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January 21, 2020

Title: Sandman was slandered. He Sued. He Won.
Topic: Media Defamation Finally Loses
Discussed by Horace Cooper
with Project 21 (

Remember the young man, Nick Sandmann, who was harassed and falsely accused by the CNN as a racist bigot? Whatever happened to Nick? Well, he sued and won!

Horace Coopers is a Senior Fellow with the National Center for Public Policy Research and co-chairman of the Project 21 National Advisory Board. They applaud Nick Sandmann's decision to stand up to leftist bullies and fight back by suing CNN and others.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What did Horace Cooper say concerning CNN slandering Nick Sandmann?

What is defamation? Is it difficult to win a defamation lawsuit?

Have too many journalists and news organizations abandoned their job to find and report the facts?

Is there proof that would convict President Donald Trump of being a racist?

Why can politicians spread rumors and out-right lies about another public figure without consequences?

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