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March 7, 2024

Title: BREAKING NEWS: US Supreme Court Unanimously Rules Trump Stays on Ballot
Topic: Supreme Court Decisions
Discussed by Michael O'Neill
with Landmark Legal Foundation (

Michael J. O’Neill is the Vice President of Legal Affairs at the Landmark Legal Foundation. Today, Michael discusses the recent unanimous SCOTUS ruling concerning President Trump’s inclusion on the Colorado ballot.

Click here to read a full explanation on the US Supreme Court ruling.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is a “per curiam opinion”?

Is it rare for all nine US Supreme Court Justices to unanimously agree?

Why did the US Supreme Court strike down the Colorado Supreme Court ruling?

Is this the end of Trump’s battle to appear on every state ballot should he be the 2024 Republican Presidential nominee?

Click here to help support the Landmark Legal Foundation.

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July 18, 2023

Title: Common Sense Wins in SCOTUS
Topic: Supreme Court Decisions
Discussed by Michael O'Neill
with Landmark Legal Foundation (

Michael J. O’Neill is Assistant General Counsel at the Landmark Legal Foundation. Today, Michael discusses some recent SCOTUS decisions and what he predicts will happen in the coming months.

Click here for the latest from the Landmark Legal Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does common sense suggest that Joe Biden doesn’t have the power to unilaterally forgive $450 billion of student loan debt without at least some authority from Congress?

Does common sense suggest that states like Colorado cannot enforce a law compelling an individual to write website copy that she disagrees with?

Does common sense suggest that colleges and universities cannot discriminate based on race?

Do most Americans agree with these three recent rulings by SCOTUS?

Did Joe Biden make promises he knew he could not keep to buy votes? Did he even admit that he didn’t have the power?

Did Justice Amy Coney Barret repeatedly us the term “common sense” in any of her concurrences to the recent Supreme Court decisions?

In what other areas should the US Supreme Court invoke common sense? Michael discusses wealth taxes and why all Americans need to pay attention in the coming months.

Click here to help support the Landmark Legal Foundation as they preserve America’s founding principles.

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October 7, 2022

Title: Upcoming Cases Before the US Supreme Court
Topic: Supreme Court Decisions
Discussed by Michael O'Neill
with Landmark Legal Foundation (

Part 1 of 3

Disclaimer: Please do not construe any statement made during this interview as legal advice. Always consult your attorney for advice on this and other legal issues.

Michael J. O’Neill is the Assistant General Counsel at Landmark Legal Foundation. Today, Michael discusses some of the upcoming cases before the US Supreme Court.

Click here for the latest posts from Landmark Legal Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is Affirmative Action responsible for too many blacks and not enough Asians on college campuses across the nation? Michael discusses what led to Affirmative Action and just exactly what has been happening since.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Upcoming Cases Before the US Supreme Court
Topic: Supreme Court Decisions
Discussed by Michael O'Neill
with Landmark Legal Foundation (

Disclaimer: Please do not construe any statement made during this interview as legal advice. Always consult your attorney for advice on this and other legal issues.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who has the authority concerning voting laws: State Legislatures or Courts? Michael explains that there are two election law cases before SCOTUS; he discusses the case Moore vs Harper, which will determine whether judges or legislatures are vested with the authority to institute voter protection laws.

Are LGBTQ activists still trying to force businesses to go against their Biblical and moral beliefs? Is this just “same song, different verse” like the baker in Colorado?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Upcoming Cases Before the US Supreme Court
Topic: Supreme Court Decisions
Discussed by Michael O'Neill
with Landmark Legal Foundation (

Disclaimer: Please do not construe any statement made during this interview as legal advice. Always consult your attorney for advice on this and other legal issues.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Under the Obama Administration, the EPA was granted the authority to regulate every single body of water in the US – even a puddle on your own private property! What is the status of this case in the US Supreme Court? Michael explains “Waters of the United States”, who is affected, and how soon the decision could be announced.

