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March 6, 2024

Title: Biden’s Green Agenda is a Financial Disaster for Minority Communities
Topic: Democrats Historically Oppressed Blacks
Discussed by Donna Jackson
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 2

Donna Jackson is the Director for Membership Development for Project 21, a division of the National Center for Public Policy Research. Today, Donna gives an update on Joe Biden’s proposed Green Agenda and reveals just how much the “deal” will affect minorities. She says: “The Green Agenda is the end of wealth.”

Click here to read Donna Jackson’s important editorial on this issue.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Refresh our memories: What is the Green Agenda? Donna Jackson puts it this way: “It’s a de-human, de-population agenda.”

Is there any equity or any justice in the Green Agenda? Donna explains how the Green Agenda hinders Americans, especially minorities, from owning their own property/land.

Is the Green Agenda focused on offshoring industry and manufacturing, removing good-paying jobs from able-bodied Americans? Donna lists some of the higher paying blue-collar jobs that are becoming non-existent due to the Green Agenda.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Biden’s Green Agenda is a Financial Disaster for Minority Communities
Topic: Democrats Historically Oppressed Blacks
Discussed by Donna Jackson
with Project 21 (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are the escalating energy costs hurting struggling minorities? Donna discusses how “energy poverty” is causing depression and ruining families.

Does mandating electric vehicles (EV’s) hurt minorities? Donna reveals how this is hurting minorities on TWO continents: slave labor in Africa and higher taxes in America.

Click here to help support Project 21, a division of the National Center for Public Policy Research.

Click here to sign up for FREE email updates from the National Center for Public Policy Research.

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June 22, 2023

Title: What do Black Americans Really Need?
Topic: Democrats Historically Oppressed Blacks
Discussed by Donna Jackson
with Project 21 (

Donna Jackson is the Director for Membership Development at Project 21. Today, Donna shares some of her talking points from her recent testimony before the US Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works.

Click here to read the full transcript of Donna Jackson’s testimony.

Click here for more from Donna Jackson.

Click here to subscribe to free emails from the National Center for Public Policy Research.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Project 21 is one of the oldest and largest black conservative think tanks in the country. Why is their fundamental focus to lift people out of poverty and dependence into prosperity and self-sufficiency?

Can individuals and families be lifted out of poverty and dependency on government without good jobs being readily available? Donna explains why the answer is “absolutely not”.

Why did Donna recently testify before the US Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works?

Can a thriving industry with good paying jobs co-exist with clean air and clean water? Donna explains why the answer is “absolutely”.

Are good jobs a building-block for strong families?

Click here to help support Project 21, a division of the National Center for Public Policy Research.

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May 26, 2023

Title: Durham Reports Exposed
Topic: Gaslighting
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

Horace Cooper is the co-chairman of the Project 21 National Advisory Board, sponsored by the National Center for Public Policy Research. Today, Horace discusses the “Durham Reports”, a 300+-page document delivered by Special Counsel John Durham. The report revealed that the Department of Justice and FBI “failed to uphold their mission of strict fidelity to the law” in their initiation of the Trump-Russia investigation.

Click here to read more on this topic from the National Center for Public Policy Research.

Click here  for more from Horace Cooper on this and other issues.

Click here to help support the National Center for Public Policy Research.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did John Durham reference which laws were broken?

Will charges be filed? Horace Cooper doesn’t believe charges will be filed, but does believe the eyes of the American people have been opened and they will be paying much closer attention in the future.

Could those guilty lose their jobs and pensions?

Will civil action be taken by those accused of wrongdoing? Horace Cooper passionately discusses why the American people need to “take the car keys away”.

What’s next?

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May 24, 2023

Title: Durham Reports Exposed
Topic: Gaslighting
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

Horace Cooper is the co-chairman of the Project 21 National Advisory Board, sponsored by the National Center for Public Policy Research. Today, Horace discusses the “Durham Reports”, a 300+-page document delivered by Special Counsel John Durham. The report revealed that the Department of Justice and FBI “failed to uphold their mission of strict fidelity to the law” in their initiation of the Trump-Russia investigation.

Click here to read more on this topic from the National Center for Public Policy Research.

Click here  for more from Horace Cooper on this and other issues.

Click here to help support the National Center for Public Policy Research.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did John Durham reference which laws were broken?

Will charges be filed? Horace Cooper doesn’t believe charges will be filed, but does believe the eyes of the American people have been opened and they will be paying much closer attention in the future.

Could those guilty lose their jobs and pensions?

Will civil action be taken by those accused of wrongdoing? Horace Cooper passionately discusses why the American people need to “take the car keys away”.

What’s next?

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May 19, 2023

Title: Biden Emission Standards Will Devastate Economy, Especially Minority Families and Businesses
Topic: Green New Deal Exposed
Discussed by Donna Jackson
with Project 21 (

Donna Jackson is the Director of Membership Development for Project 21. She recently testified against new emission standards proposed by the Biden Administration.

Today, Donna discusses the negative effects the new proposed emissions standards will have on minority families and businesses.

Click here to read the press release regarding this serious issue.

Click here to sign up for free emails from the National Center for Public Policy Research.

Click here to help support the National Center for Public Policy Research.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What are the new emissions standards the EPA is proposing?

Will the proposed new standards make it nearly impossible for manufactures to continue building many popular gasoline and diesel-powered vehicles? Donna explains how the current electrical grid is overloaded and nearly every person in America has experienced at least one blackout. Adding millions of electric vehicles will only exasperate the problem.

Is the EPA planning for more electric generating capacity across America? Donna says: “The technology doesn’t exist. This is just a pretense to take away private vehicles from Americans.”

Is the EPA and Biden Administration ignoring the labor conditions of the people (often child slaves) mining cobalt in the Congo?

Is the EPA and the Biden Administration ignoring the hardship the new proposed rule will have on the poorest in our communities? Donna passionately explains the many reasons why owning an electric vehicle is unattainable for the majority of minorities.

Why do so many minorities still vote on the Democrat ticket when so many of their policies are harmful? Donna has seen a shift in this over the past few years and is hopeful for the next election.

How can we educate minorities about the issues that are affecting them?

Click here for more information about Project 21, a program of the National Center for Public Policy Research.

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January 25, 2023

Title: Minority Communities are Suffering Under the Green Energy Agenda
Topic: Green New Deal Exposed
Discussed by Donna Jackson
with Project 21 (

Plentiful and affordable energy is necessary for rising above poverty and leaving dependency on government behind. Why can’t the Left realize this?

Donna Jackson serves as the Director of Membership Development for the National Center’s Project 21 Black Leadership Network. She recently presented testimony on this important issue before the US House Committee on Energy & Commerce. Today, Donna discusses some statistics straight from the US Energy Information Administration.

Click here to read Donna Jackon’s official statement.

Click here to read more about this topic.

Click here for more from Donna Jackson.

Click here for more information about the National Center for Public Policy Research.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

When Donna Jackson testified before the US House Committee on Energy & Commerce, did they truly listen to what she had to say?

Are escalating energy costs especially tough on families living paycheck to paycheck? Donna says that too many people are actually living “paycheck to Wednesday!”

Do one-third of households struggle to pay their energy bills? Do one-in-five report reducing or foregoing necessities like food or medicine in order to pay their energy bill?

PAY ATTENTION TO THIS ONE! Are black families and black-owned small business trapped in a never-ending cycle? Donna believes it is a deliberate attack, saying: “They want a permanent government-dependent underclass… [They want to] micromanage every aspect of your life… They’re not only trapping people in poverty; they’re actually pushing middle-class families into poverty.”

Is plentiful and affordable domestic energy a necessary part of the ticket out of poverty and dependence?

The US House Committee on Energy & Commerce is now under Republican control. Was their response to her testimony drastically different than the previous Democrat-controlled Committee?

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January 13, 2023

Title: Minority Communities are Suffering Under the Green Energy Agenda
Topic: Green New Deal Exposed
Discussed by Donna Jackson
with Project 21 (

Plentiful and affordable energy is necessary for rising above poverty and leaving dependency on government behind. Why can’t the Left realize this?

Donna Jackson serves as the Director of Membership Development for the National Center’s Project 21 Black Leadership Network. She recently presented testimony on this important issue before the US House Committee on Energy & Commerce. Today, Donna discusses some statistics straight from the US Energy Information Administration.

Click here to read Donna Jackon’s official statement.

Click here to read more about this topic.

Click here for more from Donna Jackson.

Click here for more information about the National Center for Public Policy Research.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

When Donna Jackson testified before the US House Committee on Energy & Commerce, did they truly listen to what she had to say?

Are escalating energy costs especially tough on families living paycheck to paycheck? Donna says that too many people are actually living “paycheck to Wednesday!”

Do one-third of households struggle to pay their energy bills? Do one-in-five report reducing or foregoing necessities like food or medicine in order to pay their energy bill?

PAY ATTENTION TO THIS ONE! Are black families and black-owned small business trapped in a never-ending cycle? Donna believes it is a deliberate attack, saying: “They want a permanent government-dependent underclass… [They want to] micromanage every aspect of your life… They’re not only trapping people in poverty; they’re actually pushing middle-class families into poverty.”

Is plentiful and affordable domestic energy a necessary part of the ticket out of poverty and dependence?

The US House Committee on Energy & Commerce is now under Republican control. Was their response to her testimony drastically different than the previous Democrat-controlled Committee?

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November 10, 2022

Title: Has Affirmative Action Failed – Miserably?
Topic: Affirmative Action
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

US Senator Ted Cruz has stated: “The use of Affirmative Action to decide who gets to attend which colleges has led to explicit racial discrimination against Asian Americans in particular…”

Horace Cooper is the co-chairman for Project 21, a division of the National Center for Public Policy Research. Today, Horace Cooper discusses the downfall of Affirmative Action and what needs to be done to ensure all Americans get an equal shot at higher education.

Click here to read more on this issue from Horace Cooper.

Click here to donate to the National Center for Public Policy Research, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing free market solutions to today’s public policy problems.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are Asian Americans being discriminated against because of their race by the admissions policies of Harvard College and the University of North Carolina? Horace says: “Competition isn’t bigoted. Competition isn’t racist. But the idea that you need special protection... that relies on bigotry.”

Is Affirmative Action divisive and crippling?

Can skin color predict a person’s contributions to society under? Horace uses football recruitment as a great example to explain what exactly is going on with Affirmative Action.

Does Affirmative Action stereotype minority students instead of treating them as individuals?

In a 2003 case, then-Justice Sandra Day O’Connor suggested racial preferences “will no longer be necessary” in 25 years. Has that day arrived?

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November 3, 2022

Title: Has Affirmative Action Failed – Miserably?
Topic: Affirmative Action
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

US Senator Ted Cruz has stated: “The use of Affirmative Action to decide who gets to attend which colleges has led to explicit racial discrimination against Asian Americans in particular…”

Horace Cooper is the co-chairman for Project 21, a division of the National Center for Public Policy Research. Today, Horace Cooper discusses the downfall of Affirmative Action and what needs to be done to ensure all Americans get an equal shot at higher education.

Click here to read more on this issue from Horace Cooper.

Click here to donate to the National Center for Public Policy Research, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing free market solutions to today’s public policy problems.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are Asian Americans being discriminated against because of their race by the admissions policies of Harvard College and the University of North Carolina? Horace says: “Competition isn’t bigoted. Competition isn’t racist. But the idea that you need special protection... that relies on bigotry.”

Is Affirmative Action divisive and crippling?

Can skin color predict a person’s contributions to society under? Horace uses football recruitment as a great example to explain what exactly is going on with Affirmative Action.

Does Affirmative Action stereotype minority students instead of treating them as individuals?

In a 2003 case, then-Justice Sandra Day O’Connor suggested racial preferences “will no longer be necessary” in 25 years. Has that day arrived?

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October 28, 2022

Title: Despite White House Claims, America is in a Recession
Topic: Inflation
Discussed by Derryck Green
with Project 21 (

Derryck Green is a political commentator, writer, and a member of Project 21, a division of the National Center for Public Policy Research. Today, Derryck explains that, although the Biden Administration has tried to deny it, a recession is here.

Click here to read the full op-ed by Project 21 contributor, David Almasi.

Click here for more from Derryck Green.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

On average, are Americans paying $500 more per month for groceries and $250 more per month for gasoline?

Is America definitely experiencing major inflation?

What is the definition of a recession?

Despite White House denial, are we in a recession?

What do we do to weather the storm?

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October 19, 2022

Title: Despite White House Claims, America is in a Recession
Topic: Inflation
Discussed by Derryck Green
with Project 21 (

Derryck Green is a political commentator, writer, and a member of Project 21, a division of the National Center for Public Policy Research. Today, Derryck explains that, although the Biden Administration has tried to deny it, a recession is here.

Click here to read the full op-ed by Project 21 contributor, David Almasi.

Click here for more from Derryck Green.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

On average, are Americans paying $500 more per month for groceries and $250 more per month for gasoline?

Is America definitely experiencing major inflation?

What is the definition of a recession?

Despite White House denial, are we in a recession?

What do we do to weather the storm?

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September 1, 2022

Title: Despite White House Claims, America is in a Recession
Topic: Inflation
Discussed by Derryck Green
with Project 21 (

Derryck Green is a political commentator, writer, and a member of Project 21, a division of the National Center for Public Policy Research. Today, Derryck explains that, although the Biden Administration has tried to deny it, a recession is here.

Click here to read the full op-ed by Project 21 contributor, David Almasi.

Click here for more from Derryck Green.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

On average, are Americans paying $500 more per month for groceries and $250 more per month for gasoline?

Is America definitely experiencing major inflation?

What is the definition of a recession?

Despite White House denial, are we in a recession?

What do we do to weather the storm?

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August 4, 2022

Title: Despite White House Claims, America is in a Recession
Topic: Inflation
Discussed by Derryck Green
with Project 21 (

Derryck Green is a political commentator, writer, and a member of Project 21, a division of the National Center for Public Policy Research. Today, Derryck explains that, although the Biden Administration has tried to deny it, a recession is here.

Click here to read the full op-ed by Project 21 contributor, David Almasi.

Click here for more from Derryck Green.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

On average, are Americans paying $500 more per month for groceries and $250 more per month for gasoline?

Is America definitely experiencing major inflation?

What is the definition of a recession?

Despite White House denial, are we in a recession?

What do we do to weather the storm?

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October 21, 2021

Title: Are Democrats Racist Against Black Conservatives?
Topic: Democrats Historically Oppressed Blacks
Discussed by Marie Fischer
with Project 21 (

Marie Fischer is a member of Project 21, a division of the National Center for Public Policy Research. Marie is currently serving as the 3rd Vice President for the Maryland Federation of Republican Women and was recently elected Vice President of the Maryland Republican Women Leaders organization.

Today, Marie discusses the Left’s hatred of Conservatives – specifically black Conservatives.

Click here to read Marie’s op-ed on this topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

If the Left is so focused on finding stories of prevalent racism, why don’t they look at their own treatment of black conservatives? Marie says: “When you cannot talk to people in a normal, human way, you spew vile – like an abuser.”

How did the Left treat: Larry Elder, Tim Scott, Dr. Ben Carson, and Star Parker?

Did Biden tell Black Voters for Trump that they weren’t black?

Has Marie ever been called a “Nazi”? Marie recalls debating illegal immigration at a town hall meeting…

Are black Conservatives routinely denigrated instead of being openly debated? Why do many Democrats accept and/or ignore this type of blatant racism?

Are Democrats (especially black Democrats) hypocrites?

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July 8, 2021

Title: HUGE Election Integrity Win at SCOTUS
Topic: Election Reform
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

In a recent 6-3 decision, the US Supreme Court ruled AGAINST ballot harvesting and voting in person where you do NOT live. This is a HUGE win for election integrity and reform!

Horace Cooper is a Senior Fellow with the National Center for Public Policy Research. He is a frequent guest on the What’s UP Radio Program and other radio and TV newscasts across the nation. Horace taught Constitutional Law at George Mason University and was a Senior Counsel to US House Majority Leader Dick Armey.

