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May 15, 2023

Title: Medical Schools are Bringing Back Segregation
Topic: Racism in America
Discussed by Dr. Marilyn Singleton
with Dr. Marilyn Singleton (

Part 1 of 3

Black Americans have fought long and hard to be treated as equal in America. But now, something odd is happening at medical schools: they are deliberately re-segregating, driven by race-obsessed activists who, bizarrely, claim to oppose "systemic racism."

Dr. Marilyn Singleton is an attorney and a board-certified anesthesiologist and past President of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. She is currently a visiting fellow at Do No Harm. Today, she passionately discusses the sad reality that is happening all across America with re-segregation.

Click here to read Dr. Singleton’s op-ed on this topic.

Click here for more information about Dr. Marilyn Singleton.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Dr. Singleton’s parents and grandparents grew up in a segregated America. Did they share stories of living in a segregated America?

Did Dr. Singleton ever experience segregation/discrimination growing up? Dr. Singleton discusses living in segregated housing, but didn’t experience much discrimination at all until she went to public high school.

Before they passed away, did Dr. Singleton’s parents believe that the era of separating people by race in America was over forever?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Medical Schools are Bringing Back Segregation
Topic: Racism in America
Discussed by Dr. Marilyn Singleton
with Dr. Marilyn Singleton (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What hurdles did Dr. Singleton face when applying to college and then medical school?

Are prestigious medical schools bringing back segregation? Dr. Singleton equates this to people who claim Socialism is better than Capitalism.

The New England Journal of Medicine recently published an article advocating for the re-segregation of students. Why? What is their goal? What good could possibly come from re-segregation?

As a black woman and a black doctor, does Dr. Singleton feel the need to be separated from non-blacks to be able to express her full range of emotions and to be free from anxiety?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Medical Schools are Bringing Back Segregation
Topic: Racism in America
Discussed by Dr. Marilyn Singleton
with Dr. Marilyn Singleton (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the rationale behind this new idea of segregation in medical schools? Dr. Singleton explains why she believes this is an insult to all black people.

Are blacks being told to form their own groups? Are “black only” graduation ceremonies really a thing now? Are black hospitals, neighborhoods, stores, and lower education schools (K-12) next? Do some black people believe that white business owners should give a portion of their profits to black business owners?

Is today’s progressive argument for segregation false just as it was false 100 years ago?

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February 15, 2022

Title: Black History Month: Let’s Get Real
Topic: Racism in America
Discussed by Dr. Marilyn Singleton
with Dr. Marilyn Singleton (

Part 1 of 3

Unnerved by the thought that we might regain our happy lives, the government-media complex is now blaring the message that our society is systemically infected with racism and white people must repent.

Dr. Marilyn Singleton is a board-certified anesthesiologist and immediate past President of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. Today she discusses her recent op-ed, It’s Black History Month: Let’s Get Real”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are white people stamped with the mark of the devil? Dr. Singleton says: “If that were true, I wouldn’t be talking to you!” She thinks all this talk of “white man bad” is absolutely ridiculous.

If we are constantly told this narrative, will some eventually begin to believe it?

Are white people incapable of a kind gesture towards a minority?

Are white people kind to minorities because they feel guilty? Dr. Singleton says: “Most people aren’t sitting around having deep thoughts about every move they make.” She also mentions the high cost of gasoline, particularly in California where she lives, noting that the cost affects everyone, not just minorities.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Black History Month: Let’s Get Real
Topic: Racism in America
Discussed by Dr. Marilyn Singleton
with Dr. Marilyn Singleton (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why does Dr. Singleton consider her grandfather a role model? She never met her grandfather, but heard story after story about how much he was respected and loved by so many. There is even a center named after him that helps underprivileged kids and adults that was established in 1939!

Dr. Singleton’s father was a flight surgeon at the Tuskegee Army-Air Corps base. What was that like?

Dr. Marilyn Singleton is from Southeast San Diego. She was told: “They don’t take Negroes at Stanford.” Where did she graduate from?