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September 30, 2020

Title: Ruth Bader Ginsburg was the Sexual State in a Black Robe
Topic: Supreme Court Decisions
Discussed by Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse
with The Ruth Institute (

Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse recently stated this about the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg: She is “the personification of the Sexual State in a black robe”. Today, she explains why she believes this.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Was Ruth Bader Ginsburg the poster-child of the Sexual State in a Black Robe?

Did Ginsburg use the highest law of the land to overturn Democratic processes that tried to protect traditional sexual morals?

Ginsburg once played an important role in removing barriers to the distinction between women and men. Why does Dr. Morse believe Ginsburg’s ruling actually erased women and their importance?

Are radical feminists beginning to see that the transgender agenda is now harming women?

Was Ginsburg on the “wrong side” of many opinions, according to Christian values?

Did Ginsburg have a marked hostility to religion?

For more on this and other life issues, click here.

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July 10, 2018

Title: Supreme Court: Winning or Losing?
Topic: Supreme Court Decisions
Discussed by Robert Knight
with Robert H Knight (

Part 1 of 2

Conservatives have been on the losing side for far too long. Now, because of Trump, times have changed! And I am definitely NOT tired of winning!

Robert Knight is a Washington Times columnist and author of many books, including his latest “A Strong Constitution: What Would America Look Like if We Followed the Law". Today, Robert Knight will be discussing recent Supreme Court victories, as well as President Donald Trump’s promise to “Make American Great Again”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has there been a distinct difference in the public display of emotions demonstrated by Democrats vs. Republicans in recent months?

Is President Donald Trump delivering on his campaign promise to restore the Rule of Law?

Why is the Jack Phillips ruling so significant?

Is hypocrisy on the left clear and evident (i.e. the Sarah Saunders incident…)?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Supreme Court: Winning or Losing?
Topic: Supreme Court Decisions
Discussed by Robert Knight
with Robert H Knight (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is gerrymandering? Have both parties participated in it?

Should the Ford dealership be forced to have posters visible for all to see advertising for Chevys?

Are pro-life Christian crisis pregnancy centers in California forced to inform women that abortions are available to them?

Are Republicans “too nice”?

Click here  for more from Robert Knight.

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July 12, 2016

Title: SCOTUS Spoke. Now it’s Time We Did, Too.
Topic: Supreme Court Decisions
Discussed by Kirk Walden
with Pregnancy Help News (

The Supreme Court had its say. We still have ours. Let’s get to work.

New guest Kirk Walden is with Pregnancy Help News. He will be discussing three action steps for those asking, “What can we do now?” Kirk can be found here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Kirk is an unabashed, unapologetic, undaunted pro-life activist. He was understandably upset when he learned of the recent SCOTUS decision concerning HB2. Listen in as he describes those moments.

What are the three action steps which you can implement now to further the pro-life mission?

Do abortion clinics really “sell” the killing of babies? “A woman doesn’t wake up in the morning wanting to go to an abortion center,” Kirk believes. That is why Pregnancy Help News and other centers like theirs are so important.

In fact, if only one-fifth of pro-life supporters gave $100 to their local pregnancy help center, they could double the average centers budget in one day. If you can’t give $100, you can probably $20. If you don’t think that amount matters, think again. $20 can go a long, long way.

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July 7, 2016

Title: It’s Legal – Not Safe or Rare
Topic: Supreme Court Decisions
Discussed by Dr. David Stevens
with Christian Medical and Dental Association

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Regarding the recent SCOTUS decision on HB2, Dr. David Stevens, the Christian Medical and Dental Association CEO, has stated: "Given the shocking revelations of abysmal health and safety deficiencies in abortion clinics around the country, the Court's disallowance of health and safety requirements just protects what amounts to back-alley abortions.”

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Concerning abortion, the left loves to claim it is “safe, legal, and rare”. Is this an accurate statement?