Click here for more on this topic from Horace Cooper and Project 21.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is “ballot harvesting”?

In 2005, former President Jimmy Carter and Secretary of State James Baker conducted a bipartisan report on ballot harvesting. What was their conclusion? Was there a similar study done in 1976?

What was the exact decision by SCOTUS?

What is “out-of-precinct voting”? Why is the Left pushing this so fiercely?

Many claim that both restricting ballot harvesting and out-of-precinct voting are racist against minorities, specifically black people. Is this true? Or is this enforcing voting integrity?

What were the Founding Fathers’ intentions for our election processes?

Horace closes the interview with this encouraging statement from SCOTUS: “The Fifteenth Amendment and the Voting Rights Act don’t advantage or disadvantage any political party because it doesn’t cover any political party. It’s only intended to make sure that any race group isn’t unduly impacted. There is no evidence that this happened in Arizona.”

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May 10, 2021

Title: Critical Race Theory
Topic: Critical Race Theory
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 3

Members of the Project 21 Black Leadership Network applaud the Trump Administration for seeking to defund all federal training rooted in "critical race theory," a radical philosophy promoting a false notion of systemic American racism, pitting races against each other.

Horace Cooper is a frequent guest on The What’s UP Radio Program and many other radio and television talk shows across America. He taught Constitutional Law at George Mason University in Virginia and was a senior counsel to US House Majority Leader Dick Armey. Horace is the co-chairman of the Project 21 National Advisory Board and a legal commentator.

For more from Horace Cooper, click here

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why is President Trump seeking to defund all federal training rooted in “critical race theory”?

Does critical race theory claim that people (mainly white men) have characteristics and behaviors due solely to their race? Is it in our DNA?

Does critical race theory encourage and even bully people (mainly white men) into admitting they are bigots and racists? Horace response: “This is a terribly evil idea! It is not different than what happened in apartheid and Jim Crowe.

Did Congress pass the law requiring government employees to participate in critical race theory training seminars? HINT: Nope! Then why are they forced to?!?!

How much do these training seminars cost? HINT: It’s A LOT!

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Critical Race Theory
Topic: Critical Race Theory
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Can the federal employee training sessions performed by outside contractors be cancelled? Horace explains what will happen on October 1, 2020.

Is the methodology of critical race theory and the ideology of antiracism dangerous?

Is critical race theory based on the premise that all white people are racists and unequally privileged as compared to black Americans? Horace says this is “mostly accurate”. Which part is not?

Are there more interracial marriages and births now than ever before?

Have complaints of racism and bigotry in the workplace dropped significantly in recent years?

Are more minority students going to college than ever before?

Are race-based hate crimes at an all-time low? (This does not include crimes against Jews, which is actually higher.)

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Critical Race Theory
Topic: Critical Race Theory
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are black Americans powerless in improving their lives without government help? Horace discusses success strategies that have worked time and time again. He says: “Black Americans, like white Americans and the rest of the country, have within their own power the ability to adopt these success strategies and achieve accordingly.

Should President Trump be commended and congratulated for wanting to cancel these training sessions?

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April 7, 2021

Title: Homeless in America: Can We Fix It?
Topic: Homelessness
Discussed by Derryck Green
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 3

There are far too many people (both individuals and families) who are homeless in America. Some even call it an epidemic. What can be done? Can we fix it? What is the role Christians should take on this issue?

Derryck Green is with Project 21, a division of the National Center for Public Policy Research. For more on this topic from Derryck Green, click here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Despite lip service by politicians and “homeless advocates” about fixing a problem they’ve helped create, is the problem is worsening?

California spends an outrageous amount of money attempting to curb homelessness. How many people are homeless in California, especially San Francisco?

What is “biblically based anthropology”? Should this be the Christian starting point on this issue?

Is there a difference between compassion and legitimizing self-destructive behaviors? Derryck say this: “We have to address the problem putting their needs as humans first. They (progressives) have redefined this understanding of compassion in which they have allowed people who are living on the streets to slowly destroy what remains of their dignity.”

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Homeless in America: Can We Fix It?
Topic: Homelessness
Discussed by Derryck Green
with Project 21 (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Have too many believers abdicated their moral responsibilities regarding their fellow citizens by not properly confronting the causation of homelessness?

Is the high price of housing a major cause for homelessness across America? The answer to this is complicated…

According to a recent UCLA study, 78% of the city’s “unsheltered population” suffers from mental illness, while 75% suffer from substance addiction. Are “tolerant” public policies permitting homelessness due to an interdependence of sympathy and cowardice?

Are politicians terrified of being blamed for restricting people’s right to panhandle, public encampments, and drug use?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Homeless in America: Can We Fix It?
Topic: Homelessness
Discussed by Derryck Green
with Project 21 (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Should a homeless person be forced to receive mental or medical assistance? Does this violate their civil rights?

Many people argue that the high cost of housing is the major driving cause of homeless. Is this true?

Has homelessness been normalized?

Derryck Green discusses some suggestions for tackling the homeless problem across America. Bottom line: “Human dignity first. Politics second.”

Do we treat animals with more dignity than we do fellow human beings?

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March 9, 2021

Title: Ballot Harvesting and Provisional Ballots
Topic: Election Reform
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 2

There has been much debate about the legality of the 2020 Presidential Election. Are they simply conspiracy claims? Or are there much deeper issues at hand that have been present for many years?

Horace Cooper discusses ballot harvesting and provisional ballots today. He says this: “Phony claims of voter suppression should never trump legitimate voter integrity measures. All Americans - black, white or brown - benefit from ensuring that authentic, duly-registered voters cast the ballots that decide what policies and elected officials will govern their communities."

Find more on this topic from Horace Cooper here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is ballot harvesting?

Who have become the masters of ballot harvesting? Horace boldly states: “It is the Progressives who…want policy outcomes that are overwhelming rejected.”

Instead of trying to stop ballot harvesting, why don’t Republicans emulate, duplicate, and mimic the practice of ballot harvesting?

Is this issue now before the US Supreme Court? What is their claim? What happens if the Supreme Court rules in favor of ballot harvesting?

Is there evidence that Arizona’s voting laws were passed to harm people of color? HINT: Absolutely not!

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Ballot Harvesting and Provisional Ballots
Topic: Election Reform
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do states set the rules for who votes, when they vote, and how to count the votes?

Horace makes this statement: “If you allow people to show up at various precincts not where they live and still have their vote count you are going to encourage fewer and fewer people to take one of the most solemn and important responsibilities of self-government.”

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September 18, 2020

Title: Critical Race Theory
Topic: Critical Race Theory
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 3

Members of the Project 21 Black Leadership Network applaud the Trump Administration for seeking to defund all federal training rooted in "critical race theory," a radical philosophy promoting a false notion of systemic American racism, pitting races against each other.

Horace Cooper is a frequent guest on The What’s UP Radio Program and many other radio and television talk shows across America. He taught Constitutional Law at George Mason University in Virginia and was a senior counsel to US House Majority Leader Dick Armey. Horace is the co-chairman of the Project 21 National Advisory Board and a legal commentator.

For more from Horace Cooper, click here

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why is President Trump seeking to defund all federal training rooted in “critical race theory”?

Does critical race theory claim that people (mainly white men) have characteristics and behaviors due solely to their race? Is it in our DNA?

Does critical race theory encourage and even bully people (mainly white men) into admitting they are bigots and racists? Horace response: “This is a terribly evil idea! It is not different than what happened in apartheid and Jim Crowe.

Did Congress pass the law requiring government employees to participate in critical race theory training seminars? HINT: Nope! Then why are they forced to?!?!

How much do these training seminars cost? HINT: It’s A LOT!

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Critical Race Theory
Topic: Critical Race Theory
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Can the federal employee training sessions performed by outside contractors be cancelled? Horace explains what will happen on October 1, 2020.

Is the methodology of critical race theory and the ideology of antiracism dangerous?

Is critical race theory based on the premise that all white people are racists and unequally privileged as compared to black Americans? Horace says this is “mostly accurate”. Which part is not?

Are there more interracial marriages and births now than ever before?

Have complaints of racism and bigotry in the workplace dropped significantly in recent years?

Are more minority students going to college than ever before?

Are race-based hate crimes at an all-time low? (This does not include crimes against Jews, which is actually higher.)

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Critical Race Theory
Topic: Critical Race Theory
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are black Americans powerless in improving their lives without government help? Horace discusses success strategies that have worked time and time again. He says: “Black Americans, like white Americans and the rest of the country, have within their own power the ability to adopt these success strategies and achieve accordingly.

Should President Trump be commended and congratulated for wanting to cancel these training sessions?

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July 27, 2020

Title: GOYA Boycott Fails Miserably
Topic: Boycotts
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 2

Recently, the CEO of the company GOYA announced their support of President Trump. Of course, this caused chaos and heartbreak among the cancel culture, who immediately called for a boycott of the company. Hilariously, their plan backfired.

Today, Horace Cooper discusses how the woke crowd wants us all to splinter into competing little groups - like peeling the layers off an onion. Horace taught constitutional law at George Mason University in Virginia and was a senior counsel to US House Majority Leader Dick Armey. He is now the co-chairman of the Project 21 National Advisory Board.

More from Horace Cooper on this topic can be found here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are ALL Americans held together by civil discourse and economic prosperity?

What is meant by the “woke crowd”?

Is the woke crowd trying to unite or divide the country?

Horace once met President Obama. What was that experience like?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - GOYA Boycott Fails Miserably
Topic: Boycotts
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did the CEO of Goya Foods participate in White House events with President Obama?

Did Conservatives go crazy demanding a boycott of Goya Foods?

How exactly did the Left, Antifa, and BLM react to CEO’s praise of President Trump?

Has Horace Cooper ever been called an Uncle Tom? Who has called him this name?

Have Americans picked prosperity over protest and boycotts?

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June 17, 2020

Title: Stop Rationalizing and Excusing Criminal Activity
Topic: Blacks Believe Too Many Lies
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 2

We have had several members of Project 21 on the show recently discussing the riots and looting happening all across America. Are they productive? Do the people spread love? Does America need a heart change?

Today, co-chairman of Project 21 Horace Cooper discusses this in more detail, focusing on other issues like black unemployment, defunding police departments, and why the left loves to blame President Trump for everything.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

President Trump focused on reducing black unemployment pre-COVID 19. Was he successful?

Many Americans were forced into unemployment due to COVID-19. Excluding areas ravaged by recent riots, will job opportunities quickly return? In fact, are we already seeing the unemployment rate decrease?

Historically, in areas ravaged by riots, looting, and burning, have small businesses quickly rebuilt in those areas and re-hired employees? Horace says this: “If you bring rioting and looting into an area, that’s a guaranteed way to set it back at least a decade.

What is a “food desert”? What is a “pharmacy desert”?

If small businesses rarely recover after riots, looting, and burning, will larger, big-box businesses survive/return?

Why do progressives blame President Trump for the riots? Horace points out that many of the far-left Democrats in these cities have been in office for up to 50 years. So how and why can it be Trump’s fault?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Stop Rationalizing and Excusing Criminal Activity
Topic: Blacks Believe Too Many Lies
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Many progressives are calling for defunding and dismantling police departments. What would this accomplish?

Are faith-based organizations better equipped to affect positive change in America?

Why do Progressives label Conservatives as “devils”? Horace has a great suggestion of something all Conservatives can do so the cancel culture cannot attack you…

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June 15, 2020

Title: Does America Need a Heart Change?
Topic: All Lives Matter
Discussed by Marie Fischer
with Project 21 (

Does America need a heart change?

Marie Fischer is a Project 21 member. She is currently serving as the 3rd Vice President for the Maryland Federation of Republican Women (MFRW).

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why are some people destroying their own neighborhoods while protesting?

Why are some bailing out those protesters as a sign of support? Why don’t they instead give the money to the home and business owners whose homes or businesses were destroyed?

Will many of the small businesses that have been destroyed ever come back?

Will larger business ever come back to the neighborhoods that have experienced such violence?

Does America have a heart problem? Marie Fischer shares how she has faced more anti-Semitism because she is Jewish – not racism because she is black!

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Title: Does America Need a Heart Change?
Topic: All Lives Matter
Discussed by Derryck Green
with Project 21 (

Does America need a heart change?

Derryck Green is a member of Project 21. He’s a faculty member at Prager University and his course, Who Are the Racists: Conservatives or Liberals  has over one million unique views across several social media platforms.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. say about riots?

By and large, have black leaders rebuked rioting and looting for being counterproductive? HINT: Nope!

Does Deryck Green believe the riots and looting are actually destroying the memory of George Floyd?

Do residents of communities that are being destroyed by the rioters condemn their actions?

Why don’t mom and pop stores rebuild after their business is destroyed by rioters?

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Title: Does America Need a Heart Change?
Topic: All Lives Matter
Discussed by Deroy Murdock
with Project 21 (

Does America need a heart change?

Murdock is a founding member of the Project 21 black leadership network. He is a nationally-syndicated columnist with the Scripps Howard News Service and a Fox News Contributor. His column, “This Opinion Just In,” reaches approximately 400 newspapers across America each week.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why did rioters loot the George Floyd spotlight?

Have black neighborhoods been demolished as a result of the rioting, looting, and burning?

Will small business that have been decimated ever return?

Will many of the larger business relocate away from the scarred communities?

What is a “food desert” or a “pharmacy desert”?

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June 12, 2020

Title: Does America Need a Heart Change?
Topic: All Lives Matter
Discussed by Stacy Washington
with Project 21 (

Does America need a heart change?

Stacy Washington is co-chair of the Project 21 National Advisory Board. She also hosts the nationally syndicated radio program Stacy on the Right.  Stacy was named the 2nd Amendment Foundation Journalist of the Year in 2018.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is expressing grievances to our elected officials in the form of protest a time-honored tradition and protected by the US Constitution?

In city after city across America, have we been watching a coordinated effort to destroy the rule of law?

Is there clear evidence that outside agitators have infiltrated peaceful protestors?

Are some of the peaceful protestors following the lead of the rioters and looters? NOTE: Not all – just some…

In general, does the rule of law reign in black communities across the nation?

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Title: Does America Need a Heart Change?
Topic: All Lives Matter
Discussed by Christopher Arps
with Project 21 (

Does America need a heart change?

Christopher Arps is a national advisory board member for the National Center for Public Policy Research’s Project 21. He is the co-founder of Move On Up  and is also a host, guest host, and contributor on KFTK 97.1 in St. Louis, MO.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does Christopher Arps believe every American of good conscience was sickened by the death of George Floyd?

Does Christopher Arps believe that every American of good conscience is sickened and angered by the rioters and anarchists who have been looting and burning private and public property?

Must peaceful protestors speak out forcefully against those who have infiltrated their ranks?

Should protestors limit their demonstrations to daylight hours only?

Has the discourse gotten out of hand? If so, why?

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Title: Does America Need a Heart Change?
Topic: All Lives Matter
Discussed by Martin Baker
with Project 21 (

Does America need a heart change?

Martin Baker is Project 21 member and is a co-founder of Move On Up,  a black Conservative organization. Martin was raised in Sikeston, Missouri, and studied American history at Brigham Young University-Idaho and political science at the University of Missouri at Columbia.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does America need a heart change?

Jesus commanded his followers to love their neighbors. Who is my neighbor?

Is protesting wrongs and seeking redress guaranteed by our US Constitution?

Does the Bible give instructions on how we should act toward others?

Martin Baker is a father to three daughters and one son. How does he instruct them concerning the issues we are facing today?

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April 30, 2020

Title: 1619 Project
Topic: The 1619 Project
Discussed by Christopher Arps
with Project 21 (

Christopher Arps is a National Advisory Board Member for the National Center for Public Policy Research’s Project 21, a leading voice of black conservatives for over 25 years.

Today, Christopher discusses a recent NYT article “1619 Project”. Were they truthful? Did they lie? Click here  for Christopher’s rebuttal.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the “1619 Project”?

Has the “1619 Project” been debunked by historians?

Did the head of the project backpedal and actually admit to mistakes? Were they sincere in their apology? HINT: Nope…

Has the NYT lost some of its credibility over the past few years?