In addition to a medical degree and specialty in anesthesiology, why did Dr. Singleton pursue a law degree? She explains that it was talk of “universal healthcare” in the early 1990s that caught her attention.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Black History Month: Let’s Get Real
Topic: Racism in America
Discussed by Dr. Marilyn Singleton
with Dr. Marilyn Singleton (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do many still overlook or discard Dr. Singleton’s academic credentials and ability, incorrectly assuming she is successful because she is black and female? Dr. Singleton says yes and no…

Dr. Singleton discusses the time when Dr. Ben Carson, who is black, separated conjoined twins, who were white. Do you think those parents cared what color he was? No.

Is racism systematic throughout America today?

How do we move forward? Dr. Singleton says: “Remember that we’re all human beings. Treat people as such.” In short: Practice the Golden Rule.

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April 23, 2021

Title: Chauvin Found Guilty: Is it Systemic Racism?
Topic: Racism in America
Discussed by David Rubin
with David Rubin Israel (

Systemic racism has been a hot topic of conversation over the last year. With the guilty verdict in the George Floyd case this week, will the issue become even more prevalent? More importantly, is systemic racism even factual?

David Rubin, the former Mayor of Shiloh, Israel, has some advice for Joe Biden, the Left, and all Americans.

Click here  to order your copy of David’s newest book: “Confronting Radicals: What America Can Learn from Israel”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does the guilty verdict prove what President Biden calls “the stain of systemic racism”?

Does individual racism exist?

Why do leading politicians continue to use the term systemic racism over and over again? David Rubin says: “Identity politics has been very successful for them. Therefore, even if it’s not honest, they will continue to exploit the inaccurate loaded term systemic racism in order to keep their rioters and looters angry.”

Is systemic racism part of a political propaganda campaign?

Why does David discuss the Radical Left and systemic racism in his newest book: “Confronting Radicals: What America Can Learn from Israel”? What other issues does he write about?

How do we “confront” the Radical Left? David says don’t be Maxine Waters! Wow! I love it!

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October 16, 2020

Title: America’s Racial Crossroads
Topic: Racism in America
Discussed by Dr. Thomas Lindsay
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 3

Down which road will America go: toward the self-destructive lie that America was founded on slavery, or toward an appreciation for the reason why millions of immigrants leave their homelands for this great country? The answer will decide America’s future.

Dr. Tom Lindsay, Ph.D., is Director of the Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Center for Innovation in Education and a Senior Constitutional Scholar. He has more than two decades’ experience in education management and instruction, including service as a dean, provost, and college president.

More on this topic from Dr. Lindsay can be found here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do people remember stories better than they remember facts and figures?

What was Dr. Lindsay’s first Uber ride like in WDC?

Did his Uber driver know about Thomas Jefferson’s passage in the Declaration of Independence? What two important facts are found in the passage?

Did Dr. Lindsay and his Uber driver debate how to reconcile the fact that the Declaration promises equality, but it and the Constitution seemed to do nothing to end slavery?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - America’s Racial Crossroads
Topic: Racism in America
Discussed by Dr. Thomas Lindsay
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did Dr. Lindsay’s first Uber driver know of Frederick Douglas?

NOTE: Frederick Douglas posed this thought: Whether any constitution, anywhere, bans that which it thinks is good. What does this mean to us today?

How many countries still permit slavery? How many people are still enslaved around the world today? Do the majority of these countries consist of Muslims and/or mostly black people?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - America’s Racial Crossroads
Topic: Racism in America
Discussed by Dr. Thomas Lindsay
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Dr. Lindsay had a different experience with his second Uber driver, who is from Liberia. This time Dr. Lindsay was in Philadelphia. What were his feelings toward America?

Is this second Uber driver a living, breathing modern example of how the American Dream is alive and well for those who want to pursue their dreams?

FACT: Only 19% of native-born Americans under the age of 45 can pass the US citizenship test. The test is only 10 questions! Could you pass it???

Are we at a crossroads in America? Dr. Lindsay and Terr discuss Abraham Lincoln…

Do millions of people around the world still desire to pursue their dreams in America?

