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November 21, 2016

Title: Are Earmarks Back?
Topic: Culberson Wants Earmarks
Discussed by Genevieve Wood
with The Heritage Foundation (

Bush 41 stated: “Read my lips: No New Taxes”, then proceeded to compromise and LOST his next election. John Culberson wants Earmarks to return. Is he on a bridge to nowhere?

Genevieve Wood is a Senior Contributor for the Daily Signal with The Heritage Foundation. Today she will be explaining “earmarks” and why Conservatives everywhere should be paying close attention.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the “Bridge to Nowhere”?

Why is Representative John Culberson pushing to bring back earmarks?

Who pays for all the “back-room deal making”?

Does Congress have the responsibility to direct individual government agencies on how to spend their money?

Genevieve Wood makes an excellent point: “Either your bill is good enough and makes enough sense for the majority of Americans to want it that you can get a majority of lawmakers to vote for it. Or you can’t.

Please contact Representative John Culberson’s office  to voice your concern and displeasure with his desire to implement earmarks in the upcoming Legislative Session.

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September 11, 2014

Title: Illegal Alien Children are a Total Drain on our Economy
Topic: Can We Allow All to Come?
Discussed by Genevieve Wood
with The Heritage Foundation (

On average, each student costs $12,000 per year to educate. This obviously does not include special-needs or non-English speaking children. It also does not include feeding the students – that is a totally different budget cost!

So what are schools to do with this influx of children? The State Department send a letter to every state and local school official in May of 2014, reminding them that they are required by law to educate anyone who comes in their school – regardless of legal status. Even a child who comes alone, with no adult, no birth certificate, no paperwork, will to be treated like a homeless student and will receive free education and free food.

Our own citizens aren’t treated this well! Our children are required to prove residency, have shot records, pay for food or bring their own lunch, parents are required to accompany their kids when registering. Such a double standard! When will it end?

Over 50,000 illegal immigrant children have entered the US just this year. The numbers have slowed somewhat over the summer because it is just too hot to travel and the risk of death is even greater. However, with cooler weather coming and the impending amnesty-for-everyone bill that President Obama has promised to sign in to law after the mid-term elections, more illegals are sure to flood our borders once again.

Illegal immigration is not just an education issue. Illegal immigration is a national security issue as well as a public health issue. You can find more on this at

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September 2, 2014

Title: Are We Our Brother's Keeper? And the Keeper of Their Children?
Topic: Are We Our Brother’s Keeper?
Discussed by Genevieve Wood
with The Heritage Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

There is not another country in the world today that allows as many illegal immigrants to enter – and stay – in their country. Some are saying the United States will soon lose all restrictions on immigration into the country – giving anyone and everyone who wants to come an open invitation. I hope not!

It isn’t that I don’t want immigrants; I just don’t want illegal immigrants. We have laws and regulations for a reason. The thousands of illegal immigrant children who entered the US this summer…where are they? Are they with their parents or other relatives? Are they in foster care? Will they be in school with your children – unvaccinated and not speaking our language?

The majority of the illegal immigrant children, however, are 13-16 year old males. How do we know they aren’t part of a gang, here to spread mayhem in our cities? They aren’t legal adults in the United States, but are certainly old enough to take jobs away from honest, hard-working Americans.

Genevieve Wood, with The Heritage Foundation, is concerned because these children and teens are lawfully allowed to attend our public schools, even though they aren’t legally allowed to be here! Listen in as she discusses this serious issue.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Are We Our Brother's Keeper? And the Keeper of Their Children?
Topic: Are We Our Brother’s Keeper?
Discussed by Genevieve Wood
with The Heritage Foundation (

America is the most generous country in the world in regards to LEGAL immigration. For nearly 40 years, America has allowed 1,000,000 (that’s 1 MILLION) LEGAL immigrants to enter our borders per year. That is nearly 40,000,000 (that’s 40 MILLION) LEGAL immigrants. That is more than most of the rest of the world – combined.

This sounds all well and good until you look at the unemployment numbers. Legal immigrants are coming to America on work visas, working for less money, and taking good-paying jobs from American people.

This is exactly why big businesses are in favor of comprehensive immigration reform. They want cheap workers who can’t quit because they’ll be deported.

Genevieve encourages everyone to vote this coming November 4. We need to elect leaders who will fight for us and bring America back to the American people. Log on to for more on this and other issues facing our country.

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September 14, 2005

Title: A just society: a level playing field for eveyone. Segment 1 of 2
Topic: Tort Reform
Discussed by Genevieve Wood
with The Heritage Foundation (

Why throw out the baby with the bath water? Moses laid down the law for punitive damages... why close the court house doors now.

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Title: A Just Society: a level playing field for everone.
Topic: Tort Reform
Discussed by Genevieve Wood
with The Heritage Foundation (

Why throw out the baby with the bath water? Moses laid down the law for punitive damages... why close the court house doors now?

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July 25, 2005

Title: Why protect the makers of the RU-486 pill?
Topic: RU-486 Pill
Discussed by Genevieve Wood
with The Heritage Foundation (

Does the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) have its own lab to conduct independent tests on drugs and/or health devices? Why should Congress pass legislation shielding the makers of RU-486 from liability? Call to action! Call your congressman - say "vote no to protect the makers of RU-486 in HR.534"

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