Is the 1619 Project a travesty?

Is the 1619 Project an attempt to destroy patriotism and love for America in the minds of its people and the people of the world?

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January 21, 2020

Title: Sandman was slandered. He Sued. He Won.
Topic: Media Defamation Finally Loses
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

Remember the young man, Nick Sandmann, who was harassed and falsely accused by the CNN as a racist bigot? Whatever happened to Nick? Well, he sued and won!

Horace Coopers is a Senior Fellow with the National Center for Public Policy Research and co-chairman of the Project 21 National Advisory Board. They applaud Nick Sandmann's decision to stand up to leftist bullies and fight back by suing CNN and others.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What did Horace Cooper say concerning CNN slandering Nick Sandmann?

What is defamation? Is it difficult to win a defamation lawsuit?

Have too many journalists and news organizations abandoned their job to find and report the facts?

Is there proof that would convict President Donald Trump of being a racist?

Why can politicians spread rumors and out-right lies about another public figure without consequences?

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September 19, 2019

Title: Record Low Black Unemployment
Topic: Trump Economics Helps Blacks and Hispanics
Discussed by Leo Fuller
with Project 21 (

Black unemployment is at records LOWS. So, why aren’t black activists applauding this accomplishment?

New guest, Leo Fuller, is a member of the national advisory council of the Project 21 Black Leadership Network, a division of the National Canter. Leo was the first black manufactured home dealer in southern California and has been operating his business for over 33 years. In his community, he is a prominent political activist and serves on the board of his church.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why aren’t the record-low black unemployment numbers being cheered by all black activists and the MSM?

Do Project 21 members credit President Trump’s economic policies for increased minority opportunities?

Did the first Black President, Barak Obama, ever have employment numbers matching President Trumps?

Why can’t the majority of Americans see the REAL difference in Trump’s policies and Obama’s policies?

How can Conservatives compete against “Santa Clause”? Leo Fuller says the first thing we must do is take back our schools.

Why do the majority of blacks vote for Democrats?

Leo shares how he was STUNNED to see the radicals at Berkley, where his middle daughter graduated college. He says this in closing: “We are no longer whites vs blacks. We’re no longer Hispanics vs Asians. We’re Americans against the rest of the world.

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August 12, 2019

Title: Drill Here. Drill Now.
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

Although America is becoming increasingly energy independent, it’s still vulnerable to political upheavals. For example, environmentalists are fighting a new development in Alaska which could produce a significant amount of oil, boosting our country’s economy.

Horace Cooper has more details today. Horace is a Senior Fellow with the National Center for Public Policy Research, Co-Chairman of the Project 21 National Advisory Board, and a legal commentator. Click here for more from Horace on this issue.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Can anyone accurately forecast America’s energy needs?

Can the US afford to be in a position where bad actors use oil and/or natural gas exports as leverage to influence political events around the globe?

Horace points out that we have the ability to make our own destiny. Listen as he explains…

By allowing drilling activity on 2,000 acres in Alaska, would Americans have access to oil in substantial quantities? More on this in the next segment…

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Drill Here. Drill Now.
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How much recoverable oil could be produced from developing a mere 2,000-acre plot of land?

What is stopping the exploration and development of this oil in Alaska?

FACT: Every new house in California MUST have a solar component. In addition, there are some counties in California where natural gas use is completely banned.

Where do we draw the line?

Click here  to send Terry a comment on this important issue!

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August 6, 2019

Title: Baltimore Where Democrats Partner with the NAACP
Topic: Democrats Historically Oppressed Blacks
Discussed by Marie Fischer
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 2

Al Sharpton is running to Baltimore to meet up with Michael Steele, the former lieutenant governor of Maryland. Together they plan to criticize President Donald Trump for his tweets calling Baltimore crime-ridden and rat-infested.

Here with the details is new guest, Marie Fischer. Marie, a member of The National Center’s Project 21.

Project 21, in its “Blueprint for a Better Deal for Black America,” offers dozens of recommendations over 10 policy areas for helping revive stalled and failing black communities. These recommendations include better educational opportunities, job growth, safer streets, and increasing the role of communities of faith.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What have DEMOCRAT leaders said about the sad state of Baltimore in the past?

Do the citizens of Baltimore deserve better? Hint: YES.

Are the DEMOCRAT leaders in Baltimore even trying to make life better for the citizens of the city? Hint: NO.

What campaign promise did President Trump make concerning the serious problem in nearly every DEMOCRAT-led major city in America? Did the MSM call him racist for this promise?

What is Project 21’s “Blueprint for America”? Has this blueprint been presented to the White House?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Baltimore Where Democrats Partner with the NAACP
Topic: Democrats Historically Oppressed Blacks
Discussed by Marie Fischer
with Project 21 (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What does the current education system in Baltimore look like? HINT: no graduating senior reads on grade level. Proof, that’s what Democrats do.

Are police officers getting a bad rap, especially in DEMOCRAT-led cities like Baltimore?

The NAACP is headquartered in Baltimore. What are they doing to improve the quality of life? They have headquartered there for nearly 35 years.

Do politicians care more about acquiring power and money and not enough about the people?

When did the Democrat Party begin to go astray?

Click here to read more on this issue.

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June 24, 2019

Title: Reparations: Good or Bad?
Topic: Reparation
Discussed by Donna Jackson
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 3

Reparation is the making of amends for a wrong one has done, by paying money to or otherwise helping those who have been wronged. Sounds great, right? Sounds like a Christian thing to do, right?

Donna Jackson is a seasoned accountant with public and private sector experience. Donna is a member of Project 21, a division of the National Center for Public Policy. Donna is the former controller for the Export-Import Bank of the United States. She is a member of the National Association of Black Accountants. She worked on the successful campaigns of Governor Mike Huckabee, Senator Tim Hutchinson, and Representative (now Governor) Asa Hutchinson.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why has Donna Jackson worked for so many Conservative Republicans?

If Congress should pass a reparation bill to pay money to descendants of American Slaves, would Donna Jackson personally receive a payment?

Our federal government, states, and cities have paid reparations in the past. Should descendants of American slaves receive a payment or payments now?

If descendants of American slaves can be identified today, should the owners and or descendants of the owners be held responsible for any reparation payment?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Reparations: Good or Bad?
Topic: Reparation
Discussed by Donna Jackson
with Project 21 (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who should be responsible for the payments? How would/could this be determined?

Donna also briefly discusses in her response how difficult it would be for someone to prove he/she is a full descendant of slaves. Tune in to the next segment for more…

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Reparations: Good or Bad?
Topic: Reparation
Discussed by Donna Jackson
with Project 21 (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Would Barack Obama qualify for reparations?

Rep. Jackson Lee, in promoting the Congressional hearing, has said: "While we have focused on the social effects of slavery and segregation, its continuing economic implications remain largely ignored by mainstream analysis. These economic issues are the root cause of many critical issues in the African-American community today, such as education, health care and criminal justice policy, including policing practices."

What is Donna Jackson’s response to this statement?

Are most – if not every – poor, black communities in America run by Democrats?

Bottom Line: Are reparations good or bad?

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June 21, 2019

Title: Reparations: Good or Bad?
Topic: Reparation
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 2

Reparation is the making of amends for a wrong one has done, by paying money to or otherwise helping those who have been wronged. Sounds great, right? Sounds like a Christian thing to do, right?

Horace Cooper believes this is a slippery slope. Horace is Senior Fellow with the National Center for Public Policy Research and co-chairman of the Project 21 National Advisory Board.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

If Congress should pass a reparation bill to pay money to descendants of American slaves, would Horace Cooper receive a payment?

How would recipients be determined? Has the government figured that one out yet?

Our federal government, states, and cities have paid reparations in the past. Should descendants of American Slaves receive a payment or payments now?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Reparations: Good or Bad?
Topic: Reparation
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

If descendants of American slaves can be identified today, should the owners and or descendants of the owners be held responsible for any reparation payment? Horace Cooper uses the Salem Witch Trials as an example to explain…

Does former President Barack Obama qualify for reparation?

Rep. Jackson Lee, in promoting the Congressional hearing, has said: "While we have focused on the social effects of slavery and segregation, its continuing economic implications remain largely ignored by mainstream analysis. These economic issues are the root cause of many critical issues in the African-American community today, such as education, health care and criminal justice policy, including policing practices."

Does Horace Cooper agree with Rep. Lee’s statement?

Is reparation talk just a big scam?

Before LBJ’s War on Poverty, were there more intact black families than today? Were there fewer black men in prison? Were there more black millionaires?

Did Democrats actually pass laws which made it harder for black men to find jobs?

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June 4, 2019

Title: Holding Immigrants and Sponsors Financially Responsible
Topic: Immigration Reform
Discussed by Melanie Collette
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 2

Melanie Collette is the host of “MoneyTalk with Melanie,” which features lively discussions of a wide range of financial topics and interviews with entrepreneurs, CEOs, and politicos who are experts in their fields. Politically, Melanie is the Vice Chairman for Public Relations for the National Federation of Republican Women. She is also the 1st Vice President of the New Jersey Federation of Republican Women.

Melanie is a member of Project 21, which has been a leading voice of black conservatives for over 25 years, sponsored by the National Center for Public Policy Research.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is it unprecedented to require non-citizens or their sponsors to be financially responsible for the expense of any welfare benefit a non-citizen receives? Is this racist?

Does any other country in the world house, feed, educate, and medicate non-citizens?

Are legal citizens of America being overlooked, ignored, and denied benefits in favor of illegals or non-citizens?

What are the new mandates from President Trump’s memorandum?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Holding Immigrants and Sponsors Financially Responsible
Topic: Immigration Reform
Discussed by Melanie Collette
with Project 21 (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is it a winning issue for the upcoming political battles we will be facing in 2020?

Do Republicans in Congress and across America have the backbone to stand with President Trump on this issue in 2020?

Will the voters stand with Trump in 2020?

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May 22, 2019

Title: Black Activists Support Work Requirements
Topic: Work Requirements for Food Stamps
Discussed by Donna Jackson
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 2

Many people, including Donna Jackson, believe that most able-bodied individuals should be held to work requirements in order to qualify for food stamps. Donna  is a member of Project 21, a division of the National Center for Public Policy. Donna is the former controller for the Export-Import Bank of the United States. She is a member of the National Association of Black Accountants. She worked on the successful campaigns of Governor Mike Huckabee, Senator Tim Hutchinson, and Representative (now Governor) Asa Hutchinson.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Should there be stronger work requirements in order for most able-bodied individuals to qualify for food stamps?

When work requirements have been implemented, do more or less individuals go hungry?

When work requirements have been implemented, do more or less individuals find jobs?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Black Activists Support Work Requirements
Topic: Work Requirements for Food Stamps
Discussed by Donna Jackson
with Project 21 (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is job training helpful?

Why does Donna believe in free markets and entrepreneurship, rather than government, as a means of lifting people out of poverty?

How did Donna Jackson help many parents out of poverty in Arkansas?

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April 15, 2019

Title: Black Activists Support Work Requirements
Topic: Work Requirements for Food Stamps
Discussed by Donna Jackson
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 2

Many people, including Donna Jackson, believe that most able-bodied individuals should be held to work requirements in order to qualify for food stamps. Donna  is a member of Project 21, a division of the National Center for Public Policy. Donna is the former controller for the Export-Import Bank of the United States. She is a member of the National Association of Black Accountants. She worked on the successful campaigns of Governor Mike Huckabee, Senator Tim Hutchinson, and Representative (now Governor) Asa Hutchinson.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Should there be stronger work requirements in order for most able-bodied individuals to qualify for food stamps?

When work requirements have been implemented, do more or less individuals go hungry?

When work requirements have been implemented, do more or less individuals find jobs?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Black Activists Support Work Requirements
Topic: Work Requirements for Food Stamps
Discussed by Donna Jackson
with Project 21 (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is job training helpful?

Why does Donna believe in free markets and entrepreneurship, rather than government, as a means of lifting people out of poverty?

How did Donna Jackson help many parents out of poverty in Arkansas?

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July 11, 2018

Title: Equal Voting Rights for Blacks
Topic: Black America: Ways To Truly Help
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

If poll taxes and literacy tests are illegal, and have been for decades, why are blacks still being denied their rights to fully participate in elections today? Horace Cooper has some information today we all need to know about this issue.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are blacks still being denied their right to fully participate in elections today?

Are ALL Americans still being denied their right to fully participate in elections today?

Horace Cooper and others with Project 21 have presented their “Blueprint for a Better Deal for Black America” to leaders in Congress and the White House. How has their proposal been received?

The “Blueprint for a Better Deal for Black America” includes specific recommendations for giving black Americans a better deal by making sure their votes count. Listen as Horace briefly discusses three of their proposals:

1. Require proof of citizenship to register to vote
2. Require proof of identity to cast ballots
3. Require states to purge election rolls on a regular basis to remove people who are deceased or have moved to other jurisdictions

Is the “Blueprint for a Better Deal for Black America” single or bi-partisan?

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July 9, 2018

Title: Blueprint for a Better Deal for Black America
Topic: Black America: Ways To Truly Help
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 3

Project 21 leaders have been briefing key staff at the White House and Congressional leadership about their 57 policy ideas, known as the "Blueprint for a Better Deal for Black America." These proposals are spread out over ten subject areas covering education, criminal justice, economics, and more.

Horace Cooper is the Co-Chairman of Project 21’s Advisory Board and a former Constitutional Law Professor at George Mason University in Virginia. Horace was also Senior Counsel to U.S. House Majority Leader Dick Armey.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why does Project 21 believe illegal immigrants should be prohibited from accessing all public assistance, with the exception of emergency public services?

Does current law and regulations erect barriers blocking blacks from attaining the American Dream?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Blueprint for a Better Deal for Black America
Topic: Black America: Ways To Truly Help
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is Project 21 requesting for a tax increase or increase in spending in their “Blueprint for A Better Deal”?

Short Answer:

Listen as Horace Cooper explains what they suggest…

Does any other country provide for ALL of the needs (food, housing, money, medical expenses, and education facilities) for illegal immigrants?

Does America have enough resources to accommodate everyone who wishes to come to our country, legally or illegally?

How much money is spent on illegal immigrants annually? How much is Federal money and how much is State money? Listen closely – this just may shock you!

Are illegal immigrants draining available funds from public service programs that should go to American citizens first?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Blueprint for a Better Deal for Black America
Topic: Black America: Ways To Truly Help
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does Project 21’s "Blueprint for a Better Deal for Black America."  call for: new taxes or new regulations?


Does it call for redirecting tax dollars?


How should the illegal immigrants, regardless of age, be humanely treated?

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May 16, 2018

Title: A Blue Print for Black America
Topic: Black America: Ways To Truly Help
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 3

Horace Cooper and others within The National Center’s Project 21 have proposed bold, innovative reforms to promote black opportunity and prosperity. They recently met with White House and Congressional leadership on the issue. Horace will be discussing the details of the meeting today on The What’s UP Radio Program.

Horace Cooper is the former Chief of Staff of the Voice of America, former visiting Assistant Law Professor at George Mason University, and former Chief of Staff at the U.S. Department of Labor's Employment Standards Administration.

Click here  to read Project 21’s Blue Print for America.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did Horace and others with Project 21 ask our government’s leadership for more money for black Americans? Answer: NOPE! Listen as Horace explains what they DID ask for and how their plan is “good for America and great for black Americans”.

Do all Americans deserve better education?

Listen as Horace Cooper discusses the failure of the Federal government’s involvement in education...

Did Conservative or Liberal policies break the education system in America?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - A Blue Print for Black America
Topic: Black America: Ways To Truly Help
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

Click here  to read Project 21’s Blue Print for America.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has President Trump announced a proposal to shift control of education back to states, helping families across the nation? Listen as Horace Cooper passionately discusses the need for Federal vouchers for K-12 education for an as-needed basis…

Is education the key to lifting all Americans out of poverty?

How did blacks compare to whites when schools were still segregated? Note: You might be shocked by this number!

