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July 16, 2020

Title: Do All Black Lives Matter?
Topic: All Lives Matter
Discussed by Dr. Marilyn Singleton
with Dr. Marilyn Singleton (

Part 1 of 2

FACT: From January 1 to June 1, 2020, Chicago had 236 homicides, 165 of whom were known to be black. None were killed by the police. Most were under 30 years old.

Dr. Marilyn Singleton asks this question: “Do ALL black lives really matter?” Of course, they do! WE know that. But do the BLM activists and rioters know that? Apparently not. More on this topic can be found here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What did Dr. Singleton’s grandfather accomplish in 1905? What did her mother’s older sister accomplish in the 1940s?

What has the “great society” spent an obscene amount of money on since the 1960s?

Are fatherless children more likely to be high school drop-outs and more likely to go to prison? Does this statistic “play favorites” according to race or ethnicity?

If a child cannot read, write, or do math, are they more likely to be stuck in poor-paying jobs as an adult?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Do All Black Lives Matter?
Topic: All Lives Matter
Discussed by Dr. Marilyn Singleton
with Dr. Marilyn Singleton (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did black leaders complain about being ruled by white politicians? Did black politicians do any better?

Harvard’s Roland G. Fryer said about the 2016 and 2019 police studies: “The most surprising result of my career.” What did he discover and why was he so surprised?

When a black succeeds in America, what do their follow blacks call them? What is an “Uncle Tom”? What does “crabs in a barrel” mean?

In case you did not know, Dr. Singleton is black. Does she want a white person to bow down in front of her and apologize?

Do only some black lives matter to the BLM activists?

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July 10, 2020

Title: Do Americans Really Believe that All Lives Matter?
Topic: All Lives Matter
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Part 1 of 2

If the majority of American adults do not believe life has intrinsic worth, how can we pass enough laws forcing compliance that Black Lives Matter – or any life matters?

Dr. George Barna is a Professor and the Director of Research at the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University. Dr. Barna has sold more books based on survey research related to matters of faith than any author in American history.

Click here  to view the survey results discussed in today’s program.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

In a recent poll conducted by Dr. Barna, did the majority of adults reject the idea that human life is sacred?

What is the correlation between the belief in sacredness and the belief of life matters? If you don’t believe in one, is it possible to believe in the other?

Can any nation pass enough laws to force its citizens to treat their follow citizens with respect and the value each deserves?

Do statistics indicate that Christians and/or Conservatives give more money to charitable organization than non-believers and/or Democrats?

Is policy reform and political action the formula for lasting change?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Do Americans Really Believe that All Lives Matter?
Topic: All Lives Matter
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are America's underlying issues rooted in ill-formed character and a broken moral compass?

Can the government change the hearts of people by outlawing racism?

Can economic equality ever be achieved?

Did the recent survey (link above) reveal that most Americans do not believe that life has intrinsic worth?

If god, spelled G.O.V.E.R.N.M.E.N.T, is not the solution to the conflicts we face today, what/who is the answer?

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June 15, 2020

Title: Does America Need a Heart Change?
Topic: All Lives Matter
Discussed by Marie Fischer
with Project 21 (

Does America need a heart change?

Marie Fischer is a Project 21 member. She is currently serving as the 3rd Vice President for the Maryland Federation of Republican Women (MFRW).

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why are some people destroying their own neighborhoods while protesting?

Why are some bailing out those protesters as a sign of support? Why don’t they instead give the money to the home and business owners whose homes or businesses were destroyed?

Will many of the small businesses that have been destroyed ever come back?

Will larger business ever come back to the neighborhoods that have experienced such violence?

Does America have a heart problem? Marie Fischer shares how she has faced more anti-Semitism because she is Jewish – not racism because she is black!

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Title: Does America Need a Heart Change?
Topic: All Lives Matter
Discussed by Derryck Green
with Project 21 (

Does America need a heart change?

Derryck Green is a member of Project 21. He’s a faculty member at Prager University and his course, Who Are the Racists: Conservatives or Liberals  has over one million unique views across several social media platforms.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. say about riots?

By and large, have black leaders rebuked rioting and looting for being counterproductive? HINT: Nope!

Does Deryck Green believe the riots and looting are actually destroying the memory of George Floyd?

Do residents of communities that are being destroyed by the rioters condemn their actions?

Why don’t mom and pop stores rebuild after their business is destroyed by rioters?

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Title: Does America Need a Heart Change?
Topic: All Lives Matter
Discussed by Deroy Murdock
with Project 21 (

Does America need a heart change?

Murdock is a founding member of the Project 21 black leadership network. He is a nationally-syndicated columnist with the Scripps Howard News Service and a Fox News Contributor. His column, “This Opinion Just In,” reaches approximately 400 newspapers across America each week.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why did rioters loot the George Floyd spotlight?

