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September 8, 2014

Title: Has Eric Holder Finally Lost it?
Topic: Justice is Blind
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

Mere hours after Michael Brown was killed, Attorney General Eric Holder issued a decree for an investigation of civil rights violations on the Ferguson police department, in addition to other departments that assisted with the murder investigation. Horace Cooper, with the National Center for Public Policy Research, believes that Holder has jumped the ship concerning the issue. This is the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman scenario all over again.

Horace Cooper calls it “Racial Grandstanding”, and that is exactly what it is. Holder doesn’t care about justice. He only wants to blame someone – someone who isn’t a young, black man.

What about the unarmed white man who was shot by a black police officer a few days after Michael Brown was killed?  Where is the uproar from white people?  Where are the riots and the looting by white people?  No one from the White House sent condolences.  No one in the media covered his funeral.  No one from his family openly called for the black officer’s arrest and conviction.

Justice is supposed to be blind.  Apparently, Eric Holder and the Justice Department are not.  We are better than this, America.

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