Should schools place stricter requirements on all students in order to graduate?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - A Blue Print for Black America
Topic: Black America: Ways To Truly Help
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

Click here  to read Project 21’s Blue Print for America.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How can we reduce black unemployment?

Does the Federal government’s regulation of the workforce make it harder for everyone to find jobs?

Should students under the age of 22 be required to pay Social Security taxes through their employment?

When the minimum wage is increased, who suffers the most?

How was the Blue Print for Black America received from White House staff and Congressional leadership?

Trick question: Can the government provide every person of working age a job? On the other hand, is there an unlimited number of jobs available in the private sector?

NOTE: Stacy Washington with Project 21 will be on the program tomorrow, Friday, May 11, discussing the ten bullet points for the Blue Print for Black America.

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May 11, 2018

Title: A Blue Print for Black America
Topic: Black Lives Improve
Discussed by Stacy Washington
with Project 21 (

Stacey Washington and others within The National Center’s Project 21 have proposed bold, innovative reforms to promote black opportunity and prosperity. They recently met with White House and Congressional leadership on the issue. Stacy will be discussing the details of the meeting today on The What’s UP Radio Program.

Stacy Washington is a mother, decorated Air Force Veteran, former school board member, and host of the nationally syndicated radio show “Stacy on the Right”.

Click here  to read Project 21’s Blue Print for America.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How was the presentation by Project 21 received by the White House and Congressional leaders?

Is education the key to prosperity in America?

What areas of education reform is Project 21 working on?

Why is Project 21 proposing to abolish the Jim Crow Act?

How is a higher minimum wage hurting black Americans?

What did Project 21 propose concerning payroll and FICA taxes?

Trick Question: Is more government involvement the answer?

NOTE: Horace Cooper was on the program Thursday, May 10th, answering questions concerning the Blue Print for Black America. Click on the Archives link above to hear the full interview.

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May 10, 2018

Title: A Blue Print for Black America
Topic: Black America: Ways To Truly Help
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 3

Horace Cooper and others within The National Center’s Project 21 have proposed bold, innovative reforms to promote black opportunity and prosperity. They recently met with White House and Congressional leadership on the issue. Horace will be discussing the details of the meeting today on The What’s UP Radio Program.

Horace Cooper is the former Chief of Staff of the Voice of America, former visiting Assistant Law Professor at George Mason University, and former Chief of Staff at the U.S. Department of Labor's Employment Standards Administration.

Click here  to read Project 21’s Blue Print for America.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did Horace and others with Project 21 ask our government’s leadership for more money for black Americans? Answer: NOPE! Listen as Horace explains what they DID ask for and how their plan is “good for America and great for black Americans”.

Do all Americans deserve better education?

Listen as Horace Cooper discusses the failure of the Federal government’s involvement in education...

Did Conservative or Liberal policies break the education system in America?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - A Blue Print for Black America
Topic: Black America: Ways To Truly Help
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

Click here  to read Project 21’s Blue Print for America.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has President Trump announced a proposal to shift control of education back to states, helping families across the nation? Listen as Horace Cooper passionately discusses the need for Federal vouchers for K-12 education for an as-needed basis…

Is education the key to lifting all Americans out of poverty?

How did blacks compare to whites when schools were still segregated? Note: You might be shocked by this number!

Should schools place stricter requirements on all students in order to graduate?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - A Blue Print for Black America
Topic: Black America: Ways To Truly Help
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

Click here  to read Project 21’s Blue Print for America.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How can we reduce black unemployment?

Does the Federal government’s regulation of the workforce make it harder for everyone to find jobs?

Should students under the age of 22 be required to pay Social Security taxes through their employment?

When the minimum wage is increased, who suffers the most?

How was the Blue Print for Black America received from White House staff and Congressional leadership?

Trick question: Can the government provide every person of working age a job? On the other hand, is there an unlimited number of jobs available in the private sector?

NOTE: Stacy Washington with Project 21 will be on the program tomorrow, Friday, May 11, discussing the ten bullet points for the Blue Print for Black America.

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March 19, 2018

Title: Does the Government Help or Hinder?
Topic: Government Hurts Too Often
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

Horace Cooper is a Senior Fellow with the National Center for Public Policy Research, Co-Chairman of the Project 21 National Advisory Board, and a legal commentator.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does the government help or hinder its citizens?

Is Trump’s new plan for the National Environmental Policy Act better or worse for Americans? HINT: It will save taxpayers a whole lot of money!!

Is the story about the “flea-flicking flea fly” true? Listen as Terry shares the story!

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February 27, 2018

Title: Do As I Say, Not As I Do
Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 2

During the last year, Oakland, San Francisco, and several other California cities took to the courts to set their own policies on global warming, even though no activity within their borders could make the slightest dent in worldwide temperatures.

Horace Cooper is a legal commenter and co-chairman of the National Center’s Project 21 National Advisory Board. Horace averages over 400 talk radio appearances per year. In addition, Horace Cooper has taught Constitutional Law at George Mason University in Virginia and was a Senior Counsel to U.S. House Majority Leader Dick Armey.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Horace Cooper recently wrote: “Californians have certainly not restrained themselves in the cause of climate control. They have a love affair with driving, especially Angelino’s, many of whom seem to hate public transportation almost as much as they hate big oil.” Why did he make this statement?

Why are some California cities suing Exxon and other oil companies?

Are these environmentalists saying one thing in one court, yet telling a different story in the bond market? Tune in to the next segment for more on this interesting twist!

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Do As I Say, Not As I Do
Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why do the environmentalists keep changing their story?

Why do cities go to the “bond market”? Listen close, folks! This is some pretty sneaky stuff that California is doing!

How is it possible that these cities are allowed to lie like this? Horace Cooper quotes Willie Sutton, a bank robber: “It’s where the money is.

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February 7, 2018

Title: Opinion Leaders Respond to Trump’s SOTU Address
Topic: Donald Trump
Discussed by Richard Holt
with Project 21 (

Did Trump sell his State of the Union Address?

Richard Holt is with The National Center for Public Policy Research. Richard is a member of The Center’s Project 21 and a political campaign strategist. Rich Holt made the following statement about Donald Trump: “Like him or love him, he’s getting the job done with flying colors.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

During the President’s SOTU speech, the Democrats looked as if they would rather be anywhere else but there. Are they just against everything Trump and the Republicans are for?

Rich says this: “The Democrats are just spoiled, Washington elitists.” Why?

What can President Trump do with our help over the next ten months?

How do we use President Trump’s accomplishments to convince people to vote for Republicans this Election Season? Listen as Rich Holt recommends using the economic issues to sway voters rather than the social issues…

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February 6, 2018

Title: Opinion Leaders Respond to Trump’s SOTU Address
Topic: Donald Trump
Discussed by Derryck Green
with Project 21 (

Did Trump sell his State of the Union Address?

Derryck Green  is with The National Center for Public Policy Research. Derryck is a political commentator, writer, and a member of The Center’s Project 21 – a National Leadership Network of Black Conservatives.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What did Derryck Green expect of Trump’s speech?

Did Trump hit a home-run with his SOTU address?

In Derryck’s opinion, were Democrats disrespectful toward the President?

Do the Democrats distribute talking points to the MSM?

What was the response by the Democrats when the President discussed the improvement in employment ratings among African Americans?

Where do we go from here to change people’s minds about the Republican Party? Derryck says this: “We have to get to know people on a human level before we can ever hope to breach the divide.”

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Title: Opinion Leaders Respond to Trump’s SOTU Address
Topic: Donald Trump
Discussed by Christopher Arps
with Project 21 (

Did Trump sell his State of the Union Address?

Christopher Arps  is with The National Center for Public Policy Research. Christopher is a member of The Center’s Project 21 National Advisory Council. He is also a managing partner with the digital media and political consulting firm Capitol Consulting Group LLC. In addition, Christopher is the co-founder of, a 43-state network of conservative and moderate black Americans.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What was Christopher Arps’ opinion of Trump’s STOU?

Many years ago, Christopher sided with the Left. What did he think of the Democrat’s behavior during the STOU? Derryck says: “They are rooting for the country to lose.” He also discusses a video circulating on social media with Senator Joe Manchin from West Virginia.

How can we mobilize the public this Primary Election season to get out and vote?

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February 5, 2018

Title: Blacks Respond to Trump’s STOU Address
Topic: Donald Trump
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

Did Trump sell his State of the Union Address?

Horace Cooper  is with The National Center for Public Policy Research discusses… Horace is the co-chairman of The Center’s Project 21.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Horace Cooper watched every second of Trump’s STOU address. He observed the Democrats sharing a lemon. What was his opinion of their blatant childish disrespect toward the President?

Does every President – Democrat or Republican – at least attempt to reach across the aisle?

Did the Democrats basically ignore the President during his speech?

Was the Democrats’ behavior planned and well-orchestrated?

Do the Democrats fear President Donald Trump?

Do the Democrats literally fear the President?

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Title: Blacks Respond to Trump’s STOU Address
Topic: Donald Trump
Discussed by Stacy Washington
with Project 21 (

Did Trump sell his State of the Union Address?

Stacy Washington  with The National Center for Public Policy Research discusses… Stacy is the co-chairman of The Center’s Project 21.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is Stacy’s opinion of President Trump’s State of the Union Address?

What is Stacy’s opinion of the behavior exhibited by the Democrats during the STOU?

Stacy voiced this after the STOU: “President Trump wasn’t just Presidential tonight. He highlighted the accomplishments of his first year while calling attention to our desperate need for bipartisan Legislation to solve systemic problems facing the nation.

What should President Trump do over the next year to help the American economy?

Listen as Stacy urges all Republicans to vote this election and become involved in fighting for the future of our country.

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October 5, 2017

Title: The Welfare State’s Legacy
Topic: Welfare State
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 2

Many politicians, civil rights leaders, and even academicians assert that problems confronting blacks today are the result of a legacy of slavery, discrimination, and police brutality. Is this the truth, though, or propaganda?

Horace Cooper is an Adjunct Fellow with the National Center for Public Policy Research, co-chairman of the Project 21 National Advisory Board, and a legal commentator. Today, Horace will be discussing this very important, yet sensitive, topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the true cause of the breakup of the black family?

In 1954, did blacks have better family structure, lower unemployment, more millionaires, higher education, and a lower prison population compared to today?

Horace Cooper believes it all began in the late 1800’s, but it had nothing to do with racism or slavery. He then moves on to the year 1954. Listen in as he explains the differences in the two time frames.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The Welfare State’s Legacy
Topic: Welfare State
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

Anchorman Walter Williams once said: “Many black 12th-graders deal with scientific problems at the level of whites in the sixth grade. They write and do math about as well as white seventh- and eighth-graders. All of this means that an employer hiring or a college admitting the typical black high school graduate is in effect hiring or admitting an eighth-grader.” What are Horace Cooper’s thoughts on this statement?

Why is an intact family so important? Is education just as important as a stable family?

What happened in 1954 that caused blacks to view themselves as an oppressed minority? Again, Horace believes it all boils down to the family.

What can the average American citizen do to turn this problem around?

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August 31, 2016

Title: Voter ID Laws a Hot Topic
Topic: Voter ID Laws
Discussed by Joe Hicks
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 2

Joe Hicks is a member of the Project 21 black leadership network and the Vice President of Community Advocates, Inc., a privately-funded Los Angeles-based political think-tank. Over the next two segments, Joe will be discussing the corrupt leadership in the Democrat Party.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Joe Hicks once was a Democrat. Why did he switch parties?

Terry and Joe discuss a matter that hits close to home. The Harris County Clerk is being sued by the Department of Justice for not having completely accessible voting locations for every single voter. Listen in to find out what this is all about and why it is important as we near the November Election.

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Title: Baltimore Corruption
Topic: Corruption in Government
Discussed by Joe Hicks
with Project 21 (

Part 2 of 2

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the big deal about the situation in Baltimore? Why should we care?

Listen in as Joe Hicks discusses the details of a 163 page report by the GOJ that is highly critical of the Baltimore City Police Department.

NOTE: The race of the judge, the attorney, the mayor, and the majority of the police department are all of high importance in this case.

Will this report result in the federalization of the Baltimore police force? Will this continue to happen, especially if Hillary Clinton is elected President?

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August 22, 2016

Title: Voter ID Laws a Hot Topic
Topic: Voter ID Laws
Discussed by Joe Hicks
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 2

Joe Hicks is a member of the Project 21 black leadership network and the Vice President of Community Advocates, Inc., a privately-funded Los Angeles-based political think-tank. Over the next two segments, Joe will be discussing the corrupt leadership in the Democrat Party.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Joe Hicks once was a Democrat. Why did he switch parties?

Terry and Joe discuss a matter that hits close to home. The Harris County Clerk is being sued by the Department of Justice for not having completely accessible voting locations for every single voter. Listen in to find out what this is all about and why it is important as we near the November Election.

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Title: Baltimore Corruption
Topic: Corruption in Government
Discussed by Joe Hicks
with Project 21 (

Part 2 of 2

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the big deal about the situation in Baltimore? Why should we care?

Listen in as Joe Hicks discusses the details of a 163 page report by the GOJ that is highly critical of the Baltimore City Police Department.

NOTE: The race of the judge, the attorney, the mayor, and the majority of the police department are all of high importance in this case.

Will this report result in the federalization of the Baltimore police force? Will this continue to happen, especially if Hillary Clinton is elected President?

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March 29, 2016

Title: Why did President Obama go to Cuba?
Topic: President Obama
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

Project 21 Co-Chairman, Horace Cooper, believes President Obama’s recent trip to Cuba to meet the Communist Cuban President Castro was a slap in all American’s faces – “he has truly let us down”, Cooper says. “[The President] has an obligation to promote our values, our system, and freedom and justice,” he continues. “There is nothing we are gaining by handing the legitimacy to Cuba in the way he had done.” Just look at the way our President responded to the Belgium catastrophe while he was in Cuba! It was shameful.

Mr. Cooper goes on to discuss how Cuba is not a friendly neighbor, harboring criminals and supporting North Korea. Cuba still refuse to acknowledge their own despicable behavior and treatment of their own citizens. The Cuban openly and admittedly discriminates against black people in Cuba. “They are an evil regime,” he boldly states.

How can the President visit this country, smile, laugh, and dance for the camera knowing these people despise him and race? “President Obama has truly let down America and the supporters of freedom all over the globe with his recognition of Cuba," Horace Cooper declares.

Did you see the picture of Obama proudly posing for pictures in front of the blood-thirsty terrorist Cuban Che Guevara? Mr. Cooper has plenty to say about this appalling action! But, will anything good blossom out of Obama’s visit to Cuba? Listen in!

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June 24, 2015

Title: Juneteenth Celebrated for the Wrong Reason
Topic: Blacks Believe Too Many Lies
Discussed by Derryck Green
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 2

In the 50 years since LBJ launched his war on poverty, the U.S. taxpayer has spent over $22 trillion on anti-poverty programs. Statistics show that the “poor” in America still have apartments or houses and cable and a microwave. The majority have at least one cell phone and at least one car for their family. Are they really poor? Compared to living conditions of “poor people” in other countries, those in the US live in the lap of luxury!

Across America, we just celebrated Juneteenth, commemorating the end of slavery in our country. But, do most people even know what – and why – they are celebrating? Has the true meaning been lost in the midst of tense racial divides? Have blacks in America just traded one form of slavery for another in the form of dependency on the government?

Derryck Green, with the National Center’s Project 21  says, "Because of their attitudes, thoughts and behaviors -- in addition to corresponding political loyalties -- blacks today willingly volunteer themselves to an emotional, intellectual, and spiritual form of slavery. Though physically free, this current bondage has seen blacks forfeit almost every aspect of their lives to government control.

Opportunities still abound today In America, but the poor seem to remain poor generation after generation after generation. This is not just bad news for black people, but for America as a whole. “One problem,” Derryck says, “lies with political party lines….Until blacks emancipate themselves again and regain their liberty of choice in terms of who they are going to support in the political process, they will continually be in a situation where they complain against the system.