Have black neighborhoods been demolished as a result of the rioting, looting, and burning?

Will small business that have been decimated ever return?

Will many of the larger business relocate away from the scarred communities?

What is a “food desert” or a “pharmacy desert”?

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June 12, 2020

Title: Does America Need a Heart Change?
Topic: All Lives Matter
Discussed by Stacy Washington
with Project 21 (

Does America need a heart change?

Stacy Washington is co-chair of the Project 21 National Advisory Board. She also hosts the nationally syndicated radio program Stacy on the Right.  Stacy was named the 2nd Amendment Foundation Journalist of the Year in 2018.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is expressing grievances to our elected officials in the form of protest a time-honored tradition and protected by the US Constitution?

In city after city across America, have we been watching a coordinated effort to destroy the rule of law?

Is there clear evidence that outside agitators have infiltrated peaceful protestors?

Are some of the peaceful protestors following the lead of the rioters and looters? NOTE: Not all – just some…

In general, does the rule of law reign in black communities across the nation?

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Title: Does America Need a Heart Change?
Topic: All Lives Matter
Discussed by Christopher Arps
with Project 21 (

Does America need a heart change?

Christopher Arps is a national advisory board member for the National Center for Public Policy Research’s Project 21. He is the co-founder of Move On Up  and is also a host, guest host, and contributor on KFTK 97.1 in St. Louis, MO.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does Christopher Arps believe every American of good conscience was sickened by the death of George Floyd?

Does Christopher Arps believe that every American of good conscience is sickened and angered by the rioters and anarchists who have been looting and burning private and public property?

Must peaceful protestors speak out forcefully against those who have infiltrated their ranks?

Should protestors limit their demonstrations to daylight hours only?

Has the discourse gotten out of hand? If so, why?

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Title: Does America Need a Heart Change?
Topic: All Lives Matter
Discussed by Martin Baker
with Project 21 (

Does America need a heart change?

Martin Baker is Project 21 member and is a co-founder of Move On Up,  a black Conservative organization. Martin was raised in Sikeston, Missouri, and studied American history at Brigham Young University-Idaho and political science at the University of Missouri at Columbia.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does America need a heart change?

Jesus commanded his followers to love their neighbors. Who is my neighbor?

Is protesting wrongs and seeking redress guaranteed by our US Constitution?

Does the Bible give instructions on how we should act toward others?

Martin Baker is a father to three daughters and one son. How does he instruct them concerning the issues we are facing today?

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August 26, 2016

Title: Race Relations Perspective
Topic: All Lives Matter
Discussed by Rebecca Theodore
with Rebecca Theodore

Why has black angst weaponized into the slogan, “Black Lives Matter,” and its converse, “Other Lives Don’t Matter–especially if they are policemen.” What began as a humane effort at drawing attention to the plight of victims of inner city injustice, has now been turbocharged into modern day lynchings.

Rebecca Theodore is a syndicated columnist, independent journalist, author, and public speaker based in Washington DC. She writes on trending topics of national security, politics, and human rights from a diplomatic perspective for the greatest benefit for all people.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is meant by “Black Lives Matter”? Is it used by those protesting what they saw as excessive police force?

Do blacks within their own communities only want a vigilante a group of blacks to be their enforcers? Or, do blacks want police officers who have been properly trained and have accountability?

Rebecca Theodore says, “We have some leaders whose only interest is coming into the black community only when there is a situation which they can use to capitalize upon.

Are race-relations better or worse after eight years of the Obama reign?

Don’t the black lives which are snuffed out nearly every day by other blacks in Chicago matter, too?

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August 2, 2016

Title: Race Relations Perspective
Topic: All Lives Matter
Discussed by Rebecca Theodore
with Rebecca Theodore

Why has black angst weaponized into the slogan, “Black Lives Matter,” and its converse, “Other Lives Don’t Matter–especially if they are policemen.” What began as a humane effort at drawing attention to the plight of victims of inner city injustice, has now been turbocharged into modern day lynchings.

Rebecca Theodore is a syndicated columnist, independent journalist, author, and public speaker based in Washington DC. She writes on trending topics of national security, politics, and human rights from a diplomatic perspective for the greatest benefit for all people.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is meant by “Black Lives Matter”? Is it used by those protesting what they saw as excessive police force?

Do blacks within their own communities only want a vigilante a group of blacks to be their enforcers? Or, do blacks want police officers who have been properly trained and have accountability?

Rebecca Theodore says, “We have some leaders whose only interest is coming into the black community only when there is a situation which they can use to capitalize upon.

Are race-relations better or worse after eight years of the Obama reign?

Don’t the black lives which are snuffed out nearly every day by other blacks in Chicago matter, too?

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