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September 10, 2020

Title: America’s Racial Crossroads
Topic: Racism in America
Discussed by Dr. Thomas Lindsay
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 3

Down which road will America go: toward the self-destructive lie that America was founded on slavery, or toward an appreciation for the reason why millions of immigrants leave their homelands for this great country? The answer will decide America’s future.

Dr. Tom Lindsay, Ph.D., is Director of the Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Center for Innovation in Education and a Senior Constitutional Scholar. He has more than two decades’ experience in education management and instruction, including service as a dean, provost, and college president.

More on this topic from Dr. Lindsay can be found here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do people remember stories better than they remember facts and figures?

What was Dr. Lindsay’s first Uber ride like in WDC?

Did his Uber driver know about Thomas Jefferson’s passage in the Declaration of Independence? What two important facts are found in the passage?

Did Dr. Lindsay and his Uber driver debate how to reconcile the fact that the Declaration promises equality, but it and the Constitution seemed to do nothing to end slavery?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - America’s Racial Crossroads
Topic: Racism in America
Discussed by Dr. Thomas Lindsay
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did Dr. Lindsay’s first Uber driver know of Frederick Douglas?

NOTE: Frederick Douglas posed this thought: Whether any constitution, anywhere, bans that which it thinks is good. What does this mean to us today?

How many countries still permit slavery? How many people are still enslaved around the world today? Do the majority of these countries consist of Muslims and/or mostly black people?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - America’s Racial Crossroads
Topic: Racism in America
Discussed by Dr. Thomas Lindsay
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Dr. Lindsay had a different experience with his second Uber driver, who is from Liberia. This time Dr. Lindsay was in Philadelphia. What were his feelings toward America?

Is this second Uber driver a living, breathing modern example of how the American Dream is alive and well for those who want to pursue their dreams?

FACT: Only 19% of native-born Americans under the age of 45 can pass the US citizenship test. The test is only 10 questions! Could you pass it???

Are we at a crossroads in America? Dr. Lindsay and Terr discuss Abraham Lincoln…

Do millions of people around the world still desire to pursue their dreams in America?

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February 25, 2015

Title: Banning Rap Music is Racist
Topic: Racism in America
Discussed by Robert Knight
with Robert H Knight (

Police in Martinville, Louisiana, urged its citizens not to play loud, vulgar rap music during the annual Mardi Gras parade. First of all, it’s just common sense. There are children who attend the parade, so the police just wanted it to be family-friendly.

Then the ACLU steps in, accusing the police of racial profiling! The ACLU claimed, "There is no legal standard for what's vulgar so nobody could possibly understand what that would mean." They said a person could wave hello or call out someone’s name, and the police could deem those acts “vulgar”. Come on, ACLU! This is stretching it – even for you!

Robert Knight is a big defender of freedom of speech, but the ACLU has twisted the idea around that pretty much anything is allowed to be said or done over the airwaves of TV and radio. The ACLU is not a friend of Christians.

For more from the American Civil Rights Union, click [here]

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February 5, 2015

Title: The Tale of Two Americas: Ferguson and Your Neighborhood
Topic: Racism in America
Discussed by John Horvat
with Return to Order

Many Americans sat in amazement as they watched the riots in Ferguson after Michael Brown was shot and killed by a cop in self-defense. They just didn’t understand the anger.

Then we sat in more amazement as we watched over 100 cities across the country organize riots, block traffic, stop businesses in their tracks, and basically create mass chaos. What was it all for? Did it help anything? At all?

John Horvat, the author of “Return to Order”, says, judging from reactions on social media, many people think the rioters and protestors are insane. They do not view burning down buildings and trashing churches as acceptable or even normal behavior. John says the whole thing just doesn’t make sense.

Listen in as John Horvat explains the two Americas: one driven by self-interest and the other is a down-home, God-fearing America. Click [here]  for more from John.

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January 14, 2015

Title: Eliminating Racism In America
Topic: Racism in America
Discussed by Carl Jackson
with Carl Jackson Show (

Carl Jackson grew up in the gang culture in Los Angeles. He and his friends would get angry when Asian people opened new businesses in their “hood”. Now, Carl has had a change of heart through the grace of God, but so many still feel hatred toward other cultures and races. He says we need to look past color and just look at people. But can we? Really?