Listen in as he explains the “system” and the lies that blacks continue to believe.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Juneteenth Celebrated for the Wrong Reason
Topic: Blacks Believe Too Many Lies
Discussed by Derryck Green
with Project 21 (

Government has had a direct hand in destroying the black family. For over 50 years, they have bought the lie that the government will give them anything they want, if only they will continue to vote for Democrat candidates. By faithfully supporting big-government policies that deliver sub-standard opportunities, blacks are ceding their freedom to the same sort of oppressive control that slaves escaped 150 years ago. As long as the black family continues to believe the lies, there is nothing that can stop the destruction of America.

Derryck Green implores black men and women to rise up and take a stand for their families. The focus cannot be on oppression or slavery to the white race. Instead, the focus must shift to self-improvement and advancement.

The first steps which must be take are to strengthen the traditional family and reduce out-of-wedlock births. This will, in turn, reduce the mass murder of millions of black babies through abortion. Derryck says, “When you have leaders who are supposed to condemn these types of behaviors, yet remain silent because they support certain government policies and social actions, then you’ll get more of it.”

Listen in as Derryck shares his thoughts on what the black community must do in order to tell big government to take a hike. You can learn more about Derryck Green [here].

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May 27, 2015

Title: Freedom is Anything but Free
Topic: Freedom
Discussed by Stacy Swimp
with Project 21 (

Freedom has never – NEVER – just been given away. Through purposeful action, sometimes war, freedom has been granted to people across the globe from the beginning of time.

Freedom is not, however, free.

When someone depends on the nanny state – the government – to pay their bills, give them food, put a roof over their heads, pay for the children’s education, they are never free. They are stuck in an endless rut. They are the ones who truly suffer.

Listen in as Stacy Swimp talks about those who think they are right, think they know what’s best for everybody else, and tell everyone how they should live their lives.

You can find Stacy [here.]

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Title: Remembering Juneteenth
Topic: Freedom
Discussed by Carl Pittman with Project 21
with Project 21 (

Carl Pittman says this of the current African-American enslavement to the government:

It is unfortunate that many blacks simply moved from one plantation to another over 149 years. An entitlement mentality has removed the sense of pride that was once so dominant in the black community….Too many blacks over the generations have become so dependent they cannot leave this new plantation, and thus they will continue to support an ideology that will eventually and undoubtedly fail them."

Listen in as Carl explains why he believes this.  

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May 18, 2015

Title: About Those Jobs Numbers….
Topic: Economic Crisis
Discussed by Derryck Green
with Project 21 (

If you believe Obama and his buddies, the economy is doing fabulously! However, the sad reality is that more and more American citizens are without a job, or they are working only part-time. Derryck Green, with Project 21, discusses the actual GDP (Gross Domestic Product). Listen in as Derryck explains the GDP and shares just how dismal the real figures actually are.

The MSM likes to report week after week after week on the “new” jobs that were created. Well, this number is misleading, too! (Surprise! Surprise!) Very few people are actually finding new, full-time jobs with benefits and a decent salary. Most are low-paying, part-time jobs. Many are just flat giving up hope and decide to drop out of the work-force completely.

Derryck Green says its past time Obama take the blame for the current state of the economy. He needs to stop blaming Bush. Obama has had plenty of time to fix things and he is just making it worse.

Listen in as Derryck Green gives a short, easy-to-understand economics lesson. He also poses this question: “Over the next several years, are they going to actually support policies that help rather than policies that are emotionally gratifying?” You can find Derryck and others at Project 21 [here].

TRIVIA: Do you know how many people in America are actually unemployed? Hint: It’s almost 100,000,000 (100 Million) people.

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May 6, 2015

Title: Baltimore is Just the Beginning
Topic: Riots-Civil Disobedience: Criminal Activity?
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

“If we abandon the rule of law and we cannot depend on an impartial civil and criminal justice system, we only have anarchy for the people to look forward to.” – Terry Lowry, host of The What’s UP Radio Program

Public opinion on the Ferguson and now Baltimore riots varies depending on who you talk to. Some see them as protestors expressing their right to free speech. Others see them as criminals.

Horace Cooper and others at Project 21 are speaking out against the protests and riots in Baltimore and across the country. Horace believes that we first must not give them space in violent and illegal ways. He says, “Giving them (the rioters) the space to operate, in essence, says that the criminality that they want to enter into is justified and somehow sanctioned by government…We need to say to those thugs that there will be full and complete accountability.” Horace also points out that Obama needs to start backing up the law, not he hoodlums.

How do we begin to change their behavior, though? Something has to change. Listen in as Horace offers his opinion on what the future may hold if this type of attitude and behavior is allowed to continue and what we must do to stop the madness. HINT: The failed education system and correcting the MSM have a lot to do with it!

Click [here] for more on this and other issues facing our great nation.

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Title: Baltimore is Just the Beginning
Topic: Riots-Civil Disobedience: Criminal Activity?
Discussed by Nadra Enzi
with Project 21 (

If someone (aka a black man or black woman) is killed by someone else (aka a white police man or white police woman) in Houston, will our city be the next to burn? There is a tremendous amount of racial tension and hatred spread across the country. Nearly everyone has a cell phone with camera or video capability now. As soon as a shooting occurs, many people whip out their phones and start recording, then upload the video to YouTube for the world to see – and the world immediately passes judgment on the law officer.

Nadra Enzi is with Project 21. Concerning the Baltimore riots, he absolutely does not believe rioters should be permitted to destroy property as free speech. Nadra says this: “We hoped that the Mayor would have ordered the police department to stop them (the rioters), but by her own admission, she allowed the people a space to destroy things.”

Is America a “tinderbox”? Nadra Enzi says some cities are and some cities are not. He compares North Charleston, South Carolina, to Ferguson, Missouri, and New York. “If the racial profiling argument is what the protestors are using, then they have to blame the very black government that they elected.

Listen in as Nadra gives his opinion on what must happen if we, as a country, truly desire to return to a moral and just society. For more from Project 21, click [here] .

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Title: Baltimore is Just the Beginning
Topic: Riots-Civil Disobedience: Criminal Activity?
Discussed by Gianno Caldwell
with Project 21 (

How do we convince “them” that rioting, looting, and burning down business is not the answer? How do we reeducate “them” in the proper way to protest? How do we stop all this racial tension and get back to what’s important?

Gianno Caldwell grew up on the south side of Chicago with a mom who was addicted to crack cocaine and heroin. His childhood mirrored many of those in Baltimore and other poverty-stricken inner cities across the nation. So, how did he get out? What drove him to be better than his peers?

Gianno poses this questions to all the rioters and protestors: “What happen after the cameras leave?” He believes these “protestors” are nothing more than criminals and the need to answer for their crimes. He urges people to pressure lawmakers to have a real dialogue on this issue.

Go [here]  for more from Project 21.

You can find Gianno on Twitter [here].

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Title: Baltimore is Just the Beginning
Topic: Riots-Civil Disobedience: Criminal Activity?
Discussed by Cherylyn LeBon
with Project 21 (

Cherylyn LeBon is definitely not one to mince words. Concerning “tinderbox” cities, she says, “One common pattern in so many inner-city and depressed areas across the country….is that they are under Democrat leadership!” Listen in as Cherylyn gives more examples of what makes a city a “tinderbox” or not.

Cherylyn also reveals that Baltimore is not a necessarily poor city. The area that rioters looted and destroyed is very near the Orioles football stadium. There have been multi-million dollar condos built in the area, among other wealthy businesses. The Mayor is black. The police chief is black. The majority of the police department is black. So, what is all the fuss about? Why demolish your own town? This is the question on many people’s minds.

You can follow Cherylyn on Twitter [here]. 

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December 18, 2014

Title: Misplaced Priorities
Topic: African-American Issues
Discussed by Cherylyn LeBon
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 2

What’s more important: Marching and rioting because white cops weren’t indicted or worrying about why their kids can’t read, write, or find a job? Cherylyn LeBon is a lawyer and the Co-Chairman of the Project 21 National Advisory Board. She says the first mistake people are making is lumping both cases together as if the circumstances were the same or similar. The cases shouldn’t be treated the same in any way.

Listen in as Terry describes a story from his senior year in high school. Everyone saw something different. What did they see? Also, tune in to the next segment with Cherylyn as she explains further why blacks should be more concerned with jobs and their kids’ education than a white police officer being indicted for doing their job.

FACT: 93 percent of black males die because of black on black crime. Where are the marchers concerning this??? That’s the real black genocide.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Misplaced Priorities
Topic: African-American Issues
Discussed by Cherylyn LeBon
with Project 21 (

The unemployment rate for black males is around 30-35 percent. That is just unacceptable! Where are the marches demanding more jobs for all Americans?

Cherylyn LeBon is more interested in shifting the dialogue from the non-indictments in Ferguson and New York to the lousy, failing, public schools. Yep. That’s right. She said it. “Lousy, failing public schools.” Even if a student is lucky enough to graduate high school in the inner city, most still don’t go to college. And even more cannot find a decent job.

Cherylyn would love to see more businesses expand into the cities – grocery stores, bookstores, trade schools for plumbing and electrical workers. Give them a choice. Give them options. Give them opportunities. Give them a future.

You can help improve your community by holding your elected officials accountable and demanding change. Log on to  to learn more.

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December 2, 2014

Title: Black Activists Says Amnesty Harms Everyone and Everything
Topic: Amnesty
Discussed by Joe Hicks
with Project 21 (

Joe Hicks, with Project 21, says granting illegal immigrants full pardon and amnesty for an illegal act of pure defiance is an atrocity. Entry level workers, especially African Americans, don’t stand a chance in the work force; there is no way they can compete. Some even argue that illegal immigrants want to simply use our country as their personal ATM machine. Americans can’t send money overseas so why allow illegals to do so?

Many people believe that all the children who are coming across the border illegally are accompanied by their parents. Not true! Many of these “children” are 15-18 year old males who are gang members seeking new recruits. Some are even entering our public school system to gain access to your children! Also, what kind of diseases are these undocumented, unimmunized children bringing to your child’s school?

I feel so sorry for all the people across the world who applied for a visa, paid money for an immigration lawyer, went to citizenship classes, and waited for years to become a citizen of the United States of America. How cheated they must feel.

Be sure to share this segment with your contacts. Log on to  for more from Joe Hicks.

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October 20, 2014

Title: Why are Blacks Against Voter Photo ID Laws?
Topic: Voter ID Laws
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

While nearly 75% of Americans believe that there should be some form of Voter Photo ID law in place, barely 50% of blacks are in favor of the law.

Project 21’s, Horace Cooper, is with us today to discuss the facts behind these numbers and why nearly half of all black Americans are against this law.

For more on this and other issues, log on to

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September 30, 2014

Title: Black Workers vs. Immigrant Workers
Topic: Immigration
Discussed by Derryck Green
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 2

Project 21 recently made a daring proclamation: Throughout U.S. history, immigration surges have harmed black workers.

Employers would rather hire a 20-something Hispanic woman with two or three kids than a 16-18 year old high school, whatever the race or gender. Employers know that the woman will show up in order to put food on the table. Most high school kids are less reliable. Likewise, employers do not favor black workers over immigrants for the same reason.

Why would Project 21 make such an outrageous assertion? Take a look at the 1800’s. Immigrants would gravitate toward areas where the free blacks lived. The immigrants worked for less, therefore pushing blacks into employment. Then entered the immigrant’s trade unions, which excluded the blacks. Listen in as Derryck, with Project 21, describes their demands and why it is important to learn from history.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Black Workers vs. Immigrant Workers
Topic: Immigration
Discussed by Derryck Green
with Project 21 (

Project 21 recently made a daring proclamation: Throughout U.S. history, immigration surges have harmed black workers.

We have all heard about the illegal immigrants entering the US in massive droves. As seen throughout history, these immigrants (illegal or legal) are moving into predominantly black areas. Many blacks are already suffering financially due to the economy; many are out of work or work low-paying part-time jobs. These immigrants come into their communities, work for less, and often have several families or people living in a single house or small apartment so they can split the cost of living.

A recent paper by professors from the University of California, the University of Chicago, and Harvard – all liberal colleges – for The National Bureau of Economic Research made an astonishing conclusion. Their study “suggests that a ten percent immigrant-induced increase in the supply of a skill group is associated with a reduction in the black wage of four percent, a reduction in the black employment rate of 3.5 percentage points and an increase in the black institutionalization [incarceration] rate of 0.8 percentage points."

What does this mean?

Story Time: A city once had 1,000 watermelons to sell every day. Then, a new supplier comes to town and begins to sell 10,000 watermelons every day. What is going to happen? The cost of watermelons will go down!

The same thing can be applied to the job market. But what can be done?

Listen in as Derryck explains how jobs are disappearing across the board and how the wages for these jobs have declined with the vanishing jobs.

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September 25, 2014

Title: How Do We Win the War on Poverty?
Topic: War on Poverty
Discussed by Shelby Emmett
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 2

A recent Rasmussen survey revealed that likely voters trust Republicans more on 9 out of 15 issues. That’s good news, right? Well, not really. The issues which voters are more likely to trust Democrats include: the environment, social security, healthcare, establishing a national energy policy, and education. Where did we go wrong?

Today’s interview with Shelby Emmett is focused on The War on Poverty. What do we have to show after 50 years and trillions of dollars, when over 70% of black children do not live in a 2-parent household and millions and millions of families are on food stamps?

Shelby says that one problem with the government’s WOP programs is that they are creating policies to deal with where people are today and not where they need to be. For example, for schools who receive extra funding for children who are in poverty, those children must remain in poverty or the school doesn’t get the extra money.

Poor people are told by the government that they are victims of their circumstances and, therefore, deserve free food and shelter and help to pay their bills. This creates more voters and more dependency. The cycle just keeps repeating itself. There is no end.

Listen in as Shelby discusses the black family 50 years ago compared to today and why LBJ really began his War on Poverty.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - It's All About Perspective
Topic: War on Poverty
Discussed by Shelby Emmett
with Project 21 (

Shelby’s grandfather was a big influencer in her life. He used to tell her: “Shelby, the only things you are entitled to are to breathe and to pay taxes. That’s it. Everything else is a luxury.” Life is hard, but it’s your choice what you do with it. Nothing is going to be handed to you on a silver platter. You don’t deserve anything unless you work hard and earn it.

Shelby comes from a single-parent household. She worked as many as three jobs to pay her way through college. She never expected the government to give her anything, and still doesn’t. She says it all comes down to individual ambition.

Listen in to hear more of Shelby’s personal story, how she overcome every obstacle to be where she is today, and gives some encouragement to parents.

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September 8, 2014

Title: Has Eric Holder Finally Lost it?
Topic: Justice is Blind
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

Mere hours after Michael Brown was killed, Attorney General Eric Holder issued a decree for an investigation of civil rights violations on the Ferguson police department, in addition to other departments that assisted with the murder investigation. Horace Cooper, with the National Center for Public Policy Research, believes that Holder has jumped the ship concerning the issue. This is the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman scenario all over again.

Horace Cooper calls it “Racial Grandstanding”, and that is exactly what it is. Holder doesn’t care about justice. He only wants to blame someone – someone who isn’t a young, black man.

What about the unarmed white man who was shot by a black police officer a few days after Michael Brown was killed?  Where is the uproar from white people?  Where are the riots and the looting by white people?  No one from the White House sent condolences.  No one in the media covered his funeral.  No one from his family openly called for the black officer’s arrest and conviction.

Justice is supposed to be blind.  Apparently, Eric Holder and the Justice Department are not.  We are better than this, America.

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August 22, 2014

Title: Class Sizes are Exploding
Topic: Education
Discussed by Stacy Washington
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 2

America is great. We have the most freedom of any nation in the world. We have great trading policies. We have great health care opportunities. Or we did once upon a time. We have free public education for anyone who wants it – including illegal immigrants.

Wait a minute! Aren’t illegal immigrants, even children, supposed to be sent back to their home country? We all know by now that this is not the case. Over 90,000 unaccompanied children have entered the United States this year. This number does NOT include the number of illegal immigrant children who have crossed the border with a parent or other adult.

