularly in the Book of Ester? Joel uses Scripture to explain his answer…

How do many view her comments made against the Jewish people? Are many in her own party and religion turning her away? Or are they embracing her?

Do her bigoted remarks seek to cast doubt on the patriotism of Jewish Americans?

Wait a minute!!! Didn’t Nancy Pelosi appoint Omar to the Foreign Affairs Committee? Doesn’t she have a MAJOR conflict of interest?

Has Congresswoman Omar made these type of comments before? Joel discusses some disturbing comments she has tweeted in the past…

Do Democrats need to condemn her bigotry?

Later this month, Jews will celebrate the annual Purim festival. What does Purim celebrate?

Click here to read Joel’s opinion piece on this topic.

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