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May 6, 2015

Title: Baltimore is Just the Beginning
Topic: Riots-Civil Disobedience: Criminal Activity?
Discussed by Gianno Caldwell
with Project 21 (

How do we convince “them” that rioting, looting, and burning down business is not the answer? How do we reeducate “them” in the proper way to protest? How do we stop all this racial tension and get back to what’s important?

Gianno Caldwell grew up on the south side of Chicago with a mom who was addicted to crack cocaine and heroin. His childhood mirrored many of those in Baltimore and other poverty-stricken inner cities across the nation. So, how did he get out? What drove him to be better than his peers?

Gianno poses this questions to all the rioters and protestors: “What happen after the cameras leave?” He believes these “protestors” are nothing more than criminals and the need to answer for their crimes. He urges people to pressure lawmakers to have a real dialogue on this issue.

Go [here]  for more from Project 21.

You can find Gianno on Twitter [here].

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