Stacy Washington is a former school board member and is part of the National Center for Public Policy Research’s division of Project 21. She says that there is not another nation in the world which allows illegal immigrants to attend school for free. In fact, their parents are sent to prison and the children are deported! She also points out that the deportation process is much, much faster in other countries, as well.

Many of these illegal immigrant children coming to America from south of the border do not speak Spanish, but some other language that is considered dead in the modern era. Teachers must be hired to translate for these children, new curriculum must be purchased, schedules rearranged. School districts are not prepared for this increased cost.

Furthermore, unlike American-born children who are required to have up-to-date shot records or a doctor’s note exempting them from immunizations, these illegal immigrant children are COMPLETELY EXEMPT. They are bringing diseases – some deadly – to our schools, infecting hundreds, if not thousands, of our children.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Class Sizes are Exploding
Topic: Education
Discussed by Stacy Washington
with Project 21 (

Teacher associations and unions all advocate for smaller classrooms. Schools are already overcrowded. Funding is already limited.

Stacy Washington says that the influx of illegal immigrant children that are flooding our nation’s public school system will have astronomical effects on every student in the classroom. When you think about it, our children only receive four (4) hours of instructional time during the school day. Time is spent traveling from class to class and doing extra-curricular activities such as PE, music, and art. Younger students have recess. All students obviously need to eat lunch.

When you add several illegal immigrant children who to don’t speak English to these already overcrowded classrooms, the instructional time dwindles down even further because teachers must help the non-English speaking students more often.

If 90,000 illegal immigrant children enter the public school system in America this year, and each student costs an average of $9,000, that will add an additional $810 Million to our already over-extended budgets. Teaching students English as a second language adds even more to the cost.

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August 20, 2014

Title: A bad reaction to a bad problem.
Topic: Education
Discussed by Bishop Council Nedd
with Project 21 (

As an experienced teacher, Bishop Council Nedd has seen the devastating effects an influx of children can have on a school. Already underfunded and overcrowded classrooms are not prepared for the massive amounts of children coming over the border.

Bishop Council Nedd explains how the rush of illegal children coming to American schools not only puts a financial hardship on school districts, but also places an academic strain on individual classrooms and teachers. Schools are not prepared with qualified teachers to teach English as a Second Language to these children, many of whom speak a language other than Spanish. Children who speak English should not have to suffer academically because one or two students in the classroom do not understand the lessons.

You can learn more about this and other issues with Project 21 at

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August 15, 2014

Title: Obama's Amnesty Push is Hurting Blacks
Topic: Amnesty
Discussed by Derryck Green
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 3

Over the past three or four decades, the Democrats have won over the majority of black voters by telling them whites are racist, bigoted rich people. Now, the Democrats are after the Hispanics, telling them that Republicans don’t want them in our country. Mark my words, people, they will win again if we do not act – and act fast.

Illegal immigration is not a new occurrence that has just suddenly popped up on our radar. Neither is amnesty a new concept. America is the land of opportunity and the world knows it. People have been coming to American for centuries to escape religious persecution, violent wars, famine, and a host of other terrible situations that we cannot even begin to fathom.

However, how much more can America handle? The most recent census poll estimates that the white (non-Hispanic) population is 63.7%, black population is 12.2%, and the Hispanic population is 16.4%. My opinion is that the Hispanic percentage is extremely low – probably off by as much as 25%!

Don’t get me wrong – I am a firm supporter of LEGAL immigration and following the law in order to come to America. We have laws in place for a reason and they should – they must – be followed.

Listen in as Derryck Green with Project 21 discusses the latest numbers and why the increasing number of illegal aliens entering the country is crippling the black population’s hope of climbing the economic ladder.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Obama's Amnesty Push is Hurting Blacks
Topic: Amnesty
Discussed by Derryck Green
with Project 21 (

The American Dream once meant owning a home, a car or two, having enough money saved to retire at the age of 60 – maybe 62, a couple kids, and a dog named Rover.

Now, the American Dream is praying you have enough money on the first of the month to pay rent on a 2 bedroom apartment. Praying the food stamps last all month long. Praying your children don’t get caught in the middle of drive-by shooting while playing hoops with the neighbor kids at the city park.

Is there hope for the American Dream to come alive again?

It has been said that an illegal alien enters our border every 40 seconds. They have been told that America is the land of opportunity and they will be given free food, shelter, and medicine. They are told they can get a good job here. They have been told they can come to American and live the Dream.

But what about the people already here, Mr. President? Shouldn’t we help those already here first? Black Americans are struggling. Yes, some want to stay on welfare and don’t want to work. But the majority of blacks – and whites, too – want their lives to mean something. They want a real future for their kids and grandkids.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Obama's Amnesty Push is Hurting Blacks
Topic: Amnesty
Discussed by Derryck Green
with Project 21 (

In this final segment with Derryck Green, he discusses some of the reasons why employers would rather hire an illegal alien than a black person. The truth hurts, folks. There is no sugar coating it. Derryck gives it to us straight.

White employers are afraid of black men. They are afraid of retaliation. They look at their criminal record and automatically cross them off the list. Now, I know not “all” white employers feel this way. Certainly some Asian, Hispanic, and even black employers feel this way, too.

But, let’s face it. Hispanics, in general, work harder than the average black man and are willing to work for less pay than the average black man. Hispanics don’t complain about the heat or having to work over time.

We’ve all seen the Hispanics out in front of apartment complexes and on the street corners waiting for a work truck to pull up and offer a few lucky men $100 each to work all day in the heat. How many black men are out there waiting all day long for a chance at $100 for an honest day’s work? None! How many white or Asian men do you see? None! 

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August 4, 2014

Title: Who Should we Help First?
Topic: Illegal Immigration
Discussed by Dr. Michael Dozier
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 2

As Christians, we have a moral and Biblical obligation to help others. I am not disputing that. We should help the poor, the widow, the single mother, the orphans, those less fortunate than us.

In America, we have millions of people hungry. Millions of people without jobs. Millions of people on the brink of bankruptcy and in danger of losing everything they have worked so hard for.

What gives Obama the right to allow thousands upon thousands – upon hundreds of thousands – of illegal aliens the right of passage? Why do they get precedence over those already here? Why do they get free healthcare, free food, free shelter, even free toys and diapers?

Michael Dozier is a member of the Project 21 Black Leadership Network, a Conservative talk show host, and a political analyst. Listen in as he explains their position on this issue and why they believe the way they do.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Who Should we Help First?
Topic: Illegal Immigration
Discussed by Dr. Michael Dozier
with Project 21 (

In this second segment with Michael Dozier, I ask a tough question: “Are blacks ignorant?”

So many blacks, and especially black Christians, still vote Democrat. These blacks do not agree with gay marriage. They are firm supporters of the pro-life movement. They are gun owners. Yet they still, consistently election after election, vote for Democrats. Why? What does Michael have to say on this issue?

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July 23, 2014

Title: The Shout Down Game
Topic: The Shout Down Game
Discussed by Kevin Martin
with Project 21 (

If someone disagrees with your position, call them a racist. If someone has more influence than you do, just tell others that they sell out to those they represent. If someone differs from you, call them a homophobe, a bigot, and intolerant. And, above all, avoid debating them in public, for the masses may see you as shallow, insecure, and wrong.

This is the new “Shout Down Game” being played in WDC and other cities across our nation. No one is immune. Listen in as Kevin Martin, an expert on the “Knock-Out Game”, explains.

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June 27, 2014

Title: Freedom is Anything but Free
Topic: Freedom
Discussed by Stacy Swimp
with Project 21 (

Freedom has never – NEVER – just been given away. Through purposeful action, sometimes war, freedom has been granted to people across the globe from the beginning of time.

Freedom is not, however, free.

When someone depends on the nanny state – the government – to pay their bills, give them food, put a roof over their heads, pay for the children’s education, they are never free. They are stuck in an endless rut. They are the ones who truly suffer.

Listen in as Stacy Swimp talks about those who think they are right, think they know what’s best for everybody else, and tell everyone how they should live their lives.

You can find Stacy at

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Title: Remembering Juneteenth
Topic: Freedom
Discussed by Carl Pittman with Project 21
with Project 21 (

Carl Pittman says this of the current African-American enslavement to the government:

It is unfortunate that many blacks simply moved from one plantation to another over 149 years. An entitlement mentality has removed the sense of pride that was once so dominant in the black community….Too many blacks over the generations have become so dependent they cannot leave this new plantation, and thus they will continue to support an ideology that will eventually and undoubtedly fail them."

Listen in as Carl explains why he believes this.  

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June 18, 2014

Title: Why are Blacks Against Voter Photo ID Laws?
Topic: Voter ID Laws
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

While nearly 75% of Americans believe that there should be some form of Voter Photo ID law in place, barely 50% of blacks are in favor of the law.

Project 21’s, Horace Cooper, is with us today to discuss the facts behind these numbers and why nearly half of all black Americans are against this law.

For more on this and other issues, log on to

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June 6, 2014

Title: What's Really Important?
Topic: Economic Crisis
Discussed by Hughey Newsome
with Project 21 (

Did you see the story on CNN or MSNBC last night highlighting that one in six men, ages 25 to 54, do not have a job? Yeah, me either. More and more Americans are waking up. They WANT the truth reported.

Hughey Newsome, with the National Center’s Project 21, reports that raising the minimum wage to $15 is B.A.D. for everyone. Listen in as he explains how Democratic welfare programs since the LBJ days have sent America into the red.

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May 16, 2014

Title: The Shout Down Game
Topic: The Shout Down Game
Discussed by Kevin Martin
with Project 21 (

If someone disagrees with your position, call them a racist. If someone has more influence than you do, just tell others that they sell out to those they represent. If someone differs from you, call them a homophobe, a bigot, and intolerant. And, above all, avoid debating them in public, for the masses may see you as shallow, insecure, and wrong.

This is the new “Shout Down Game” being played in WDC and other cities across our nation. No one is immune. Listen in as Kevin Martin, an expert on the “Knock-Out Game”, explains.

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May 15, 2014

Title: Is America Seeing a Resurgence of Segregation?
Topic: Resurgence of Segregation
Discussed by Demetrius Minor
with Project 21 (

It is not a reinstitution of race-specific water fountains or separate-but-equal accommodations, but a self-segregation among black youth that could cripple upward mobility.

It is a variation on the fear of "acting white."

Demetrius Minor, with the National Center’s Project 21, believes there is a budding resurgence of segregation where blacks are purposefully disassociating and distancing themselves from whites.

As a young black man and a minister, how does Demetrius teach his students on ways to succeed in life? How should parents react when they hear their black child speak negatively about other races?

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April 16, 2014

Title: The War on Truth
Topic: Low-Information Voters
Discussed by Lisa Fritsch
with Project 21 (

The “War on Women” must be a white, Anglo-Saxon Republican conspiracy to keep women barefoot, pregnant, and broke, right? NOT!!! Low Information-Americans are being manipulated.

Don’t believe everything you read in the newspaper.

Don’t believe everything you read on the internet.

Listen in as Lisa Fritsch discusses the so-called “War on Women” and just who is behind it.

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Title: The War on Truth
Topic: Low-Information Voters
Discussed by Derryck Green
with Project 21 (

Derryck Green, with Project 21, continues the discussion on the “War on Women”.

Don’t believe everything you see posted by your friends on Facebook.

Don’t believe everything you hear coming out of the Whitehouse.

You can learn more about Project 21 and the work they do to spread the Truth to voters at

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March 25, 2014

Title: Obama is Wrong Again
Topic: Control of the Internet
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

Horace Cooper, Chairman of Project 21’s Black Leadership Network, says Obama is absolutely, categorically, and unquestionably wrong yet again.

In the fall of 2015, when the U.S. Department of Commerce’s contract with the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) expires, all remaining American authority over World Wide Web addresses and domain names will cease. This will herald an end to U.S. influence over this world-changing American innovation.

This announcement was made on a Friday. Why wait until the last day of the week?

Listen in as Horace Hooper explains why this is yet another bad, bad, bad move by the President.

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January 15, 2014

Title: War on Poverty
Topic: War on Poverty
Discussed by Derryck Green
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 2

Jesus said there will always be poor among us. Does that mean we should not try to help the less fortunate?

How much “help” is too much? We should help those in need, but we have spent (wasted) about $19.8 Trillion dollars trying to lift those out of poverty.

We have only created a state of dependency and destroyed the family structure.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: War on Poverty
Discussed by Derryck Green
with Project 21 (

LBJ had good intentions when he declared “War on Poverty” in 1964.

What began as a way to assist the truly destitute has become a way of life for generation after generation.

So, what is the solution? Is there a way out of this hole we have dug deeper and deeper for over 50 years?

Listen in as Derryck Green gives his opinion.

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Title: War on Poverty
Topic: War on Poverty
Discussed by Christopher Arps
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 3

Sheila Jackson Lee (Dem, Houston, TX) believes the term “welfare” should be altered to “transitional living funds”. The things that come out of this Congresswoman’s mouth…….

Is the breakdown of the family the root of all of our societal ills? If we repair and elevate the Family, every other issue becomes manageable, and will eventually be cured.

Christopher Arps is a member of the Project 21 National Advisory Council, is also a managing partner with the digital media and political consulting firm NLB Enterprises LLC and a co-founder of

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Title: part 2 of 3
Topic: War on Poverty
Discussed by Christopher Arps
with Project 21 (

Everyone needs to pay attention to the current poverty crisis. We all need to break down the barriers of race. Get involved in scouts or church activities that reach out to the inner city. Become an older brother or sister. Volunteer at the YMCA.

We also need to encourage blacks to become involved in politics – the “right” kind of politics. Show them the TRUTH about the Democratic Party and how they are ruining America.

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: War on Poverty
Discussed by Christopher Arps
with Project 21 (

Log on to  for more on the poverty crisis in America and other issues.

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January 14, 2014

Title: The Truth Doesn't Lie
Topic: War on Poverty
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 3

Jesus said there will always be poor among us. Does that mean we should not try to help the less fortunate? How much “help” is too much?

Horace Cooper is an adjunct fellow with the National Center for Public Policy Research, co-chairman of the Project 21 National Advisory Board, and a legal commentator. He averages over 400 talk radio appearances per year representing Project 21.

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Title: part 2 of 3
Topic: War on Poverty
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

LBJ had good intentions when he declared “War on Poverty” in 1964. What began as a way to assist the truly destitute has become a way of life for generation after generation.

So, what is the solution? Is there a way out of this hole we have dug deeper and deeper for over 50 years?

Listen in as Horace Cooper gives his opinion.

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: War on Poverty
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

Sheila Jackson Lee (Dem, Houston, TX) believes the term “welfare” should be altered to “transitional living funds”. The things that come out of this woman’s mouth……

Horace Cooper, with Project 21, discusses this and some of the outcomes of the “War on Poverty”.

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Title: Black Americans Hurt by Welfare
Topic: War on Poverty
Discussed by Cherylyn LeBon
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 2

LBJ’s “War on Poverty” was never intended to be a permanent solution. But, here were are, 50 years later, and the situation is worse than most could ever have fathomed.

More blacks than ever are addicted to drugs, incarcerated, dropping out of school…

Cherylyn LeBon is Co-Chairman of the Project 21 National Advisory Board. She is a frequent guest on the FOX News Channel and national broadcast radio shows, and is a contributor to Townhall and Politicalistas.

Follow her on Twitter @HarleyLeBon.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: War on Poverty
Discussed by Cherylyn LeBon
with Project 21 (

As an assistant secretary of labor under LBJ, Daniel Patrick Moynihan warned that the premise and concept of the War on Poverty would be detrimental to black America. The infamous split between the races that Moynihan predicted created a deficit between white and black in key areas such as education, income, and net worth.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result.

Will we ever learn?

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December 2, 2013

Title: Is the Knock-Out Game For Real?
Topic: Knock-Out Game
Discussed by Kevin Martin
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 2

The “Knock-Out Game” has been around for years, yet the MSM is just now responding to the publics’ demands that true and real reporting be made on the issue.