How much information must a surgeon give a patient before any type of surgery (not including abortions)? Is informed consent required for liability purposes?

NOTE: Dr. Stevens reveals some shocking financial statistics here that will blow your mind – and make you cry.

Do surgical and drug-induced abortions carry significant risks to the mother which require timely and continuity of care? “Abortion is the ‘sacred cow’ in this country,” Dr. Stevens declares. “Because of that, no laws can be used to even control it in a reasonable way and to make sure that it is safe for women.

After rebuking Texas for their pro-life bill, deeming it unconstitutional, SCOTUS also refused to rule concerning the right of a health professional (i.e. a pharmacist) to be exempt from participating in a process that intends to kill an unborn child. Listen in as Dr. Stevens gives more details about that lawsuit and what we, as Christians, must do to ensure the future is bright for our children and grandchildren.

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July 6, 2016

Title: HB2 Does NOT Harm Women. It Helps Them.
Topic: Supreme Court Decisions
Discussed by Dr. Tom Oliverson
with Dr. Tom Oliverson (

Like many across the country, Dr. Tom Oliverson was extremely saddened when he heard the final decision from SCOTUS concerning HB2.

Dr. Tom Oliverson is a candidate to become the next Texas State Representative for House District 130. He became involved in politics as a “patient safety expert”. Today, he shares his thoughts concerning the recent SCOTUS decision.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said: “…abortion is at least as safe as other medical procedures routinely performed in outpatient settings. Given those realities, it is beyond rational belief that H. B. 2 could genuinely protect the health of women, and certain that the law ‘would simply make it more difficult for them to obtain abortions.” What is Dr. Oliverson’s opinion concerning Justice Ginsburg’s rationale?

How do physicians gain admitting privileges at local hospitals? This is very important information to know and understand. Listen in as Dr. Oliverson explains the process and how difficult/easy it is for physicians to gain admitting privileges. Nothing is stopping abortion doctors from access to a hospital – except maybe their own lack of sympathy and compassion.

Why do so many people believe that abortion facilities should not be required to provide the same level of care as other outpatient surgery centers? Furthermore, why are abortionists given a “free pass” so-to-speak while other surgeons must jump through hoops and are blocked by red tape at every corner?

Did SCOTUS actually limit the access women have to a safe environment by halting HB2?

To learn more about Dr. Tom Oliverson, click here.

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June 30, 2016

Title: SCOTUS Devalues Women’s Safety
Topic: Supreme Court Decisions
Discussed by Arina Grossu
with Family Research Council (

On Monday, June 27, SCOTUS announced its 5-3 decision in Whole Woman's Health v. Hellerstedt, striking down Texas’ H.B. 2 common-sense regulation and enforcement of basic health standards in abortion facilities.

Arina Grossu is the Director of the Center for Human Dignity with the Family Research Council. She believes, and rightfully so, that “The need to regulate abortion facilities is necessary to protect women against cut-and-run abortionists at shoddy abortion facilities.”

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are there any medical doctors on the US Supreme Court?

Are the Supreme Court Justices placing women’s lives at risk?

Wasn’t the battle cry of those wanting to legalize abortion in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s: ‘No More Back Alley Abortions’? Arina says, “What the Supreme Court did was bring the back alley right into the abortion facilities and give them a stamp of approval.” Listen in as Arina quotes from the SCOTUS majority opinion concerning their decision. NOTE: If you are pro-life, it will make your blood boil.

Arina Grossu also reveals some shocking statistics regarding blatant, criminal behavior by abortionists and others who work at abortion facilities which the Supreme Court Justices acknowledge exists. Yet, they did nothing to help keep women safe. Nothing. NOTE: If you are pro-life, it will make your blood boil even more than it was before.

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June 29, 2016

Title: Huge Blow to the Pro-Life Movement
Topic: Supreme Court Decisions
Discussed by Roger Severino
with The Heritage Foundation (

What is the next step after the recent Supreme Court decision concerning abortion clinics in Texas?