Carl has written a great article on how to eliminate racism in America. You can find the article [here]

To learn more from Carl click [here].

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January 6, 2015

Title: The Tale of Two Americas: Ferguson and Your Neighborhood
Topic: Racism in America
Discussed by John Horvat
with Return to Order

Many Americans sat in amazement as they watched the riots in Ferguson after Michael Brown was shot and killed by a cop in self-defense. They just didn’t understand the anger.

Then we sat in more amazement as we watched over 100 cities across the country organize riots, block traffic, stop businesses in their tracks, and basically create mass chaos. What was it all for? Did it help anything? At all?

John Horvat, the author of “Return to Order”, says, judging from reactions on social media, many people think the rioters and protestors are insane. They do not view burning down buildings and trashing churches as acceptable or even normal behavior. John says the whole thing just doesn’t make sense.

Listen in as John Horvat explains the two Americas: one driven by self-interest and the other is a down-home, God-fearing America. Log on to  for more from John.

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August 27, 2014

Title: Who was Right - The Kid or the Cop?
Topic: Racism in America
Discussed by Judge Patricia West
with Regent University (

Judge Patricia West served as chief deputy attorney general of Virginia, Judge in the Virginia Beach Circuit Court, and is currently a Distinguished Professor of Law and Government and an associate dean of the School of Law at Regent University. When it comes to the law, she knows her stuff.

Today, she is here to discuss the uproar in Ferguson, MO over the death of Michael Brown, a black 18 year old male, who was shot by Police Officer Darren Wilson. The MSM is always the first to cast judgment and seem to always find the most outrageous, one-sided “witnesses”, who claim police brutality and get people all up in a tizzy.

Who was to blame in Ferguson? Should the police chief in MO have assigned the case to a different jurisdiction? What does the autopsy prove, if anything?

Judge West looks at the facts presented so far in the case and gives some insight as a former assistant DA and Judge.

Listen in and share this link with your friends!

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August 19, 2013

Title: One Black Man’s Perspective
Topic: Racism in America
Discussed by Derryck Green
with Project 21 (

Part 1 of 2

Derryck Green, a member of the National Advisory Council of the Project 21 Black Leadership Network, answers:

    1. What is it like to be a black man in America today?
    2. What does it mean to be a black teenager in America today?
    3. Should Trayvon Martin’s dad be an honorary Captain of a NCCA football team?
    4. Obama’s campaign advisers recommended him to go hard-left just before the election. They were convinced that he would receive more votes from his different supporters.

They were correct.

Listen in.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Racism in America
Discussed by Derryck Green
with Project 21 (

Part 2 of 2

Derryck Green, a member of the National Advisory Council of the Project 21 Black Leadership Network, answers:

    1. Was Trayvon Martin ‘criminally’ profiled?
    2. Why are black males disproportionally represented in our criminal justice system?
    3. Which do you fear most: the US Criminal Justice System or a black male you do not know?
    4. Do black on white ‘hate crimes’ exist in America today but go unreported by MSM?
    5. What are two things we all can do to help right what’s wrong in America today?

Listen in.

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January 3, 2013

Title: More White Guys Should Play Basketball
Topic: Racism in America
Discussed by Stacy Swimp
with Project 21 (

Is a black coach judged unfairly when his team loses? What if the black coach’s team wins?

Do white coaches get special privileges? Project 21’s Stacy Swimp discusses the recent allegations a former University of Colorado black coach made against the school - and Swimp sides with the school. Oh and Stacy Swimp is black. That’s so racist.

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December 6, 2012

Title: More White Guys Should Play Basketball
Topic: Racism in America
Discussed by Stacy Swimp
with Project 21 (

Is a black coach judged unfairly when his team loses? What if the black coach’s team wins?

Do white coaches get special privileges? Project 21’s Stacy Swimp discusses the recent allegations a former University of Colorado black coach made against the school - and Swimp sides with the school. Oh and Stacy Swimp is black. That’s so racist.

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