Kevin Martin is a member of Project 21’s National Advisory Council. He is a frequent guest on Fox News and various radio talk shows. Today, Kevin discusses the thugs who commit these crimes and their victims.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Knock-Out Game
Discussed by Kevin Martin
with Project 21 (

All Americans of every race, color, and creed should be aware of these “Knock-Out Games”.  It is no laughing matter; innocent people are getting seriously injured. At least two deaths have been linked to the game this year. The MSM still says it is a hoax.

Colin has some stern words for the leaders in the African-American community. Listen in to hear what he has to say.

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November 13, 2013

Title: The Economy is Still in the Tank
Topic: Unemployment
Discussed by Derryck Green
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 2

Overall, the national jobless rate rose by a tenth of a percentage point to 7.3 percent. However, the “U-6” rate - the figure that includes not just those looking for work, but also those who are underworked and so despondent they are no longer looking for employment, rose two-tenths of a point to 13.8 percent.

Is there any glimmer of hope for the underemployed and the unemployed? Listen in as Derryck gives some insight.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Unemployment
Discussed by Derryck Green
with Project 21 (

Only 63 percent of abled-bodied people work throughout the US. To use another statistical perspective: the number of Americans now out of the labor force is over 72 million.

Black unemployment, in particular, is 13.1 percent, while black teen unemployment is 17.5 percent.

Business investment has fallen flat, but this should not worry you. Derryck Green, with Project 21, explains.

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August 19, 2013

Title: One Black Man’s Perspective
Topic: Racism in America
Discussed by Derryck Green
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 2

Derryck Green, a member of the National Advisory Council of the Project 21 Black Leadership Network, answers:

    1. What is it like to be a black man in America today?
    2. What does it mean to be a black teenager in America today?
    3. Should Trayvon Martin’s dad be an honorary Captain of a NCCA football team?
    4. Obama’s campaign advisers recommended him to go hard-left just before the election. They were convinced that he would receive more votes from his different supporters.

They were correct.

Listen in.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Racism in America
Discussed by Derryck Green
with Project 21 (

Part 2 of 2

Derryck Green, a member of the National Advisory Council of the Project 21 Black Leadership Network, answers:

    1. Was Trayvon Martin ‘criminally’ profiled?
    2. Why are black males disproportionally represented in our criminal justice system?
    3. Which do you fear most: the US Criminal Justice System or a black male you do not know?
    4. Do black on white ‘hate crimes’ exist in America today but go unreported by MSM?
    5. What are two things we all can do to help right what’s wrong in America today?

Listen in.

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June 25, 2013

Title: U.T. Slapped by U.S. Supreme Court
Topic: Discrimination
Discussed by Cherylyn LeBon
with Project 21 (

How did Martin Luther King say we should be judged?

Senator Ted Cruz stated: “In recent years, universities have made major strides to expand admissions for minorities and low-income students, working hard for the American Dream. Universities should continue to do so, expanding opportunity for everyone, but that can be accomplished without discriminating on the basis of race.

Project 21 Co-Chairman, Cherylyn LeBon, is a former senior counsel for the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee. Project 21 is a leading voice of black conservatives and is also sponsored by the National Center for Public Policy Research.

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April 10, 2013

Title: Enough Already!
Topic: Economic Crisis
Discussed by Derryck Green
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 4

I am fed up. Millions of Americans are fed up. Guest Derryck Green is fed up. He said “I don’t know how Obama does it. How can one preside over millions of people out of work, the increasing number of people living in poverty, and dance around the fact that the economy could be on the verge of contracting in a very big way and still - after five years - not being held responsible? It’s quite an act.”

Is the President blind or just a really, really good actor?

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Title: Part 2 of 4
Topic: Economic Crisis
Discussed by Derryck Green
with Project 21 (

If today’s unemployment report is any indication, the White House must be like an asylum. All of that regulation, taxation, and spending has done little to get many people the jobs they need. People want to work - its Obama’s economy that’s stopping them.

The month of March had some interesting job report calculations, specifically the “U-6 Figures”….Derryck Green discusses this and the future.

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Title: Part 3 of 4
Topic: Economic Crisis
Discussed by Derryck Green
with Project 21 (

Public participation in the SNAP Program (previously known as food stamps) has increased considerably since 2008. The almighty dollar is losing its power. Poverty is hitting everyone - even the wealthy. The number of people receiving federal disability is through the roof.

Pretty soon, we’re going to run out of money completely. And then we’ll belong to China.

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Title: Part 4 of 4
Topic: Economic Crisis
Discussed by Derryck Green
with Project 21 (

The White House has closed public tours, except to “special groups”; spent more than $1 BILLION on green energy projects; has given Egypt (aka the Radical Muslim Brotherhood) $250 MILLION in aid; played golf with Tiger Woods; and has increased the national debt to over $17 TRILLION.

Does the President even care that women, minorities, and youth are being spat upon during this current economic crisis? The physically and mentally challenged go without needed care and medicine every day so the First Lady can “shake it” on David Letterman. Children in our own country, communities, and even just down the street will go to bed hungry tonight, yet we send millions and millions of dollars to foreign countries that hate us. Hundreds of young, troubled teens will be entranced into the sex slave industry this week and might never see their families again.

What will YOU do about it?

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March 1, 2013

Title: President Obama and his “Transparent” Administration
Topic: Obama's Media
Discussed by Derryck Green
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 3

President Obama and his wife have been frequent guests on talk shows recently. If Bush had spent this much time schmoozing the late night scene, the MSM would be up in arms. But they haven’t said a negative word about it. In fact, the MSM praises the Obama’s for being “hip and cool”.

Is this Obama’s new tactic to win the younger generation? Why isn’t he using the “old way” of reaching out?

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Obama's Media
Discussed by Derryck Green
with Project 21 (

There are rumors that the President is purposefully limiting his exposure to the media, especially the “right” media outlets. He has ignored questions at press conferences and even out-right refused conservative media reporters’ right to be present.

Will government-paid photographers and reporters soon be the only “media outlets” the public will receive news information from about current events? If so, God help us.

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Obama's Media
Discussed by Derryck Green
with Project 21 (

Obama claims that his Presidency is the “most transparent administration in history”. Really? Transparent to whom? Your mother? Hollywood? China? Get real, Mr. President! You have blocked the media in nearly every possible way imaginable!

Derryck Green, with Project 21 at the National Center, says “The President is actively creating a narrative…of himself and his leadership in the way he wants the public to see it.” For more from Derryck and Project 21, log on to

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February 4, 2013

Title: Ben at NAACP Jealous of Those with Jobs
Topic: Black Unemployment
Discussed by Derryck Green
with Project 21 (

Is NAACP chairman Ben Jealous finally accepting the reality that black Americans are actually WORSE now than they were 4 years ago?

Black unemployment is at a staggering 14 percent, while the black teen unemployment rate is a shocking 39.3 percent! Mr. President, I wouldn’t brag about that!

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January 21, 2013

Title: Head Start is a Bad Start
Topic: Education
Discussed by Cherylyn LeBon
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 2

President Lyndon Johnson’s “Head Start” educational program has been a dud since the beginning. Now, $180 BILLION later, some people are seeing the light. President Obama even said, “It’s not whether an idea is liberal or conservative, but whether it works.” Well, Mr. President, it’s not working, so what do we do now?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Education
Discussed by Cherylyn LeBon
with Project 21 (

Many services are offered thru the Head Start program, but it is geared mainly toward preparing pre-kindergartens across the nation for school, teaching everything from ABC’s to nutrition. However, the US Department of Health and Human Services own report shows little to no impact on cognitive, social and emotional stabilization, and parent participation - which are all vital in the education of children. Is the program actually harming children?

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January 10, 2013

Title: Kwanzaa - Truth or Myth?
Topic: Kwanzaa
Discussed by Stacy Swimp
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 4

Is Kwanzaa really a “Christmas” holiday for blacks?

The “creator” of Kwanzaa, Maulana Karenga, who is an atheist and a Marxist, admitted that Kwanzaa is not African holiday. The purpose of Kwanzaa is to celebrate African philosophy.

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Title: Part 2 of 4
Topic: Kwanzaa
Discussed by Stacy Swimp
with Project 21 (

There are seven principles of African philosophy that Karenga incorporated into Kwanzaa.

They all seem well and good and give you a nice feeling, but what is the deeper meaning?

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Title: Part 3 of 4
Topic: Kwanzaa
Discussed by Stacy Swimp
with Project 21 (

Stacy Swimp is black.

And he doesn’t know a single black conservative who celebrates or recognizes Kwanzaa. Does this mean Kwanzaa is slipping away? Hardly! If anything, we need to pay more attention and scrutinize the practice even more!

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Title: Part 4 of 4
Topic: Kwanzaa
Discussed by Stacy Swimp
with Project 21 (

Black families are not better off since the creation of Kwanzaa.

Young black women are not getting out of the welfare system since the creation of Kwanzaa. Black men are not staying out of prison since the creation of Kwanzaa. Young black children are still being raised by single moms or grandmas since the creation of Kwanzaa. So, how is it helping?

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January 3, 2013

Title: More White Guys Should Play Basketball
Topic: Racism in America
Discussed by Stacy Swimp
with Project 21 (

Is a black coach judged unfairly when his team loses? What if the black coach’s team wins?

Do white coaches get special privileges? Project 21’s Stacy Swimp discusses the recent allegations a former University of Colorado black coach made against the school - and Swimp sides with the school. Oh and Stacy Swimp is black. That’s so racist.

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December 19, 2012

Title: The All Seeing Recorder For Big Brother
Topic: Government Control
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 2

With the ability to track your every move, the “ObamaBox” will enable the government to record every mile you drive, every stop you make, and even everyone in your car.

Oh let’s not forget, the EDR will track what you are doing in your car, every call you make, every text you send, and the snacks you like best.

Should we oppose placing the “Event Data Recorders” in every automobile and light truck sold in America?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Government Control
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

The government promises to only look at the last few seconds prior to the car accident, but the E.D.R. records and records and records. It is like the Little Pink Bunny - it goes on and on forever and will enable the government to look into you private life plus anyone with the ‘smarts’ to hack into your system.

The Department of Transportation has announced its rule requiring the “black boxes” for cars sold in America. Let’s demand that our government first require them in vehicles sold in Russia and China and track how their governments use the information. Until then, let’s oppose this intrusive move.

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December 6, 2012

Title: More White Guys Should Play Basketball
Topic: Racism in America
Discussed by Stacy Swimp
with Project 21 (

Is a black coach judged unfairly when his team loses? What if the black coach’s team wins?

Do white coaches get special privileges? Project 21’s Stacy Swimp discusses the recent allegations a former University of Colorado black coach made against the school - and Swimp sides with the school. Oh and Stacy Swimp is black. That’s so racist.

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November 5, 2012

Title: Are The Economic Chickens Coming Home To Roost?
Topic: Employment
Discussed by Derryck Green
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 2

Derryck, is it true that over 11 million people will likely face a "no insurance" tax penalty if Obamacare is fully implemented (with an estimated average penalty of $1,200)?

Doesn't this directly contradict Obama's promise to NOT raise taxes on families making less than $250,000 per year - which includes the middle class? How much has the average middle class household income fallen since 2009?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Employment
Discussed by Derryck Green
with Project 21 (

What is going on with the massive amounts of payments from Social Security? How much have the payments risen over the last few years?

Was Joe Biden right about the middle class being buried under Obama? What is the one thing you say to people who are still voting for Obama in "hopes of more change" or to someone on the fence?

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October 4, 2012

Title: Race Hustlers.
Topic: Voter ID
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 2

"Pennsylvania Judge Contravenes Himself, Ignores U.S. Supreme Court Precedent in Rejecting Key Portions of Commonwealth's New Voter Integrity Law."

"National Center for Public Policy Research Legal Experts Say Reckless Decision is Liberal Judicial Activism."

Warning to State Legislators: Write Clear, Constitutional Laws and Be Prepared to Defend Them.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Voter ID
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

In your opinion, are there a lot of snow birds who spend their Summer in New York and Winter in Florida that are registered in both states? Where did you get your statistics? Is Pew conservative?

The National Center for Public Policy Research is a communications and research foundation supportive of a strong national defense and dedicated to providing free market solutions to today's public policy problems. They believe that the principles of a free market, individual liberty and personal responsibility provide the greatest hope for meeting the challenges facing America in the 21st century.

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September 17, 2012

Title: Are We Better Off Today Compared To 4 Years Ago?
Topic: Employment
Discussed by Derryck Green
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 2

Derryck, can you tell our listeners what is the REAL unemployment rate?

Let's JUST look at August - how many new jobs have been "made"?

How many people have quit looking?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Employment
Discussed by Derryck Green
with Project 21 (

Are we better off today as compared to 4 years ago?

Is insanity doing the same things over and over again, but expecting different results?

Have Obama's policies failed?

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September 7, 2012

Title: Is Getting A Valid ID A Civic Responsibility?
Topic: Voter ID
Discussed by Charles Butler
with Project 21 (

Should black Americans ask themselves do they want to return to the failed policies of the Carter administration of the late 70's? What was the economy - what was America - what were gas prices and interest rates like at the end of the failed first four years of the Carter administration?

As a black American, are you offended if I say President Obama should change his name to Pinocchio? Am I truthful in saying that Obama is a liar? Is Eric Holder a liar? Is it important who is allowed to vote? Is it offensive to you that Democrats cater to illegals? Is Barak Obama a black American or a African American?

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September 4, 2012

Title: Do Blacks Believe Too Many Lies?
Topic: Blacks Believe Too Many Lies
Discussed by Charles Butler
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 2

Are the self-appointed and media-approved members of the black "leadership" in America silent, openly supportive, or straddling the line when it comes to rewarding the actions of illegal immigrants?

Did past generations of civil rights leaders understand the negative effects of illegal immigration? How did their words and actions help protect the working-class Americans?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Blacks Believe Too Many Lies
Discussed by Charles Butler
with Project 21 (

As of November 2011, what was the percentage of black unemployment? Do cheap and exploited laborers threaten black stability?

To get the discontented poor out of their hair have the Mexican elite been using America the bountiful as their dumping ground?

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August 10, 2012

Title: Coming To A Car Near You? The Department of Transportation's Creepy Black Box.
Topic: Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 2

Is the Department of Transportation's creepy black box an invasion of privacy or does it really just improve safety? Would the data be available instantaneously?

Will the feds require the Event Data Recorder to be placed in all new cars starting in 2015? Tell us about what the EDR will do, could do, and might do.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

How does this case demonstrate a whole host of hypocrisies and lies? What got all of this started? Will this action by Ohio be rendered unconstitutional?

Is this an injunction against the military? Are the Dems now going to disenfranchise the men and women who serve and protect on the front lines?

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July 19, 2012

Title: What's The Beef, Mr. Holder, In Showing A Voter ID?
Topic: Voter ID
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 3

What's the beef in showing a voter ID? What is the voting rights statute?

Why are black activists with the Project 21 black leadership highly critical of Attorney General Eric Holder today?

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Voter ID
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

Whether white, brown or black - when you go cash a check, do you have to show an ID?

When you  pick up your boarding pass before you get on an airplane, do you have to show a photo ID?

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Voter ID
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

Is it absolutely imperative that in America we must have photo voter id shown?

Is the public in general being disenfranchised?

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July 12, 2012

Title: Obama Administration Policy Linked to Black Jobless Rate
Topic: Black Unemployment
Discussed by Deneen Borelli
with Project 21 (

We all need to remind President Obama that his stimulus plan is not putting Americans back to work. The overall unemployment rate is around 9.1 percent while the black unemployment rate remains over 16 percent. Only 43 percent of black men between the ages of 18 and 29 were employed in 2010. Only 21 percent of black male high school dropouts had full-time positions. Does Obama feel their pain? More information can be found at

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June 26, 2012

Title: Dear United Nations, Please Investigate The United States, Thanks! - Sincerely, The NAACP.
Topic: United Nations
Discussed by Bishop Council Nedd
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 2

The NAACP went to the United Nations and asked them to investigate the United States of America for disenfranchising voters and to clamp down on voter ID laws - what was the outcome?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: United Nations
Discussed by Bishop Council Nedd
with Project 21 (

For our listeners just now joining in, what exactly did the NAACP do? Should the United Nations Human Rights Commission take valuable time away from other projects to investigate the United States?