New guest, Roger Severino, focuses on religious liberty, marriage, and life issues as director of the DeVos Center for Religion and Civil Society at The Heritage Foundation. Today, he will be discussing the impact of Monday’s Supreme Court decision on pro-life efforts not only in Texas, but all of the United States.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did the Supreme Court choose profits over women's health? Listen in as Roger explains what the Texas law entailed and why it was to help women, not hinder.

In the majority opinion, did five Justices actually agree that some doctors are going to ignore laws anyway, so why pass another law? Really?

However, the Supreme Court recently ruled that states have a right to require safety standards for women. Why did they flip?

Should we just toss the Constitution in the trash?

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March 8, 2016

Title: SCOTUS Abortion Decision
Topic: Supreme Court Decisions
Discussed by Arina Grossu
with Family Research Council (

Besides the obvious fact that banning all abortions is the best solution, Texas simply wants to ensure Planned Parenthood and other abortion facilities are clean and safe for women and babies. Now, the Supreme Court of the United States will be deciding what matters most: killing babies or safer, cleaner facilities.

Arina Grossu is the Director of the Center for Human Dignity with the Family Research Council. “Women are being hurt in abortion facilities all around the country. Women have died,” Arina says. “The law that’s at stake right now is concerning very basic, very necessary health and safety standards.” Listen in as Arina describes some of the issues at hand and why abortion facilities should have the same standard of care as other out-patient facilities.

Another aspect of the Texas law being challenged concerns “doctor admitting privileges” at nearby hospitals. Most abortion doctors are not on staff or do not have privileges at hospitals. If a complication arises during or even days after an abortion, this puts women at serious risk. “It’s unconscionable that the abortion industry is even fighting this,” Arina says as she explains why the abortion industry is doing everything they can to stop this.

The Supreme Court Justices have heard the oral arguments. Now is the time that Christians must hit their knees and pray without ceasing. We are currently missing one major, key vote in our favor since Justice Scalia passed away. “While we wait [for the vote], we must continue to be vocal about what is going on in the abortion industry,” Arina also implores. Make sure friends, family members, co-workers, neighbors – everyone – realize how dangerous abortions really are.

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February 15, 2016

Title: Supreme Court is Trying to do Right for Once
Topic: Supreme Court Decisions
Discussed by Nicolas Loris
with The Heritage Foundation (

New guest Nicolas Loris is an economy expert on energy and environment, climate change, energy policy, coal, oil, and natural gas, renewable energy with the Heritage Foundation. Nicolas is here today to discuss the recent decision from the Supreme Court concerning the EPA’s Clean Power Plan. While they did not come to a final decision yet, they have put a temporary halt to Obama’s EPA and their desire to take over control of the county’s electric system.

Nicolas firmly believes that each individual state should have total control over how to best meet the people’s energy needs. In regards to the current system, he says: “The laws of supply and demand for energy work pretty well.” However, the Clean Power Plan would overhaul each state’s energy economy. The same goes for the affordability of the various energy forms. States know best! Listen in as Nicolas explains why.

“It’s not just a war on coal; it’s a war on families and businesses,” Nicolas Loris boldly states. And he is exactly right! As with most other schemes by the EPA, the Clean Power Plan is an attempt to bankrupt the coal industry. After all, back in 2008, Obama stated that he would do just that if elected to the Presidency. He only has a few short months left to complete this dream of his and he is putting the hammer to the nail.

Nicolas goes on to discuss how the EPA is becoming more and more bold in their attempts to take control of our lives. They do not care about the family. They do not care about the small business. They see dollar signs and will do everything they can to increase that number. “This has nothing to do with regulating the point source of emission which is the power plant. It’s about restructuring America’s energy sector. And that’s problematic,” Nicolas warns.

