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July 29, 2021

Title: MLB Strikes Out in Cuba
Topic: Cuba
Discussed by Dr. Paul Kengor
with The Institute for Faith and Freedom (

Major League Baseball has close ties to Cuba, yet they remain eerily silent on the dire situation the Cuban people are facing today. Why?

Dr. Paul Kengor is a Professor Of Political Science and Chief Academic Fellow of the Institute for Faith and Freedom at Grove City College. Click here  to read more on this from Dr. Kengor.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is Major League Baseball blind to the oppressive Cuban government? Dr. Kengor says: “They should stay out of it and just stick to sports!”

How does the Cuban government oppress and abuse their own people? Do the Cuban people, by-and-large, all receive the same amount of money per year? NOTE: They only get approximately $120 per year. YES – PER YEAR!

Why are Cubans fleeing their country? How many have left Cuba over the past several decades? Do we even know?

How many Americans flee to Cuba every year?

Is the MSM calling Major League Baseball out on the carpet for their hypocrisy?

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July 26, 2021

Title: Why the Left Can’t Stop Supporting the Cuban Dictatorship
Topic: Cuba
Discussed by John Horvat
with Return to Order

Any ruthless dictatorship should be denounced and ostracized. In the case of Cuba, this is not happening. Security forces are suppressing protests against the conditions on the island and the Left is rushing to its defense. They do not blame Cuban authorities for the nation’s ills; instead, they blame America.

Today, John Horvat discusses the dire situation in Cuba and why the Left keeps praising the country’s dictatorship.

Click here for the article by John Horvat.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is happening in Cuba? What events caused Cuba’s downfall?

In America, millennials are tearing down statues and symbols of capitalism. Are Cuban millennials by-and-large taking to the street to protest the Cuban dictatorship regime?

Why do many Democrats and most media outlets support the Cuban dictatorship?

What is life like in Venezuela for most people? Is it similar to life in Cuba? Why?

In Cuba today, is there freedom to worship, freedom of assembly, freedom of the press, freedom to own property and accumulate wealth?

Who are the Cuban “Women in White”?

How is the religious left keeping the people in Cuba in misery?

What is the solution for Cuba?

To sign the petition to free Cuba, click here.

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July 21, 2021

Title: Cuba: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
Topic: Cuba
Discussed by Orlando Sanchez
with Orlando Sanchez (

Orlando Sanchez, political activist and former Treasurer for Harris County, is from Cuba. Today, he shares a unique perspective on the country.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why did Orlando’s family flee Cuba?

Interesting Fact: Orlando’s father was hired in 1962 to be the voice of the Houston Colt 45’s, which later became the Houston Astros.

In Cuba today, is there freedom of worship, freedom of assembly, freedom of the press, and freedom of speech? Who is allowed the freedom to own property and accumulate wealth?

Instead of faulting the Communist/Socialist government in Cuba, many blame America for the poverty and lack of healthcare in Cuba. Do those blaming America deserve three Pinocchio’s?

Are people around the world fleeing their home countries in order to live in Cuba?

Has Communism/Socialism ever been successful?

In Orlando’s opinion, will Cubans ever be free from the bondage of Communism/Socialism?

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December 19, 2014

Title: Cuba: Has Obama Finally Lost it?
Topic: Cuba
Discussed by Mike Gonzalez
with The Heritage Foundation (

Mike Gonzalez was born in Cuba and left in 1972 at the age of 12. He has reported from Afghanistan, Pakistan, China, Panama, and Cyprus, among others. He left journalism to join the administration of President George W. Bush and now works for The Heritage Foundation. Mike says that Obama has shown "complete disregard” for his office.

There is nothing that the Castro brothers have done over the last 55 years that prove they will ever cooperate with the United States or any other country. There is no negotiation. The Castro brothers have used terror to control the people of Cuba for over 5 decades. What makes Obama think they’ll stop now? They won’t!

What exactly does Obama and the US gain by normalizing relations with Cuba? What did we gain? Nothing! Listen in as Mike discusses his opinion of Obama, Cuba, why communism will never work, and why Bibles are so important to the people in the country.

Log on to  for more on this and other issues facing our great nation. .

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