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April 4, 2012

Title: Can You Yell "FIRE! FIRE!" in a Crowded Theatre? Did the Black Panthers Cross The Line?
Topic: Terrorism
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 3

Why are you criticizing the New Black Panthers' call for a ransom on George Zimmerman in the wake of the Trayvon Martin shooting?

Who is George Zimmerman, and what caused the Trayvon Martin shooting? Is the New Black Panther group a hate group? Do they thrive on racial division and ethnic strife?

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Terrorism
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

Are the efforts of the New Black Panthers going beyond legitimate discourse and are they the legal equivalent of shouting fire in a crowded theatre?

Is the existing legal system able to fairly investigate whether or not a crime occurred in the shooting of Trayvon Martin?

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Terrorism
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

How is the call for a bounty on George Zimmerman reckless, lawless, and inconsistent with fundamental constitutional principles (such as the presumption of innocence and which jeopardizes public safety)?

Could this attempt to encourage mob justice be a crime - inciting violence?

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February 27, 2012

Title: Have Black
Topic: Blacks Believe Too Many Lies
Discussed by Charles Butler
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 2

Are the self-appointed and media-approved members of the black "leadership" in America silent, openly supportive, or straddling the line when it comes to rewarding the actions of illegal immigrants?

Did past generations of civil rights leaders understand the negative effects of illegal immigration? How did their words and actions help protect the working-class Americans?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Blacks Believe Too Many Lies
Discussed by Charles Butler
with Project 21 (

As of November 2011, what was the percentage of black unemployment? Do cheap and exploited laborers threaten black stability?

To get the discontented poor out of their hair have the Mexican elite been using America the bountiful as their dumping ground?

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February 7, 2012

Title: Is Attorney General Wrong to Call Voter ID Unconstitutional? Legal Expert Says Illegal 'Ghost Voting' is Worse than Poll Tax or Literacy Tests!
Topic: Voter ID
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 2

Special guest Horace Cooper answers:

Is the Attorney General wrong to call Voter ID unconstitutional?  Has fraudulent voting reached crisis levels?

Does Attorney General Eric Holder and his Department of Justice deserve criticism for not cracking down on illegal voting schemes?

Check out Horace Cooper's new paper, "When the Dead Vote, the Living Suffer; Department of Justice is Wrong to Oppose Voter ID";  it is available online at (

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Voter ID
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

Does Attorney General Eric Holder contend that to require all voters, regardless of race, gender or age, to show the same kind of ID they would need to rent a car, fill out a job application, or pick up any number of commonly prescribed medications, would violate the Constitution?

Check out Horace Cooper's new paper, "When the Dead Vote, the Living Suffer; Department of Justice is Wrong to Oppose Voter ID"; it is available online at (

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January 19, 2012

Title: Mum is the word - Silencing of the Black Conservative.
Topic: Blacks Believe Too Many Lies
Discussed by Lisa Fritsch
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 3

Was Glenn Beck ahead of his time when he actually exposed the existence of Black Conservatives?

How is it possible that someone can be openly gay or homosexual, but not black conservative? Does openly tolerant mean being silent?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Blacks Believe Too Many Lies
Discussed by Lisa Fritsch
with Project 21 (

Why are you viciously called a sell-out to conservatives?

How is it possible that the democrats coopted the black community?

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Blacks Believe Too Many Lies
Discussed by Lisa Fritsch
with Project 21 (

How can we go into a black church, a minority community, and say, “I as a conservative, stand for the following, do you agree with me and will you stand with me?”

For our listeners who want to know more about you and the cause, what is your website and the name of your great book?

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December 29, 2011

Topic: Obama Flounders
Discussed by Deneen Borelli
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 2

Has President Obama given hardworking families higher electricity prices for Christmas?

Will Obama give low income earners and welfare recipients a “free hand-out” to help pay their energy bills?

Will there be significant job losses and will Obama’s Christmas wish to bankrupt the coal industry slow economic growth?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Obama Flounders
Discussed by Deneen Borelli
with Project 21 (

Will Obama’s Christmas wish to bankrupt the coal industry jeopardize the reliability of our electricity supply?

Is Obama’s Christmas wish to bankrupt the coal industry a direct result of a plan to save the lives of thousands of children nations wide?

Is Obama’s Christmas wish to bankrupt the coal industry based on false premises and unnecessary restrictions?

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November 29, 2011

Title: Can a State Restrict Welfare Payments to Recipients who are drug free?
Topic: Taxes and Government Spending
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 2

Can a State Restrict Welfare Payments to Recipients who are drug free?

Where in the U.S. Constitution does it say: “Taxpayers shall be forced by the government to give their money to those who do not have”?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Taxes and Government Spending
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

Where in the U.S. Constitution does it say: “Welfare is a right under the U.S. Constitution?

Where in the U.S. Constitution does it say that states cannot place restrictions or requirements on those receiving tax dollars?

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October 27, 2011

Title: Should you be given university preference, not because of merit, but solely because of your color?
Topic: Racial Hypocrisy
Discussed by Joe Hicks
with Project 21 (

Should an applicant to a college or university be rewarded or penalized simply because of the color of their skin?

Is this the right message we are sending to our youth? Should there be “set asides” at the University of Texas or at the University of Alabama?

Is there harm in seeking diversity across our institutions of higher learning?

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Title: Race-base standards, crippling our youth?
Topic: Racial Hypocrisy
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

Should a college allow a student who has less merit; lesser grades, etc come “to the front of the bus” because they are a minority?

Because of past discrimination, should there still be set asides in the workplace and in college admissions still in America (for minorities)?

Since these preferences are not attached to any past grievance, is it okay for the nation to be paying for a “possible” injury for all people with skin darker than white paste?

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Title: Color-coded admission standards...planting more seeds of animosity?
Topic: Racial Hypocrisy
Discussed by Deneen Borelli
with Project 21 (

Are color-coded admission standards necessary?

Do color-coded admission standards have a role in the 21st century?

Should discrimination be ended by ending all discrimination? Or to end discrimination should we now discriminate against whites because we have to let somebody else - who may be less qualified - have their spot?

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September 5, 2011

Title: Has Al Gore Conveniently Forgotten The Truth About His Daddy’s Racism?
Topic: Racial Hypocrisy
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

Has Al Gore conveniently forgotten the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about how his father was a racist?

His daddy, Senator Gore, voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1965 and has the shameful distinction of participating in one of the longest filibusters in the history of the U.S. Senate opposing civil rights legislation.

Is Al Gore’s assault on fossil fuels a regressive tax that specifically harms low-income black families? While members of the elite such as Al Gore can afford energy at virtually any price, skyrocketing fuel and utility costs reduce the standard of living for hardworking American families.

The National Center conducted a survey and found that black Americans were the least willing to spend their money on activities to lower global temperatures. Overall, Americans were willing to spend up to $1 per month – but no more on activities to lower global temperatures.

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June 16, 2011

Title: Obama Administration Policy Linked to Black Jobless Rate
Topic: Black Unemployment
Discussed by Deneen Borelli
with Project 21 (

We all need to remind President Obama that his stimulus plan is not putting Americans back to work. The overall unemployment rate is around 9.1 percent while the black unemployment rate remains over 16 percent. Only 43 percent of black men between the ages of 18 and 29 were employed in 2010. Only 21 percent of black male high school dropouts had full-time positions. Does Obama feel their pain? More information can be found at

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April 4, 2011

Title: American Lung Association Using Tax Dollars to Promote Global Warming Myths
Topic: Global Warming
Discussed by Deneen Borelli
with Project 21 (

With their hand in the federal trough, the American Lung Association is pushing the leftist agenda of global warming. Deneen Borelli criticizes the American Lung Association for exploiting children to protect the EPA’s power grab. Carbon dioxide regulations have nothing to do with our children’s ability to breath. There is little enthusiasm among elected leaders to regulate our nation’s energy industry just to skyrocket energy prices. Congress must rein in the EPA’s attempt at social engineering. For more information, please visit

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March 7, 2011

Title: Are Tea Parties Saturated in Racism
Topic: Tea Party Racism
Discussed by Mychal Massie
with Project 21 (

Mychal Massie, the Chairman of the Project 21 black leadership network, has challenged Al Sharpton, National Urban League President Marc Morial, and former D.C. Congressional Delegate Walter Fauntroy to defend their accusations that the Tea Parties are saturated in racism. As of yet, they have declined to appear with Mr. Massie in any debates. Massie’s debate challenge stems from a widely-broadcast allegation wherein Fauntroy stated: “We are going to take on the barbarism of war, the decadence of racism, and the scourge of poverty that the Ku Klux – I meant to say the tea party…” Could it be when you cannot win by using facts just make false accusations? How does the old saying go: “If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth”!

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March 4, 2011

Title: Obama’s War on Fossil Fuels
Topic: Obama's War on Fossil Fuels
Discussed by Deneen Borelli
with Project 21 (

Deneen Borelli explains why congress needs to step up and stop the EPA’s unrestrained effort to regulate our economy. The EPA is to implement legislation, not write legislation. She states today, “Our future economic prosperity depends on having cheap and abundant supply of energy. Obama’s war on fossil fuels is really a war on the American way of life. Given the high-unemployment rate and soaring gasoline prices it’s unconscionable that Obama is allowing an agency under his control to add to the economic burdens on Americans for no meaningful benefit to the environment.

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December 14, 2010

Title: The Grinch Obama Aims To Steal More of Your Money!
Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Deneen Borelli
with Project 21 (

Blaming Climate Change on Americans, the Grinch Obama and his appointee at the EPA now scheme to take more of your money by denying the construction of new electric generating plants. This will cause a huge increase in the price to heat and cool your home. They don’t care if this hurts the poor, including many black families. They are focused on saving Mother Earth from bad Americans who use too much energy!

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October 15, 2010

Title: Obama’s Race Taunts Unsuited to the Presidency
Topic: Racial Hypocrisy
Discussed by Deneen Borelli
with Project 21 (

Deneen Borelli is a Fellow with Project 21, a network of black conservatives which is an initiative of The National Center for Public Policy Research, a national public policy group based in Washington, D.C.
In her role, Deneen promotes the importance of personal responsibility and the benefits of free market policies as a means for social advancement. She advances these values by writing commentaries and participating in media interviews.

Deneen currently serves as an official contributor on the Fox News Channel, and says this about herself: "I'm a black, female conservative. I'm often targeted by individuals who call me all kinds of names: racist, an Uncle Tom, a traitor - you name it. I'd like to know if the NAACP will issue a statement condemning those individuals who were doing that."

Project 21, a nonprofit and nonpartisan organization sponsored by the National Center for Public Policy Research, has been a leading voice of the African-American community since 1992.

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August 18, 2010

Title: If Your Entire Life Changed In A Minute, How Would You Cope?
Topic: Racial Hypocrisy
Discussed by Deneen Borelli
with Project 21 (

"I'm a black, female conservative. I'm often targeted by individuals who call me all kinds of names: racist, an Uncle Tom, a traitor - you name it. I'd like to know if the NAACP will issue a statement condemning those individuals who were doing that." -- Deenen Borelli

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August 5, 2010

Topic: Tea Party Racism
Discussed by Mychal Massie
with Project 21 (

There is no evidence that Tea Party members are any more or less racist than others. The Dems are monopolizing on the topic to steer voters attention away from the important issues at hand so they will win in November. Visit for more on this and other topics.

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August 2, 2010

Topic: Tea Party
Discussed by Deneen Borelli
with Project 21 (

“The willful and purposeful use of the race card for nothing more than political gain is toxic to race relations…I have seen all this before and I find it shameful,” stated Project 21 member R. Dozier Gray. Visit for more.

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July 21, 2010

Topic: NAACP
Discussed by Mychal Massie
with Project 21 (

Are the rank and file members of NAACP expendable pawns being manipulated by white power brokers who need this gullible block of voters to march lock-step to the hanging tree and stir up the nooses and lynch as many Tea Party members as possible in an effort to frighten red-blooded, apple-pie eatin’, baseball watchin’, hot dog lovin’ Americans into submission? Find out more at

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Topic: NAACP
Discussed by Mychal Massie
with Project 21 (

Did Conservatives or Liberal Progressives revamp the education system which now graduates students who cannot read, write, or do math? Did Conservatives or Liberal Progressives press for “sex education for every age” which has caused an explosion of out-of-wedlock pregnancies, especially in the black community where nearly 70% of all babies are born to a single mom? Visit for more on this and other issues.

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May 12, 2010

Title: Elena Kagan - Should Christian Conservatives Oppose Her Nomination Part 2 of 2
Topic: Elena Kagan
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

“Observers say Kagan is meant to be an ‘intellectual counterweight’ to Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Scalia……..”

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May 11, 2010

Title: Will Climate “Control” Bill Raise the Prices of What You Buy?
Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Deneen Borelli
with Project 21 (

Deneen Borelli, a fellow with the Project 21 leadership network, discusses whether Cap-and-Trade will hurt those least able to afford it and other aspects of the bill.

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March 18, 2010

Topic: Blacks Believe Too Many Lies
Discussed by Joe Hicks
with Project 21 (

Throughout the 70’s, 80’s, and much of the 90’s guest Joe Hicks was a die-hard liberal. However, by the mids-09’s, Joe began to rethink and challenge the left’s hidden agendas. Why is he now a Conservative? Log on to and click on “Project 21” for more info.

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February 12, 2010

Topic: Childhood Obesity
Discussed by Deneen Borelli
with Project 21 (

Deneen Borelli is a fellow with the Project 21 black leadership network. Deneen says, “Raising taxes during tough economic times is a horrible idea and it’s doomed to failure”. Read more from Deneen at

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Topic: Childhood Obesity
Discussed by Deneen Borelli
with Project 21 (

“Social engineering is at the heart of the progressive movement,” Deneen Borelli continues. “The Obama Administration sought a cap and trade emissions policy that would raise energy process and thus force Americans to use less energy. Then the OA tried government health care. Now it’s more unnecessary taxes on food and beverages.” For more information on this and other issues, log on to

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December 11, 2009

Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Deroy Murdock
with Project 21 (

Black activists are condemning Senate Leader Harry Reid’s recent statements on the Senate floor. Why is Harry so wrong? Log on to for more.

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Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Deroy Murdock
with Project 21 (

Deroy Murdock, with Project 21, says: “The Senate’s top Democrat owes an immediate apology to Republicans on Capitol Hill … and the 51 percent of Americans from coast to coast … (who are) against Obama Care. If Reid believes these Americans … hold warm feelings for slavery, he is further removed from reality that anyone so far as feared.” To what was Murdock referring?

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November 4, 2009

Topic: Old Topic - A Best of Segment
Discussed by Joe Hicks
with Project 21 (

Throughout the 70’s, 80’s, and much of the 90’s guest Joe Hicks was a die-hard liberal. However, by the mids-09’s, Joe began to rethink and challenge the left’s hidden agendas. Why is he now a Conservative? Log on to and click on “Project 21” for more info.

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July 29, 2009

Topic: Blacks Believe Too Many Lies
Discussed by Joe Hicks
with Project 21 (

Throughout the 70’s, 80’s, and much of the 90’s guest Joe Hicks was a die-hard liberal. However, by the mids-09’s, Joe began to rethink and challenge the left’s hidden agendas. Why is he now a Conservative? Log on to and click on “Project 21” for more info.

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November 9, 2005

Title: Liberals are allowed are to use racial attacks against opponents. What if I did?
Topic: Hipocrisy on the left
Discussed by Mychal Massie
with Project 21 (

Project 21 members say all electoral candidates should be open to criticism about their records, credentials, and policy positions. However, candidates should not be subjected to race-based abuse. Conservative black candidates are often vilified by racial indignities by liberals, but where is the media condemnation? Mychal Massie, with Project 21, can be heard on Rightalk Internet Radio.

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