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Title: Temporary Strike Against the EPA
Topic: Supreme Court Decisions
Discussed by Kathleen White
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

The Supreme Court has finally done something right! Oh, Hallelujah! What on earth are we talking about? Kathleen White, with the Texas Public Policy Foundation, is an expert on all things concerning the environment and is here today to give us the scoop. Note: She also chaired the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality from 2001-2007. The TCEQ is the second largest environment regulatory agency in the world (only the EPA is larger).

So, what happened? What did SCOTUS do? They issued a stay on Obama’s Clean Power Plan. “This is a regulation unlike any that the EPA has ever issued,” Kathleen says. The Clean Power Plan will ultimately give the EPA complete and total control over the entire electric sector in the United States. Yes – they want control over all the electricity in every state. “There is nothing in the law that gives the EPA this kind of authority,” she explains.

We’ve explained many times on the What’s UP Radio Program how America companies that moved their production business to Europe decades ago are now coming back to the US due to the outrageous electric rates overseas. Kathleen White goes on to discuss the drastic increase in electric rates in Europe, specifically in Germany and England. They are paying three times more than we are! That is just ridiculous! Note: Most Germans don’t live in 2,000+ square foot homes like we do in the US. They live in 750 square foot apartments – and they can’t even afford to heat and cool those!

Energy is wonderful! It keeps us healthy!” Kathleen proclaims. But what will happen here if Obama (or Hillary or Bernie) grants total control to the EPA, shutting down all coal-fired electric plants? The Clean Power Plan is designed to control every aspect of electricity in the United States. It’s just like Obamacare and we all know how well that’s turned out to be! The EPA has even admitted that their Clean Power Plan will only reduce the “predicted rate of warming by 0.02 degrees Celsius”. That is nothing! That doesn’t even register as a change!

Listen in as Kathleen White explains what will happen if the EPA is given unchecked control. We are not out of the woods yet regarding this issue. The Supreme Court merely issued a “stay” and will still review all the presented material. We need to pray they shut it down completely!

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July 13, 2015

Title: The Supreme Court has Murdered the Rule of Law
Topic: Supreme Court Decisions
Discussed by Dr. Tamzin Rosenwasser
with Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (

The Rule of Law was murdered on June 25, 2015, when the Supreme Court upheld Obamacare. Jonathan Gruber, the mastermind behind Obamacare, can be seen – on video – stating that the American people, especially the politicians, have been duped. How can SCOTUS blatantly ignore this fact?

As a life-long dog lover and trainer, Dr. Tamzin Rosenwasser realized that her dogs have better access to medical care and more medical privacy than she had. Furthermore, her veterinarians are paid more than physicians in the United States for the exact same surgeries. So, she has decided to be a voice for the people and fight back against Obamacare and other issues.

Today, Dr. Rosenwasser is here to discuss The Law: What is right and wrong? Are laws black and white, or are there gray areas? Do judges have the authority to interpret laws differently than the people? Listen in as Dr. Rosenwasser explains in more detail how she believes the Justices are being “intellectually dishonest”.

These Justices are not the boss of us,” she proclaims. We need to stop them – now!

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March 8, 2011

Title: 10 million dollar Verdict Reversed by US Supreme Court: Good or Bad?
Topic: Supreme Court Decisions
Discussed by Professor Bradley Jacob
with Regent University (

Mr. Snyder was offended that the Baptist Pastor Fred Phelps and some of his church members protested at the cemetery where he was burying his son.   So Mr. Snyder sued for $10 Million dollars and the jury agreed with him, awarding a $10 million dollar judgment. But the U. S. Supreme Court reversed the award. Why?  Is this good or bad for the American people?  Professor Bradley Jacob, from Regent University, adds clarity to this issue. For more, log onto .

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January 20, 2006

Topic: Supreme Court Decisions
Discussed by Dr. David Stevens
with Christian Medical and Dental Association

Two recent Supreme Court decisions effected all Americans. 1) Should parents be involved in the decision of a minor to have an abortion? 2) Can I instruct a doctor to kill me or my loved ones?

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